Become a Fairy

4415--Andrew Thundercloud, armillary sphere array

"By the way, Heart Demon, isn't that Fallen Demon Stone rumored to be in the Thunder Prison Hall all the time? Why do you have one in your hand?" Ba Mo suddenly remembered something. "Is the rumor false? Don't you know something?"

"Of course the rumors are not false. It was I who asked the Heart Demon to secretly put the Fallen Demon Stone into the camp of the Immortal Army. Otherwise, do you think that Jiuren Mountain would suddenly strike so abruptly?" At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded , there was a muffled rolling sound of thunder behind him.

A huge and extremely depressing breath came, Ba Mo and the others were startled, Fallen Demon Stone?

"Lord Lei Ling!" Bamo, Ziqing Mingyanhu quickly turned around and saluted, even though there was only a surging thunder cloud behind him, but Bamo, Ziqingmingyanhu still looked very respectful, let alone Jiuyang City Even the many immortal armies in front of them felt that it was extremely sudden. With the appearance of Lei Ling, they felt that this matter was extraordinary. Xunyin Lei Ling never cared about the battle between many demons in Luoyang Prison and Jiuyang City.

Even if Tianxing Palace gathered hundreds of thousands of elite immortal troops to enter Luoyang Prison last time, Xunyin Leiling did not show any signs. Now it suddenly appeared, does it mean that there will be a new round of fierce battle between Luoyang Prison and Jiuyang City? Or are there any other changes in this fairy world? If not, how could they alarm such old monsters as Xunyin Leiling.

"After Jiuren Mountain and the Wuming Sword Immortal compete, your army of monsters will take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them. Jiuyang City has been bouncing around for so many years, and it's time to clean it up." Lei Yun floating in the darkness A majestic and cold voice came out.

"Dare, dare to ask Master Lei Ling, but what happened?" Ziqing Mingyanhu was always bold, but he couldn't help trembling in front of Xunyin Leiling.

"Well, back then, the Maha Buddhist sect drew up an area in Luoyang Prison, but the deity didn't let it go. In addition to the strength of the Buddhist sect at that time, the immortal plank road also had a great effect on Luoyang Prison. The battlefield of immortals and demons changed. I am afraid that the fairy world is about to usher in a big change. Luoyang Prison must take the opportunity to grow some forces, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the calamity in the future." Xunyin Leiling said.

"A change in the battlefield of immortals and demons?" The evil demons and others were all startled. Even in their realm, they were still a little terrified when they heard the movement on the battlefield of immortals and demons. The battlefield of immortals and demons is a huge cave of flesh and blood. Monarch-level powerhouses also sometimes fall. Compared with the Jinxian-level powerhouses on the other side of the Xuanyong battlefield, they don't have much advantage, so how can they be afraid.

"It's enough to know so much for the time being. The fallen magic stone is in the camp of the fairy army. I will find a way to get it back later. Jiuren Mountain can barely use the fallen magic stone. As for other people, don't waste this monster." Lei in the dark After Yun finished speaking, Lei Yun completely dissipated.

"Falling Demon Stone, no wonder Jiurenshan is so impulsive all of a sudden, Xinmo, you have made great achievements this time, and you have gained the respect of Lord Lei Ling. You really have a bright future." flashed by.

"This is not entirely due to me. If it wasn't for that Jiuren Mountain failed to calculate earlier, he suffered heavy losses in Luoyang Prison, and was targeted by the nameless sword fairy. Greed was born early, gradually turned into demonic thoughts, and fell into the devil. Shi also can't play a sufficient role." The erosion heart demon said so, but he was quite proud of it in his heart. No matter what, he has contributed a lot to allowing Jiurenshan to attack the Lotus clone so quickly this time.

Both Jiuren Mountain and the Lotus clone thought that the foundation of Jiuyang City could not be easily destroyed, and the two sides fought all the way outside Jiuyang City. The surging sword intent is endless, and the majestic mountain is coming, constantly impacting the entire void, which is in the turmoil of quick and slow.

"As expected of the city lord, the city lord's seal is really incomparably mysterious. It was not used against the demons in Luo Yang Prison before, but it was used on his Seven Swords of Suppressing Mountains." Flying back thousands of miles, looking at Jiuren Mountain in the palace on the top of the cloud, I was also quite surprised.

At this time, Jiuren Mountain is living in the Yunding Palace, but it seems to be integrated with the entire Jiuyang City. The seven swords of the lotus avatar are powerful, but every time it is cut, it is like cutting Above the entire Jiuyang City.

This made the lotus avatar feel like fighting a city with its own strength. No wonder Jiurenshan Lianzhan City Lord would not be relinquished, and he even wanted to get rid of this huge threat without hesitation.

At this time, the lotus avatar somewhat understood Jiurenshan's thoughts. The seal of the city lord is so important to him, Jiurenshan is naturally reluctant to let the lotus avatar gradually erode his rule over Jiuyang City.

Although in the process of fighting with Jiurenshan, the lotus avatar felt that the opponent's aura seemed a little more fierce than before, but the distance was too far, and the lotus avatar could not sense it too clearly when the two were fighting fiercely . And this is not the time to think about it. At this time, Jiuren Mountain was indeed extremely powerful, and even after several fights with the lotus avatar, they couldn't win any favors.

Jiurenshan hadn't used the strongest attack at this time, and his attack on the lotus avatar was confident that he could block it. Even if the opponent's methods were stronger, it would be difficult to pose a fatal threat to the lotus avatar for a while. What really made Lianhuafen feel a little tricky was the defense of Jiuren Mountain. It seemed that with the seal of the city lord, its aura was connected with the main city of Jiuyang City, which could alleviate his considerable offensive. As a result, the fierce attacks of the lotus clone failed one by one.

It's not that Jiurenshan's methods are so clever. In fact, the lotus avatar has reached a very high level of emissary to the seven swords. It's just that some of the seven swords have been damaged and congenitally deficient, which led to the lotus avatar In this fierce confrontation, he began to lose the wind.

The two sides turned to fight all the way, and the place they passed was flying sand and rocks, and the sword energy was everywhere. In the endless wind and sand, a huge palace with continuous peaks was suppressed from top to bottom. The giant sword formed by the seven town swords was temporarily covered by the endless wind and sand.

The lotus clone rushed left and right inside, but was knocked back by the thick mountain.

"Mu Xiaosuo Demon Armillary Formation?" The lotus avatar reached out and waved, and the surrounding mountains and rocks were cleared away by a piece of sword light. Seeing the hall fall, the lotus avatar seemed to be in a huge palace at this time. The Jiuren Mountain he fought against has long since disappeared.

It's just that the pressure that Jiurenshan brought to him at this time is increasing unabated. It is not difficult to crack it based on this formation alone. Going out under harassment and attack is far more complicated than imagined.

"You are not bad, if not for the damage of the Seven Great Swords, I really can't control you now."

At this time, the billowing sand and dust surged, forming the huge human face of Jiuren Mountain.

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