This is not a joke by Xiao Chenguang.

Through Li Wenxia's performance just now, Xiao Chenguang really felt that with her learning ability and on-the-spot operation, she is indeed suitable to be a surgeon.

Although this road is difficult.

There are many thorns in it, especially for a little girl, it is even more difficult.

But as long as you can persist, there will definitely be more choices in the future.


Faced with praise, Li Wenxia blushed rarely.

"Really, while there is still a chance now, you can definitely try it."

Xiao Chenguang said this, it is not groundless.

In this era, due to some special reasons, each profession has more or less broken.

Therefore, talents such as doctors and teachers are in short supply.

Therefore, in order to cope with the problem of occupational shortage, the country has issued a series of policies.

One of them is that working nurses can transfer to clinical medicine through self-study examinations.

But at that time, due to the lack of communication and other reasons, many people did not know about it.

In fact, in Xiao Chenguang's view, every profession has its own role, after all, existence is reasonable.

In theory, medicine should not be divided into high and low.

But in fact, friends who have been in class know that high and low exist in all walks of life.

Reality is reality after all.

Just like now, taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Chenguang is very willing to let Li Wenxia break out a path of her own.

"I can't do it..."

Li Wenxia is obviously a little unconfident.

"Why not? This operation is very successful, which is the best proof."

"Remember the feeling on the stage just now. Don't worry, you can do it."

Xiao Chenguang's encouragement made the seed that Li Wenxia had buried in her heart for a long time begin to take root again.

In this era that still pays attention to urban household registration, although she was born in the countryside, her family has been farmers for generations.

But Li Wenxia has had a dream of medicine since she was a child.

Although she knew that this road was difficult, she has never given up her dream as an excellent student since childhood.

But the gap between reality and ideal is like a chasm that is difficult to cross.

Her sick parents and young brothers and sisters made her realize that she would never have the opportunity to continue her studies.

As the eldest daughter in the family, the heavy burden forced her to apply for the local medical school.

Only in this way can she go out to work and earn money to supplement the family income.

Originally, she thought that her life would be like what the old people in the village said.

Marry a man, have children, and live in trivial matters every day.

But now.

The appearance of Xiao Chenguang made ripples in her originally unchanging heart.

"Then I'll try..." Li Wenxia whispered.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

"If you have any difficulties in learning in the future, you can come to me."

Faced with Li Wenxia's choice, Xiao Chenguang was very happy.

Perhaps even he didn't know it at this time.

An opportunity to go on stage and an ordinary encouragement really changed a person's destiny.

At this time, as the patient gradually woke up, everyone worked together to lift her from the operating table to the bed and successfully pushed her out of the operating room.

After sending her back to the general surgery department and settling the patient, Xiao Chenguang looked up and looked out the window, only to find that it was already dawn.

The gradually rising red sun, with its soft light, dispelled the darkness.

After a moment, the sun rushed into the room, bringing a weak warm breeze, making people cool and comfortable.

At four o'clock in the sun, the city gradually woke up.

Some people worked silently for the city's cleanliness, some contributed to the infrastructure, and some practiced for the dream stadium in their hearts.

In the hospital, at four o'clock every morning, there are always people like Xiao Chenguang, guarding the ward, dispelling the darkness for the patients and welcoming the first ray of sunshine.

After writing the patient's medical records, it was already dawn, and the patients who had slept all night began to go out to wash.

The nurse who had finished drawing blood skillfully sorted the purple, blue and red tubes that marked different types into green cloth bags and packed them for inspection.

"It's six o'clock so soon."

After a busy night, Xiao Chenguang felt his eyelids fighting.

He rubbed his sore wrists and suddenly felt tired.

He didn't even bother to change his clothes. He fell on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took until the door of the duty room was pushed open, and Xiao Chenguang woke up from his sleep.

His back and waist ached, and his stomach was churning. The price of staying up all night finally brought back the backlash of the body.

"Xiao Xiao, didn't you leave last night?"

"Director Wang, good morning."

Seeing the visitor, Xiao Chenguang endured his angry voice and greeted Wang Jingang hoarsely.

"Don't get up, sleep a little longer!"

Wang Jingang saw Xiao Chenguang's drooping eyelids., immediately waved his hand to stop him from getting up.

It seems that last night was another sleepless night for Xiao Chenguang.

"I still need to check on the new patient..."

Before Xiao Chenguang finished speaking, he was interrupted rudely by Wang Jingang.

"What are you looking at? Go to sleep quickly. How can you work if you are exhausted?"

"I will help you take care of the patient. I will handle anything."

"If I had known this, I would have come a little later today and went to bed quickly. I would not get up until noon."

"At the morning meeting later, I will tell those on duty today not to disturb you. If they want to rest, they can lie down in the meeting room..."

Wang Jingang chattered non-stop, with distress in his eyes.

As the door closed again, there was a click of a lock outside the room.

Xiao Chenguang sat on the single bed in the duty room with a confused look on his face, and suddenly felt a sense of laughter and tears.

The director locked the door so that others would not disturb him.

But what if he wanted to go to the toilet? Could he find a bottle to solve it on the spot?

Xiao Chenguang shook his head and threw away the random thoughts in his head.

Since the director ordered him to rest, he should not think about anything and just sleep.

Anyway, the director is here, so what is there to worry about.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden noise outside the room.

The dense footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the anxious voice of the nurse came from the corridor.

"What are you doing? You can't rush in like this."

"Dr. Xiao has been doing surgery all night and is resting inside now. If you have anything, tell me first."

Outside the room, a dark group of people were walking quickly towards the duty room.

They were all tall and strong-looking, and they stood there like a city wall, pressing people to breathe.

Passers-by avoided them as much as possible, fearing that they would offend them.

Wang Jingang came from his office after hearing the news. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was obviously shocked by the momentum.

"One, two, three..."

He took a quick look and found that the facial contours of the seven strong men at the scene were very similar.

Could it be that they were seven brothers?

But they were so fierce, why did they come to the general surgery department together?

Wang Jingang was puzzled, pretending to be calm, and said in a deep voice: "I am the director of this department. You can talk to me if you have any questions."

As soon as these words came out, the originally messy corridor suddenly became quiet.

Everyone paused, turned their heads and looked at Wang Jingang in unison.

The silence at the scene was a little scary.

Especially facing the terrifying eyes cast by the burly man, people couldn't help but stand on end.

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