Become a Fairy

Chapter 2333 Ice Crystal

The power of ice cold in the cave will also become more intense. A little bit of cold power can't do anything to Lu Xiaotian. It's okay to practice here for the time being, but as time goes by and the ice-cold power gathers more and more, this cave is definitely no longer suitable for him to practice. The secluded pool where the open spirit fire and the ice and secluded water are mixed is the core of the entire cave.

Whether it is Bingyiyoushui completely crystallized, or Lu Xiaotian took away Bingyijing later. There is considerable damage to the entire cave. The cave here lost its original purpose of shelter, so Lu Xiaotian couldn't stay here for a long time.

But at least for now there is no problem. The Five Elements Element Magnetic Golden Armor supernatural power once again made a certain breakthrough, even after leaving the cave, it was not as easy for Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar to find him as before.

While there is still some time, Lu Xiaotian continues to comprehend the various changes after the mutation of several magic weapons. Every time the cultivation base improves, it must be consolidated to a certain extent. After all, once fighting with the enemy, life and death are instant, the enemy will not give him a chance to correct on the spot.

The icy atmosphere in the cave became more and more serious, and Lu Xiaotian would sit cross-legged on the ground from time to time to comprehend the exercises. Or there may be several portals in the cave, and phantom clones walk through the portals repeatedly, appearing from time to time. Sometimes it disappears. Sometimes the phantom clone will wear a blue battle armor on the outside, and the blue cloak will also flutter in the wind.

Several times Lu Xiaotian entered the portal wearing the Five Elements Magnetic Armor, and he would stagger out after a short while. It's just that as time goes by, it will take longer and longer for Lu Xiaotian himself to enter the portal each time.

"If this goes on like this, the back of the five-element magnetic gold armor and the phantom mirror will merge into one. Misfortune and blessings depend on it. It seems that the Piaomiao Feijian is not useless at all."

When the icy air in the cave has become so severe that even Lu Xiaotian is not suitable to stay any longer. Lu Xiaotian looked down at the cyan battle armor on his chest, and a groove had already appeared. The grooves are shallow. Not big enough to hold anything else. It's just that the size of this groove is exactly the same as that of the phantom mirror.

The groove on the Five Elements Magnetic Armor is the result of Lu Xiaotian's practice these days.

As for the sword art that Lu Xiaotian practiced, these days, with Lu Xiaotian's full comprehension, the Piaomiao Feijian and several kinds of sword arts that are attached to it are also advancing by leaps and bounds. Even the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, under the threat of Piaomiao Feijian, also showed strength.

"The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. The ancients never deceived me." First, it absorbed the spiritual power of the five-element ginseng, and then it became more and more compatible with the magic mirror. The aura escaping from the Piaomiao Flying Sword in his body also decreased a lot.

This trip to Shuixiao Cave was extremely complete. It can even be said to be a surprise.

If it wasn't for helping the Huoyun monster to refine the life-soul good fortune pill, I'm afraid I would have missed this opportunity. The word "opportunity" is truly unpredictable.

In fact, looking back, everyone has a different way of doing things and a different attitude towards the world, so they may have different fates. If Lu Xiaotian crossed the river and demolished the bridge, he would forget about the Huoyun monster, and only focus on escaping the threat of Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar. There will be no such opportunity.

With a sway of his body, he shot towards the location of the secluded pool before. The Youchi was originally occupied by Xingyang Linghuo and Bingyiyoushui. At this time, after Bing Yiyou crystallized, the firepower in the Xingyang Spiritual Fire was gradually swallowed up and disappeared, and the entire Youchi was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

Even other parts of the cave were covered with ice crystals, but the situation on the Youchi side was even worse.

Even the Xingyang Spiritual Fire had been completely eroded by the Bingyiyoujing at some point. Bingyiyoushui is also a rare treasure for monks who practice this supernatural power. Otherwise, he wouldn't be taken by the old monster Huoyun. After all, at the level of the fire cloud monster, such leisurely treasures can't get into his eyes at all.

It's just that the Xingyang Spiritual Fire was also extremely good in the first place, it was the first spiritual fire cultivated by the Huoyun Monster, and it was no worse than the Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame cultivated by Ye Qianxun. It was also eroded by Bing Yiyou's crystallization process, and turned into nothingness, which shows how powerful this Bing Yiyou crystal is.

Of course, the Xingyang spiritual fire can be eroded, mainly because it has become a source of no water. Without the control of the fire cloud monster, part of the Xingyang spiritual fire sacrificed by it cannot last for too long under the continuous icy cold air .

No matter how powerful the knife is, it depends on who is wielding it.

The Bingyiyoujing is not the whole of Youchi, but a small piece less than the size of a fist.

This kind of treasure, even if you can't use it yourself, if you get it to the outside world, there will still be a lot of people flocking to it, and it will definitely sell for an astonishing price. Right now Lu Xiaotian is in urgent need of all kinds of spirit crystals. Once the Five Elements Magnetic Armor completely digests the spiritual power of the Five Elements Spirit Ginseng.

If there are no other substitutes, in order to further improve the Five Elements Magnetic Armor later. Lu Xiaotian still has to absorb spiritual power from the five spirit crystals of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Although it is slower, it is better for a long time. After all, treasures such as the Five Elements Spiritual Ginseng are not available if you want to have them.

Bingyiyoujing is hidden in this profound ice, and it is not so easy to take it out. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand for a move, and there was an astonishing sharp edge on Piaomiao Feijian. Since the appearance of this sharp edge, Piao Miao Feijian has lost some elegance and agility. A little bit more golden sharp, invincible artistic conception.

It is the supernatural power of Lie Kong Sword, Lie Kong Zhan. The spiritual change is not as good as the Piaomiao Flying Sword, but the sharpness is still beyond it.

The unparalleled sharpness of the sword slashed directly on the cold and shining black ice, and there was a sound like a clash of gold and stone.

That Xuanbing was chopped out a sword groove about an inch long.

"It's really hard to break through this mysterious ice." Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed strangely. The hardness of this mysterious ice is still second. When fighting, they attacked Lu Xiaotian along the flying sword.

If it weren't for Lu Xiaotian's own super defense ability and a little longer time, he really couldn't bear the attack of this amazing cold air.

Lu Xiaotian himself is a body repairer, plus the supernatural powers of body protection of the Five Elements Magnetic Armor. A little chill can't help him.

Although the body felt a icy cold, Piao Miao Feijian's movements did not stop at all.

The Bingyiyoujing is really powerful, after a while, Lu Xiaotian completely broke the mysterious ice around it. The cold air that kept attacking Lu Xiaotian also formed a thick layer of frost on the surface of Lu Xiaotian's body.

With a move of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, the phaseless profound fire surged out of his body, and the frost condensed on the surface of his body was melted and transpired in an instant, turning into nothingness.

At this moment, a piece is crystal clear, not the size of a fist. Inside, a phantom orb of an ice unicorn floated in front of his eyes.

"Ice-youjing also has grades. One lin, two chi and three wind kisses. This phantom of the unicorn clearly means that this ice-youjing is of the highest grade." Lu Xiaotian had a smile on his face. Stretch out your hand and put this ice crystal away.

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