Become a Fairy

4604--Andrew Sky Roar Demon Toad Falls

"This is the former Golden Immortal-level powerhouse." Lu Xiaotian took a breath, not knowing exactly how many Golden Immortal-level powerhouses fell here. It seems that even the Dragon King of Jiudu has an extremely one-sided understanding of Long Anxia's region. After all, the Dragon King of Jiudu has never been to this area.

In addition, there are still many bones of other monsters floating in the restricted area.

"Roar!" The wind stone demon head appeared again, with its huge tongue rolled out for hundreds of miles, and when its mouth opened, a wave of magic wind surged, and that magic wind was also extremely lethal. The whole or incomplete white bones around the place they passed were turned into ashes one after another, and then disappeared directly under the magic wind.

In the outside world, if an army of immortals or demons is not prepared enough, if they encounter such a devilish wind, their fate will not be much better than the bones in front of them.

Even Lu Xiaotian could feel the astonishing corrosive power coming from the magic wind. The huge tongue was even more tenacious, Lu Xiaotian slapped the huge tongue with several palms one after another, the flesh on the huge tongue trembled for a while and seemed to completely dissipate the force.

However, with the appearance of these two golden fairy-level formation spirits, the almost defenseless drum sound of the Tianlong Danghun drum finally weakened a little, otherwise Lu Xiaotian would probably be the same in the face of the sneak attacks and attacks of these two formation spirits from time to time. Overwhelming.

After wandering around for a while, Lu Xiaotian retreated from the formation gate when he could not break through the formation gate here. Then explore other gates.

After repeating this several times, Lu Xiaotian has explored the last gate of the formation. After walking for nearly half an hour, thick iron chains appeared around, on which strangely shaped beasts were tightly tied. Falling into a deep sleep, or having been dead for many years, Lu Xiaotian couldn't feel a trace of life in these strange beasts.

There were a few fragments of ice crystals floating in the void, which were no different from the breath of the ice coffin before.

"The monsters in the ice coffin actually ran in front of him, these old monsters are not bad." Lu Xiaotian glanced around. Although the other party was able to find this formation gate before him and successfully entered this area, there was a certain element of luck, and finding these formation gates may be a proof of strength in itself.

If he hadn't reached a certain level of attainment in the formation, it would be tantamount to dreaming to break into this place.

This is already the last gate for Lu Xiaotian to enter the Taiyi Dragon Scale Formation, and the area where the chains bound the demon corpse is probably the only way to the next formation.

You have to go through it, there is no other shortcut. The mystery and danger of the formation here is something that Lu Xiaotian has only seen in his life, and the importance of Long Antian Soul Liquid as the eye of the formation can be imagined, and Lu Xiaotian is inevitably more interested in it.

Entering the area where the corpses of various strange beasts are chained, the sound of the Tianlong Danghun drum has weakened to only about half of its original level, but the penetrating sense of crisis shrouded in the surroundings has not weakened at all. .

Lu Xiaotian walked through it cautiously, and after walking for a stick of incense, a familiar but extremely weak devilish energy overflowed.

"Tianhou Mochan, this old devil's aura is so weak." Lu Xiaotian was startled, didn't these old monsters act together before? What kind of monster can hurt them at the same time, or is it that the Tianhou Mochan and the ice coffin are under siege?

Since Tianhou Mochan and Ice Coffin were injured one after another, Lu Xiaotian wanted to use these guys to see how dangerous this place is, so naturally he didn't need to avoid them deliberately.

Lu Xiaotian walked unhurriedly through the sky where the iron chains were like a forest, and after a short while, he heard the sound of iron chains dancing, mixed with the painful roar of the Sky Howler Demon Toad.

Whoosh whoosh, Lu Xiaotian just saw the kung fu of the Sky Howler Devil Toad, at this time the Sky Howler Devil Toad has changed back to its original shape, a huge Devil Toad, with its cheeks bulging violently, spitting out a path The sound wave impacted the iron chain rolled down like a demon python.

The iron chain was made of something unknown, and it still remained motionless under the desperate attack of the Sky Roaring Demon Toad, not even leaving a trace.

At this time, the Sky Roaring Demon Toad had already reached the end of its crossbow. After fighting with it for a while, the four iron chains wrapped around its body one after another, and finally pierced through its limbs. Tianhou Mochan screamed in pain and shook his body, but his legs were stretched apart inevitably.

"Bastard, kill me if you want to kill me!" Tianhou Mochan cursed loudly. At this time, he didn't even see an enemy, so he was defeated by these few iron chains, and he was like a dead dog right now. Being dragged up by the chains, it was like other strange beasts who had been sleeping on the chains for many years.

"Dragon Clan junior, give me a good time." When Lu Xiaotian rushed to this place, Tianhou Mochan looked at Lu Xiaotian with begging eyes.

"Where did the Six-Eyed Lin King go? It looks like the ice coffin was injured." Lu Xiaotian didn't make a move immediately. If the other party is willing to explain his doubts for him, Lu Xiaotian doesn't mind letting the other party die more happily. If he refuses to cooperate , Lu Xiaotian was too lazy to care about the affairs in front of him.

"The three of them were all injured. The iron chains that bind the beasts are too strong, and after the fighting is fierce to a certain extent, the beasts that seem to be sleeping above will wake up and attack the intruders from outside. They saw that I was seriously injured He left me and went out."

Tianhou Mochan snorted again, "These iron chains have started to suck the essence and blood in my body, and my spiritual consciousness has also been sucked away by him, kill me, kill me soon!"

Tianhou Mochan would rather die than become a weird existence like those strange beasts on the iron chain.

"How long have the Six-Eyed Lin King and the others been away?" Lu Xiaotian continued to ask as he stepped forward.

"It's been almost half an hour." Tianhou Mochan's face was already twisted in pain.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and a huge blood hole exploded in the chest of Tianhou Mochan.

"Thank you! There are also some bone dragons in this formation. These bone dragons seem to be enslaved by a strange existence, you, you have to be careful." There was a look of gratitude in the eyes of the Tianhou Mochan, until Lu Xiaotian finally helped him Only when he was freed did he confide this matter.

After saying the last few words, Tianhou Mochan tilted his head, and a Golden Immortal-level powerhouse fell.

"The mysterious existence of the enslaved bone dragon?" Lu Xiaotian frowned, and wanted to ask Tianhou Mochan a few more words, but the other party had exhausted his last breath of vitality and could no longer answer his question.

Maybe Tianhou Mochan himself doesn't know the specific origin of that existence, otherwise he should have told him just now.

Wow, when Lu Xiaotian hesitated, several iron chains strangled Lu Xiaotian furiously, as if he was angry because Lu Xiaotian killed the Sky Roaring Demon Toad.

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