Become a Fairy

Chapter 2383 Chapter 2383???

Chapter 2383 Chapter 2383 Uninvited

"Is Fellow Daoist Xiang here? This is the third time that the palace lord's daughter has come to see you." A rough voice sounded from outside the cave.

"Brother Niu and Second Miss will be later, I will come out immediately." Lu Xiaotian's voice fell slightly, and a moment later, a figure flickered at the entrance of the cave, and Lu Xiaotian, who was dressed in a black robe and wearing a bronze mask, arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"Brother Niu and Miss Second, why are you here?"

"The elixir provided by Mr. Xiang is indeed miraculous. I feel much better these days. If Mr. Xiang was not here, Yuxue would be in danger this time. Mr. Xiang's life-saving grace, the first thing Yuxue did after waking up Naturally, I came to pay a visit to Mr. Xiang, but Mr. Xiang was diligent in his cultivation, so he didn't dare to disturb him the previous two times, so he dragged on until now. I hope Mr. Xiang will be patient if he is slow." Yuxue was far from fully recovered at this time, and her face was still pale , not much blood.

"Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty. The second lady doesn't need to thank me. But the second lady has not recovered from her serious injury and has to rest for a few years. Frequent going out is not conducive to self-recovery." Lu Xiaotian said calmly.

"Second Miss came from afar, Xiang Daoyou won't just greet me and Second Miss outside like this." The golden-haired cow demon said.

"This cave is quite spacious. If the two of you have time, you don't have to wait too long, just go inside." Lu Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Then it's a good time to visit Fellow Daoist Xiang's elegant residence." The golden-haired horned bull demon clapped his hands and smiled.

The bull demon and Yuxue entered the cave one after the other. After walking for a while, the golden-haired and horned bull demon said with a strange expression, "Xiang Daoyou, your cave doesn't seem to have changed at all, there is nothing in the layout."

"Some foreign things are irrelevant. Our human race's lifespan is far less than that of your monster race. Time flies, and it is fleeting. Wufa diligently repairs early, and Baishoufang regrets later. In terms of enjoying life, it is indeed not as far as your monster race That's it." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Mr. Xiang is too self-effacing. I have come into contact with several human monks, but there are few who practice as hard as Mr. Xiang." Yuxue said.

"It's just a small trace of life, and I'm very grateful to have Mr. Xiang's wonderful hands come back to life. Ordered by my mother, I specially brought a gift here to express my heart." Yu Xue stretched out her palm, and a Sumeru ring flew towards Lu Xiaotian.

"Second Miss is too polite." Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard this, and reached out to take the Sumeru ring. In addition to serving as an offering to Zijin Dragon Palace, coming to Zijiao Island also has the additional benefit of being stationed on Zijiao Island. This benefit was given to the golden-haired horned cow demon last month.

That day, Lu Xiaotian received a favor for saving Yuxue before leaving Zijin Dragon Palace. Unexpectedly, Palace Master Zishan asked Yuxue to send another generous gift. In terms of the level of attack, the Zishan Palace Master can be called extremely generous. However, if you are polite to others, you must ask for something. Lu Xiaotian took the benefits and waited for Yuxue's next words.

"Speaking of which, there is something to bother Mr. Xiang. There is a change in the Blood Sea Valley. My mother is invited by the Tuntian Roaring Lion. I am afraid that she will go to the Blood Sea Valley. There is no one to guide the little girl in the Zijin Dragon Palace. Mr. Xiang is quite knowledgeable. Restoring the Primordial Spirit together, I hope that Mr. Xiang can give me some pointers during the period."

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit crystals, this condition is nothing. Speaking of which, the price just to take care of it before Palace Master Zishan returns is already very high.

"You have to rely on yourself to restore the primordial spirit. Before healing your wounds, you had to enter your body to guide the power of the elixir. When you are awake, it is very easy to conflict with my spiritual consciousness. I am afraid it is not good for you. Self-cultivation. If you practice here, as long as there are no monsters in the later stage of fusion, it will not be a problem to protect you well."

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian didn't have the time to really teach Yuxue how to practice. It's okay to play the role of bodyguard temporarily, he has already sent out the lotus clone and the eight-melting soul golden carp beast. It is enough to collect low-level monsters by avatars and strange beasts. Even after a period of time, it is not impossible to kill the monsters in the early stage of fusion.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiang. The monsters in the later stage of fusion are the overlords of one party, and they all have their own inherent power. There are very few conflicts between overlords with similar cultivation bases. With Mr. Xiang here, I can sit back and relax." Yuxue said with a smile smiling face.

"It's more than that. With Mr. Xiang here, the number of monsters in the Composite Realm who have offended Zijiao Island has also dropped significantly."

The golden-haired horned bull demon laughed, but his heart twitched when he heard that the threat to Lu Xiaotian before was true, and he almost forgot how dangerous this person was. This guy who claimed to be surnamed Xiang was a dangerous element second only to Palace Master Zishan.

"Three hundred miles away from Daoist Xiang's cave, there is a slightly smaller cave. If the second lady doesn't mind, you can move here."

"Mr. Xiang's place is safer, and Mr. Xiang's cave is quite big, how about I stay here?" Yu Xue's bright eyes opened wide, and she asked for Lu Xiaotian's opinion again.

"I and those maids can't live in such a big cave. If the second lady wants it, I can give half of it to the second lady." There are still some arrangements in the core of Zijiao Island, but Lu Xiaotian may not I believe that Yuxue pinned all her hopes on him.

"It doesn't need half of it, just a corner of the land is enough." Yuxue seemed obedient and authentic.

"You can do whatever you want." Lu Xiaotian nodded, said a few polite words, and found a reason to practice alone.

"This Mr. Xiang is really difficult to approach." After Lu Xiaotian left, Yuxue said quietly.

"Who says no, this person seems to have no ambitions at all, but he is extremely dangerous. If the palace lord is not around, no one will be able to subdue this person. During the period, the second lady should pay more attention to this person."

The golden-haired horned bull demon whispered a warning. From ancient times to the present, there are not too many cases of human races and monster races becoming Taoist couples in the endless monster sea, but they are by no means uncommon. If the man surnamed Xiang really wanted to take advantage of the situation and stay under the Palace Master Zishan, he and the Raging Fire Demon Falcon would definitely be overwhelmed in the future. Right now, Palace Master Zishan is enough. No need for another second in command.

"Senior Niu, please don't worry, I will naturally save the time."

Yuxue was well-behaved on her lips, but she was quite disapproving in her heart. Arrange dozens of unusually beautiful maids for Lu Xiaotian, both from the human race and the monster race. With the strength of the bull demon and the raging fire demon falcon, they have never been so humble before. According to the news she got, Lu Xiaotian can be regarded as an extremely restrained person. What really worries her is not the cow demon, but what the falcon demons are up to, it's just that this gentleman is too difficult to approach, and the benefits are accepted, but people are also slippery, after all, they don't give people many chances to get close. Moreover, Mr. Xiang is extremely strong, and he has made it clear that he will not stay in the demon sea for a long time. Even as the second lady of Zijin Dragon Palace, she can't get close just because she wants to.

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