Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 148 Snape was bitten by a dog

Harry followed Professor McGonagall back to the Great Hall.

He just did a simple inspection, but it still took a lot of time and he didn't make it to the sorting ceremony.

There were already several new faces sitting at the Gryffindor table.

When Harry returned to the table, he saw Ron scratching his body as if he had lice.

"What are you looking for?"

Harry asked, taking the seat next to Ron.

"Harry, do you remember Scabbers was with me when I got off the train?"

Ron showed an expression of painful thought, "I can't find it. What's even more unfortunate is that the last memory I have of it is my mother handing it to me out of the train window."

He stopped paying attention to his mouse after that, and he didn't even know when he lost it.

"It usually sleeps in the pocket of my wizard robe." Ron said, "Why did it suddenly disappear?"

"Maybe you left it in your luggage." Harry said, "Go back to the dormitory and look through your luggage later."

"Are you looking for something?"

At this time, Neville suddenly stuck his head out and said, "I am very experienced in finding things. Do you want to listen to my opinion?"

Ron thought about it and realized that Neville's words were indeed true, so he nodded and said, "Then you say it."

"My advice is, don't look for it!"

Neville said, "The more you try to find it, the less you will find it, but when you give up looking for it, it may suddenly appear in front of you one day!"

"What kind of advice is that?"

Ron muttered something, he really had feelings for Scabbers.

Thinking of Banban's recent performance, he even wanted to shed a few tears.

"Poor Banban, he's so old."

Ron said dejectedly, "Maybe it had a premonition that its end was coming, and didn't want to make me sad, so it ran out and found a place to quietly welcome death."

"Oh! What a wonderful Scabbers." Harry grieved with his good friend, "Let's hold a memorial service for it another day."

"Okay." Ron accepted the proposal.

After Harry finished comforting his friend, he focused his attention on Professor Dumbledore's speech.

It's still the same old routine. The only thing that has changed is that there will be dementors stationed at the school this year, and they introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Lupine, as well as the two new teaching assistants, Gibbon and Hagrid.

While he was listening boredly, he suddenly felt something rubbing against him under his feet.

Harry looked down and saw Professor Lupin's big black dog.

At this time, the big black dog had recovered and was no longer the trembling and swaying look on the train.


Harry had a very good impression of Professor Lupin. He loved houses and birds, and was naturally very enthusiastic about the big black dog.

He rubbed the big black dog's head, and then gave it two chicken legs on Ron's dinner plate.

"It seems to like you very much."

Ron said from the side, "When you passed out before, it was always squatting next to you, as if it was taking care of you."


Harry also noticed that the big black dog had been looking at his face, and there seemed to be a trace of nostalgia and sadness in his eyes.

This was not the first time Harry had seen that look.

Sometimes Professor Snape's eyes would show this emotion when he looked at him.

Harry immediately felt close to and trusted the big black dog.

"Come on, sit here with me!"

Harry squeezed to the other side and held the big black dog between him and Ron.

The big black dog obviously enjoyed this experience, wagging its tail happily.

The banquet continued, with Harry and Ron sitting at the same table as the dog.

"Speaking of which, Professor Snape came here just now."

Ron's mouth was so full that it was impossible to tell that he was still feeling sad about Scabbers just a few minutes ago.

"He was very worried about your fainting, so he asked you to go to his office when you have time."

When Ron said Snape's name, the big black dog that was happily eating chicken legs suddenly stopped all movements.

Then, he heard Harry's answer.

"I know, I'll go tomorrow."

Harry said, "I can survive having the professor worry about me."

"Snape is a little too nice to you." Ron said, "It's like he treats you as his son."


The big black dog suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"He was really nice to me."

Harry thought about the scene in Snape's dream he had seen last year.

He said: "Although he can't really be my father, if he wants to be my godfather, I don't really have a problem with it."

With a snap, the chicken bones in the big black dog's mouth fell to the ground.

At this moment, Harry's real godfather, Sirius Black, felt as if his home had been stolen.

What happened during his years in Azkaban! ?

The big black dog suddenly raised his head and looked at Snape, who was expressionlessly communicating with Professor McGonagall at the guest of honor seat.

Perhaps its gaze was so intense that Snape even sensed its prying eyes.

Then Snape turned his head and saw a big black dog staring at him next to Harry at the Gryffindor table.

He looked at the big black dog and quickly looked away.

What a weird day today, Snape thought to himself, getting glared at by a dog for no apparent reason.

Sirius was even more angry about this.

The sense of crisis in his heart has climbed to unprecedented heights.

Luckily, I came to Hogwarts with Lupin this time.

Otherwise, Harry would have run away with someone else and he wouldn't have known about it!

"Oh, I remember, Snape left a bottle of potion for you just now."

Ron slapped his forehead and took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, "This potion has a calming effect. He asked me to pass it to you, but I accidentally forgot it, haha!"

He handed the potion to Harry, and Harry reached out to take it.

Just then--

The big black dog suddenly stretched out his paw and slapped the potion to the ground.

The glass potion bottle broke into pieces when it fell to the ground, and the potion inside immediately spilled all over the ground.

"You--" Harry didn't know what to say for a while.

During this moment of hesitation, the big black dog jumped off the bench and ran to Professor Lupin.

It didn't even look back, as if it had made up its mind.


What happened in Gryffindor College did not attract anyone's attention.

At the Hufflepuff table, Bruce was concentrating on eavesdropping on the conversation between the professors.

Dumbledore was talking to Professor Gale.

"So, Gryffindor is still sealed in that room?"

Gale frowned and asked, "Ravenclaw has no intention of releasing him at all?"


Dumbledore said calmly, "According to Ms. Ravenclaw's original words, Mr. Gryffindor has seen a thousand years more scenery than them, and he deserves to sleep a few more months now."

"Then you can't release him yourself?" Gale cut the steak in front of him, "After all, he is the founder of your former college."

"I can't do it."

Dumbledore shook his head, "The magic used by Ms. Ravenclaw, I have never seen it, it is a brand new form of magic."

"Brand new magic?"

Gale immediately took it to heart, he said to himself, "Then I'll try it some other day."

The conversation ended here, and Bruce stopped eavesdropping.

He turned his attention back to the surroundings and found that Katum had not returned yet.

The dead owl was guilty of being a thief, and I don't know where it flew to.

Bruce secretly glanced at Cedric who was having dinner, and felt a little sorry for this senior.

After knowing the concept of isotopes, he quickly thought of the concept of two Batmans that Katum had said.

Cedric's isotope in the DC world is also Batman.


Thinking of the conversation with Cedric just now, Bruce had reason to suspect that Cedric also had the memory of the DC isotope.

"Katum told me before that there was a way to solve the metal problem."

Bruce thought, "After all this time, this is how it was solved."

The logic of the owl's behavior is not difficult to guess.

The condition for opening the door to the dark universe is five metals plus the Batman of the main universe.

Now Katum played a word game, removing the main universe and using Cedric to replace Bruce to bear the five metals.

"Will this really work?"

Bruce expressed his doubts. After all, Cedric is still Cedric, and isotopes can't replace to this extent, right?

He couldn't get an answer for a while.

Everything still needs Katum to come back.

After the banquet, the young wizards followed the prefect back to the common room, ready to welcome the new year of college life.

The next morning, Bruce opened his eyes and immediately sat up impatiently.

He turned his head to look at the egg-shaped bird's nest beside his bed, lifted the curtain, and peeked inside with one eye.

Katum had indeed returned.

The owl was lying on a small bed, covered with a quilt, snoring softly.

He looked like he was sleeping soundly.

Without thinking, Bruce went into the entrance and entered the huge space inside the bird's nest.

"Wake up." He pushed Katum.

"Don't wake me up."

The owl slapped Bruce's hand with a wing, turned over and turned his back to him, and continued to sleep.


What Bruce thought of at this time was the way Katum used to wake him up.

Either he smashed the book on his head directly, or he fanned his face with his wings.

Now the situation has changed, is it finally his turn?

Bruce had already raised his hand, but after hesitating for a moment, he gave up the idea.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, he just instinctively felt that he shouldn't be able to hit Katum.

He must be on guard against this move again.

"Forget it, you continue to sleep, it's best to sleep to death."

Bruce sighed and turned to leave Katum's bird's nest.

Then he saw that Thor's hammer was quietly placed on the workbench in the bird's nest workshop.

The original fragments had been pieced back by Katum to form a complete hammer body, but the hammer handle was missing.

The hammer handle was already in the shape of the Supreme Wand.

"It seems that Owl still wants to repair Thor's hammer."

With this thought in mind, Bruce picked up Thor's hammer.

The moment he picked it up, the hammer body that seemed to be intact was suddenly scattered into countless fragments.

Bruce's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked back at Katum.

Still sleeping.

That's good, Bruce breathed a sigh of relief.

He piled the pieces together, covered them with a piece of cloth, and pretended nothing had happened.

Then, Bruce left the Bird's Nest as if nothing had happened and went to the auditorium for breakfast.


When Bruce entered the hall, he saw Malfoy at a glance.

He was standing in the middle of a group of Slytherins, dancing and telling the story of Harry's fainting in a vivid manner.

"It's really hopeless."

Bruce shook his head and came to the dining table of his own college. Today's breakfast was very rich. In addition to the common pickled fish and oatmeal porridge, there were also pies and pumpkin juice.

He took a few pieces of pie and sat down, eating while looking at today's class schedule.

"Nine o'clock, Divination class, nine o'clock, Muggle Studies, nine o'clock, Arithmetic Divination..."

On the first day of school, Bruce had to take three classes at the same time, which was extremely fulfilling.


At this time, Hermione came to his side.

She looked around first, then asked in a low voice: "How about it, have you decided which class to take first?"

"It's the same for any class." Bruce thought for a while, "Take Muggle Studies first, and then go to Divination class."

"That's fine."

Hermione nodded and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

Just then, she saw a second-year Slytherin wizard running into the hall in a panic.

"Oh no!"

He gasped, "Something bad has happened!"

Bruce frowned suddenly.

What's going on?

Although Hogwarts Castle is known as the safest, something bad happens every year, and Bruce is no longer surprised.

But this year is too early, isn't it?

It's only the first day of school!

"What's going on!"

Malfoy has come to the little wizard. He raised his head and said in a senior manner -

"Don't be so surprised, tell me clearly what happened!"

"It's Professor Snape!"

The little wizard cried, "Professor Snape was bitten by a dog!"

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