Seeing this scene, Wang Jingang had the idea of ​​calling the security guards, but was immediately rejected.

The security guards in the hospital were probably older than Wang Jingang.

If they were called, they could only stand and watch from a distance. After all, they only earned a few dollars a month. Who would be willing to risk their lives for nothing?

Just as Wang Jingang was thinking, those seemingly fierce men suddenly smiled on their cold faces after confirming that Wang Jingang was the director of the department, and their eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Director Wang, we are all the brothers of bed 7. Thank you for saving my little sister's life."

The man who spoke looked about 40 years old, with a strong back and waist. He walked forward excitedly, holding Wang Jingang's hand and shaking it constantly.


The sudden change made Wang Jingang stunned.

The nurses and doctors in the corridor were also stunned.

It turned out that they were not here to cause trouble, but to thank the doctor for saving their lives.

Bed 7 was the young patient who had surgery on Xiao Chenguang last night.

"It's okay, it's okay. Saving the dying and healing the wounded is what we should do."

Years of experience as a director made him respond instinctively.

At this time, Wang Jingang's entire arm was almost numb from the shaking.

But he was smiling, and even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were squeezed out.

"Director Wang, you don't know, my little sister is the apple of our seven brothers' eyes. She has never suffered since she was a child."

"This sudden serious illness has made everyone very anxious, and we just learned about her situation."

Through understanding, Wang Jingang just learned that the patient had been beautiful and sweet since she was a child, and she also dreamed of becoming a singer.

For this reason, she hid it from her brothers and went to study in another place alone, but she didn't expect that she was diagnosed with cancer not long after, and it was thyroid cancer that made her unable to sing.

When her dream was shattered, she was desperate and helpless on the way back home last night. She suddenly fell ill, which led to the scene of the woman coming to the hospital for emergency treatment alone.

"No wonder I haven't seen you since this morning. So this is what happened."

After Wang Jingang figured out the whole story, he felt much more relaxed.

"In fact, the one you should thank the most is not me, but him."

Then Wang Jingang took out the key and opened the lock on the latch of the duty room.

A yawning young man appeared in front of everyone.

"Is he the doctor Xiao the nurse just mentioned?"

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chenguang with doubts on his face.

At this time, although Xiao Chenguang was dressed neatly and wearing a white coat, his appearance after waking up from sleep was indeed somewhat different from the image of a great doctor in the middle-aged man's impression.

"It was he who performed the operation last night and pulled your sister back from the brink of death."

Wang Jingang on the side hurriedly explained.

Although Xiao Chenguang looked a little sloppy at this time, as the face of general surgery, Wang Jingang would help promote it without reservation every time.

Just then, there was a commotion in the corridor of general surgery.

A tall and delicate girl was walking slowly at this time.

She looked just over 20 years old, but her face was a little haggard and her lips were even pale.

The white neck was wrapped in thick gauze, with a dark bloody drainage ball hanging on it.

The most eye-catching thing was that a tracheotomy tube was inserted in her throat.

"Little sister, why did you come out?"

"You just finished the operation, you should rest well, don't think too much about other things, your brothers are here."

Seeing the little sister suddenly walk out of the ward, her brothers were scared.


The little sister wanted to speak, but because of the tracheotomy, she couldn't speak, which made her sweat anxiously.

"Little sister, don't worry, as long as you are here, your brothers will accompany you if you have any difficulties in the future."

The middle-aged man hurriedly supported the little sister, and the doting in his eyes was touching.

Although he didn't know much about thyroid cancer, he had more or less learned about related diseases when he reached middle age.

According to the bedmates, it was a blessing for the little sister to be able to save her life in such a dangerous situation as last night.

As for whether his sister would become mute in the future, he didn't care.

He was even prepared to support his sister for a lifetime.

"Block the tracheal incision with your hand and try to speak again."

At this moment, Xiao Chenguang's voice came.

The middle-aged man was stunned when he said this.

Even his little sister beside him was stunned.

The slender fingers trembled to block the incision, and as the air flow hit the larynx, a subtle sound came out.

"I... I'm fine."

The little sister spoke very softly, and her voice was a little hoarse, as if there was something blocking her throat.

However, her words stunned everyone present.

"Sister, you... can speak?!"

After being shocked, the brother was so excited that he even shed tearsOut.

The familiar yet a little strange voice reached his ears, but it made him feel unreal.

Wang Jingang, who also heard this voice, was also shocked at this time.

He has been the director of general surgery for many years, and has seen countless patients.

Generally, patients with thyroid cancer need at least four or five days to recover before they can speak after surgery.

And patients like the girl who underwent emergency surgery and also had tracheotomy.

To be fair, with Wang Jingang's current ability, he can only guarantee safety after surgery. As for whether he can speak in the future, it depends entirely on fate.

But now.

Xiao Chenguang performed this radical thyroid cancer surgery, and the patient began to speak before even 12 hours had passed.

This level has obviously surpassed Wang Jingang, the director of the department.

"Xiao Xiao, you are really a hidden talent."

Wang Jingang was full of emotion.

He really didn't expect that Xiao Chenguang was not only good at laparoscopic surgery, but now he can also do thyroid surgery so well.

What else can't Xiao Chenguang do?

Just as Wang Jingang was impressed by Xiao Chenguang's personal ability, the latter frowned.

"Bed 7, haven't you done the atomization today?"

"Yeah." The girl nodded slightly.

"Hurry up and do it. Do you still want your throat to get better?"

Xiao Chenguang did not show any sympathy for the girl because she was sick.

On the contrary, his tone was a little stiff, and he seemed very dissatisfied with the girl's behavior of leaving the ward without permission.

For Xiao Chenguang, he would never allow the patient to have problems under his nose, even if she had seven brothers to protect her.

Faced with the scolding, the girl's brothers felt distressed and helpless. After all, they didn't want their little sister to have any problems.

"Doctor, can my throat...get better?"

"The operation was very successful, it will get better."

Facing the expectant eyes, Xiao Chenguang nodded in response.

The affirmative answer made the girl open her eyes wide and her expression excited.

"Doctor, really?"

Originally, the girl had given up on her voice, but after hearing Xiao Chenguang's answer, she felt a little more hopeful.

"Of course, your hoarseness is only temporary. The laryngeal nerve was not damaged during the operation, so your voice will recover after the swelling subsides."

"If you want to sing on stage in the future, go back to the ward and rest."

Xiao Chenguang's tone was stern, but his last sentence was like a shot of cardiac stimulant, which directly pierced the girl's heart and surprised her.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

After expressing her gratitude, the girl's originally dim eyes flashed a little light.

Accompanied by the nurse who chased after her, the girl walked back to the ward very obediently.

This scene made the seven brothers on the side dumbfounded.

When did my little sister change her personality?

The little sister who used to not listen to anyone's advice was now convinced by an outsider. This was too incredible.

"Girls can be spoiled to the heavens, but sometimes they can't be spoiled all the time. After all, they have to start a family (live independently) in the future."

For Xiao Chenguang, some disobedient patients do need to be punished.

When these words came out, Wang Jingang, who was closest to him, was frightened and almost fainted.

Xiao Chenguang dared to talk to the family members like this. Didn't he know that the seven people in front of him were the patients' brothers? !

However, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

When Xiao Chenguang finished the words "start a family", the middle-aged man in the lead suddenly bent down 90 degrees and bowed deeply to Xiao Chenguang.

When the younger brothers behind him saw the eldest brother bowing, the other six did not hesitate at all. They lined up in a row in an instant, just like they had rehearsed, and bowed to Xiao Chenguang in unison to thank him.

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