Become a Fairy

Chapter 2332 after several attempts

At first, Lu Xiaotian let the magic weapons in his body toss, but after a while, the tossing movement became louder and louder.

There is a faint pain in the dantian. Lu Xiaotian no longer hesitated, and his magic power surged down. Directly separate the Piaomiao Feijian from the Five Elements Magnetic Armor and Magic Mirror.

The mana with the attributes of the "Hunyuan Jing" flowed through the bodies of the Piaomiao Feijian and other magic weapons, and after a while, the excited emotions of the magic weapons were calmed down.

Lu Xiaotian raised his chin, thinking about the changes between the Five Elements Magnetic Armor and the Magic Mirror.

Lu Xiaotian knew the reason for this change. But I don't know the reason.

"By the way, those portals of the illusion mirror. These are the magical gates that will appear on the next level in the "True Illusionary Canon". " Lu Xiaotian narrowed his eyes slightly. Stretch out your palm, and a phantom mirror will appear in your palm. The halo of the magic weapon exudes an aura that is as real as it is illusory.

When the consciousness moves, it symbolizes gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The Five Illusory Gates appeared directly in the void around Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian moved his body, wanting to enter the gate of illusion, but he couldn't enter through the gate.

"How could this be?" Lu Xiaotian was puzzled for a while.

This is still the case after several attempts. Could it be that the door of illusion cannot be fully utilized because it was not realized by oneself? Lu Xiaotian guessed so. It seems that only this possibility is relatively close.

"Phantom clone?" Lu Xiaotian had a flash of inspiration in his heart. Immediately, one was exactly the same as Lu Xiaotian, except that the phantom clone with mana fluctuating aura walked out of Lu Xiaotian's body.

The phantom clone turned into a flash of light, and disappeared into the door of illusion. Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness was also isolated because of this.

Soon, the phantom clone controlled by the deputy soul appeared from another golden gate.

After so many repetitions, Lu Xiaotian roughly explored the function of this magic door. One's own deity cannot enter, but it does not affect the phantom spirit avatar coming and going to the portal.

"With the current strength of the phantom spirit avatar, although it doesn't pose a big threat to the more powerful monks in the combined state, it is more or less a means."

In any case, the early appearance of the Gate of Illusion is definitely a great joy for Lu Xiaotian who doesn't have much supernatural power at the moment.

"By the way, the Five Elements Magnetic Armor." Lu Xiaotian thought of the spirit armor and the magic mirror teaming up to resist the Piaomiao Feijian.

Now Lu Xiaotian tried again with the Five Elements Magnetic Armor. Put the Five Elements Magnetic Blue Armor on the phantom spirit clone and the main body respectively.

The phantom clone in green armor can still travel unimpeded in the gate of illusion.

And Lu Xiaotian himself, in the case of wearing green armor, barely entered the gate of illusion. It didn't take long before he was squeezed out by a huge force from the door of illusion.

It's just that the eyes of Lu Xiaotian who was squeezed out were full of joy. Due to the sudden closeness of the relationship between the magic mirror and the Five Elements Magnetic Armor, even though he was wearing the Magnetic Armor, he was not completely excluded.

This shows that as the relationship between the two magic weapons gets closer, there is still hope for him to haunt the Gate of Illusion through the Five Elements Magnetic Armor.

As the strength of the enemy you face continues to increase, fighting with the enemy will usually not get too close. Even if you use the teleportation magical power, you can't directly approach the opponent's body to exert the effect of a sudden approach attack. Naturally, his advantage as a bodybuilder would not be able to be brought into play.

At this time, although Lu Xiaotian is cultivating both dharma and body, relatively speaking, he does not focus on physical cultivation. Especially when Fang Tian painted a halberd, and when there was a lack of monsters and primordial spirits in the Fusion Realm. The defect of lack of physical training and attack methods was magnified again in Lu Xiaotian.

In most cases, teleportation in Lu Xiaotian's hands is just a way to save his life. When the enemy's charged attack was about to hit Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian accidentally dodged it in just a split second.

For other monks, this kind of supernatural power is almost against the sky. Having such supernatural power in hand is equivalent to saving a few lives during the critical period.

The Gate of Illusion is not a kind of teleportation in essence. After all, there are five portals appearing in the void. It is no different from a reminder to the enemy. There are infinite possibilities for the direction of the teleportation. The Gate of Illusion has only these five positions.

It's just that if Lu Xiaotian himself, wearing the Five Elements Magnetic Armor, can haunt this gate of illusion, the threat to the enemy is so great that ordinary words cannot describe it. I am afraid that how tricky it is can only be reflected in the actual fighting method.

At least Lu Xiaotian himself, in the face of a situation where the original strength was similar to his own, the other party suddenly had such a supernatural power, the original evenly matched situation, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be completely defeated.

Especially when Lu Xiaotian was relatively lacking in means, he suddenly gained a supernatural power, which undoubtedly solved his urgent needs.

It seems that there is just one more supernatural power, even if it is just a phantom clone passing through the gate of illusion for the time being, it can also exert ever-changing effects.

Moreover, the improvement of the illusion this time does not seem to be just a change in the Gate of Illusion. Improvements have also been made in other areas.

"It seems that trying to avoid conflicts between several magic weapons may not be completely right. Appropriate conflicts can also enhance the strength of magic weapons to a certain extent." Through this unexpected harvest, Lu Xiaotian came to such a conclusion. Magical treasures have spirits, but they are different from human spiritual consciousness.

For each magic weapon, due to the different methods of cultivation, the materials used to construct the magic weapon are different. And the supporting exercises are very different, and there will be huge differences between magic weapons.

Even between the phantom mirror and the Five Elements Magnetic Armor, there was a big difference in the first place. It was only under the huge threat of Piao Miao Feijian that they began to seek common ground while reserving differences. The two magic weapons that were originally irrelevant gradually came together.

Allowing each magic weapon to display its own characteristics is also conducive to the improvement of strength. After all, magic weapons also have their own growth potential.

The gradual strengthening of Piao Miao Feijian is also stimulating other magic weapons from the other hand, even the demon-suppressing towers, the seven demon-suppressing towers are full of Buddhas. The Bodhi star spirit, hidden in the ancient silver brilliance, was also gearing up for a while, and chattered at the elegant-looking, but domineering Piao Miao Feijian. Work harder to breathe out the Buddha's light, feed back the demon tower, and alternately complement the relics and the Buddha's seal inside.

The cave where Lu Xiaotian was located was a shelter operated by the Fire Cloud Monster. After solving the worries of the Fire Cloud Monster, Lu Xiaotian plans to stay here for a while. It's just that the icy power that is spreading here is gradually filling the entire cave. The icy and secluded water had already begun to crystallize, and its icy power was several times stronger than before. As the degree of crystallization in Bing Yiyou continues to increase.

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