Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 163 I Just Want Compensation (1/2)

Kaoshan Sect!

Located in the west of the East Qin Dynasty, it is located in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Because it is close to a mountain, it is named Kaoshan Sect.

Kaoshan Sect was established a thousand years ago.

It is divided into the inner gate and the outer gate.

In the outer gate, outside a bamboo house in the mountain, a six or seven-year-old child is putting herbs into the pot.

As the herbs enter one by one, a fragrance spreads from it.

Not long after, the child stopped putting the medicine.

After a while, the liquid medicine in the pot finally formed.

The fragrance spread, and the liquid medicine was translucent.

"It's done." The child said excitedly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what delicious food are you making? It smells so good." Another child's voice came from a distance.

"What is this?" Qin Yuan looked at the liquid medicine in the pot and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"This is nourishing liquid." The child said.

"Nourishing liquid?" Qin Yuan looked incredible, and with his identity, he naturally knew about nourishing liquid.

If you want to open the meridians, you must nourish the body.

Otherwise, it is difficult to open the meridians.

It can be said that nourishing liquid is a necessary medicine liquid in the initial stage of cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that nourishing liquid is very precious.

And it is also very rare, and ordinary people can't afford it at all.

You can only keep practicing to achieve the meridians.

Even so.

It is still very difficult. Even if the meridians are unblocked, you will be injured and need to rest for a period of time before you can practice again.

But if you have nourishing liquid, it will be different.

Not only will the meridians be unblocked quickly, but it will not damage the body.

"Brother Tian, ​​is this really nourishing liquid?" Qin Yuan couldn't believe it.

"Why would I lie to you!"

"This is the nourishing liquid." The child smiled.

"Really?" Qin Yuan was a little surprised. When did Brother Tian follow the alchemist.

How could he not know.

Also, Brother Tian's talent is too powerful.

He just opened his meridians, but Brother Tian has already become an alchemist.

It's really shocking.

You can't learn to become an alchemist just by being taught.

"Brother Tian, ​​can I..." Qin Yuan's eyes were burning, thinking that if he could get some, maybe he could open one more line, and then the half-month test would not be lost to the family.

"Okay, we are brothers, I will charge you five taels of silver for one bottle." The child thought for a while and said.

"What?" Qin Yuan was shocked and a little unbelievable.

"Okay, thank you Brother Tian."

Qin Yuan's face was full of excitement. Normally, a bottle of nourishing liquid would cost at least ten taels of silver.

Brother Tian now directly reduced it by more than half.

It is indeed a brother.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want five bottles." Qin Yuan said and took out twenty-five taels of silver from his pocket.

"Okay, wait a moment." The child smiled and then ran into the house to get five small white bottles.

The white bottle is as long as a finger, the bottle mouth is two fingers wide, and the bottle bottom is three fingers wide, like a small gourd.

There is also a cooking spatula in the child's right hand.

Under Qin Yuan's stunned eyes, he directly used the spatula to put the nourishing liquid into the white bottle.

Qin Yuan was a little afraid to look directly at it, and suddenly regretted it.

Is it too late to return the money now?


The child handed over five bottles of nourishing liquid.

"This..." Qin Yuan was a little helpless. Looking at Brother Tian's smiling eyes, he always felt that he was deceived.

"Remember to help promote it. If someone asks you how much money you want, just say it's ten taels of silver." The child smiled.

"Oh!" Qin Yuan nodded to agree, and then left here.

Looking at the back of the leaving figure, the child felt the voice in his mind.

"Ding, twenty-five taels of silver have been received. Now you have twenty-six taels of silver. Do you want to convert it to the original source point?"

The child is naturally Qin Tian, ​​or it should be said that it is the original body.

It has been almost six years since I came to this world.

"Convert twenty silvers." Qin Tian said. Not all of them were converted. In addition to living, the remaining silver is also needed to buy some medicinal materials for making nourishing liquid, mainly because it is cheaper than the system.

"Ding, get 20 million original points."

One tael of silver is compared to 1 million original points.

The ratio is a little high.

After the conversion was successful, Qin Tian packed up the remaining nourishing liquid.

There are still four bottles.

As everything, he started to refine again.

There is no way, it is really a bit of consumption.

In the six years since he came to Shenwu Continent, he has not earned a penny of origin points. He practiced on both sides at the same time, and directly consumed all the origin points earned by the main body.

Six years here, while only twenty days have passed on Blue Star. The New Year is about to come, and the auction has stopped. If it weren’t for Xiaoji, I’m afraid he would have no source of income.

If he doesn’t think of a way, he doesn’t know when he will break through the extraordinary.

He just tried the nourishing liquid.

Item: nourishing liquid

Level: first grade

Quality: small product

Introduction: nourishing the body, can improve the effect of opening the meridians, have weak vitality, and long-term use can slowly improve the physical fitness.

Two hours later, all the medicinal materials in his hand were consumed.

A total of 54-grade nourishing liquids were obtained.

What Qin Tian didn’t expect was that there were five bottles of medium-quality nourishing liquids among them.

"This is at least thirty taels." Qin Tian gave it a low price. In fact, thirty taels is already very little for a medium-quality product.

In Shenwu Continent, medicinal liquid is divided into nine grades, with the first grade being the lowest.

Each grade is further divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade.

The price of each quality is very different.

The nourishing liquid is a first-grade medicinal liquid.

It is mainly used to open the meridians.

The meridian-opening realm is the first realm in Shenwu Continent.

So it is very important.

This has led to the importance of nourishing liquid.

If there are medicinal materials, there will naturally be alchemists.

It is also divided into nine grades, with the ninth grade being the highest.

A first-grade alchemist can refine low-grade or medium-grade ones.

However, medium-grade ones are generally only refined by second-grade alchemists, and the effect is ten times that of low-grade ones. Using it can open up a meridian.

The sect sells it, and it costs one hundred taels.

Qin Tian's price is a bit low.

The top-grade nourishing liquid, however, cannot be refined by the third grade.

Of course, genius alchemists are excluded.

As for the best-grade, it is impossible to refine it below the seventh grade.

That is to say, alchemists above the seventh grade may not be able to refine it.

Both the top-grade and the best-grade need to be refined in the alchemy furnace, and the latter requires strong mental power and needs to be constantly tempered until there is no trace of impurities, which is considered the best.

Whether it is the best-grade liquid medicine or the best-grade elixir, they have become legends in the Shenwu Continent.

Clean the pot, take out the beast meat from the storage space and cook it.

An hour later, Qin Tian finished eating and was about to buy some herbs, but he found some good people coming from a distance.

There should be a lot of children.

"Brother Tian, ​​I heard from Boss Yuan that you are an alchemist? He is not bragging."

One of them asked. Although Qin Yuan was their boss, they still didn't believe it.

A six-year-old alchemist, they didn't believe it at first.

If they hadn't said that the man was Brother Tian, ​​they wouldn't have come to ask.

"What Qin Yuan said is true." Qin Tian didn't hide it. He actually wanted to earn origin points, so he couldn't hide it, nor could he be timid.


Everyone was shocked. Brother Tian was really an alchemist.

Sure enough, Brother Tian was Brother Tian.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want to buy two bottles."

"Brother Tian, ​​I want three bottles."

"I want eight bottles."


Everyone scrambled for it.

Hearing that everyone wanted to buy, Qin Tian was excited.

"Everyone line up." Seeing them coming towards him, Qin Tian spoke. Although his voice was small, he immediately shocked everyone and they lined up quickly.

"How many bottles do you want?" Qin Tian asked the first person in line.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want three bottles."

"Okay, ten taels per bottle, a total of thirty taels." Qin Tian said and took out three bottles of nourishing liquid.

"I want ten bottles." At this moment, a voice came from the back.

Everyone was surprised, who was so powerful that he dared to disobey Brother Tian's words.

Brother Tian, ​​the eldest of their bosses, was smart and clever since childhood, born with supernatural power. At the age of four, he broke a wooden stick with one punch.

At the age of five, he broke a stone slab with one punch.

Half a year ago, Qin Yuan was a little self-righteous because of his noble status.

Other children were afraid of him because of his status, and they all asked him to be the boss.

But only Qin Tian didn't buy his account and ignored him.

So Qin Yuan took everyone to make trouble for Qin Tian, ​​and everyone went home with injuries.

Fortunately, Qin Tian didn't hit him hard at that time, otherwise he might still be recuperating at home.

Since that time, Qin Yuan directly asked Qin Tian to be the boss.

Qin Tian didn't like this name, so there was Brother Tian.

Since that time, no one has disobeyed Brother Tian's words.

But today, he appeared.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. The other party was also a child about six years old, holding a black iron rod in his hand.

Next to him followed two middle-aged men, who should be his guards.

"Ten bottles?" Qin Tian was excited for a while, it was a big deal.

But in the eyes of others, Qin Tian was going to be angry.

When everyone saw that the child had a guard, they were a little worried about Brother Tian.

But they also wanted Brother Tian to teach the ignorant boy a lesson.

"Are you sure..."

Qin Tian smiled and said, "You want ten bottles?"

Everyone: "..."

"Yes, I want ten bottles of nourishing liquid." The child said.

"Okay, no problem." Qin Tian smiled. There is business to do, why refuse.

"Ten bottles, one hundred taels."


Qin Tian had already taken out ten bottles of nourishing liquid, but saw the other party shaking his head.

"Ten bottles, thirty taels."

Everyone: "..."

Qin Tian frowned, and his smiling face suddenly turned cold.

This guy is here to make trouble on purpose.

He suppressed his anger and said, "No."

He turned around and left.

What a bad luck! How could a fool appear?

"You have to sell it today, whether you want to or not." The voice of the child came from behind.

"What if I don't sell it?" Qin Tian turned around and said.

"No?" The child looked surprised, and then sighed, "If I were you, I would trade with me obediently, otherwise..."


A flash of lightning appeared in front of the child, and before he could finish his words, a small hand grabbed his neck.

"Otherwise what?" A faint voice sounded, the voice was very small but full of anger.

"You..." Zhou Hao was shocked and his head was a little confused.


The iron rod in his hand fell to the ground.

The children around him were also confused, looking back and forth in two places, hoping to find that their brother Tian was still there.

They were dazzled.

But the facts shocked them unbelievably.

"Otherwise what?" Qin Tian grabbed Zhou Hao's neck with his hand and asked.

"What are you doing? Let my young master go."

"Boy, you're looking for death."

The two guards came to their senses and roared at Qin Tian.

One of them drew his knife and chopped at Qin Tian's head.

This knife can definitely split the head in half with one blow.

It's already been done.

"Looking for death!" Qin Tian's eyes were as bright as fire, but when he saw the guard coming to kill, a murderous intention burst out in his eyes. Seeing the knife, he didn't move. He just gently stretched out his right hand and touched it with one finger while everyone was frightened. past.


Suddenly a metal impact echoed throughout the world.

"You..." The guard who took action looked horrified when he saw this. Before he could react, a ray of metal light penetrated directly through his head.


"I'm not willing to give in..." The guard fell straight to the ground, lifeless.

"What?" The guard who didn't take action had a face full of fear at this time, and his body instinctively retreated.

The children around were also shocked, their heads went blank, and they were too frightened to move.


I didn't expect Brother Tian to be so terrifying and cruel.

Qin Tian ignored them and looked at Zhou Hao, who was already pale.

"What else?"

Zhou Hao didn't speak, of course he didn't dare to speak, it was too scary.

In the blink of an eye, he killed a guard. This man was definitely a madman.

No...the person in front of me is definitely a demon.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such cruel strength at such a young age.

"Do you think I won't know if you don't tell me?" Qin Tian said, "Do you want to say it? Otherwise, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

"You want to kill me?"

As he spoke, the hand holding his neck became a little tighter.

"Woooo..." Zhou Hao wanted to beg for mercy, but couldn't make a sound.


The guard in the distance looked ugly when he saw this, and said quickly: "Sir, please show mercy."

In his opinion, the child in front of him was not a child at all. It must be those old monsters in disguise. They kicked the iron plate.

"Show mercy?"

Qin Tian spoke calmly, looked at the dead guard who fell to the ground and said, "He didn't show mercy just now, so I didn't show mercy either, and he died in the end."

After speaking, he looked at the guard and said, "Do you think I'm showing mercy now?"

"If I really didn't show mercy, you would be dead too."

"I..." The guard was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

This man must be a devil.

"And you." Qin Tian looked at Zhou Hao and said, "With the support of the family, you are unscrupulous. Have you ever thought that your behavior is very stupid, really very stupid."

"Even if I don't have powerful and terrifying strength, I am still an alchemist. Is there no one behind me?"

"If you meet other murderous people, you will be dead and your family will be implicated. Do you know that?"

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Hao: "..."

The guard hesitated to speak, wanting to say, you are actually.

But he didn't dare.

"Okay, I'm not the kind of person who is murderous. You just need to give me some compensation, and this time it will be over."

After saying that, he put Zhou Hao down directly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhou Hao couldn't help but cough.

The guard next to him also ran over quickly.

"Sir, what compensation do you need?"

"What kind of compensation?" Qin Tiansi thought for a while and said, "He just threatened to squeeze me out of seventy taels of silver."

"The compensation is not expensive either."

"Just seven hundred taels."

Qin Tian thought this was very little, but actually he wanted seven thousand taels, not because he thought about it.

He also doesn't want to be a greedy person.

Zhou Hao: "..."

Guard: "..."

"Okay, come here and continue." Qin Tian looked at the children and said, "Don't be afraid, just treat today as a dream."

Everyone: "..."

"By the way, that Zhou Hao, you can leave. Tell your dad not to do impulsive things or stupid things. Just compensate me."

"I'm afraid of trouble, you know!"

BS: Correct typos first and then correct them

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