Become a Fairy

Chapter 3093 ??Desperate Strike

Chapter 3093 Desperate Strike

"Outsiders, those who trespass into the forbidden area will die!" The wolf rider Changge pointed forward again with the mace, still charging towards these terrified immortals with great momentum.

Lu Xiaotian and Fairy Yunxia joined forces to advance and retreat together. When three or four immortals screamed in succession, Lu Xiaotian also joined forces to kill and wounded three wolf-headed monsters.

With so many casualties, the void was filled with a strong smell of blood, and while Lu Xiaotian was fighting, he never ignored the surrounding environment. The bloody aura permeating the void seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, blending into the thick fog and slowly drifting away into the distance. The direction in which the blood energy drifted was exactly where the two clusters of complexions that Lu Xiaotian encountered before had shifted.

There is something mysterious storing blood in this strange place. After seeing this phenomenon again, Lu Xiaotian already had quite a guess in his heart, either it was absorbed by some kind of evil restriction, or it was needed by the power of the monster clan who fell here at the beginning.

Could it be that the catastrophe of the fallen monster clan is about to come back? Lu Xiaotian's heart beat wildly, and the wolf riders on the opposite side charged again, and those immortals screamed and screamed again and again. Although they wanted to join together with Lu Xiaotian and Fairy Yunxia, ​​the two most powerful, but After all, he couldn't get through the obstruction of wolf cavalry. The war never stopped.

"Broken!" The gray-clothed old man was the first to make progress at this time. Perhaps because the injured real fairy-level werewolf on the opposite side was out of support, the gray-clothed old man waved a red pen, and a broken word with red flames contained the artistic conception of a real fairy. , turned into an enchantment and pressed on the real fairy-level werewolf.

There were several explosions on the body of the injured true fairy-level werewolf Xiongjian, and his body was bloody from the explosion, without a piece of good meat. The golden armor on the surface of this real fairy-level werewolf was tattered, and the three pennants behind it were also fluffy and thin. The gray-clothed old man lit the red pen again, and a little flame spread like a red line in the void, directly submerging into the brows of this severely injured true fairy-level werewolf.

This immortal-level fight might not seem as grand as the scene where more than thirty immortals fought with wolf cavalry, but the other twenty or so wolf cavalry who were in formation were extremely uncomfortable. It seems that every move is greatly restricted by the surrounding airspace. Even if the real fairyland powerhouses haven't done anything to them completely, just the artistic conception has already made them uncomfortable.

Losing a real fairy-level werewolf, the gray-clothed old man was completely free at this time, and the remaining twenty wolf riders were like a group of three-year-old children to the gray-clothed old man. A seal floated out, and the surrounding space was like an indestructible wall of air, sealing more than twenty wolf riders inside.

Seeing that there was nothing they could do, the two real fairy-level werewolves roared angrily, and the three triangle flags behind them flashed golden light, quickly forming a layer of golden armor on their bodies.

The long knives under the hands of the two true fairy-level werewolves suddenly stirred up the entire void, and there were countless sword shadows, each of which was crushed down like a mountain.

Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin were startled, they didn't expect that the opponent in front of them would be more terrifying than the old man in gray.

Zhao Qifeng tossed the green bead in his hand, flashed in front of his eyes, turned into nine, each flew in all directions, forming nine blue channels.

"Let's go!" Zhao Qifeng greeted Xu Suqin, and the two disappeared into the cyan passage one after another. For a moment, the figures of the two flashed across the nine cyan passages at the same time.

The two true fairy-level werewolves spit out, and their demon pills spit out from their bodies and turned into golden flames, burning the surrounding area, and in an instant they forced Zhao Qifeng to show up. The fairy-level werewolf made a desperate fight, which made Zhao Qifeng dare not fight with him.

It's just that Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin also kept their defenses airtight, and it seemed that they were enough to protect themselves for a while.

"Hey——" The two werewolves at the immortal level let out strange and heavy howls, and a faint blood shadow appeared in each other's body. The knife slashed out with a swish, its power and speed were more than 50% higher than before.

The whole process was extremely fast, like lightning and flint. The gray-clothed old man only picked up dozens of wolf riders. In such a short period of time, Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin fell into such an embarrassing situation. Their faces were startled, and the red pen in their hands immediately Connecting points in the void, a sword character like an iron stroke and silver hook flew towards the opponent, and immediately the sword character turned into countless sword lights and strangled towards the two true fairy-level werewolves.

The grey-clothed old man's offensive was extremely fierce, surpassing Zhao Qifeng, Xu Suqin, or any of the werewolves at the true fairy level, so it must not be underestimated.

At this time, Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin felt a little relaxed. Unexpectedly, the eyes of the two real fairy-level werewolves were full of madness. Facing the fierce attack of the gray-clothed old man, they did not resist at all. Within the long knife, one knife after another, the power of the knife is enough to split mountains and seas.

In the distance, Fairy Yunxia and the others felt a tingling pain in their eyes, and even the astonishing saber energy appeared in their consciousness. Even if they were not in the vortex, they still felt a splitting headache.

A group of immortals retreated in horror, the powerhouses in the real fairyland were so horrific, if these immortals with different strengths were really involved, they would be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was also retreating with all the immortals. The fluctuation caused by the full strength of the real fairyland powerhouse made him extremely uncomfortable, but his sea of ​​consciousness was not affected much. On the contrary, after refining most of the pages of the flame spirit, and the wonderful sound of the true spirit has appeared, Lu Xiaotian is also a person who has stepped into the real fairyland with one foot, and has touched a trace of the mystery of the real fairyland.

Lu Xiaotian's own savings were already extremely strong, but before the Flame Spirit Page was completely refined, he was still short of the finishing touch. The desperate fights of many real fairyland powerhouses in front of him benefited him a lot secretly, and he felt that the body that originally needed Turning the celestial essence to refine it, the page of Yanling, which took time to digest, melted in the body at an inexplicably faster speed at this time.

Whoosh, whoosh, the power of the two real fairy-level werewolves' desperate counterattack is extremely amazing. The green pearl was cut by the light of the knife, and there were slight cracks. The unpredictable ice paper was also shattered by the knife light at this time. Both of them vomited blood and flew upside down, but Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin were both strong in the real fairyland after all.

Although the opponent was a desperate blow, the power that erupted was extremely strong, but under the serious injury, he resorted to several means of saving his life one after another. It was broken several times by the saber energy, but after all, a life was picked up.

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