Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 147 Bruce and Cedric

Lupin had half of his body out of the compartment.

Then, he suddenly shouted: "Not good!"

Then he ran out, as if he had seen something extremely dangerous.

Bruce also stuck his head out at this time.

Then he saw a scene like in a horror movie -

Under the trembling flame in Lupin's hand, he could see a tall cloaked figure standing in front of a compartment not far away.

His face was completely hidden under the hood, and a hand stretched out from under the cloak, gray and white, glowing eerily, seemed to be covered with mucus and spots, like something that had rotted in the water after death...

Professor Lupin had rushed to the monster and blocked the door of the compartment, not letting it in.

Bruce heard Ron's cry from inside the compartment -

"Harry! Harry! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

It's over.

Bruce's heart tightened, the red-haired man was going to send the black-haired man away.

He wanted to save people immediately.

Not only him, but also the big black dog, dragged his trembling body and kept crawling out of the door.

Fortunately, Professor Lupin had already taken action. He pulled out his wand and chanted the spell of the Patronus Charm.

A strong silver light flashed from the tip of his wand in an instant, illuminating the entire carriage. The shadow monster seemed to be completely unable to bear this light. It used its pale hand to block in front of itself and floated away quickly like a wandering soul.

When the monster left, the lights in the carriage were instantly lit up.

Everything that happened just now seemed to be just a nightmare.

Only Ron's crying voice was still echoing in the carriage-

"Harry! My good brother! You hold on, I can save you!"

It seems that Ron wants to save Harry himself.

This time the problem is really serious.

"Woo woo-"

The big black dog's reaction was even stronger when he heard this. The body dragged on the ground looked extremely miserable.

Bruce couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up the big black dog and walked towards Harry's carriage.

"Don't slap him!"

Professor Lupin interrupted Ron's crying, "He just fainted!"

Ron's crying stopped instantly, and Hermione and Bruce, who was holding a big black dog, also arrived.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Lupin said in the direction of Bruce.

But it was obvious that he was not talking to Bruce.

Harry fell to the ground at this time, twitching constantly, and looked really scary.

Fortunately, after the black shadow monster was driven away, this state did not last long. When Harry woke up slowly, he saw four human heads and a dog head leaning in front of him, full of concern.


He took a breath, not knowing whether it was because of his mental discomfort or because of the burning pain on his face.

"It's okay, Harry."

Ron and Hermione helped Harry to his seat, and Ron said, "You really scared us just now, fortunately Professor Lupin and I are here."

"What's wrong with me?"

Harry touched his face and didn't know the situation.

Then he suddenly realized: "That monster! Is that monster still there?"

"It's okay, we have driven it away."

Professor Lupin stood by the door and said, "That's the Dementor, the monster from Azkaban."

"But I heard screams--"

At this time, Harry was pale and sweating, only his face was relatively rosy.

All his friends came, except Hermione and Ron, Ginny and Neville, who were originally in the same compartment, also stayed with him and kept comforting him.

A click scared everyone who was still in fear.

Looking in the direction of the sound, they found that Professor Lupin took out a large piece of chocolate as if he was performing magic.

"Eat some chocolate first to slow down!"

He said, "We should be at Hogwarts soon, and then we can go to the infirmary."


The big black dog cried out in pain beside him.

Lupin immediately squatted down, stroked its fur, and comforted it softly, "They are all gone."


Lupin's eyes showed a trace of sympathy and sadness. Sirius Black had been tortured by Dementors for more than ten years in prison, leaving such a deep psychological shadow.

As a friend, what can he do?

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Professor Lupin comforted the big black dog and stuffed another piece of chocolate into his mouth.

"You should eat some chocolate to slow down."


The train started again and soon arrived at Hogwarts.

The little wizards got off the train one after another. The small platform was cold and the heavy rain that chilled them to the bone was pouring down.

Hagrid shook the lantern and took them to Hogwarts Castle. His huge body blocked a lot of wind and rain.

When Harry entered the castle, a long-drawn voice of gloating came to his ears.

"You fainted, Potter? Is it true? You really fainted?"

Malfoy pushed Hermione away with his elbow and blocked Harry on the stone steps leading to the castle. His face was full of joy, and his gray eyes flashed with vicious light.

Before Harry could say anything, Bruce suddenly stepped forward and gave Malfoy a heavy elbow.

Just like he did to Hermione.

"Don't get in the way, Malfoy!" Bruce said coldly, "If you make me late, then, believe me, you don't want to see me angry."

Malfoy was a little angry and wanted to teach the person who pushed him a lesson.

But after seeing that it was Bruce, his angry expression suddenly became distorted, and his whole nose arched.

"Okay, Wayne, I know you guys-"

As Malfoy spoke, he suddenly woke up and swallowed back the insulting word.

"Who are we?" Bruce asked.

Malfoy's mind was spinning at this moment.

What he wanted to say just now was you Mudbloods, but in the face of Bruce's intimidation, he didn't dare to say it at all.

I want to change the word, but I don’t know what to change it to.

What words can make Malfoy feel superior and suppress Bruce and Hermione at the same time?

For a moment, he couldn't even think of it.

"What are we doing, Malfoy!" Bruce asked without any intention of letting him go.

"You, you—"

Malfoy gritted his teeth, "You poor people! Just continue to stick together!"

After that, he sneered and walked away quickly.

Bruce and the other little wizards were left looking at each other.

"Does he not know me that well?"

Bruce asked doubtfully, "The poor guy I just said was scolding me, or was he scolding himself?"

Neville shook his head and murmured: "I don't know, maybe Malfoy is particularly ill-informed?"

And Harry was a little confused at this time.

"How did Malfoy know about my fainting so quickly?"

He said, "The news shouldn't spread that fast, right?"

I fainted in the carriage, so no one should see me.

This time, it was Ron who shook his head: "I don't know, maybe Malfoy is particularly well-informed?"

Entering the interior of Hogwarts Castle, the Great Hall is still equally beautiful.

Harry was quickly called away by Professor McGonagall, and everyone knew what happened on the train.

Bruce and Hermione separated and came to Hufflepuff's long table.

"Good evening, Bruce."

The senior next to him smiled and said hello.

"Good evening, Cedric." Bruce responded in kind.

The sorting ceremony has not yet begun, but the professors are already sitting in their seats.

What surprised Bruce was that in addition to Professor Lupin, Hagrid was also sitting on it.

"Haven't you heard?"

At this time, Cedric said with a smile, "Hagrid will serve as Professor Newt's assistant this year. Maybe next year, he will teach the Care of Magical Creatures class."

Professor Newt entered Hogwarts last year, but since Care of Magical Creatures is an elective course that only starts in the third year, Bruce has not had much interaction with this professor.

But this year is different.

Bruce took all the classes and naturally took Professor Newt's class.

Speaking of Professor Newt——

"By the way Bruce, have you taken Care of Magical Creatures this year?"

Cedric said, "I should have reminded you when you were choosing courses last year. You must choose this course. You will never feel at a disadvantage!"

"I chose it, but why do you recommend him so much?"

Bruce asked, "Does Professor Newt have any special teaching skills?"

"Since you made your choice, I won't reveal it."

Cedric laughed and said, "Just go ahead anyway, I will definitely give you a surprise."

At this time, looking at Cedric, Bruce suddenly realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Bruce pointed at his face and said, "Why is there such a big bruise?"

He didn't notice it at the first time because Cedric put makeup on to cover the bruises, so he couldn't notice it for a while.

Hearing Bruce's question, Cedric's eyes flashed with panic.

He hid it well, but Bruce found out anyway.

"It's nothing," Cedric said, "I just fell down accidentally, don't worry."


Bruce was a little suspicious. After looking carefully, he found that the bruised area was quite large.

Normal falls are not that serious.

It seemed like he had fallen from a high place.

"It's really okay." Cedric asked, "Do you think I'm some kind of monster who can't bleed and get hurt?"

Not really.

Bruce shook his head and said, "I'm overly concerned. It's just that most wizards use magic to cover the injuries on their faces. Putting on makeup is like something Muggles would do.

"You come from a wizarding family, so I feel a little weird."

"Because I took the Muggle Studies class as an elective!" Cedric said with a smile, "It's normal to want to try some behaviors that Muggles would do."

Bruce nodded: "That's good. I heard about a weirdo who couldn't wake up during the day or sleep at night. He pretended to be a bat and flew around the city every day. When he first tried to fly, he fell from the sky at every turn. , leaving myself covered with injuries.”

Cedric's expression suddenly became stiff.

"Hahaha, Bruce, you really know how to joke."

He smiled awkwardly and said, "I definitely won't be like him. Even if I have to contact bats, I'm more like a vampire, right?"

After that, he naturally changed the topic.

"By the way Bruce, how was your summer vacation?"

"Not bad." Bruce thought about it for a moment, and it should be pretty good to be able to meet his mother.

Then he asked Cedric: "What about you?"

"I'm not bad either."

"Except for a few pranks," Cedric said.

"What prank?" Bruce suddenly asked.

When he asked this question, Katum, who was pecking at the table boredly, suddenly stopped moving.

The owl moved step by step and slowly disappeared from Bruce's sight.

"I don't know how to tell you."

Cedric recalled, "There are always owls I don't know who sent me packages. There was no recipient written on the package, just my home address."

"What's in the package?" Bruce asked.

"They are all very strange things."

Cedric said, "The first time it was a test tube with a drop of green liquid in it, and the next three times were metal fragments. I don't know what they are for."


Bruce suddenly understood everything, and he turned around and wanted to find Katum to ask clearly.

You told me that there was a way to solve the metal problem. Is this how you solve it?

But where can he find the owl?

It disappeared long ago.

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