On the way, Xiao Chenguang also thought that since the emergency department called and said that the patient was dying, then he really was dying.

You know, even those so-called "big brothers" are afraid of rookies.

After all, they don't know how to control their strength.

They stabbed the vital points right away, and blood splattered on the spot. If they dragged it for a few minutes, the patient would be dead.

If they waited until they got to the hospital, they would probably be dead.

How to save?

Xiao Chenguang thought about this problem and ran all the way to the emergency department, but was stunned.

Unlike the expected roaring and noisy environment, the corridor was quiet at this time, without even a ghost.

Not to mention the patient.

What happened?

At this time, the emergency nurse who heard the news came hurriedly ran over to explain.

It turned out that the surgeon was on duty and called the department in advance when he saw that the patient was in a bad condition.

The purpose was to let the consulting doctor come down earlier to save rescue time.

This surprised Xiao Chenguang.

After all, the popularity of mobile phones in 1999 was far less than that of later generations.

After asking, it turned out to be Lin Gaoyang's emergency department.

"I didn't expect this guy to be quite rich."

In 1999, people who could get a mobile phone at any time generally had good family conditions.

After all, not everyone was willing to spend thousands of dollars on a thing.

And Lin Gaoyang actually got a mobile phone specifically for emergency duty in case of emergency.

No wonder he had the confidence to help patients with medical expenses.

Xiao Chenguang once again thought of the girl with thyroid cancer who loved to sing.

If Lin Gaoyang hadn't taken emergency measures at that time, the girl would not have survived until Xiao Chenguang came to rescue her.

Now that Lin Gaoyang is on duty, maybe the patient with the knife wound can be saved in a while.


At this time, Lin Gaoyang in the ambulance was already anxious.

The whole car was in chaos, the disgusting smell of blood filled the surroundings, and blood flowed all over the floor.

On the rescue bed, there was a person lying, covered in blood.

His body was covered with wounds, and a sharp knife was stuck in his chest, swinging left and right with the speeding 120.

About 10 minutes ago, Lin Gaoyang received a call from 120, saying that a passerby found a person lying in the alley at the end of the street.

Because it was late at night, the passerby did not dare to go over, so he called 120.

After receiving the call for medical treatment, Lin Gaoyang did not think much and followed the car to the scene of the incident.

At first, he thought that it was most likely that a drunk or homeless person stayed on the street and was found by a kind person, who called for help.

So on the way there, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, Lin Gaoyang called the local police station again and explained the situation.

After all, the hospital is responsible for saving people, but the police can only be asked for help in finding people.

This is the valuable experience that Lin Gaoyang gained after working in the emergency department.

But when the call was over and he arrived at the scene, Lin Gaoyang's head was buzzing and he was stunned.

In the narrow alley, on the muddy ground, a middle-aged man was lying.

His thick glasses fell to the side, and the lenses were broken all over the ground.

The middle-aged man was holding a black briefcase tightly in his arms.

An unpleasant, rusty smell was floating in the humid air.

But as a surgeon, Lin Gaoyang knew that it was the smell of blood.

The strong smell of blood filled the narrow alley.

Even though Lin Gaoyang was wearing a cotton mask, he was almost choked by the blood.

With this amount of bleeding, I'm afraid half of the blood in his body will be lost.

There was only the middle-aged man in the whole alley.

Lin Gaoyang didn't dare to delay and immediately went forward to check.

He was shocked to find that the middle-aged man was stabbed several times.

Countless knife wounds were bleeding at this moment, and the man's face was pale, as if a layer of tin foil was pasted on him.

What kind of deep hatred could make someone do such a heavy hand?

Lin Gaoyang pressed the bleeding wound with both hands, roared and asked the driver to take the stretcher off and prepare to carry the patient.

As for the on-site rescue.

Lin Gaoyang knew that he could not do it with his ability.

The most important thing now is to carry the patient back to the hospital as soon as possible. After all, the equipment on the ambulance is nothing compared to the patient in front of him.

The situation is urgent, and Lin Gaoyang has no time to find out which parts of the patient are injured.

But based on the current situation, the intestines must be broken, and the several knife wounds on the abdomen are still bleeding, and the knife inserted in the patient's chest is a sharp blade hanging in Lin Gaoyang's heart.

After lifting the patient into the car, he found that the patient's chest was still floating weakly.

Lin Gaoyang immediately shouted loudly to the patient, and at the same time asked for an oxygen cylinder to give him emergency oxygen inhalation.

The nurse on the car saw the blood flowing, and although she was scared and turned pale, her instinct to save people made her immediately give the patient an injection and infusion and measure blood pressure.

Not surprisingly, the patient's blood pressure could not be measured.Out.

All wet and cold, muscles stiff.

This is the most serious hemorrhagic shock, almost "dead".

"Master, go!"

Lin Gaoyang yelled frantically at the cab, and the driver had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The roar of the engine instantly sounded in the quiet alley.

The wheels turned suddenly, rubbing wildly on the ground, and sparks flew instantly.

A strong sense of pushing back made the ambulance like an arrow, leaving a deep tire mark on the ground.


On the way to the hospital, Lin Gaoyang's originally peaceful night in Yingcheng was completely broken at this moment.

The high-level officials of the entire city were all awakened by the phone overnight.

Everyone turned pale when they heard the news.

They knew that a heavyweight figure would come to Yingcheng tonight.

This person has a special identity and is of great significance.

The breeding technology he mastered is of extraordinary significance to this city and even the entire country.

He can be called a pillar of the country.

For this reason, the city specially arranged a special person to receive him and protect his safety 24 hours a day.

But why did something happen on the night he just arrived?

No one understood.

But they knew one thing, if this person got into trouble, it is estimated that the top leaders of the entire city would be stripped of their official hats.

On the phone, roars came one after another. After asking about being sent to the hospital, many people drove directly there without changing clothes.

At the same time, the hospital was also in an uproar.

The hospital leaders and department heads were awakened by continuous calls almost at the same time.

One by one, the existences that could only be admired from afar on weekdays called in person and issued instructions.

At all costs, the injured must be saved.

Although everyone was confused, in the urgent sound of the phone, everyone realized that something serious had happened.

As they rushed to the hospital without stopping.

Overnight, the whole city was on alert.

Police officers and armed police were mobilized.

All major intersections were under martial law, and all vehicles passing through had to undergo the most stringent inspection.

In the dark night, countless police lights flashed, and one of them was now speeding towards the emergency department of Shengli Hospital at a speed of 120 miles per hour.

"Wake up, don't sleep, we'll be at the hospital soon, hold on!"

In the ambulance, Lin Gaoyang's roar was still ringing, and the liquid on the metal rack was like running water, quickly pouring into the middle-aged man's body.

Perhaps it was because of the fluid replacement, or perhaps it was because of the obsession, the middle-aged man seemed to open his eyes.

The briefcase in his hand was still there.

There was an inexplicable white light flashing in his eyes.

The memories in his mind passed by quickly like a white horse passing by.

His name is Zhuang Zhouyan, an expert in the field of international agricultural biotechnology.

In order to realize the dream of the rise of a small China, he resolutely gave up the generous treatment abroad and chose to return to China.

But just as he was full of passion and ready to dedicate his youth to this beloved land, he encountered an unprecedented crisis.

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