Become a Fairy

Chapter 2384 Chapter 2384????

Chapter 2384 Chapter 2384

The Zijin Dragon Palace's name in this sea area is extremely useful, and it is equivalent to the ordinary regular army of the human race. Occupying the most fertile territory. Has the largest and most sophisticated army.

In addition to this, there are still some disobedient forces, and the fighting between the two sides has never stopped. These disobedient forces are either entrenched in some extremely dangerous terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, or they have flowed over under the intentional or unintentional connivance of other equivalent forces.

The monster clan is unruly and unruly, they belong to different races, and the conflicts between them are even greater. Compared with ordinary human races, there are more conflicts, even in the same sea area, conflicts are going on every day.

Even if the Zijin Dragon Palace killed many ghosts and monsters in the God Transformation Realm, they could recruit more in a blink of an eye. In this endless sea of ​​monsters, the most indispensable thing is the rich spiritual power between heaven and earth, as well as the wandering monster races.

Those who can't be used by him are competing for advanced spiritual objects, and for various reasons, the conflict will naturally not stop.

A man in green armor with many black hairs on his face, who looked extremely ferocious, stood with his hands tied on an island with a radius of only a few feet. sea ​​eagles, all kinds of monster birds soaring.

Suddenly, a huge vortex gushed out of the relatively calm ocean. In that vortex, a golden fin protruded from the water like the back of a shark. A carp head and shark fins look extremely weird, but a smooth monster emerges from the vortex. Those dark eyes looked weird and calm.

On the island reef, the man with many black hairs on his face looked extremely calm facing this fierce golden carp beast. I saw him open his mouth and spit out, hundreds of primordial spirits, big and small, spat out from the mouth of the eight-melting soul golden carp beast, and flew towards the man in green armor.

This green armored man is naturally Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar. The lotus avatar stretched out its hand, and a beam of starlight covered the sea area with a radius of tens of miles. At the center of the starlight, the condensed starlight twisted into an ancient seal talisman about a foot long.

The primordial spirits of these monsters who originally wanted to flee in all directions seemed to be sucked in by the aura, and their speeds dropped sharply. In the blink of an eye, all the lotus clones were sucked over.

"This deity's cosmic heavy light talisman is still far from being able to defeat the enemy, but it can be used to capture the primordial spirit without any disadvantage." The corner of the lotus avatar's mouth twitched.

The golden carp flicked its tail and submerged into the blue sea again.

"Don't run too far, lest something happens, I won't be able to take care of it." The lotus clone shouted from behind.

Peng, a huge water column rises from the sea, which can be regarded as a response to the dissatisfaction with the lotus avatar's instructions just now. Although the two sub-primordial spirits are both Lu Xiaotian, when there is a master primordial spirit, there is a distinction between primary and secondary. The assistant spirit is innately obedient to the main spirit.

But once the main soul is gone, there will be no subordinate relationship between the subordinate souls. These two sub-primordial spirits control the golden carp beast together, and control the lotus clone together. means owned by both parties. Killing, the situation will be different. Naturally, as time goes by, there will be more and more obvious differences.

Right now is the dissatisfaction with the lotus avatar, the sub-primordial spirit who controls the golden carp beast.

"There are also emotions. What I control is a lotus clone that can cultivate independently. It is a complete individual, no different from ordinary monks in the fusion state. What you control is just an eight-melting soul beast, a tree without roots. In the future It is also difficult to reach my level." The tone of the originally seemingly indifferent voice was not without complacency.

"The soul-melting Dafa practiced by the main soul and the soul-quenching Dafa are profound and unpredictable. The alien beasts refined in the future may not be worse than you. Although your Laoshizi sword art is powerful, how can it be compared with this deity? The Five Elements Magnetic Armor will cover your breath, and you may be absorbed by other sword cultivators one day." The voice of the golden carp and strange beast came from the underwater urn.

"If the deity hadn't suppressed me too much in the past, I am afraid that I would not be much worse than the deity now. With the five-element magnetic armor on my body, other sword cultivators can't sense me. The possibility of me devouring others is still relatively high .You just wait to eat the dirt behind my ass." The lotus clone said triumphantly.

"Idiot, Laozi is a golden carp beast, born to stay in the water." The golden carp beast cursed, and then disappeared without a trace.

"I really don't know how far I can practice this soul-melting method and soul-quenching method." Lianhua's avatar folded his arms and flicked his fingers suddenly, and several sword qi flew across the sky like a rainbow A few demon birds pierced through their hearts.

Those monsters in the Void Realm were unlucky, and the primordial spirit wanted to escape, but in front of the lotus avatar whose strength had reached the initial stage of fusion, there was no way out.

The lotus avatar stretched out its hand and lifted it, and then absorbed the few sub-primordial spirits.

As for the monster's body, its valuable beak, claws, feathers and other parts were collected under the sword light. Under normal circumstances, as long as they don't encounter a few particularly rare monsters in the Void Realm, monks in the Composite Realm will rarely spend time collecting materials from ordinary low-level monsters. It's just that the resources consumed by Lu Xiaotian's self-cultivation are too huge. Mosquitoes are small and meaty.

The golden carp and the lotus avatar are comparable to the strong man in the early stage of fusion collecting all kinds of monster spiritual materials in the endless monster sea. Although the value of the single unit is relatively low, the victory lies in the large quantity. In addition, Lu Xiaotian has obtained one after another in the past. It is also a sum of money. Very impressive numbers.

The only trouble is that the space of the Xumi ring is relatively limited. There are too many things collected, and some of them can't fit. The sumi bag and sumi rings on Lu Xiaotian's body are already far more than the usual monks in the fit state, and they still feel that they are not enough. After a while, I'm afraid there will be no place to put these things.

As for the green fruit enchantment, there is a lot of space inside, so it's not impossible to use it. It was only a few times that I discovered that unless an extremely dangerous situation is encountered, the green fruit barrier will open to accommodate some foreign objects that the deity cannot bear. Under normal circumstances, the green fruit barrier will not be automatically opened.

Lu Xiaotian was naturally extremely helpless about this. But there's nothing to be disappointed about, after all, if it wasn't for the green fruit enchantment, Lu Xiaotian would have been wiped out in a few cases.

"Huh?" The lotus avatar was about to leave here when it suddenly sensed a pulsating and pure ghost energy in the distant sky, as well as a wave of water spiritual power becoming more and more intense. The sound of fierce fighting made the sea choppy and choppy.

"It turned out to be a body-fit ghost fighting a human monk." The lotus clone narrowed its eyes slightly. So deep into the endless sea of ​​monsters. There are not many human monks in the fit state. In contrast, ghost cultivation is not common. However, during this period of time, the Zijiao fruit has matured day by day. A large number of monsters were attracted, and the fight with the monster clan defenders on Zijiao Island became more and more bloody. It is also reasonable to attract people who come to practice ghost skills.

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