"You, what do you mean?"

Director Li's face sank.

For an operation like this that was clearly a mission order, he refused on the spot. Did he not want to do it?

Seeing Director Li's unfriendly expression and his dissatisfaction in his words, Sun Peidian even wanted to die.

But now, he really didn't dare to perform the operation.

Let alone how difficult this operation was, just the fact that he drank alcohol, if he was caught on stage, he would probably say goodbye to the profession of doctor in this life.

When Sun Peidian bit the bullet and told the story of drinking, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Director Sun, as the head of the department, how can you drink so much alcohol at night?"

"Yes, Director Sun, although there is no clear regulation in the hospital, what if there is an emergency operation in the department and you need to save the stage, what should we do then?"

"That's right, Director Sun, you are too unorganized and undisciplined..."

The criticisms followed one after another.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have found an outlet for venting and began to accuse Sun Peidian in person.

After hearing this, the old face of the latter turned red under the catalysis of alcohol.

But he didn't dare to refute a word at this moment. After all, drinking and making mistakes have always had a bad end.

"That's enough!"

Dean Li interrupted the discussion of the crowd with annoyance, and then looked at Wang Jingang.

"Director Wang, since he can't go on stage, do you need to find someone else to replace him?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy environment immediately quieted down.

Everyone: ? ? ?

The crowd who thought they had escaped a disaster almost hated Sun Peidian to death at this moment.

This man drank and made mistakes, and even implicated them.

Damn it!

"No need."

Wang Jingang answered decisively.

Originally, Xiao Chenguang said that he needed two more assistants.

He called a few more people just in case.

After all, being the director of hepatobiliary surgery should be somewhat useful.

But now it seems that he overestimated Sun Peidian's bottom line.

It's better not to have such a person on the operating table.

Otherwise, he will be in the way.

Wang Jingang's refusal immediately relieved everyone.

Sun Peidian, the target of public criticism, lowered his head and tapped the ground with his toes.

He was so embarrassed that he wanted to tap out a three-bedroom apartment.


After hearing this, Dean Li didn't say anything more.

But the look he gave Sun Peidian revealed a little disgust.

Such a person still wants to compete for the position of director of general surgery?

Dean Li snorted coldly when he thought of the recent rumors about the competition for the director of general surgery.

At this moment, Director Sun of gastrointestinal surgery and Director Yu of urology surgery have already finished their work.

After a short adjustment, they have accepted this fact.

At least, they are only auxiliary positions on the stage, and the pressure is much less than that of Wang Jingang.

However, when they entered the operating room and stood on the stage, they were dumbfounded.

"Director Wang, isn't it you... the lead surgeon?"

Wang Jingang stood steadily at the No. 1 assistant position, while Director Xia of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery was at the head of the bed.

As for the lead surgeon, it was actually a young doctor.

"Doctor Xiao...?"

Sun Chengwu of the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery saw who was standing at the lead surgeon position at a glance.

His expression was stunned.

He knew that Xiao Chenguang was very capable, but it was a bit outrageous that he was so capable that Wang Jingang and even Xia Tao had to stand at the assistant position.

However, he had at least seen Xiao Chenguang's ability, so he was prepared and would not be too surprised.

But Director Yu of the Department of Urology was different.

When he saw the scene in front of him, his face turned pale.

How could the lead surgeon on the scene be a young doctor?

Why did no one raise any objections?

Why do so many directors in front of me take it for granted to help a young man?

You have to know that this operation not only involves the life and property of the patient, but also the career prospects of all the directors who are on stage.

Director Yu was shocked, but Xiao Chenguang's next operation directly dispelled his concerns.

"Notify the blood transfusion department to send blood, and take as much blood as there is in the blood bank."

Seeing that the directors had arrived, Xiao Chenguang looked up at the monitor of the next patient.

The vital signs on the screen were still terribly low.

The blood pressure could not be measured.

The abdominal cavity was still bleeding.

It couldn't wait any longer.

Xiao Chenguang picked up the scalpel and slashed it.

The straight blade flashed under the illumination of the shadowless lamp.

The patient's abdomen was instantly cut with an incision of nearly 20 cm.

The pale tissue inside was exposed.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang didn't care about the subcutaneous tissue, fat layer, ligation of superficial blood vessels, and free connective tissue.He pressed the blade lightly with his fingers, and the blade sank.

With just one cut, he cut into the peritoneum layer unimpeded.

Then the peritoneum was protected and the abdominal wall was hooked.

Xiao Chenguang held the thick metal hook and pulled hard.

The transparent peritoneum, as thin as a cicada's wing, was instantly presented to everyone.

This, this, this...

Director Yu was stunned and his expression was dull.

He was shocked.

This operation alone is estimated to crush 99% of the surgeons in the hospital.

In Director Yu's opinion, the skill of this knife is beyond the reach of even a director like him who often performs large operations.

Even the directors on the stage at this moment can't reach this level.

No wonder they put down their director's airs and follow the lead of the young man in front of them.

Just this knife can convince everyone...

"Director Yu, let's hurry up and get on stage."

Sun Chengwu looked at Director Yu who was standing aside and reminded him.

At this time, he was also shocked.

It was just because he was prepared that he did not lose his composure in public.

"Sorry, right away."

After being reminded, Director Yu came to his senses.

He apologized quickly, and then began to wear sterile gloves and surgical gowns.

At the same time, his uneasy heart was much more stable because of Xiao Chenguang's knife.

Maybe they were not used to take the blame this time, but were really saving people.

"Director, give me a hand."

"Okay, now you are the chief surgeon, we will listen to your instructions on what to do later."

Wang Jingang took the abdominal wall retractor and said in a deep voice.


Xiao Chenguang was not hypocritical. He looked up and looked around, and finally looked at the directors on the stage and said straight to the point.

"I will cut the peritoneum, stop the bleeding by hand, and then suture them one by one."

"The process will be very dangerous, the time is uncertain, and it may directly lead to the patient's shock and death."

"I need you to be responsible for your respective professional fields and help stop the bleeding together. Do you understand?"

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang's words were sharp and his words were firm.

He did not speak kindly and greeted them with a smile just because the people present were all directors.

Instead, he was like an ancient general who gave orders and made the final pre-war mobilization for his soldiers.

"Understood." Wang Jingang nodded first with a firm expression.

"Understood." Xia Tao and Lin Gaoyang echoed together.

"Understood." The anesthesiologist, instrument nurse, and a group of directors on the scene nodded in response.

At this moment, everyone in the operating room was dedicating their own energy to the patients on the stage.

"Okay, let's start!"

"Pay attention to the patient's breathing pattern during anesthesia, and keep an eye on the vital signs. Report any problems at any time."

"Director, prepare negative pressure suction and hemostatic gauze."

After Xiao Chenguang finished speaking, the scalpel with a metallic luster fell on the patient's peritoneum.

Seeing this, everyone present tensed up slightly and their throats surged.

There was silence at the scene.

The tip of the knife fell smoothly, and the thin peritoneum was cut open in an instant.

Suddenly, an unimaginable amount of blood gushed out of the patient's abdominal cavity and shot directly at the ceiling.

The bright red blood splashed everywhere, falling on the shadowless lamp, in front of everyone, the monitor, the ventilator...

The strong intra-abdominal pressure caused the patient to bleed heavily again.

The originally weak life was hit hard again.

The alarm bells on the scene rang loudly, piercing the eardrums, and the red alarm kept flashing, making people's adrenaline soar.

"The patient is breathing like sighing, and the tidal volume continues to decrease."

"The patient's heart rate has dropped sharply, and the blood oxygen saturation is rapidly decreasing."

The anesthesia and patrol officers in charge of observation, regardless of the blood splattering, immediately reported the changes in the patient's condition.

Lin Gaoyang, who was standing on the side of the operating table, was frightened by the scene in front of him.

Even the directors on the stage had never seen such dangerous bleeding and the condition worsening in an instant.

He almost froze in place.

"Clear the field of vision of the surgical area, prepare for blood vessel compression, and suture with needles and threads."

Just then, a deep voice sounded.

Xiao Chenguang, standing at the main surgeon's position, reached his hands directly into the patient's abdominal cavity, which was full of blood, under the attention of everyone, and began to perform emergency exploration to stop the bleeding.

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