Become a Fairy

Chapter 4416 Original Sword Intent

Even if he suppressed the lotus avatar for the time being, Jiurenshan had a little more respect for the lotus avatar that he didn't usually have. This guy in front of him was more troublesome than the sons of the Seven Swords he had dealt with. Fortunately, after so many years of calculations, he , after all, played a huge role.

"I underestimated your seal of the city lord." The face of Lianhua clone was gloomy. In the whole Jiuyang City, only he and Jiurenshan had the combat power of Jinxian level. The strong are more than enough, but they can't get involved in this level of battle for a short time.

"If you make a wrong move, you will lose the game. Although you are more difficult than the previous sons of the Seven Swords, you still cannot escape the same fate. After you, I really have to be careful about the Seven Swords. "Jiu Renshan let out a hesitation.

"If you want to take my life, then come." The lotus avatar has no fear at all. Sooner or later, he will have a battle with Jiurenshan. With Jiurenshan already activated, he cannot avoid it. Although he is at a disadvantage right now, It seems that Jiurenshan's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, but the battle has not reached the end, how can the lotus avatar be willing to admit defeat.

The sword energy surged again, like the waves of the blue sea, the blazing sun surrendering, and the mountain being crushed under the sword. The seven-handed giant sword was surrounded by lotus clones, and the battle with Jiuren Mountain became more and more intense.

"What should I do?" The area where the lotus avatar fought against Jiuren Mountain was neither directly in Jiuyang City, nor too far away from the city. Yangzi was the most anxious.

Even if their cultivation has not reached this level, and they can't even distinguish the specific situation in the central area of ​​the fighting method, but under the suppressed palace in the void, amidst the billowing dust, the aura of the seven swords is constantly weakening. They naturally knew that the lotus avatar had been suppressed by the opponent and was in a disadvantageous situation.

At the same time, the Seven Great Swords seemed to be summoned, and the giant swords holding the sky trembled continuously, as if they were about to leave their place at any time and head towards the lotus clone. However, the Seven Great Swords were also restrained by the seal of the city lord. At this time, even though the lotus avatar was summoned, the seven swords were restrained in place.

Even though the sword intent of the seven swords of suppression cannot be restrained, the sword of suppression remains in place, making it impossible for the lotus avatar to use the strongest means.

"I can't wait any longer, all the sword attendants will follow me!" Xiao Yu stomped her feet, she couldn't watch the lotus avatar being defeated by Jiurenshan.

The remaining thirteen sword servants agreed in unison. Although their cultivation bases were shallow, with their joint efforts, there might be a chance to tear a hole in the thick sand and dust barrier and create a little chance for the lotus clone.

"Wait!" At this moment, a clear voice sounded in the void. An old man who looked tall and thick and had a ruddy complexion flew towards him at a high speed, and as he passed by, there was a sound of surging water in the air.

"Kuang Qinghai, you want to stop us?" Xiao Yuliu raised her eyebrows. They are far from being opponents of Jiuren Mountain, but Qinghai is just the guardian of Zhenhai Sword. Any one of them is stronger, but with the Fourteen Swordsmen working together, they still don't pay attention to Kuang Qinghai. As the sword guard, the other party should have been honored and humiliated with the Seven Great Swords. Could it be that at this time they want to eat inside and outside?

"The Seven Swords were already partially damaged, so they were locked by Jiurenshan with the seal of the city lord and the great supernatural power, so that the master can only use part of the sword intent of the Seven Swords, and cannot directly use the Seven Swords to fight against Jiurenshan You will be at a disadvantage. You were of no help in the past, but you were just going to die." Zhu Qinghai shook his head.

"Then what can we do? We can't just watch Lingzhu lose in battle. By then, we people won't be in the same boat, so we might as well give it a go now."

Xiao Yu looked restless. At this time, the law of the place where the lotus avatar was fighting with Jiuren Mountain fluctuated too strongly, and the wind and sand filled the air, so he couldn't see or feel what was going on inside, let alone the situation of the lotus avatar.

"The old man has done some research on the inheritors of the Seven Swords in the past, and he is quite confused. However, he dare not speak out without any actual evidence. After all, people speak lightly. Today, the Lord's words are like a blow to the head. The son of the Seven Swords in the past is indeed dead. That's weird! As sword guards, we naturally can't watch Lingzhu fight to the death in this situation, but acting blindly will not help, even if Lingzhu is not weak now, it may not be without a chance."

"Oh? Brother Kuang has already discovered the strangeness of the downfall of the successors of the Seven Swords in the past? What is the turning point in the battle between Lingzhu and Jiuren Mountain? I wish you to come quickly." Xun Yangzi urged.

"Mei Wuya is my senior brother. He gave me something before he fell, and told me not to take it out unless Jiuyang City undergoes major changes and there is a real danger of its destruction."

Kuang Qinghai lifted his palm, and a long and wide black box appeared in his hand, "Last time the deputy city lord was in danger, and the demons made trouble in the city, so I almost took it out, but I held back later. I didn't expect Jiuyang City to really The catastrophe is not from the outside, but from the dispute between the city lord and the seven swords!"

"What's in this box?" Guan Yuehe and the others changed their faces when they heard this.

"I don't know, senior brother didn't mention it to me, but now it's time to let it reappear in the world." Although there is no trace of the demon in Jiuyang City at this time, the crisis is far worse than ever before No matter how the two sides win or lose, it will cause serious trauma to Jiuyang City. Jiuyang City is bound to usher in a period of turmoil, and the monsters in Luoyang Prison will never let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

Kuang Qinghai has experienced many changes in Jiuyang City, but this time has never been so dangerous. Moreover, Mei Wuya, as the son of the previous Seven Swords, must have something to do with Seven Swords. It makes sense.

"Since it's something left by Fellow Daoist Mei, don't hesitate to take it out. Maybe it has something to do with Seven Swords." Guan Yuehe urged, and everyone present is not stupid. Naturally, things have always been afraid of Jiuren Mountain, so they told Kuang Qinghai to take it out.

With the opening of the wooden box, the seven sword intents flew into the air like a sword out of its sheath, and the seven sword intents completely matched the sword intent of the seven town swords.

"It turned out to be the original sword intent of the Seven Great Swords! No wonder the Seven Great Swords were damaged. It turns out that the sons of the Seven Swords had already made arrangements to prevent Jiurenshan." Guan Yuehe, Xun Yangzi and others saw this. Overjoyed.

"So that's the case, let's contact other sword guards to take action together, and integrate this original sword intent into the seven town swords to make up for the trauma that town sword suffered, and then the city lord's seal will no longer be able to lock town sword! "Zhu Qinghai's complexion was shattered. The son of the Seven Swords had been killed repeatedly. It turned out that before he fell, he was not unaware of something wrong, and he still left the last hope for the Seven Swords!

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