Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 143 Zhou Mingde’s Abacus [Please subscribe]

Lin Hongyu left the Zhou family soon.

Judging from her expression when she left, she was obviously quite satisfied.

However, after Lin Hongyu left, the two Zhou family leaders sat in the stone pavilion on the top of the mountain with gloomy faces and did not move for a long time.

After sitting quietly like this for a long time, Zhou Daoyi sighed with a heavy face: "We shouldn't agree to her!"

"This is seeking skin from a tiger!"

"As long as this matter is leaked, our Zhou family will be destroyed!"

After saying this, Zhou Mingde on the opposite side also sighed lightly: "Of course these old men know, but the situation is beyond our control!"

"If we don't agree to her, whether she makes a big fuss inside the mountain gate or announces that you obtained the green dragon inner elixir and had an affair with you, the trouble our Zhou family will encounter will not be the same. How could it be any younger than what she promised!"

When Zhou Daoyi heard this, he was immediately speechless and unable to refute.

He had seen Lin Hongyu's strength with his own eyes. When Lin Hongyu exploded with secret skills, even the late-stage Zifu monks of Qinglian Temple had to avoid her edge. Her strength was definitely not comparable to that of Zhou Mingde.

And since he dared to come to Zhou's house alone this time, he must have been well prepared before he dared to come.

If a big commotion breaks out in the Zhou family, even if the Zhou family can use the power of the mountain guarding formation to suppress her, no one knows how many clan members will die!

The consequences are no different from destroying a family and genocide.

But thinking of Lin Hongyu's previous conditions, Zhou Daoyi's eyelids twitched again, and he couldn't help but say: "But if we really follow what she said and recruit mortals and casual cultivators with spiritual root qualifications for her, then they will be real enemies. Based on this alone, once the matter is leaked, we will never be able to clean it up!"

"Why don't I know this?"

Zhou Mingde raised his eyebrows and said in a helpless tone: "But for the current plan, we can only hold back Xianxu and Weishe!"

At this point, his eyes flashed, and he said again: "Besides, it depends on how to define the enemy. If we can find some breakthroughs from the Hualong Sect afterwards and find a way to make them lose a big wave, then this is not You are an enemy, but if you want to take it, you must give it first!"

After saying that, he concluded: "In short, try to drag it away as much as possible. After dragging your azure cloud python into a dragon, we will have the confidence to fall out, and then find a way to solve this trouble once and for all!"

But when Zhou Daoyi listened to his method, he always felt that it was too risky.

With the strength of the Zhou family, if they do this kind of tightrope thing alone, if there is even the slightest mistake, the family will be destroyed!

So he said again: "How about we confess to Qinglian Temple? Tell the senior officials of Qinglian Temple about this through Taoist Mingxia and see what they plan to do!"

"If they ask about the green dragon inner elixir, let's just say it has been used. They can't just beat and kill our Zhou family for this!"

However, when Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he shook his head and said: "It won't work. Let's not mention that Qinglian Temple must have a way to verify the authenticity of what we said. That is, they really can not pursue the matter of Qingjiao inner elixir. If we bring this clue to our door, we are putting the lives of the entire clan in human hands!"

"Don't forget, the reason why our Zhou family is helping Qinglian Guan now is because the family is within their sphere of influence and has to do so. It is not because the family has any connection with Qinglian Guan or with Hualong Sect. Deep hatred!"

"To be serious, Qinglian Temple is the culprit for our Zhou family to be in this situation!"

These words made Zhou Daoyi silent.

Indeed, for the Zhou family, Qinglian Temple is not a good bird.

It was Qinglian Guan who dismantled the Sanjue Sect in the first place, and in order for Qinglian Guan to take in foreign monks like them, nearly half of the sect's savings brought by the Sanjue Sect were forced to be given to Qinglian Guan as "travel expenses" .

With this layer of estrangement, taking the initiative to hand over the handle to Qinglian Temple at this time is really putting life and death in someone else's hands!

Unless he can bear to part with the green dragon inner elixir and offer this thing as well!

But thinking about the "sacrifice" he had made to obtain the green dragon inner elixir, and the importance of this thing to himself and the Zhou family.

Zhou Daoyi quickly dismissed this idea.

That's absolutely impossible!

"Okay, don't think too much about it. Although the consequences of this matter are huge, as long as we and Lin Hongyu are more careful, we may not be exposed, and the benefits will not be small!"

"The Hualong Sect has opened up such a large area on the Longyuan Ze where monsters are rampant, and it must have a lot of rare treasures. If we can get some of the things our Zhou family urgently needs through the transaction with Lin Hongyu, , which is also very obvious for the strength of the family!"

"As the saying goes, it is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself. As long as our Zhou family grows in strength and has the capital to make another move, it won't be a bad idea to completely surrender to the Hualong Sect or go elsewhere! "

When Zhou Mingde said this, he waved his hand and said: "In short, things have reached this point now. Any choice may bring down our Zhou family, so naturally we must choose the one that can help the family develop faster!"

There is no free benefit in the world!

Since Zhou Daoyi was able to obtain the inner elixir of the green dragon at a profit, but failed to silence him in time, he was destined to pay the price for it.

Zhou Mingde saw this very clearly.

Therefore, he knows better than Zhou Daoyi, an insider, that since the Zhou family is reluctant to part with the benefits, they must bear the risks it brings.

What's more, seeking skin from a tiger is dangerous, but the rewards are also great.

Just like when he led people to rebuild the Zhou family at the risk of breaking up with Yu Jinghua and dying, it was also a big adventure, but the rewards after success were just as great.

Therefore, when faced with having to make risky choices, he dares to take risky actions!

After his persuasion, Zhou Daoyi no longer mentioned the matter of informing Qinglian Temple.

The two quickly started discussing how to conduct transactions with Lin Hongyu safely and covertly.

However, after the two discussed for a while, Zhou Daoyi suddenly said: "It is Zhengchun who is handling family affairs now. If we want to use the power of the family to do this, it is impossible to hide it from him, so we might as well call him over for discussion! "


Zhou Mingde hesitated and looked thoughtful, but did not agree immediately.

Zhou Daoyi understood that he was worried that if one more person knew, there would be more risks of leaking the secret.

But he still said seriously: "If you can't trust him, how can you, Supreme Elder, trust him to take over the position of clan leader in the future? Besides, he has already known about the fact that the inner elixir of the green dragon is in my hands."

"Okay, then I'll go to the Zhongping Hall to discuss things together."

Zhou Mingde nodded and agreed with his words.

So the two immediately went to Zhongping Hall and discussed the matter with Zhou Chun.

Of course, in order to save Zhou Daoyi's face, neither of them mentioned the romantic affair between Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu. Instead, Lin Hongyu was seriously injured and could only escape with part of the green dragon's body. This time she came for revenge. .

Even so, when Zhou Chun heard the deal agreement reached by the two of them and Lin Hongyu, he was extremely shocked and was dumbfounded on the spot.

"I know that you are shocked by this matter, but I and the Supreme Elder have already discussed it. This is the best choice for the Zhou family at present, so now I want to discuss with you how to do our best. Make the transaction a secret and don’t let this matter be exposed!”

Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun who looked shocked and expressed his intention in a low tone.

What he meant was that Zhou Chun should stop asking why he did such extremely risky things, and instead think of ways to minimize the risk.

Zhou Chun could naturally hear this.

After hearing what Zhou Daoyi said, his first thought was to outsource!

As long as the Zhou family does not personally use family power to do this, even if it is exposed and leaked, it can still be pushed to the outsourcer.

But he quickly realized that this kind of thing would not work in this world of immortal cultivation.

Although the world of cultivating immortals also has rules and order, big forces will not negotiate rules and order with small forces in such a huge matter.

Moreover, even in the world of his previous life, the company that dared to leave such important matters to outsourcers would not be a force with no big background like the Zhou family.

So outsourcing will only make it easier for this matter to be leaked and exposed.

"Junior believes that if you want to keep it as secret as possible, first of all, the transaction location must be outside Lanzhou, and then you cannot use the banner of the Zhou family to find people. It is best to find mortals with spiritual roots and qualifications through casual cultivators and apprentices. Send as many mortals as possible.”

"Even if we must send casual cultivators there, we should try our best to choose casual cultivators from outside the state who don't know and are familiar with our Zhou family!"

"In addition, this junior feels that the most likely exposure to this matter does not lie with our Zhou family. As long as we don't give it away to her on a large scale, it is unlikely that anyone will find out."

"The person who is most likely to expose our Zhou family is the Hualong Sect. Once they fail to keep confidentiality, our Zhou family will be easily exposed!"

Zhou Chun's mind was spinning rapidly, and he quickly put forward several opinions of his own.

To be honest, he felt that as long as he did this for a long time, sooner or later he would be exposed.

After all, what Hualong Cult wants is not dead people, but living people.

There is no need to think too much about what they want these living people to do. They must want to use these monks and mortals who can practice to expand the power of the sect.

After all, Hualong Sect is located in a remote and wilderness place, and it is not easy to obtain enough monks with cultivation qualifications.

Otherwise, if they have established a country outside, why would they bother themselves with the trouble of provoking the Jingguo factions!

And after these living people arrive at the Hualong Sect, if they have resentment against the person who deceived them into coming to the Hualong Sect, they will easily find a way to spread the news, causing Jingguo to come to investigate.

But Zhou Mingde and others must be aware of this, and Zhou Chun did not go into details, but just pointed out the exposure risks.

"We have also considered the risks that are most easily exposed to the Hualong Sect, so we also agree that it is best to send mortals there. At least if mortals want to grow up to the point where they can do things for the Hualong Sect, they cannot do it in ten or eight years. Arrived!"

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhou Chun's statement.

But he soon showed a worried look and said: "But Lin Hongyu has set a bottom line for us. During each transaction, the number of immortal cultivators must be at least ten, and the transaction must be at least once a year!"

"What? Trade once a year!"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Mingde and Zhou Mingde in surprise.

Zhou Mingde knew why he was surprised, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "There is no way, we also think this condition is too harsh, but she is not letting up at all in this regard, and would even rather increase our remuneration than give in!"

"Then this matter will be really difficult to handle!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and was also confused by the incident brought about by the two senior Zhou family officials.

With the power and strength of the Zhou family, it is not difficult to quietly send ten Qi-refining period casual cultivators to Hualong Sect every year.

But the difficulty is that the confidentiality requirements for this matter are too high. Only the three of them know the real inside story, but they cannot be the ones who do it.

But how can we make the people who do it have the ability and willingness to arrest people exactly according to their requirements regardless of the reason?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Zhou Chun's mind, and he thought of a suitable candidate.

Dang even looked at Zhou Mingde and the two of them and said, "Supreme Elder, clan leader, what do you think of the ape elder who guards the library? If the ape elder is allowed to arrest people, as long as it is not seen by the tribesmen who are familiar with it, even those who are arrested will People will only see it!"

"That [Aoki Spirit Ape]?"

"good idea!"

Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi's eyes lit up, and they instantly understood what Zhou Chun meant.

[Aoki Spirit Ape] almost never leaves Feishifeng, so no outsider can see it except the Zhou family monks.

If you let it go out to arrest people, you won't have to worry about the news leaking from the Zhou family.

Zhou Mingde immediately said: "Dao Quan is also a trustworthy person. Let him know about this matter and cover it for you!"

"If that's the case, then it's easy to choose a target. Just choose those bandit cultivators who have done all the bad things. If such people are sent to the Hualong Sect, they can be considered as doing good things for the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World!"

Zhou Daoyi also expressed his opinion immediately.

"Then let's settle it like this first. I'll think about the details after we go back to make sure everything is perfect!"

Zhou Mingde made a decision on the spot and ended the conversation.

After Zhou Mingde left, Zhou Daoyi did not leave immediately. Instead, he recounted his previous conversation with Zhou Mingde to Zhou Chun, explaining the reasons for making such a risky decision.

After listening to his retelling, Zhou Chun finally understood the reason why the two family leaders did this.

This time, I was not as full of doubts as before.

So in the next period of time, several Zhou family leaders gathered to discuss this important matter concerning the life and death of the family several times, and finally decided on a feasible method.

However, there is still a year before the next transaction, so Zhou Chun and the others are naturally not in a hurry to act immediately.

At this time, news from the Wang family in Hongyao Valley suddenly came to Zhou Chun about the pulse-protecting pill he needed.

Recommend a new fantasy book to a friend, "Pretending to Be the Son of a Richest Woman in the Beginning". On the eve of the revival of spiritual energy, Li Zhongnan, who has no hope of living and is waiting to die, is forced to pretend to be the young and beautiful son of a richest woman.

From this, she encountered the entanglement after the death of her real son. After killing it, she awakened the [Martial Arts Extra Points] plug-in.


His heart was suddenly filled with energy

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