Time flies, summer vacation is over, and it is August 30th, and all the high schools are starting classes.

As for Kitsune Shichi, she rented a house near the school three days in advance and started a miserable life of getting up early.

Although it is nearby, because Kirin High School is built in a wilderness, the nearest town is 10 kilometers away.

According to the course schedule issued by Kirin High School, the first year of high school: morning reading at 7 am, school at 9 pm


In short, even if Karachi has [Space Transfer], Kitsune Shichi must get up at 6:30 at the latest.

How can one not be crazy in this world?

After graduating from college, he has to go back to high school again...

The good news is that the experience of being picked up and dropped off to school that someone did not experience in the previous world has been made up in this life.

In addition, Kirin High School uses electronic teaching, and the textbooks are all electronic. Each person is given a B5-sized e-book, which is as thin as a piece of paper.

Thin, just"like" a piece of paper.

So when she first received this"paper", Kitsune Shichi curiously clicked [Expand All], and then saw that the paper"rustled" and expanded hundreds of times.

She measured it with a ruler tremblingly...

Damn, it's a full seventy centimeters!

"It's killing me, it's really killing me!"

That is to say, excluding the beast pet energy science, someone needs to recite 65 centimeters of content in the first year of high school, and this is only the textbook content, not including extracurricular extensions... At the same time, she has to make up for the junior high school courses...

Can you leave some room for the time traveler???

Fox Seven fainted on the spot, tears streaming down her face.

In addition, there is another unfortunate news- two days before the start of school, the school will conduct a unified test and arrange classes according to the test results.

Qilin High School is a small-class elite teaching, with only three classes in each grade, 15 people in a class, and the benefits of classes 1 and 3 The gap is huge - the benefits are mainly reflected in the points, that is, the [points table].

However, Kitsune Shichi has no time to study the points for the time being.

Because at this moment, she is sitting in the examination room, holding a black electronic pen, and calmly (heartbroken) studying the test questions that have just been handed out. In this test paper, each question is carefully crafted, with junior high school knowledge accounting for 50%, high school content accounting for 30%, and extracurricular extension accounting for 20%, with a rigorous ratio.

This is only the first test paper, with two subjects in the morning and two in the afternoon, a total of eight subjects, and it will be tested for two consecutive days.


After reading the whole test paper, Kitsune's fingers were cold... maybe it was because the air conditioner was too cold.

Yes, that must be it.

After the devil's assault, she now... well, although she didn't guess everything, she didn't know much... after a closer look, there were two questions that looked familiar.

——The main reason is that the people who set the questions are toxic! They don’t test basic knowledge! They use tricky angles, for fear that students will get too many points!

——Hehe, is it because the students are too good that the teachers are afraid of"44 out of 45 people get full marks"?

Fox Seven felt helpless...

Fighting would be great, she doesn't like doing questions... She really doesn't like doing questions!

Fortunately, the tutoring team hired by Karachi at a high salary is very strong. They guessed two big questions in a row, and Fox Seven was able to write some, so she didn't have to hand in a blank paper.……


"Ding, ding, ding—the first exam is over!"

Accompanied by the elegant music prompt, the 45 independent space capsules suspended in the examination room slowly descended, the barrier opened, and the candidates who had been locked up for an hour were released one after another

"Ah, this is too much trouble. Why can't I hand in the paper in advance?"

Someone stretched and complained loudly.

"You are Wang Chi from Xuanji City, right? I was two places behind you in the last provincial exam."

Some people also started to talk to the students in front and behind.

The small exam room suddenly became lively.

"Isn't that Jinwu's Alice? Why is she going to school in Qilin Province?……"

"It must be because...……"

"Yeah, I understand...but...……"

A group of people were using sign language, their eyes quietly turned to the back row of the examination room - a great killer named Kitsune Shichi was pressing his temple expressionlessly, and was obviously in a bad mood, causing the air pressure nearby to be extremely low... Others didn't dare to approach him at all.

It was this person who abused three stars with one star, abused kings with a high level, slept when bored in the arena, and abandoned the game at will after the game. He didn't care about fame and fortune at all.

It was also this person who picked up a slime at first hand, nurtured it for twenty days, and changed the creature of slime from"cleaning up garbage" to"all the garbage present, don't get in the way".

It was also this person who picked up a Karachi at second hand, and since then the latter's personality has changed drastically, bloody violence is gone, and the killer vine has changed its nature, and was twisted into a holy vine of great compassion and love. He listens to noisy crying and busying himself in the hospital all day...

So... the beast pet has a bad personality?

No, no, no, go check out Kitsune Yashichi. Beast taming really depends on talent…

When facing her, no matter if you’re from a wealthy family, have a lot of money, or have made consecutive contracts with dragons, you’ll have to spin around and admit defeat.


Therefore, the competition for admission to Qilin High School this year is extremely fierce, and the intensity is jaw-dropping...

Alice, the SS+ from Jinwu Province;

Bai Baisheng, the SS from Huangyou Province;

Ni Ning, the SS- from Ning'an Province; and+、S-、S……

Although she came from various places, she might be a treasure in other schools, but in this year's Kirin High School...she can only be forced to experience"mediocre qualifications".

The only problem is that it is said - of course, it is just said - that Kitsune Ya Nana's academic performance is not good. The online rumors are quite outrageous. It is said that she only scored 100 points in 8 subjects.

Everyone present did not believe it, and they just thought: He is worthy of being a big shot, he has personality.

Think about it, this person can sleep even on the court, and it is normal for him to deliberately answer random questions in the exam.

Geniuses always have to have some quirks.

And Kitsune Ya is so willful, ordinary people need to pay a little price if they want to be influenced by geniuses.

"I hope I can be assigned to three shifts this time."

"I didn’t answer 20% of the questions."

During the 30-minute intermission, as time went on, some of the socially active people started to get to know each other, even linking shoulders and calling each other brothers.

They also chatted more freely, without any regard for others’ feelings.

"I respect you for being a warrior, but that's too dangerous, below 80 points... Aren't you afraid of being expelled?"

"I should be able to get around 80 points. I have finished the additional questions, so I should get an extra 10 points."


What? You will be expelled if you score below 80 points?!!

Kitsune Shichi, who was eavesdropping, felt her pupils tremble and her heart stop beating. For a moment, she just hated herself for having such good hearing...

Sometimes, ignorance really makes you happier.

She put down her pen and fixed her hair. For a moment, her heart was broken and she glanced at Alice not far away.

Alice had tied her hair into a ponytail today. She was checking her answers at the moment, frowning and not very happy.

Hey, don’t you think it’s good for this young lady to stay in Jinwu Province? She had to run to Qilin Province. The junior high school textbooks in each province are different. There is no good ending for taking the exam across regions...

Kitsune Shichi turned the pen in her hand. When she thought that she was not fighting alone, and that Miss Alice, who had an eight-star father, would also go to tutoring with her, she felt a little happy.……

""Xu Fei!"

Thinking of this, Hu Shiqi suddenly stood up and waved to Master Xu who was drinking water in the middle of the examination room.——

"Come out with me for a moment, I need you help!"

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