Unable to withstand everyone's gaze, Kitsune Shichi went out the back door first without waiting for Xu Fei.

A minute later, Xu Fei came out from the front door.

In the examination room, gossip exploded.

The civilian god of war of SSS and the young master of the Xu family of B-, not only went to the same junior high school, but also went to the same high school...

Everyone: Tsk tsk tsk... There's something interesting to watch.……

"This is not the place to talk."

Fox Seven nodded to Xu Fei, and the two walked along the corridor one after the other and stopped in the open outdoor.

The main teaching building of Qilin High School is an ordinary square building with a total of 23 floors.

The comprehensive examination room is on the first floor.

Starting from the second floor, each class occupies an entire floor, and each class has its own conference room, locker room, reading room, and bathroom.

In addition, there are various wonderful buildings in the college.

Just like at this moment, Fox Seven and the others came out of the back door of the teaching building and saw an island floating in the sky opposite. There were eight arc-shaped doors on the island.

It is said that those doors are"extracurricular activities with the characteristics of Qilin High School"���Project, but there is no news online

"Hey, Xu Fei, we have known each other for a long time.……"

Kitsune Qi coughed, looked down from the island opposite, and sighed with deep emotion.


This familiar beginning...Xu Fei's eyelids jumped, and he was about to move forward when he stopped immediately.

"you……"Xu Fei hesitated to speak

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Kitsune Shichi also noticed something was wrong, but she had something to hide, so her smile became even gentler, and she took out a brown, large plastic lunch box from the space.

The heat was rolling, almost bursting out of the box.

Moreover, each pill was a perfect round shape, and the Huiling Fu on the pill was neatly engraved, and the fragrance of the medicine could be smelled through the box.

Xu Fei's pupils shrank, and she immediately forgot about the danger, and couldn't help but step forward and stare at the full box of pills.

"This is?"He couldn't help but confirm it out loud

"First-class Ghost Fire Mysterious Nether Pill."

Seeing that he was interested, Hu Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

The cost of refining medicine was too high. One herb cost several thousand yuan. She only had money coming in but no money going out. Even if she had assets of 4 billion, she couldn't afford it...

But she was too busy these days and had no time to contact the sponsor.

"I know, but you... why do you put them in a lunch box?"

Xu Fei couldn't help but question.

Shouldn't each pill be packed separately? These medicines are so precious, each one should have its own small jade bottle! Why do you put them together and rub them?

No, that's not the point of the question.……

"Did you make this yourself?"

Xu Fei finally reacted, looking shocked.

"I also want to use the small jade bottle," Kitsune Shichi sighed again, answered irrelevantly, looked worried, and lowered his voice,"I can't help it, my family conditions don't allow it.……"

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment, and it took him half a minute to figure it out, and he burst out laughing.

"Um……"He smiled and shook his head, touched the transparent earring on his ear bone, and took out a gray card.

"【Fireball Pill] It should be 300,000 per pill, but it is rare to find such a good quality pill. High-level alchemists are too lazy to make such low-level pills. You have more than 30 pills here.……"

At this moment, Xu Fei was already dazzled by the whole box of pills. Apart from anything else, as a fire fox, he didn't even have the fireball skill. This was really miserable!

I just didn't know if these thirty or so pills could save his miserable qualifications... It might not be enough.

"There are about 20 million in it. Thank you for preparing so much for me. The cost of hiring a pharmacist to customize the medicine is more than this. This card is my monthly payment, you can take it first."

Xu Fei is very self-aware.

His qualification is B-, which is the real bottom of the class of high school students. Since SSS Kitsune Shichi signed up for Kirin High School, everyone has been looking for connections like crazy. If you want to enter the first year of Kirin High School, you need both grades and talent. If it weren't for the face of the Xu family, he would have been pushed down long ago.

"Monthly payment?" Kitsune took the card and turned it over. The password was written on the back of the card.

"It's the change from the monthly check-in."

"You don't just have this one card, do you?"

Kitsune asked again, just in case.

"Fortunately, I still have some investment outside."

Xu Fei explained casually, and took a look at the plastic lunch box. He couldn't see clearly through the box just now, and when he opened it, he vaguely felt that the color... seemed to be a little darker.

Logically, it should be bright red.

But the pills in his hand were dark red. But the feeling he gave him was right, all of them were authentic fire energy, boiling, burning, and hot.

The breeze blew the boy's black hair.

Xu Fei put away the pills in his hand, pursed his lips, and carefully glanced to the side with his peripheral vision.

What if... he couldn't awaken the fireball after eating this whole box, could he buy another box?


Hu Shiqi stared at Xu Fei for a few seconds, and suddenly wanted to call the boss to take me……

"Forget it, I'm not cut out for business. By the way, Xu Fei, the efficacy of first-grade elixirs is not strong. Karachi ate hundreds of them but didn't awaken the fireball. I suggest you take it under the supervision of a healing pet to avoid accidents."

Hu Yaqi put away the card and said casually.

This was an equal exchange, and she felt at ease taking the money.

As for Freddy, his pets were all high-level, and they would definitely not look down on these ordinary first-grade elixirs. So, wait until her alchemy skills improve, and then repay him for the 4 billion...

Just as she was thinking this, Hu Yaqi heard Xu Fei say"uh".

"What's wrong? She looked over and saw Xu Fei's eyes widened in confusion.

"The Karachi race... theoretically, it is a water and psychic race, why do you feed it fireballs?"

Xu Fei was really confused. Is this the genius way of taming beasts? The key is that he just heard some time ago that the pure white Karachi of the Fox Seven family has awakened the advanced skills of the Holy Light system... Why is he suddenly so uneasy?

Fox Seven sweated, so it can't be fed?

It seems a bit strange to say so, but the book says that many plants can spit fire, and Karachi himself also wants a gentler attack skill...

In the end, he learned to meditate, which is very strange...

Fox Seven frowned and thought, but the knowledge reserve in his mind was not enough. After five seconds, he decisively gave up thinking.

"Oh, brother, are there any suitable auctions recently? I can't buy high-quality medicinal materials on the market, which really affects my performance.……"

That's right, Kitsune Shichi has fallen in love with refining medicine.

Although she always makes a lot of noise in the furnace, it's definitely not because of her wrong technique, but definitely because of the quality of the ingredients!

As long as the age of the ingredients goes up, everything will be fine! Here I come with the second and third grade elixirs! This time, I must let Karachi learn [Firestorm】!

""Brother, don't worry!"

Fox Seven patted Xu Fei on the shoulder.

As the saying goes: good brothers are rare, and good sponsors are even rarer! How could she let go of such a sensible buddy so easily? Xu Fei must have a share of this [Fire Storm]!

"When I get something good, I will definitely think of you!"

??? Xu Fei shuddered for no apparent reason.

"No problem, I'll go back and look for it, there should be a lot of auctions on the weekend……"

However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a rooster-like pet:

"Hey, hey! You two, hurry up and come in to take the exam! Stop chatting outside!!!"

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