Become a Fairy

Chapter 1521 Change

"It's extremely cold in the ice cave, and with the little white dog's skills, it's not enough to withstand such a cold for a long time, so the junior hugs it like this, and uses mana to cover it." Lu Xiaotian worried that the little white dog didn't understand it thoroughly enough, Be prepared to re-emphasize it along the way.

"No need, this little thing is insignificant." Xiang Huaxin stretched out his hand and shot out a blue aura, which bound the little white dog like wearing a layer of green gauze. Keep the cold out.

"Thank you, senior." Lu Xiaotian scolded meddling in his heart, but he still had a respectful look on his face, so he could only let the little white dog go.

"Woof!" The little white dog whispered a few times, sniffing east and west, jumping into the illusion of alternating black and white in front of him. Lu Xiaotian was worried that the little white dog would encounter some danger, so he followed him very closely. Although Xiang Huaxin, the monster who transformed himself into a god, would not be in any danger, but to Xiang Huaxin, the little white dog was just a temporary tool . Lu Xiaotian has raised him for so many years, but he still has feelings. Naturally, he didn't want the white puppy to have any mistakes.


The cold wind howled in the ice cave, but Lu Xiaotian felt a little happy in his heart, he knew exactly where Long Qiangu died. Originally, he secretly ordered the little white dog to find the Snowy Demon Deer based on Long Yuan's aura. Words are not a bad thing.

At this time, the direction that the little white dog was looking for was completely different from the place where Long Qiangu died. It can be seen that the little white dog has already known his intention.

Lu Xiaotian smiled inwardly, with Xiang Huaxin in mind, even if he meets the snowy demon deer, he won't have any problems.

Walking halfway, the turbulent cold current in the ice cave swept in like a storm, and the leading woman with a beautiful face panicked and fled all the way in a panic. When Lu Xiaotian saw this woman, his complexion changed slightly. This woman is one of the eight Zhao clan monks in the Yin Yang Ba Que Dragon Tiger Combined Attack Formation. At the beginning, Lu Xiaotian only had time to kill a few, and the other four scattered and fled. Did not expect to meet at this time. The strength of this woman, Zhao Rong, was comparable to that of Patriarch Mang Xiao's level. The people of the Zhao clan are good at illusion, and their ability to survive in such a dangerous place may not be slightly worse than those of the true meaning level.

It's just that this person knows Long Yuan in the Black Pool. If it came out of his mouth, wouldn't his calculation be nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water. At that moment, Lu Xiaotian's heart suddenly became murderous.

"Crazy brother, this kind of person, don't bother seniors to take action, the two of us will take action to solve it, time is precious, use your true meaning of soil." Lu Xiaotian whispered directly.

"Okay." Xiang Kuang's eyes were a little surprised. The strength of the woman in front of him was only fair among the great monks. Even Lu Xiaotian could easily take care of her alone. It would be a bit overkill for two people to attack at the same time. It's just that the surprise was the surprise, and his subordinates didn't pause at all. He stretched out his hand, and the five-colored dragon-headed stick appeared in the palm of his hand.

Just as he was about to start, an out-of-control ice storm swept in from afar. There is also the breath of a demon deer roaring!

"Snowy demon deer!" Lu Xiaotian opened his eyes, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this breath. Just because of this raging storm, the Snowy Demon Deer is fighting with someone!

"Old monster Ice Soul, the monster has no choice but to be willing to walk with me, willing to enter this ice cave first." Xiang Huaxin snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and waved at Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang, "You two step back for now, The battle in front of you is no longer something you two can blend in with."

Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang wished to leave Xiang Huaxin earlier. Before the two could react, Xiang Huaxin had turned into a cyan streamer and disappeared from their eyes. He galloped towards the center of the ice storm.

The beautiful woman Zhao Rong saw Lu Xiaotian's cold eyes sweeping over her, and her heart skipped a beat. The silver-haired monk in front of her is not a nice guy who could kill someone in a matter of minutes.

"If you dare to kill me, I'll call you dead right now." Zhao Rong's face became fierce for a while, knowing that she was definitely not Lu Xiaotian's opponent, so she could only threaten him with the matter of Long Yuan.

It's just that Zhao Rong just uttered the words, and her body suddenly fell into a ball of mud, unable to extricate herself. Zhao Rong looked down in amazement, and found that she had been surrounded by circles of khaki-yellow halos, and it was the true meaning of the soil that Xiang Kuang hit with the five-colored dragon's stick to restrain him.

"You forced this." Zhao Rong's originally beautiful face was grim, even if she died, she would not make Lu Xiaotian feel better. It's just that she just opened her mouth, and Lu Xiaotian's figure was lost in front of her eyes. When I came back to my senses, there was a sudden pain in my neck, and my consciousness drifted away.

Lu Xiaotian popped up a soul arresting net with ease and put away Zhao Rong's Nascent Soul, then threw the head that he took off with his bare hands casually aside. Then quickly put the little white dog back into the spirit animal bag.

"Instant," although Lu Xiaotian used it before, but Xiang Kuang's attention was not on Lu Xiaotian at all at that time, and Lu Xiaotian deliberately covered it up, how could Xiang Kuang find out. At this time, there are only Lu Xiaotian and himself, as long as Xiang Kuang is not blind, he can see the sidelines.

"Shut up!" Lu Xiaotian drank in a low voice, watching the violent ice storm in the distance getting closer and closer, and said immediately, "The ancestor of Huashen has already fought with the snowy demon deer, this is not the place to talk, sooner or later If you want to be affected, go away!"

Xiang Kuang nodded, and quickly jumped into another passage of the ice cave with Lu Xiaotian.

"You hid it deep enough, kid. Even the ancestor of Huashen coveted such an amazing supernatural power. You must not use it easily in the future! Otherwise, you will take your treasure!" At this time Xiang Huaxin had left, and Xiang Kuang said in private Send a voice transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

"Understood, didn't I have to do it just now? That woman is from the Zhao clan and knows about Heitan Longyuan. She really wants to be called out by her. Let's not say that Longyuan was exposed. The two of us lied to your royal ancestor in advance. If If he finds out, the two of us can't afford to suffer. If the other party is really furious, both of us may lose our lives."

The ancestor of Huashen fought nearby, if Zhao Rong, a woman who didn't know too much, wouldn't Lu Xiaotian kill him regardless of the cost. Fortunately, he and Xiang Kuang cooperated tacitly, and took his life without giving each other a chance to speak.

"Didn't the snowy demon deer have been sucked away from the dragon yuan? No matter how you look at this posture, its power is even higher than when we were fighting with us." Xiang Kuang was also greatly relieved after hearing Lu Xiaotian's explanation. Both of them concealed Long Yuan's matter by coincidence. Naturally, he didn't want to surrender Long Yuan. It's just that Xiang Kuang is quite puzzled at this time.

"Who knows, maybe that snowy deer has other dragon yuan in his hand!" Lu Xiaotian said with a flash of eyes.

"There are other dragon yuan? How many copies of this dragon yuan?" Xiang Kuang asked in surprise.

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