"Old Wang, to be honest, Xiao Xiao is a bit of a waste of talent in your hospital."

After treating the patient, Xu Guoqiang and Wang Jingang returned to the office.

When the latter heard it, he was not angry, but smiled and said: "Xiao Xiao just came to me and said that Teacher Xu's laparoscopic skills are very high, and asked me to ask if you are interested in coming to Shengli Hospital to perform laparoscopy frequently."

Xu Guoqiang was stunned, and then realized that he was being examined.

After all, the skills of experts who can perform laparoscopy vary. Some are simply qualified to perform laparoscopy because of their high platforms.

"Does your hospital have many patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery?" Xu Guoqiang asked.

"Not many now, but I believe there will be more and more in the future." Wang Jingang said confidently.

It's not that he exaggerates, but the benefits of laparoscopic surgery are obvious.

Just like today's operation, if it is a major operation, the amount of blood loss alone will definitely be more than 200ml.

This is a huge gap from the 5ml of blood loss in laparoscopy.

Not to mention the patient's recovery.

"Okay, if your department has this need, choose a good patient and I can come over on weekends."

Xu Guoqiang thought about it and agreed.

After all, it was a three-pronged approach. Patients could get surgery from provincial experts without leaving their homes, the hospital expanded its reputation, and the experts also received surgery fees.

As long as they were normal patients and family members, they would not make trouble in the hospital because of this matter.

Of course, some family members with other purposes could not be ruled out.

He had encountered a case when he was out of town before.

The family members strongly requested to invite experts from other hospitals to perform the surgery. They greeted them with a smile before the surgery and paid the expert fees honestly.

After the surgery was successfully completed, they immediately changed their faces and questioned why they had to pay the expert fees when they had already paid the surgery fees and hospitalization fees.

So they made a big fuss in the hospital, put up banners, and contacted the media. Finally, the hospital had no choice.

Not only did they refund the expert fees to the family members, but they also made a public apology and found a young doctor in the department to take the blame for the poor communication.

Since then, no experts from other hospitals have been willing to perform surgery in the department or even in the hospital.

As a result, patients who need this treatment can only go to other places for treatment after much trouble.

This not only increases the risk for patients, but also increases the pain of their families.

"Old Xu, don't worry, I will check it. I will not accept patients with disputes."

With Wang Jingang's guarantee, Xu Guoqiang was relieved.

In fact, for him, it was unnecessary to come down for surgery.

After all, the patients who came to the provincial capital for surgery were overcrowded, and the operating room was overcrowded from Monday to Friday.

In addition to giving face to the big brother, he came to perform surgery mainly because he was curious about Xiao Chenguang.

"Old Wang, did Xiao work in other hospitals before coming to your hospital?"

"I shouldn't have. I recruited him after graduation. Why do you ask this?" Wang Jingang asked in confusion.

"Then he must have come into contact with laparoscopy during his internship, or in other words, he had done it himself."

Although he was shocked, Xu Guoqiang became more and more certain of his thoughts.

Even the one who took Xiao Chenguang to perform the operation might be one of the masters in the imperial capital.

Otherwise, how could he be so skilled and perform abdominal surgery with the three-hole method on the stage.

You know, there are only a few people in the entire provincial capital who can perform the three-hole method.

And Xu Guoqiang knows them all, but he has never heard of Xiao Chenguang.

Wang Jingang: "!!!"

Hearing Xu Guoqiang's explanation, Wang Jingang was also surprised.

In fact, he has always been confused in his heart. After all, at Xiao Chenguang's age, his surgical attainments are so high, and there must be more than just the identity of the Provincial Medical University to explain it.

It's just that Wang Jin just didn't think about it because he was overwhelmed by recent things.

Now after Xu Guoqiang said this, it seems that our Xiao Xiao has a lot of secrets.

But this is all Xiao Chenguang's own business. As long as he doesn't ask, Wang Jingang won't ask.

Seeing that it was noon, Wang Jingang was going to do his best to be a good host and invite Xu Guoqiang to a nearby restaurant for a meal.

It was a good time to catch up.

But unfortunately, Xu Guoqiang received a call at the last minute.

He said that there was a patient in the department who was in a bad condition and needed an emergency operation at night, so he had to rush back to the provincial capital.

We can only meet again when we come to Feidao next time.

For this reason, Wang Jingang had to give up and let Xu Guoqiang take the prepared specialties.

After watching the car leave the hospital, Wang Jingang was not idle.

He found Xiao Chenguang who was still in the ward.

"Xiao Xiao, the operation was done well this time. I just talked to Lao Xu. If patients need Feidao in the future, he will come to do it on weekends."

"When the time comes, you will still be his assistant on the stage."

Before leaving.Xu Guoqiang got into the car and was still instructing Wang Jingang.

If he came to perform the flying knife, Xiao Chenguang must be his assistant.

Not only that, even the admission of patients to the hospital, in addition to Wang Jingang's responsibility, can only be handed over to Xiao Chenguang.

Xu Guoqiang clearly stated that he was not at ease leaving the patient to others.

In fact, Wang Jingang could understand Xu Guoqiang's request.

After all, this is a mutual matter. As the saying goes, knowing each other well is the best.

"By the way, for the next operation, I will try to find some patients who are willing to take advantage of the expert's operation. At that time, let Lao Xu supervise the whole process, and you will be the main surgeon."

This is the main purpose of Wang Jingang looking for Xiao Chenguang.

Now laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be carried out smoothly. With this momentum, laparoscopic surgery in general surgery will be on the right track.

Wang Jingang is confident that he can find some patients who have needs but are financially difficult.

After all, an operation may cost only a meal for some people, but for others, it is the harvest of half a year.

With various exemptions and full guidance from provincial experts, there will definitely be people willing to undergo surgery.

"Director, you are not young anymore, you should pay more attention to rest."

Seeing that he was worried about the abdominal surgery, Xiao Chenguang kindly reminded him.

"It's okay. People get less sleep when they are old. It's good to do more meaningful things while my old bones can still move."

Seeing Wang Jingang's energetic appearance, Xiao Chenguang suddenly felt a sense of happiness.

It feels good to have someone to support you.

Just like in his previous life, he worried a lot about the group of doctoral students under him.

Then Wang Jingang negotiated with the engineer about the problem of laparoscopic maintenance.

Seeing Wang Jingang holding the microphone and spitting all over the sky, Xiao Chenguang immediately came out of his office.

It must be said that Lao Wang is a qualified department director.

Until the evening, Wang Jingang was still busy with the operation of the department.

As the chief resident of the hospital, Xiao Chenguang continued to work in the duty room of the general surgery department in accordance with the principle of chief resident.

It was late at night and everything was quiet.

Just when he thought that tonight was Christmas Eve and he could take off his socks and go to bed to rest, hurried footsteps came from the corridor.

Click click...

The unique tapping sound of nurse shoes made Xiao Chenguang smile bitterly.

As expected.

Knocking on the wooden door, the panicked voice of the nurse came.

"Doctor Xiao, emergency consultation, knife wound, the patient is dying, you need to go over to rescue."

Hearing about the knife wound, Xiao Chenguang felt that an invisible big hand almost crushed his heart.

If you want to say that the most feared thing in the emergency department in the 1990s is this kind of knife wound and slash patient.

I don't know if it was influenced by Hong Kong movies, one young man after another, one mouthful of crow brother, one mouthful of eating shit you.

He was full of righteousness all day long, and rushed into trouble whenever he saw one, shouting that he would stick his sword in his friend's side, but in the end, he found himself stabbed with swords.

Although he was helpless, Xiao Chenguang still rushed out at the first opportunity and ran all the way to the emergency department.

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