Blood was gushing out of the abdominal cavity.

Even though Xiao Chenguang was wearing gloves, he could still feel the turbulence.

"Negative pressure suction, quick!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a suction tube as thick as a thumb was inserted into the patient's abdominal cavity.

The powerful suction force made the blood in the abdominal cavity sink at a very fast speed.

The motor under his feet was humming, and the machine was shaking wildly. Streams of dark red blood were introduced into the negative pressure suction bottle along the suction tube.

In just a moment, the plastic bottle with a capacity of 3,000 milliliters and the size of a washbasin was already half full.

The horrible bleeding was astonishing.

Xiao Chenguang looked at the blood sucked out of the abdominal cavity. Although it was a pity, there was nothing he could do.

After all, in 1999, most operating rooms had not yet introduced autologous circulation machines.

This prevented the bleeding in the patient's body from being circulated back into the body for use.

Most importantly, through exploration, Xiao Chenguang was very sure that the patient's small intestine was ruptured and a large amount of intestinal contents had flowed out.

This further contaminated the abdominal cavity and aggravated the patient's condition.

Even if the autologous circulation machine can be used, the contaminated blood may not be used normally.

Once it causes blood infection, sepsis, septic shock...

Even if the patient is saved now, it may take a long time to cure in the later stage.

It may even take years.

"Hemostatic gauze, soak in warm salt water."

Seeing the accumulated blood sucked away, the internal structure of the abdominal cavity was revealed to everyone for the first time

Bruised all over, this was everyone's first reaction.

At this moment, the knife wound was still bleeding.

With each heartbeat, the abdominal cavity soon began to accumulate blood again.

A large amount of hemostatic gauze was stuffed in the abdominal cavity.

In an instant, the white gauze was soaked into a bright red.

"It can't be stopped at all!"

"The blood is flowing more and more. If it continues like this, the patient will not be able to get off the operating table at all."

Everyone tried to stop the bleeding, but there were too many incisions and they were very hidden, so it was useless.

At this time, everyone was sweating profusely. Seeing that the patient's condition was getting worse and worse, they suddenly felt powerless.

In a sea of ​​blood, looking for bleeding points that may appear anywhere.

This is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

And now, all the hidden bleeding points must be found in a matter of seconds.

This difficulty is probably harder than climbing to the sky.

Looking at Xiao Chenguang who was investigating on the stage, everyone's heart was in their throat.

No one spoke, and no one dared to disturb Xiao Chenguang at this moment.

Now all their hopes are placed on Xiao Chenguang.

"Director Yu, come and help stop the bleeding."

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang had already found the spleen along the position where Zhuang Zhouyan was stabbed in the waist.

Although the blood was accumulated and the specific bleeding point could not be seen clearly.

But in the brain, a series of three-dimensional pictures of the spleen structure appeared in front of his eyes instantly.

Together with Xiao Chenguang's many years of clinical experience.

He followed the greater omentum and soon found a 2-centimeter crack on the surface of the spleen, away from the spleen hilum.

As his fingers approached, a turbulent flow surged. Obviously, the biggest bleeding point was here.

"Press the blood-clotting cotton gauze to stop the bleeding, and the time should not be less than fifteen minutes."

After Xiao Chenguang said this, the extremely dangerous bleeding stopped abruptly when his fingers blocked the crack.

The abdominal cavity was soaked with gauze, and the blood accumulation was rising, and it was strangled to death.

On the monitor, the patient's vital signs were still in a dangerous range, but they did not continue to deteriorate.

Even the abnormal breathing pattern was relieved at this moment.

"The bleeding has stopped?"

Everyone looked at the patient on the stage in astonishment.

The originally pale body and shrunken internal organs actually showed some signs of warming up at this moment.

Xiao Chenguang's feat of stopping bleeding with his bare hands in the vast sea of ​​blood deeply shocked everyone's hearts.

"Director Yu?"

Looking at the dazed people, Xiao Chenguang reminded them again.

"Here it comes."

The director of urology, who had just come to his senses, hurriedly took the blood-clotting cotton gauze and followed the path Xiao Chenguang found to find the bleeding point of the spleen.

As Director Yu pressed the cotton gauze in his hand to stop the bleeding, Xiao Chenguang pulled his hand out.

"Director Sun, Director Xia, you also come to help press."

Seeing Director Yu's hand firmly pressing on the bleeding point, Xiao Chenguang repeated the same trick.

With the three-dimensional anatomical structure diagram that quickly emerged in his mind, he found the rupture again in the renal pelvis of the adjacent spleen and next to the superior mesenteric artery.

Although the degree of rupture was not as severe as the spleen just now, it was also bleeding.

Press to stop the bleeding, and the director takes over.

The whole process went smoothly, as if it had been rehearsed countless times beforehand.

Xiao Chenguang was like a precision instrument, leaving no blind spots, and doing his best toThe patient's entire abdominal cavity was explored.

Quickly and efficiently.

When the last bleeding point was found, the entire hemostasis exploration operation took only a few minutes.

The reason why everyone felt that it was long just now was mainly because the patient's bleeding was too fierce.

It made them feel like every second was a year.

"Full-speed infusion, another bottle of compound sodium chloride and Ringer's solution, and urge it again. When will the blood arrive?"

Xiao Chenguang, who had been looking down, raised his head and looked at the patrol in the operating room.

"It's already urging it. The blood transfusion department replied that the blood will be sent over as soon as it is dissolved."


Xiao Chenguang nodded. In fact, for the patient, as long as the bleeding can be stopped quickly on the operating table, the remaining means of survival is to rely on the infusion of a large number of red blood cells and plasma.

As long as the patient's blood volume can be stabilized and vital signs are stable.

Then suture the bleeding point, and the rest will be easy.

"Doctor Xiao, have you found all the bleeding points of the patient?"

Director Yu, who was applying pressure to stop the bleeding, asked carefully.

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew the answer in his heart.

After all, the patient's condition was right in front of him.

But Xiao Chenguang was able to find all the bleeding points in such a short time, which really shocked him.

At the same time, he was not the only one who was shocked. All the directors on the stage focused their eyes on Xiao Chenguang at this moment.

After all, everyone was born in surgery and had been working in this field for decades. They had seen many patients with traumatic bleeding.

For those who could insist on going on stage for laparotomy, most of the cases were not terrible.

But even so, it would take them more than half an hour to accurately find the bleeding site.

Even if they encountered some tricky bleeding, it might take longer.

But what about Xiao Chenguang.

Not only did he find all the bleeding points in an instant, but he also intervened effectively.

It seemed that he was still blindly operating with his hands in a sea of ​​blood.

This ability to handle emergencies and this calmness in the face of difficulties may have already crushed all the directors present.

"Well, the patient's bleeding has stopped. Next, we have to wait for the blood transfusion department."

In fact, Xiao Chenguang was also very anxious about the red blood cells that were not coming.

But even if the situation is urgent, if you want to transfuse blood.

You have to wait for the blood transfusion department to complete the blood type and cross-matching experiments.

Otherwise, if you just take a few bags of blood and transfuse it to the patient, there will be a 100% hemolytic reaction.

Once too much allogeneic blood is transfused, normal people may develop hemoglobinuria due to blockage of the renal tubules and then die.

Not to mention a wounded person who is in danger.

For this reason, Xiao Chenguang can only keep giving medical advice and give the patient a large amount of fluid to temporarily replace the effect of blood transfusion.

Colloidal solutions such as dextran and hydroxyethyl were also used by Xiao Chenguang on the operating table to temporarily increase the patient's blood volume.

Buy precious time for the next blood transfusion.

As several bottles of liquid were poured into the patient's body.

The vital signs on the monitor showed a slight upward trend.

However, the patient's abdominal cavity was still seriously ischemic.

The damaged spleen, as well as the nearby kidneys and intestines fed by the mesentery, were still pale.

Even more, everyone vaguely saw that the originally pale organs were gradually turning black.

This was a sign of ischemic necrosis.

"If you don't give me a blood transfusion, the patient's spleen will be finished."

Director Yu was extremely anxious. He watched the spleen in his hand quickly turn black and purple.

"Go and urge it again. Even if the red blood cells haven't completely dissolved, you can take it for emergency use."

The intestine that Sun Chengwu was holding at the moment was necrotizing faster.

The patient originally had mesenteric damage and a lot of blood loss. In addition, the intestine was ruptured. Once the intestine necrosis exceeded one meter, it would be troublesome.

As the director of gastrointestinal surgery, Sun Chengwu was very clear about the serious consequences of the patient's intestinal necrosis.

Short bowel syndrome, nutritional absorption disorder, even if the patient can survive in the later stage, it is estimated that he will be emaciated due to malnutrition for the rest of his life.

Even more, parenteral nutrition must be input from the blood vessels throughout the year to ensure the body's absorption.

But in this way, for the patient, it is probably worse than death.

In the operating room, the air began to solidify, and a tense atmosphere filled the surroundings.

At this moment, the door of the operating room was suddenly knocked open.

A staff member in a white coat, holding a dark green box in his arms, ran in hurriedly.

"Blood... blood is coming!"

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