Become a Fairy

4211--Andrew Three projections

After succeeding one after another, Lu Xiaotian knew that no matter the Corpse Clan or the Lin Clan, he would definitely not let it go. Facing opponents who were stronger than him, Lu Xiaotian couldn't be careless.

The four army of corpses and the two armies of the Lin tribe were out cruising, the number ranging from 2,000 to 3,000. They were respectively responsible for guarding some dragons, or continuing to clean up the dragons that escaped the net outside Xiaolong Mountain. The Xiaolong Mountain area is huge, and Wen Yan's tribe has been entrenched here for countless years. Even if the core territory of the tribe has been occupied by the corpse tribe and the Lin tribe, there is no shortage of scattered hiding places. The sporadic and varying number of dragons who lost their tribes are hiding in various places, and the accumulated number is not small. It is also true that the two clans need to carry out repeated campaigns to prevent these zero-quantity dragon clans from gathering together and becoming a big problem again.

After wandering around for a while, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help frowning slightly. After wandering around for so long, he couldn't see that the other party had deployed any measures against him. Except for the main force sitting in Xiaolong Mountain, these few teams that were cruising outside The power of the corpse clan and the Lin clan did not show any abnormalities.

Lu Xiaotian rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered for a while, the biggest flaw was the absence of flaws, he didn't really believe that the other party would not show anything after suffering successive losses.

It's just that I can't see the other party's problem, and I don't know where to start for a while. The Corpse Clan and the Lin Clan can compete with the Dragon Clan in the secret territory. There must be an amazing background. I have seen it once. The real Yinyou pot must be even more extraordinary.

However, after figuring out the approximate strength of the Corpse Clan and Lin Clan stationed in a few places, Lu Xiaotian naturally has his own solution.

Two days later, under a deep pool that looked crystal clear, Lu Xiaotian sat cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, and then three dragon shadows with the same shape as Lu Xiaotian separated from Lu Xiaotian's body. Even Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but have a somewhat strenuous look on his face at this time. At this time, Lu Xiaotian was not sure what method the other party had prepared, just like a dormant poisonous snake, ready to violently hurt people at any time.

But since the other party had hidden himself, he came to lure the snake out of the hole. The projection of the three celestial-level strengths is naturally impossible with Lu Xiaotian's original cultivation base, but with the support of the powerful dragon totem power, these three projection avatars are still stimulated to the celestial-level strength at the same time. Of course, this It is also when the distance is relatively not far, and Lu Xiaotian's own soul is strong enough, he can control these three projection clones at the same time.

If you do long-distance projection, such as plane projection, projecting to the demon world, you need good luck to successfully project, and the strength of the projection clone can't reach the fairy level for the time being.

Even so, once the projection avatars of these three celestial beings encounter too strong enemies, they will not be able to last for too long.

But no matter what, once these three projection avatars are used well enough, they can disrupt the audiovisual effect.

The three projection avatars went to two different directions respectively. If it was the deity who shot, in the case of a sudden attack, it could destroy thousands of corpses in one direction, or the army of the Lin clan. However, the projection avatar does not have such strength. Lu Xiaotian is not completely sure that this trick will work. The loss of a few projection avatars will cause some trauma to Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit, but now that the Corpse Clan and the Lin Clan obviously have arrangements , Pay some price to see the opponent's arrangement, if you can win the chance to rescue the captured dragon clan, it is completely worth it.

Just when the three projection clones were going to a corpse army, or the camping point of the Lin army, Lu Xiaotian himself also emerged from the bottomless pool and went directly to the core area of ​​Xiaolong Mountain. Although the corpse clan on the Xiaolong Mountain side, the Lin clan is particularly powerful, but after getting some information from the dragon clans such as Muye Hongcheng and Wen Yutai, Lu Xiaotian also roughly walked around the surrounding area. It can be regarded as having a certain understanding, once the sneak attack is successful, as long as he is not surrounded by Jinxian-level corpses face to face, Lu Xiaotian is quite sure that he can escape.

One projection clone of Lu Xiaotian went to Fujiao Mountain, and the other two projection clones went to Bauhinia Lake.

The time to do it is directly controlled by the deity.

While Lu Xiaotian was carefully sneaking towards Longxiao Mountain, the situation of Fujiao Mountain and Zijing Lake had already been reported to Lu Xiaotian himself. Overall, there is not much difference from what the deity has seen before. Except for the fact that there are two headless white corpses at the level of Heavenly Immortals crossing the border at Fujiao Mountain, the overall personnel changes are not too big.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian also secretly said that it was dangerous. Fortunately, the two headless white corpses at the fairy level obviously had something to do and could not stay for a long time. Otherwise, with these two powerful enemies sitting in the fortress, the projection avatar alone would not be able to do anything to the opponent. Once the opponent is strong enough, It can also defeat his projection clone.

Whether it can have the effect of luring the snake out of the hole, Lu Xiaotian has no idea for the time being. In fact, in addition to the projection clone, if Lu Xiaotian lets Ao Guang and Tuo Musheng perform tasks separately, it will have better results, but in this way, there will inevitably be losses. However, it is not easy to cultivate a Celestial-level dragon family. Lu Xiaotian would rather have some trauma to his primordial spirit than consume the few Celestial-level dragons in the Qingguo Barrier.

On Fujiao Mountain, a projected avatar stood quietly in a silver apple tree with many branches and leaves hidden on the hill, looking at the station of thousands of corpses in the distance. At this time, two more dragons who were seriously injured and unconscious were escorted into the camp by a team of corpses.

The projection clone waited patiently until the two passing Heavenly Immortal corpses completely left the projection clone without doing anything.

After preliminary reconnaissance, there are about 2,300 corpses in this temporary station, and about 30 dragons of different strengths are entangled in gray corpse chains at this time. Every time the Dragon Clan struggled, bursts of corpse aura would rise from the corpse chain, seeping into the Dragon Clan's body along its wounds. The dragon's body trembled for a while, and then his body trembled weakly a few times before slumping down.

At this time, there are not many strong defensive restrictions in the garrison point. It is estimated that the corpse army has only entered this place not long ago, and there is no plan to occupy this place for a long time. In addition, the main force of the dragon clan in the Xiaolong Mountain area has collapsed, and some scattered dragon clans are no longer enough. There is no need to waste time and effort, and consume a lot of resources to set up formations and powerful restrictions here. Otherwise, there is no need for Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar to take risks. These two thousand corpses still don't have a Celestial-level powerhouse in charge.

Like last time, Yuan Tian Corpse was the leader, but there were only over 12,000 corpses, adding up to nine immortal-level powerhouses, especially Yuan Tian Corpse is close to the completion of the law of corpses, Kuisha, and Kui Ling are also extremely strong . Such a luxury configuration is only available when performing special tasks.

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