Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 162: Reincarnation of the Origin Avatar (1/2)

"Ding, there are two types of hosts. The first type is that the host cultivates the Five Elements Jue to reach the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

The second type is to upgrade the system to level 6."

"It seems... I have to leave Blue Star?"

Qin Tian was silent, thinking for a while, and there was only this way.

"Ding, the host can cultivate the original clone body and let the original clone reincarnate to other realms."

"Yes, why didn't I think of it!" Qin Tian slapped his thigh fiercely.

It made him grimace in pain.

It's actually impossible to achieve transcendence on Blue Star.

Then I will go to other realms.

And I can also earn original energy.

Thinking of this.

Qin Tian suddenly thought of a question.

"System, can the original clone reincarnate and use the system."

This question is the key.

If he can't use the system, even if he cultivates auxiliary power in the system, he will definitely not be able to reach the Heavenly Emperor Realm within six years.

As for upgrading the system, it is even more impossible. If it can't be used, how can it be upgraded.

"Ding, host, it's OK."

"Great." Qin Tian was excited. Being able to use the system is better than anything else.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind.

By the way, how can I go to other worlds.

"System..." Qin Tian asked, "What conditions are needed to go to other worlds?"

He can handle the cultivation and resources of the original body.

But how can the original body be reincarnated to other worlds?

Is it possible to use the magical power of time and space shuttle that he just drew?

"Ding, the conditions are also met. The host only needs to cultivate the first level of the original body."

"The conditions are also met?" Qin Tian was surprised. Could it really be time and space shuttle.

"What are the conditions?" Qin Tian asked curiously.

"Ding, host, originally to go to other worlds, you only need to control the laws of space.

Blue Star belongs to the core of the universe. Generally, only those who reach the emperor realm can enter.

But since the rules of Blue Star were destroyed and evolved by the Emperor of Heaven, after being controlled and created by that person, even the emperor cannot enter or leave.

Fortunately, the rules of beast control have been created and are in the stage of perfection.

In the second stage, only the master can enter."

"Only the master realm can enter?" Qin Tian said.

"Ding, host, yes, only the master realm can enter, but after entering the master realm, it will be suppressed by the supreme rules, and the strength is only the emperor realm, so no master dares to venture in."

"Is that so." Qin Tian vaguely understood something.


How can I go to other realms if I am not in the master realm.

"Ding, host, don't worry, you need to be in the master realm to enter the origin world, but you don't need to reach the master realm to leave the origin world, you just need to comprehend the space law.

Otherwise, you don't need to comprehend the space law, as long as you can use the space law."

"Is that so?"

Sure enough, as he guessed, he really wanted to use the magical power of time and space shuttle.

"Ding, the host has three conditions, the first one is the origin body.

The second space law, although the host does not have it, but has a rule to use it once, the effect is better than the law.

The third one is interface positioning."

"Interface point?" Qin Tian looked surprised, it seems that he doesn't have this.

"Ding, get the location of the Ten Thousand Worlds."

"Ding, all the draws are completed."

Qin Tian: "..."

He opened his mouth in disbelief.

Why does he feel that all this seems to be arranged in advance.


It should be arranged in advance.

When he traveled back, some of the things he experienced in the middle should be.

No wonder the system asked him to turn on the emergency function at that time.

It seems that it was arranged in advance.

"System, is it all arranged in advance?" Qin Tian asked.

"Ding, host, yes, this is to hide and protect the host."

At this moment, Qin Tian's all the questions in his mind were completely figured out.

In his previous life, he was the Emperor of Heaven. Because of the evolution of the rules of life and death, he was reincarnated and reborn. Because of the cause and effect with the origin world, he appeared on Blue Star.

In order to erase his own cause and effect, he traveled.

The host's three deaths are also related to it.

It seems that he has to leave as soon as possible to improve his strength.

It seems that it takes several years to practice the origin of the body under normal circumstances.

Among them, the most difficult is to separate the soul.

If you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

So you can't practice successfully unless you reach a certain level.

Fortunately, Qin Tian has a system.

Now he only needs to improve his soul.

That is, he needs to practice the Wood Emperor Jue to reach the peak of the soul.

This is just to ensure that Qin Tian's soul is not harmed.

Time is like water, and the years are like shuttles.

A month has passed in a flash.

Time is January 8, 2022.

"Xiaotian, remember to bring your girlfriend back for the New Year." Qin's mother's voice came from the phone.

"I know, mom..." Qin Tian said helplessly. It seems that he can't escape. I hope Xiaoxi can help.

"Mom, you and dad should wear more clothes. Don't save the money I sent you. Use it when you need it and buy it when you need it."

"Xiaotian, where do you get so much money?"

"Mom, don't worry. It's not earned by breaking the law. You can use it with confidence."

"Oh, remember to go home early for the New Year."

"I know, mom."

After hanging up the phone, he called Xiaoxi again.

"Brother Tian."

"Xiaoxi, the New Year is coming soon, come back early."


"I want to ask you something..." Qin Tian hesitated a little embarrassedly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

"Can you come home with me for the New Year..."


A surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, Brother Tian."

Just when Qin Tian was nervous, a shy voice came from the phone.

"What do aunt and uncle like to eat..."

After Xiaoxi nagging for more than ten minutes, he hung up the phone.

Host: Qin Tian (perfect life)

Life: 1.5

Realm: twelfth level of the mortal realm (+)

Strength: third level of the mortal realm

Constitution: Wood Spirit Body (50%+)

Physical Energy: 108 [Wood (90%+)]

Spiritual Awareness: (90%+)

Energy: 108 [Wood (90%+)]

Attack: 4.56 million

Lifespan: 32/320 (recovering)

Dantian: 108 inches (perfect)

Kung Fu: Five Elements Jue, Wood Emperor Jue (twelve levels of soul refining perfect +), Mental Pressure (perfect +), Origin Body (+)

Martial Arts: Three Styles of Wood God. Wood Body Style (perfect +), Wood Spirit Style (+)

Origin Qi: 15.7 strands

Origin Points: 9.2 billion (50 million Alliance Coins cannot be converted, 845 million Xia Coins can be converted)

Origin Shop: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Lottery: 0

Storage Space: 10 km (+)

Equipment: Ninth-level Blue Jade Armor

Items: Spirit Stone*4, Time Watch (Cooling Down), Kitchen Knife, Variety Stone, Taming Beast Egg (Spirit Bird), Taming Beast Egg (Giant Ape), Taming Beast Card Pack, Spirit Object Card Pack, Taming Beast Skill Card Pack, Artistic Conception Comprehension Card*10, Half-step Supernormal Pseudo-dragon Energy Core, Half-step Supernormal Pseudo-dragon Body, Origin Power (Uncultivated), Ten Thousand Worlds Small World Positioning Card.

Rule Items: Rules are used once

In a month, Xiaoxi earned her more than 1 trillion again.

Half of the healing pills have been sold.

But earning origin Qi is still very slow.

Less than 20 strands, it is impossible to earn 100 million strands in this lifetime.

It seems that the cultivation of the origin clone reincarnation can no longer wait.

"System, add points to the origin body." Qin Tian said. He couldn't practice by himself because of his low realm, so the system could only add points to help him practice.

"Ding, host, practicing the origin body will cause damage to the soul. Do you want to continue?"

"Continue." Qin Tian didn't hesitate.

"Ding, host, please pay attention..."

"Ding, consuming 10 strands of origin energy, adding points to the origin body..."

"Ah!" Qin Tian always felt that his head was about to explode, as if he was hit hard by someone.

Compared with the headache, it was more than ten thousand times.

It felt like a knife was cutting his soul.

This pain was more painful than death.

If Qin Tian hadn't experienced three deaths, experienced many encounters, and even opened up the divine veins, he might have failed to add points.

"Ding, the addition was successful, and the origin body reached the first level."

Qin Tian stopped roaring, and the whole person was completely exhausted.

If his body was not ten thousand times stronger than that of an ordinary person, he might have fainted.

The cost of practicing the origin body is really high.

Originally the twelfth level of soul refining, it dropped directly to the second level of soul refining.

The consciousness dropped from 90% to 50%.

Others were affected to a certain extent.

The twelfth level of the mortal realm dropped to the ninth level.

The strength also dropped from the third level of the mortal realm to the twelfth level of the mortal realm.

The mortal realm, the mortal realm, and the super-mortal realm are the most unified realm divisions in the universe, and each realm is divided into twelve levels.

Of course, if the three meridians are not opened in the mortal realm, it is impossible to reach the twelfth level, and you can only practice to the ninth level.

The ninth level is the limit, and the twelfth level is perfect.

In addition to the realm drop, the strength dropped to 1.68 million.

From the advantages and disadvantages of practicing the origin body, it can be seen that everything has its two sides.

There are gains and losses.

Fortunately, Qin Tian has a system, and it only takes a few days to recover.

If it were someone else, it would be difficult to recover without a few years.

But it is also very worthwhile.

Otherwise, the origin body would not be the great emperor's practice.

A person's experience is limited.

But if there is one more person to practice, especially after reaching the extraordinary level, it is not enough to practice alone, and you need to comprehend a lot of things.

Only by comprehending can you improve your strength and realm.

"Ding, the host's origin body has been formed. Do you choose to reincarnate?"

"System, you can do it yourself. I'll take a rest." Qin Tian's head was dizzy and he couldn't hold on. He fell asleep after speaking.

"Ding, consume 3 strands of origin energy, consume rules once, consume positioning once, and consume the progress of the origin body."

"Ding, the conditions are also met, the origin body is reincarnating..."

"Ding, the origin body reincarnated successfully."

Shenwu Continent, Dongqin Dynasty.

In a palace, a girl in gorgeous palace clothes roared:

"Waste, you are all a bunch of waste, find me, I want to see the person alive, and I want to see the corpse dead."

"Zhao Xiyao... You must die!"


The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder continued.

In the dense woods, a girl covered in blood was running desperately, completely ignoring her own body. Her eyes were filled with despair and helplessness.

"Child, I must protect you." When she looked at her belly, a smile immediately appeared in her eyes, of course, there was a hint of helplessness.

"She's in front, chase her."

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice came from behind, which frightened the girl's face. She immediately sped up her steps.

After walking through the jungle, the girl came to a cliff, her pale face shrouded in despair.

"She's in front..."


Hear sounds coming from the jungle.

The girl was full of despair, feeling her belly full, with an apology on her face.

"My child, it's your mother's fault. If there is an afterlife, your mother will definitely make it up to you."

After saying that, he jumped off the cliff in one step.

"No, the second lady jumped off the cliff..."

"What the hell is going on?" Qin Tian opened his eyes and felt that the surroundings were dark.

Aren't you sleeping? Why did it suddenly become like this?

"Ding, host, the original body has been reincarnated successfully."

"So this is the original body?"

"It's almost the same as the main body." Qin Tian was surprised. If it weren't for the system reminder, he would have thought he had traveled through time again.

It's pitch black all around, does that mean I haven't been born yet?

"My child, it's your mother's fault. If there is an afterlife, your mother will definitely make it up to you."

Just as Qin Tian was thinking secretly, a weak but full of apology and love voice came.

what's the situation?



What's going on outside?

"Ding, host, do you want to enable the emergency function?"

Turn on emergency function?

Is it any wonder that something harmful to you happened outside?

Definitely is.

Otherwise, the system will not allow itself to turn on the emergency function.

"Turn on." Qin Tian chose to turn on without hesitation.

"Ding, consume 1 ray of original energy and activate the emergency function."

"System, can you tell me what's going on?" Qin Tian asked curiously.

"Ding, host, here's the thing, your mother's name is Zhao Xiyao, one day ago..."


"Damn it!" After listening to the system's explanation, Qin Tian's face turned green with anger.

It's so abominable.

I was almost killed when I was reincarnated, which makes me angry just thinking about it.

If he hadn't had a system, it might have been over.

"Kid, don't be afraid, we survived."

Maybe Qin Tian was too angry.

Caused fetal movement.

Qin Tian quickly calmed down.

"System, you watch, I'll take a nap first."

Having just been reincarnated, still in the womb, and not yet formed into a physical body, the mental consumption at this time is very high.

"Ding, don't worry, host. The emergency function is turned on. There will be no danger until the host is born."

"That's good."

Qin Tian's consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

Blue Star, Yangcheng.

Qin Tian woke up and received a memory inexplicably.

"Has the reincarnation of the original body been successful?"

"It's really a disaster." Qin Tian was a little speechless. Whether it was himself or his original body, he would encounter various situations every time he traveled through time.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's cook something to eat first."

I cut a half-step extraordinary piece of meat from the system storage space and started taking action.

An hour later, Qin Tian was full and began to practice.



"My original energy."

Qin Tian looked sad, and the original energy he had worked so hard to earn was gone.


Original Qi: 0.7 wisps

It was still 15 before, but now it’s almost cleared.

1.5 trillion is gone.

"Forget it, I just hope that the clone can earn me some original energy!" Qin Tian prayed in his heart.

"By the way, system, the time over there is really a hundred times longer than here?"

"Ding, host, yes, because the original world is special, and because of that person, the flow of time is different. It takes a hundred days in all worlds, but only one day here."

"That's good." Qin Tian felt relieved. If the time were the same, there would be no reincarnation of the original body.

Because there was only six years left for him.

But now, six years, that is six hundred years.

There is a system, although I don't know if it can reach the realm of dominance.

At least upgrading the system to level 5 should be no problem.

Without thinking too much, Qin Tian began to practice and recover.

There is a system where he can directly buy the Soul Condensing Pill to restore his soul.

"Hey, why are the origin points also reduced?"

"Also, you haven't bought the Soul Condensing Pill yet?"

"Could it be that the original body purchased it?"

"Does he want to condense his soul? Cultivate in his belly?"


Why don’t I have such a good chance?

BS: Correct typos first and then correct them

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