Become a Fairy

Chapter 3092 Excessive consumption

Chapter 3092 too much consumption

The sound of bamboo leaves rustling in the wind should have been suppressed directly in such a fierce battle scene, but amidst this earth-shattering sound, the originally faint rustling of bamboo leaves was extremely clear spread to the ears of others.

The picture of the bamboo forest, mountains and rivers is rolled out, and the purple bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest inside are incomparably coquettish, flowing with the brilliance of life. The mountains and rivers inside, the bamboo forest stretches out from the painting, and in a blink of an eye, these wolves ride the empty mountains that they could have galloped to their heart's content. One after another, the bamboo forest spreads. The rushing wolf riders inevitably slowed down, and found that no matter how they circled around, they couldn't get around the stretching bamboo forest. It seemed that the surrounding bamboo forest became much thicker in a short while.

Without paying attention, many wolf riders have already fallen into the bamboo forest one by one.

This bamboo forest, mountains and rivers are extremely lively, and it looks refreshing. It's just that under this agile appearance, the wolf rider surrounded by the bamboo forest is extremely uneasy.

"Wow." The wolf riders instinctively sensed the crisis, and each brandished the mace in their hands. Chang Ge slashed forward, and the strong wolf pulling the chariot also spit out a yellow ball of light from the mouth, turning the purple bamboo into pieces. The pieces were chopped off and burned.

It's just that soon, the originally destroyed bamboo forest sprouted at an astonishing speed, and then grew into a bamboo forest, spreading towards many wolf riders at an unstoppable speed.

It took only a short time from the picture of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests being sacrificed by Lu Xiaotian to stopping the wolf cavalry. More and more wolf riders fell into the mountains, rivers and bamboo forests.

These wolf riders are invincible in the face of immortals or other monsters. They are fearless and use the most brave and wild way to overwhelm the opponent and destroy the enemy's will with the bloodiest means.

It's just that when faced with the endless bamboo forest, where there is no life, no death, and no illness or fatigue, even the brave and elite wolf cavalry can't help but feel uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, purple bamboo grew on the strong wolf's body, and as the bamboo roots penetrated into the strong wolf's skin and bones, there were one after another piercing howls of pain. The wolf-headed monster on the chariot cut off the purple bamboo on the mount with a wave of his spear, but new purple bamboos would still grow, more and more. And the chariot was also blocked by Zizhu, and it climbed up in a blink of an eye.

A strong wolf is covered by purple bamboo. Immediately afterwards, there was the wolf-headed monster who lost control of the chariot, and the screams of the wolf riders followed one after another.

Not to mention wolf riders, even the thirty or so immortals in the distance could see an astonishing chill behind them.

If they were trapped in this bamboo forest, they would never end up better than these wolf riders. At this time, these immortals looked at Lu Xiaotian with fear. The immortal artifact sacrificed by this silver-haired immortal is indeed horrible.

Although the power of the mountain, river and bamboo forest map is great, it is also an excellent means to break the wolf cavalry, but once it is used, with Lu Xiaotian's current state, although the immortal yuan has a certain strength compared to before, it has not reached the real fairyland, and it is still unsatisfactory. Consumption of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests.

Seeing that the map of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests restrained the power of the wolf cavalry, Lu Xiaotian Fang Tian slashed out with a halberd, forcing back several wolf cavalry who were madly attacking. Before the other reinforcements from the enemy arrived, Lu Xiaotian's figure flashed Then he withdrew and retreated.

When the Mountain River Bamboo Forest Map killed dozens of wolf riders in a row, the stored fairy power in the Mountain River Bamboo Forest Map was exhausted, and a part of the immortal energy in Lu Xiaotian's body was taken away along the way. There are more than twenty wolf riders left in front of him. Lu Xiaotian forcibly took back the map of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests.

If the Mountain, River and Bamboo Forest map continues to attack, even if more wolf riders can be killed, the immortal essence in Lu Xiaotian's body will be consumed to a great extent. In this dangerous territory full of crises, Lu Xiaotian naturally did not have the idea of ​​sacrificing himself for others. There are only twenty or so wolf riders left, and he still has 50% to 60% of his immortal essence, plus Fairy Yunxia, ​​and more than 30 immortals of different strengths, it is enough to deal with the immediate crisis.

The three real werewolves fought fiercely with Zhao Qifeng, Xu Suqin, and the gray-clothed old man. Seeing the heavy casualties of the wolf riders here, they roared again and again, but they were stopped by Zhao Qifeng and the others, wanting to get out and come to help The members of the group also have more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Especially for the gray-clothed old man, the advantage is already very obvious. At this time, the real fairy-level werewolf has to consider his own problems, so there is no time to take care of others. As for Zhao Qifeng, although Xu Suqin didn't gain the upper hand, he didn't show his weakness either. Even if the three true fairy-level werewolves saw the casualties of their followers, they would be beyond their reach at this moment.

The fighting will of the wolf riders was extremely strong. In a blink of an eye, nearly half of them were killed or injured. The remaining wolf riders were not shocked by death, and they still came at a gallop in their chariots. It doesn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

After Lu Xiaotian received the map of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests, he withdrew to the team of more than thirty immortals. To use the map of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests once, for Lu Xiaotian, it would not only consume a lot of immortal energy, but also failed to display the map of mountains, rivers and bamboo forests. The real power of this thing, if the situation is not critical, Lu Xiaotian will never use this thing under ordinary circumstances.

Seeing the big victory just now, more than thirty immortals were imposing like a rainbow at this time, facing the attack of the wolf riders with all means, but these wolf riders are extremely capable, and each individual strength is outstanding in the later stage of the immortals. Apparently, that old monster from the monster tribe managed a huge force back then, which is by no means comparable to that of the Xianmen Dazong. And these thirty or so immortals are obviously just one of the ordinary immortals, not much outstanding. In the confrontation with the wolf cavalry, there were already casualties in almost a face-to-face encounter.

Luckily, Lu Xiaotian and Fairy Yunxia blocked a few cavalry. Counting these immortals as two against one, their morale was obviously very high when they faced the wolf cavalry, and they were also beaten in disgrace. If Lu Xiaotian and Fairy Yunxia were not there, I am afraid that within a few rounds, these immortals would be completely defeated by the battle formation of wolf cavalry. At that time, for the wolf cavalry, it will just be chasing and killing some stragglers.

"These two fellow Taoists, the situation is critical. We're afraid we won't be able to stop so many monsters." The big black beard yelled, looking more at Lu Xiaotian in his eyes. Maybe it's more than enough, but it's very reluctant to face Sanqi. In the eyes of Big Black Beard or other immortals, apart from those true immortals, only Lu Xiaotian has the ability to turn things around.

"It took too much immortal energy to deal with those twenty wolves just now, and now I can only deal with a few wolves. If you want to survive, you have to work hard first. If you don't do your best, you pin your hopes on others. The more afraid you are of death, The faster you die."

Lu Xiaotian replied to the big black beard, it's not that he doesn't like the big black beard, in fact, the big black beard has good strength and great effort, he said this to other immortals.

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