Become a Fairy

Chapter 1520 Request

"I don't know what the ancestor told the two juniors?"

Xiang Kuang said cautiously, just like Lu Xiaotian in his heart, secretly complaining, originally they wanted to wait for Xiang Qingcheng to come and get Long Yuan. After sneaking around, after taking the dragon yuan, they each hid themselves. As long as the ancestor of Huashen doesn't know about it, who knows that he will meet a cultivator of Huashen. Xiang Kuang cursed secretly in his heart, this old monster is already in the stage of transforming into a god, and his magic power is profound. If you want to fight for the dragon yuan with these juniors, you don't have to panic.

"Naturally go to the ice cave and search for the dragon. If I encounter a deer in the snowy area, I will be a handicap. But for the dragon, the two of you can still be useful." Rolling up, a gust of air rolled up Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang, and quickly entered the nameless canyon.

Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang glanced at each other, each with a bit of bitterness on their faces. In the past, no matter where they went, it was those low-level monks who called them ancestors. Now in front of Xiang Huaxin, a genuine old monster, it was the two of them. One has to pretend to be a grandson with his tail between his legs. Even if I was unwilling in every possible way, I could only accept it passively. However, this method of transforming the heart is really good, Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang have never used their mana, but they were caught in a mana vortex by Xiang Huaxin, and they moved passively, which also exceeded their previous full-flying speed.

The unnamed canyon is extremely dangerous, even if Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Kuang pass through the unnamed canyon at this time, it will take a lot of effort, but to Xiang Huaxin, it is like walking on flat ground. In the canyon, several monsters as powerful as the devil centipede jumped out to block the way, and they were all smashed into pieces by a three-foot Qingfeng sword sacrificed by Xiang Huaxin within a few strokes.

Xiang Kuang stared, and Lu Xiaotian couldn't help swallowing. Although his hidden sword box can restrain the way of the sword, it is more difficult for those opponents who are stronger, especially stronger than himself, to take away their flying swords. Especially this Huaxin is already a cultivator of Huashen, and it is estimated that the hidden sword box will not be able to take away Xiang Huaxin's Qingfeng sword.

Xiang Xiang opened the way and arrived at the previous ice cave smoothly. The dark and interlaced light greatly disturbs people's vision. Hallucinations abound. Xiang Huaxin couldn't help but gasp when he saw it, "The Illusion Restriction left by the people of the Zhao Clan. How can you mere Nascent Soul cultivators get out of this illusion and leave the ice cave?"

"Old Ancestor, this junior has a spirit dog in his hand. Although this illusion is powerful, it can affect vision and even consciousness, but it can't affect the dog's sense of smell. With more effort, you can always get out of trouble."

Lu Xiaotian thought about it for a while and said, in fact, when he left before, in order to save trouble, he used the two god-level primordial spirits, Daoist Ghost Fire and Longshi. But it is naturally impossible to tell Xiang Huaxin about this kind of thing. Fortunately, there is a little white dog on him, otherwise this level alone would be enough to make Xiang Hua suspicious. In the scuffle with the snowy demon deer, a large part of the reason why the snowy demon deer activated the formation prohibition technique was because of the phantom in the ice cave.

Even if it is too severely restrained by the keel, by using illusions, the snowy demon deer can still turn the strongmen of all races into a mess and hunt them down one by one. In fact, if it weren't for Lu Xiaotian's teleportation supernatural power that was unexpected by the Snowy Demon Deer, the keel would have already been taken away by the Snowy Demon Deer. All the strong men of all races who fell into the ice cave could not escape the tragic end.

"Spirit chasing dog? No wonder." Xiang Huaxin nodded, not dwelling on this issue for too long. "This illusion restriction was left by the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. In the past, the powerful cultivators from the Zhao clan came here. It's just that it's a little bit older, and this restriction can only affect the cultivators of Nascent Soul."

"Since you have a spirit chasing dog in your hand, you must save a lot of trouble finding Long Qiangu."

"Well, senior, it has been several months since Long Qiangu snatched the keel from the junior, and the atmosphere in this ice cave is mixed. The junior didn't leave anything on Long Qiangu's body, and even the spirit chasing dog may not be able to find it. "Lu Xiaotian said helplessly.

"It just so happens that I have a muddy stone that I begged from the old boy Long Qiangu. I am going to sacrifice my five-color dragon-head stick again, but I haven't had time. There should be some parts of Long Qiangu left on it. breath." Xiang Kuang suddenly took out a piece of treasure with an earth-colored halo and earthy spiritual power on it.

"Alright, as long as Long Qiangu's aura remains on it, we will definitely find Long Qiangu." Lu Xiaotian nodded, but felt a little depressed in his heart, why did Xiang Kuang still have this thing in his hand. It is the technique of sound transmission, which to some extent also has some mana fluctuations. This mana fluctuation is extremely subtle, and it is difficult for monks in the Nascent Soul stage to sense it. Found a little squint. This is what the real ghost fire warned. Naturally, Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to take the risk of sending Xiang Kuang a voice transmission.

And Xiang Kuang just wanted to find Long Qiangu as soon as possible, so that the old monster Xiang Huaxin could find the Long Yuan in Long Qiangu's hand and leave on his own. Anyway, even if Long Qiangu got the dragon yuan, it wouldn't fall into his hands. Once Xiang Huaxin left, he went with Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng to fetch the dragon yuan from another place.

For Xiang Kuang's thoughts, Lu Xiaotian can understand a thing or two, and at this time, he also feels depressed about digging a hole and jumping on his own. It's just that there is a dragon in his body, how could he tell Xiang Kuang, it has nothing to do with whether he trusts or not, but a matter of habit in dealing with things in daily life.

Of course, even if Xiang Huaxin is right in front of him, there is still a way. Lu Xiaotian smiled inwardly. Stretching out his hand to pat the spirit beast bag, white light flashed, and the spirit chasing dog Xiaobai jumped out happily, but the extreme cold in the ice cave made the little white dog shiver, trembling and looking at Lu Xiaotian pitifully , and the spirit beast bag on Lu Xiaotian's waist, the meaning is obvious, the little white dog is more willing to stay in the spirit beast bag than this extremely cold ice cave.

Lu Xiaotian directly took out a small bottle of Baihualu, which contained at least a hundred drops, stretched out his hand, held the little white dog in his arms, and poured all the hundreds of drops of Baihualu in the small bottle into the little white dog's mouth.

The little white dog drank happily. Since following Lu Xiaotian, the supply of Baihualu has been many times stronger than before. But it was the first time for the little white dog to drink hundreds of drops in such a booze. Suddenly the little white dog became full of energy.

It's just that with the effort of feeding the little white dog, Lu Xiaotian tapped the little white dog's belly a few times with the hand holding the little white dog.

The little white dog is extremely psychic, although he can't speak, he can hear without any problem, but in the current situation, naturally he can't speak. Lu Xiaotian quickly wrote a few words on the little white dog's belly. The little white dog was also extremely smart, and his face only had an expression of satisfaction after drinking Baihualu.

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