Become a Fairy

Chapter 4210 request

"Who says it's not? There are only so many Jinxian-level powerhouses known by the Dragon Clan, especially the Xiaolong Mountain Region tribe. Even the dragon tribes are now sticking to their own one-acre three-point land, and when it has become an established fact, how can they care about the mess in the Xiaolong mountain area?"

Yuan Tianguang sighed, the successive visions caused the Lin clan and the corpse clan to suffer continuous losses. If the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be found out, not only the two clans will likely suffer continuous losses, but also the two clans Morale is a huge blow.

"It doesn't matter who is behind the scenes. The important thing is to get the other party out from behind the scenes. Your Shunli clan has a hidden pot, and you are good at hiding whereabouts. There should be a way to stop this black hand behind the scenes. This time I attacked the Xiaolong Mountain area The clan has put in a lot of effort, and I'm afraid your corpse clan will provoke this incident." Lin Zhengfeng said.

"This person, or more than one, will not be too weak, but since he likes to pick out those zombie clans with a small number, or the Lin clan, he must be extremely powerful, and even we may not be able to get a bargain Shun Dongxiao has a better relationship with your Lin clan. This time, we will use our corpse clan as bait. If we really catch fish, let Shun Dongxiao and I take the lead. If Shun Dongxiao and I fail, we will When you come to help, you must eradicate it in one fell swoop!" Yuan Tianguang said after pondering for a moment.

Lin Zhengfeng nodded in agreement when he heard the words. For Yuan Tianguang's ability to talk about this, there is indeed no place for him to be picky.

"There are still thousands of dragons being imprisoned by the corpses in Xiaolong Mountain, and the dragon cave and some inheritances have sunk into the ground?"

When Lu Xiaotian left Guishi Mountain, the primordial spirit in the Qingguo Barrier was also communicating with Wen Yuwei, Wen Yutai and other dragon clans. After Lu Xiaotian got some more information about the defeat of the dragon clan in the Xiaolong Mountain Region, there were also some information about the defeat after the defeat. As a result, the Dragon Cave is the place where the Xiaolong Mountain Region gave empowerment to the immortal-level powerhouses. There are dragon souls left by the dragon clan powerhouses who have passed away in the Xiaolong Mountain Region. And gradually weakened, and some died or became weak after performing the empowerment method. However, as the Dragon Cave that has been passed down for countless years, it is still one of the most valuable heritage left by the Xiaolong Mountain Region.

Lu Xiaotian touched his chin, whether it is to rescue the captured dragons or to find the dragon cave, it is extremely valuable. After thinking about it for a while, Lu Xiaotian decided to give up looking for the Dragon Cave for the time being. It doesn't take long for him to advance to the Heavenly Wonderland, whether it is a human body or a dragon body. Ever since he was promoted to the realm of the Celestial Immortal, he has generally encountered various incidents and accidents without stopping. It's not that Lu Xiaotian didn't want to, it's just that some of the accidents are beyond his complete control.

The Dragon Cave is just a way to improve your cultivation. Of course, you can also see another inheritance of the dragon clan in the secret realm. However, there are many ways to improve your strength, but the captured dragon clan may not all have this opportunity to rescue them. of. If you don't try to accumulate some original quantity in a short period of time, you will waste a lot of time later.

To a certain extent, increasing the number of dragons in the green fruit barrier is also strengthening the strength, and the power of the dragon totem will be rapidly enhanced.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian didn't know that Yuan Tianguang and Lin Zhengfeng had planned to trap him, but Lu Xiaotian was not so easy to deal with now.

"Senior, please, for the sake of being a dragon clan, you must rescue the clansmen of the younger generation." In the Qingguo enchantment, Wen Yutai, Wen Yuwei and others all bowed their heads to Lu Xiaotian's figure condensed with the primordial spirit and saluted. .

"As far as I can, I will naturally try my best to rescue you. You have exhausted yourself through repeated fierce battles, so stay here and rest for now." Lu Xiaotian nodded.

"If the seniors have the call, the juniors will still have the strength to fight with these dragons." Makino Hongcheng glanced at Lu Xiaotian carefully, and when he was about to be captured by the corpse army, Lu Xiaotian appeared and rescued them from the brink of death. Naturally, Makino Hongcheng I am grateful, but compared with Wen Yutai and Wen Yuwei, these dragons, they have entered the Qingguo Barrier for a few days to more than ten days. They have already gone through a preliminary rest, and the number is not bad. Together, they still have the power to fight .

It's just that after asking Lu Xiaotian for the intention of fighting several times before, he was rejected by Lu Xiaotian. Muye Hongcheng didn't know where they were now, and if he didn't get through Lu Xiaotian, he didn't know how to rescue his clansmen.

"When it's time for you to make a move, I will naturally let you make a move. Let's settle down and rest for the time being."

Lu Xiaotian shook his head, the number of dragons in the Yuanxiaolong Mountain Region rescued by him into the Qingguo Barrier has already exceeded a thousand, and the power of forming a battle formation is naturally not small, but although these thousands of dragons belonged to the same tribe in the past, but It was assembled by him after being broken up. Even if they belong to the same tribe, they are not practicing the same way of battle formation. Besides, Lu Xiaotian will not release them out of the green fruit enchantment if he fails to integrate the dragon elements of the more than a thousand dragons into the dragon totem.

Right now, he still has the Dragon Clan and the Dragon Wolf Cavalry in his hands, and he hasn't been forced to release Muye Hongcheng yet.

"I would like to fight again with the Dragon Lord!" Ao Guang, Tuo Musheng and a group of Dragon Clan asked Lu Xiaotian to fight.

Not only Lu Xiaotian, they can also clearly see the potential of the dragons like Muye Hongcheng and Wen Yutai. In their view, the reason why the dragons like Muye Hongcheng are trapped in Xiaolong Mountain is because there is no leader of the dragon master. A tribe as large as tens of thousands of dragons , not only the number of high-end combat power is astonishing, but the proportion of dragons at the level of Xuanxian and True Immortal below is even higher than the thousands of dragons in the Qingguo Barrier.

It's a pity that such a powerful force was destroyed in one battle. If the Dragon Lord controls such a force, it can definitely play a greater role. These dragon clans should be controlled by the dragon lord, and follow the dragon lord to fight in various places to lay a brighter future for the future of the dragon clan. Such power staying in the secret territory is completely ruined. There is no good way for them to destroy the Xiaolong Mountain area, but they are determined to win the thousand or so Dragon Clan controlled by the headless white corpse Shun Li or the Lin Clan.

"The situation will allow you to take action later." Lu Xiaotian nodded. In some cases, he alone is not enough to solve the problem. But until there is a clear goal, he is enough for the time being, the target of the activity is small, and it is not easy for the other party to find him.

After leaving Guishi Mountain, according to the information provided by Wen Yutai, Wen Yu and other Dragon Clans, Lu Xiaotian was not in a hurry to immediately rescue those captured Dragon Clans, but walked around the Xiaolong Mountain area in a leisurely manner to investigate the situation.

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