Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 142 Madam, please respect yourself, cruel man [please subscribe]

Jiufeng Ridge, the entrance to the Zhou Family Mountain Gate.

When the beautiful woman in red who had been looking outside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate for a long time came to the entrance of the mountain gate and was about to apply to enter.

A monk from the Zhou family who was responsible for guarding the registration of monks stared at her for a while with slight surprise, and then said: "This fellow Taoist seems to be very unfamiliar. Hasn't he been to our Zhou family before? I don't know if he was before." Where to practice?"

Faced with such cross-examination, the beautiful woman in red smiled and said: "Yes, this is indeed my first time coming to the Zhou family. Before that, I had been practicing at the Mu family in Biyun Mountain."

When she smiled, the heart of the middle-aged monk from the Zhou family suddenly accelerated a little, and he felt like his heart was pounding.

He couldn't help but said: "It turned out that he was practicing at the Mu family, no wonder he came to our Zhou family now."

It turns out that after the Mu family in Biyun Mountain was destroyed, although it has been rebuilt, the small mountain gate of the Mu family obviously cannot accommodate too many casual cultivators to practice in it.

Moreover, many casual practitioners feel that it is unlucky and do not want to practice there anymore.

Among them, the Zhou family became the first choice for casual cultivators because of the good reputation they gained during the destruction of the Mu family.

In the past year or so, there have been quite a few casual cultivators who have come to the Zhou family to practice.

Their arrival also directly increased the Zhou family's income a lot.

So after listening to the words of the beautiful woman in red, the monk from the Zhou family, who was already fascinated and his heart was beating, quickly registered her and let her into the mountain gate.

At this time, after watching the leaving figure of the beautiful woman in red for a while, until the figure disappeared from sight, he murmured: "Is her name Lin Hongyu? When she comes again, I will You must take time off to go and get acquainted!”

Besides, after the beautiful woman in red followed the instructions and arrived at the training area opened by the Zhou family for those who came to practice casual cultivation, she honestly opened a second-class training room and entered it to practice.

But in fact, not long after she entered it, she cast a spell to get out through the wall, and then left in a swaggering manner under the eyes of the monks guarding the Zhou family outside.

But no one can detect all this.

After she left the training area that was only for casual cultivators, she floated into the air and took a look at the nine peaks. She quickly identified her target and headed straight for Pagoda Peak.

But just when she came to the bottom of Pagoda Peak and was about to climb up the mountain, her heart suddenly skipped a beat and she felt like she was being stared at by something.


Her expression changed as she realized something.

Sure enough, soon she saw a ray of fire flying down from the top of the pagoda, and in a blink of an eye, it landed near her and revealed its true form.

"It turns out it's you, you beast!"

Looking at the Vulcan Jackal staring coldly at her in the sky, the beautiful woman in red turned cold and couldn't help but cursed.

At this time, Zhou Mingde's voice also sounded softly in her ears.

"We are an honored guest. Why don't you come to the top of the mountain to have a chat? Zhou has prepared tea and swept the couch for you."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman in red's face changed again, and a hint of shame and annoyance suddenly appeared in her eyes.

She knew in her heart that since Zhou Mingde and the Vulcan Jackal did not take action after discovering her, they had probably recognized her origin.

And Zhou Mingde must have known about that incident back then.

This makes her feel like something scandalous has been exposed!

Immediately he couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Humph, since you dare to invite me, how can I be afraid of you!"

Then he followed the Vulcan Jackal directly to the top of the mountain.

At this time, Zhou Chun, who was working in the Zhongping Hall, was also alarmed by the Vulcan Jackal's movements and couldn't help but leave the hall and look into the air.

But in the end, I only saw the figure of a female cultivator in red following the Vulcan Jackal to the top of the mountain.

Because the other party was brought by the Fire God Jackal, Zhou Chun knew in his heart that he must be Zhou Mingde's distinguished guest, so although he was curious about who it was, he did not dare to pry with his spiritual consciousness.

In the end, he could only return to the palace full of doubts.

In a stone pavilion on the top of the mountain, Zhou Mingde had indeed prepared spiritual tea and was waiting for the beautiful woman in red to arrive.

At this time, he saw the beautiful woman in red coming here with the Vulcan Jackal. He immediately raised his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, please sit down. Dao Yi has already heard the news and will be here soon."

When Lin Hongyu heard him say her name directly, her face suddenly darkened, and she couldn't help but said bitterly: "Has he told you anything?"

When Zhou Mingde heard her tone, he realized why she was angry. He couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Why should Fellow Daoist Lin be angry? As the head of the Zhou family, how could he not explain such a big matter to Zhou clearly! "

Hearing what he said, Lin Hongyu calmed down a lot.

Then he sat down and looked at Zhou Mingde carefully, and said coldly: "You are quite capable. I heard that Wu Jingming was unable to win after fighting you twice, and was finally killed by Taoist priest Qinglian Guan Mingxia who came over. !”

"Fellow Daoist Lin is talking about the Black Dragon Protector. Although Zhou has indeed fought against him twice, even if Zhou joins forces with his spiritual pet, he can only be on par with him before he reveals his trump card."

Zhou Mingde shook his head slightly and sighed softly: "If he had used the same trump card he used in the fight with the Mu family back then, Zhou would probably not be his opponent at all!"

"The trump card you are talking about should be the Dragon Spirit Possession Talisman. That thing is not Wu Jingming's belongings, but a religious treasure he obtained from performing a mission. How dare he use it so easily until it is a life-or-death situation!"

When Lin Hongyu said this, she smiled coldly again and said: "It's a pity that waste is waste. Even with the blessing of treasures such as the Dragon Spirit Possession Talisman, it can't be supported at all. It really deserves to die!"

Hearing her somewhat gloating words, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but be stunned and didn't understand how she could be happy.

So he asked tentatively: "Do you have any enmity between Daoist friend Lin and the black dragon protector?"

"It's just that I don't like that guy. There's no enmity to speak of."

Lin Hongyu waved her hand, then glanced sideways at Zhou Mingde and said, "You don't need to pry anything. I can't reveal anything about the teachings to you. Knowing too much will not do you any good!"

"I understand, I understand, it was Zhou who was rude."

Zhou Mingde smiled awkwardly, and immediately picked up the tea and took a sip, as if he was punishing himself.

At this time, a figure also came to the top of the mountain, but it was Zhou Daoyi.

But it can be seen from his gloomy face that he came very reluctantly.

However, Lin Hongyu seemed very satisfied and happy after seeing him like this.

He immediately took the initiative and said, "Hey, we meet again!"

After saying that, he looked up and down Zhou Daoyi's body, and said with a slight smile: "It seems that your cultivation has recovered well. You should have the opportunity to break through to the late stage of foundation building in a few years."

Zhou Daoyi's expression suddenly became tense due to these pointed words.

He couldn't help but glared at her and said, "Witch, what do you want? Do you really think Zhou is afraid of you?"

Only God knows how bad he felt when he knew that Lin Hongyu had come to the Zhou family.

What he experienced in that uninhabited forest has been a pain that he has not wanted to touch over the years.

To think that he, the dignified head of the Zhou family and a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, could actually...

In short, that incident was a shame that he would never be able to erase in his life!

Therefore, not only did he not want to think about it, he also didn't want to see any trace of Lin Hongyu, the person involved.

But he never expected that Lin Hongyu would secretly come to the Zhou family after they had agreed to have nothing to do with each other!

If the Fire God Jackal hadn't been secretly guarding and monitoring Pagoda Peak, he might have been kept in the dark when Lin Hongyu sneaked outside his residence.

After learning about this incident, he became very angry and extremely angry.

Now after meeting him and being deliberately provoked by Lin Hongyu, how could he still hold back his anger?

At this moment, he was angry, but he still had his usual wise and calm demeanor as a clan leader. His expression was like that of a cat whose tail had exploded after being stepped on.

Zhou Mingde was also stunned. This was the first time he saw him like this.

However, when Lin Hongyu saw him like this, she seemed to have seen something interesting. She narrowed her eyes and smiled without being angry at all: "Look, why are you so anxious? I didn't say anything bad about you, so why are you so anxious now! "

"Who is impatient? Zhou just doesn't want to have anything to do with you, a temptress! Please respect yourself!"

Zhou Daoyi's eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde saw that the situation was not good and had already put up a sound barrier just now.

Otherwise, the sound could only be heard by most of the people on the pagoda peaks.

Lin Hongyu finally stopped laughing now, and just narrowed her eyes and said coldly: "If you talk like a witch again, I will make a fuss in your Zhou family today even if I try hard to injure you, to let you know that I have offended you." The consequences for me!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi were both shocked.

Only then did I remember that the other party was the Red Dragon Protector of the Hualong Sect and a middle-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion!

Zhou Mingde immediately spoke out to persuade him: "Don't get me wrong, fellow Daoist Lin. Dao Yi doesn't have any ill intentions, he's just a little agitated."

After saying that, he winked at Zhou Daoyi.

Even though Zhou Daoyi was angry at Lin Hongyu's words in his heart, but forced by the situation, he could only say in a low voice: "It was Zhou who lost his temper just now and made some mistakes. Please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Lin."


Lin Hongyu curled her lips, looking disgusted.

But his expression did soften.

Then he looked at Zhou Daoyi and said slowly: "Although what happened at the beginning was not what you and I wanted, since it has happened, we cannot treat it as nothing happened."

"I have thought about it carefully. If you are willing to return to the Hualong Sect's main altar with me, I dare not say anything else. Your attack on the Zi Mansion in the future will be taken care of by me!"

"If you can open up the Zi Mansion, even if you don't want to join the sect and become the protector of the sect, you can still own a piece of land in the Dragon Kingdom as a vassal of the sect, which is guaranteed to be bigger than the small place that your Zhou family has now. many!"

Is there such a good thing?

This was Zhou Mingde's first reaction when he heard Lin Hongyu's words.

Taking over the task of opening up the Zi Mansion for a foundation-building monk is not something that ordinary Zi Mansion monks dare to say or do.

Just like an ordinary foundation-building monk, he would never dare to tell a Qi-refining stage monk that your foundation-building matter is all on me.

Zhou Mingde believed that any casual cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, or even ordinary family monks or sect monks, would be very excited after hearing Lin Hongyu's words, and would even take action on the spot.

But it is a pity that Lin Hongyu is facing Zhou Daoyi, the patriarch of a cultivating immortal family, and he is also quite powerful enough to attack the Zi Mansion.

I saw Zhou Daoyi rejecting it without even thinking: "This is impossible! Stop dreaming! How could Zhou, the head of the Zhou family, leave with you!"

After saying that, he looked at Lin Hongyu and said loudly: "I advise you to give up on this idea. It is impossible for us to be together, and Zhou has no feelings for you at all!"

After hearing his words and feeling his determination, Lin Hongyu couldn't help but have a look of disappointment in her eyes.

Although she was mentally prepared for this outcome before coming, when it actually happened, she was still inevitably disappointed and sad.

At this time, I couldn't help but sigh: "What a cruel man!"

Hearing her words full of resentment, Zhou Mingde also frowned and couldn't help but look at Zhou Daoyi.

But Zhou Daoyi's face was cold and he was not moved at all.

This made him feel both gratified and helpless.

It is true that Zhou Daoyi has no interest in women, otherwise he would not have kept his Yuanyang body for so many years, and has never looked for a Taoist couple.

In the past, Zhou Mingde and some of his elders had worried about him, but after seeing that he really had no interest at all, they stopped trying to persuade him.

To be honest, if Lin Hongyu's identity wasn't so special, Zhou Mingde would definitely try harder now to persuade Zhou Daoyi to obey her!

In this way, the Zhou family can also concentrate resources to support the third elder Zhou Daoquan to attack the Zi Mansion.

It can be described as killing two birds with one stone, a win-win situation!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Daoyi really had no feelings for him at all, Lin Hongyu's face quickly turned cold.

She looked at Zhou Daoyi coldly and said, "Since you don't want to go with me, you got such great benefits, but you can't give up nothing!"

"What do you mean? How come Zhou didn't pay anything?"

Zhou Daoyi's face became angry, and he said a little shyly: "If...if it weren't for Zhou, I'm afraid you would have died long ago!"

What he meant by this was known to the three people present.

But Lin Hongyu said coldly: "It's because you are greedy that you fell into my secret technique. It's not that I owe you anything!"


Zhou Daoyi glared at her, feeling extremely ashamed and angry, but unable to refute.

Seeing that he was choked and speechless by Lin Hongyu, Zhou Mingde on the side quickly took over and said: "What do you want, fellow Taoist Lin, please tell me!"

Hearing this, Lin Hongyu immediately looked at the two of them and said, "Don't worry, my request is not too much. I won't ask you to join the Hualong Cult. I just want you to help collect some spiritual roots. The qualifications and foundation are pretty good." casual cultivators or ordinary mortals, and provide opportunities to contact them.”

"And I won't let you do this in vain. Every time you provide someone, I will consider their qualifications and cultivation and give you a certain reward, including precious things such as dragon-born monster eggs that your Zhou family should be interested in." !”

The first update is sent today.

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