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Chapter 1101: identity pass

"Lack of a father?" Zhu Lidong's eyes were blank.

I went to talk about something in the afternoon, why did I start to lack a father?

"What's wrong?" Liu Cheng asked nervously.

"As expected, the investigation has begun, and it is normal. Generally, orders are contacted in advance. It may take a few months to communicate on the phone before coming to the factory to check. We seem to have popped up suddenly. , even an idiot feels that something is wrong, fortunately there is a chance to remedy it." Lu Feng said solemnly.

Liucheng asked in a daze: "Does your mother have a connection to Thailand?"

Zhu Lidong patted him with his hand and said angrily, "How do you talk?"

Lu Feng stared at him with an unpleasant expression, Liu Cheng covered his face with his hands in embarrassment and muttered, "Damn, your mouth is fast!"

"I'll simply tell you my information. Don't Mr. Liang know Mr. Liu's English, and I'm afraid they will attack you from the side." Lu Feng explained some of Kuntai's background, and basically formed a Identity closed loop.

Leaving the two busy with their own affairs, the first thing Lu Feng did when he returned to the room was to call Cha Lun. Songpa gave him his phone number before, but unfortunately the business card was lost, and it was too late to find it now.

"Who's phone number? Songpa?" Zha Lun smiled helplessly and said, "Mr. Lu, I'm just a police chief who can only manage one area. A tycoon like Songpa can't look down on a little guy like me."

"Then do you know who has his phone number? Can Sirami contact him first? I'm more anxious." Lu Feng asked.

Zha Lun suddenly felt that he had a lot of power in Lu Feng's heart, and neither of these two people could contact him privately.

"There's nothing I can do here. At most, I'll give you a few phone numbers of the bosses who may know him," said Charun.

Lu Feng asked for a few calls, but he called Sirami first. No one answered the phone, so he had to call these bosses. .

It took almost two hours of tossing, and I just got Songpa's phone number. It took a long time to call and the opposite side picked up. The other end of the phone was chattering in Thai.

"Brother Songpa, do you remember me?" Lu Feng asked in English, "Yes, Lu Feng from Jiafeng Group."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and the voice was rather cold: "Mr. Lu, of course I remember, what's the matter?"

Lu Feng could hear it, but the other party didn't remember it at all, but he didn't care, and said politely, "I just remembered you, and reminisced about the old times with you. After careful calculation, we also have some time..."

"Yeah, that's right, I still have something to do here. When I'm free, I'll make a return visit. Let's catch up slowly." Songpa had already found a pretext and was ready to hang up.

Lu Feng ignored his words and said, "I'm still chatting with Prince Maha today, I just remembered your old friend."

The phone that was about to be put down from the ear suddenly froze, and asked, "Really? I've been drinking a lot recently, and my days have been dim, and my ears are not very good, so I can't hear it very well. Voice, excuse me, Mr. Lu, right?"

"It seems that the recent days have been very exciting. We met on Wall Street before, and we met at Prince Maha's dinner later. Sirami is my person." Lu Feng spoke very directly at this moment. .

"Ouch, I'm so confused, I didn't even hear your voice. Some time ago, I saw your news on the international news. I sighed that you were on the international news channel at a young age. It's all in vain." Songpa teased on the phone.

"It's just a small fight. Brother, you are the giant hidden underwater. Those who jump on the bright side are all fleas." Lu Feng boasted a little.

The two chatted on the phone for a while, and the other end of the phone tentatively asked about Sirami's current relationship with Lu Feng, and Lu Feng naturally boasted.

"By the way, I still need your help here. It's a very small matter. After it's done, I'll go to Thailand to thank you." Lu Feng finally got to the point.

"What's the matter? Let's take a look." Songpa knew it, but he didn't dare to rashly agree, let's listen first.

"As for me, I've been gossiping with people recently. The other party said that I was born in a poor family. As for me, I bragged that my family is the rubber king of Thailand. You are my uncle. I don't regret it after blowing it. Your phone, maybe you will call and ask, and I hope you can help me with the bottom line." Lu Feng said very lightly: "It's just such a trivial matter."

Songpa is not an idiot. Naturally, he does not believe this rhetoric. After a little thought, he knows that Lu Feng is using a fake identity to operate internationally.

"I suddenly have such a powerful nephew, I should be happy, but I've also met Sirami several times recently. I don't have any other meaning. Like you, I think this girl is too bitter and I want to be nice to her. , don't have such a hard day."

"I understand your kindness too well, don't worry, when I go to Thailand, let's find an occasion for you to express your compassion for her tragic experience in person. Uncle, what do you think?" Lu Feng asked. road.

The other end of the phone laughed, and seemed very satisfied with the answer, and said, "Then nephew, rest early. I have something to do here, so I'll be busy first."

"Uncle, rest early." Lu Feng hung up the phone after a few polite words.

The matter was finally resolved, and Lu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly washed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Mr. Liang began to check the authenticity of Lu Feng's identity through various channels. They wanted to check Kun Tai's student status directly at New York University, but unfortunately they didn't know what major Kun Tai studied. He is Thai and rich.

Hearing this range on the other end of the phone was very speechless, where did you come here with money? Moreover, Thailand’s economy has taken off in recent years, and many people come to study abroad every year. Now there is no computer to enter the archives, and the archives need to be manually searched. Even if there is a relationship with Zhang Zhongmou, the other party just agreed perfunctorily, saying There will be news for them.

Mr. Liang felt that it was impossible to verify this person in terms of student status in the short term, so he turned to look for news from Thailand, and after a long time of inquiries, he learned that there are many sisters and brothers in Songpa's family, including several sisters, whether they are engaged in rubber or not. Industry, outsiders simply do not know.

Then I found the relationship and checked it from the Thai customs. There were more than a dozen people named Kuntai alone. The other party wanted to provide a more detailed ID number, but Mr. Liang didn't know at all.

After three days of digging, they finally found a person who was enough to prove Kuntai. They obtained Songpa's contact information through people on Wall Street.

When I called over the phone, I heard that it was an integrated circuit company. Songpa had no patience at all. Just as he was about to hang up, he heard that the other party was inquiring about Lu Feng.

Songpa is also a business person. He said on the phone that he does have such a nephew. He has not been in contact with him for many years. He has a bad relationship with the Kuntai family because the rubber plantation has fallen out. Listen to Now that he is ready to invest in mobile phones, he said sarcastically, saying that this person has nothing to do with him, and he will not make calls in the future.

In the morning, in the chairman's office, Mr. Liang and Mr. Cai were sitting on the large single-seat sofa. Zhang Zhongmou, who was on the opposite side, looked at the information organized into the document in his hand, raised his head and said, "Is that all the information? Logically speaking, so Arrogant young people should leave a lot of marks in the school, don't you have classmates to prove it?"

Mr. Liang and Mr. Cai looked at each other, feeling quite distressed. They couldn't fly to New York. They ran to the school with Kuntai's photo and stopped the students to ask. Besides, they all graduated and their classmates left the school early. .

"This one is called Songpa, and he is very expensive, and it is indeed similar to what Kuntai said. There should be no big problem with this identity." President Cai said.

Zhang Zhongmou looked through the information in the Don't say that this Kuntai is real, even if it is fake, he may turn a blind eye. They need to find a way out. In terms of foundry, the pressure of global competition is too great, and the profit is too small.

The most profitable product is always the finished product. They urgently need a large order to prove themselves and hope to attract other manufacturers.

"Then let's arrange it. I hope the price of this order is not too low. The price of a single product must not be less than two hundred US dollars. This price is still the most suitable for him in the world." Zhang Zhongmou said solemnly. road.

He knows that if Kuntai is cheated, if the price here is too high, the other party is likely to give up. For someone like him on a whim, it is not difficult to give up. The price of more than 200 yuan is relatively low. They also have good profits, which is a win-win.

After Mr. Cai and Mr. Liang got a reserve price, they immediately started to work. Mr. Liang called Lu Feng as soon as possible and made an appointment for dinner in private.

"Okay, I have to treat you this meal, so let's stay at our hotel." Lu Feng settled on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on Lu Feng's face. He was still a little worried these days. After all, there are too many external uncertainties. If the other party really finds something, he has to run away as soon as possible. Places are not good places.

After leaving the room, he found the waiter and reserved a private room, Lu Feng called Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng over, looked at them and said, "Mr. Liang wants to have a meal together at noon, the question of identity has been passed, and the next step is to touch the substance. There's a **** issue, Mr. Liu, how is the Texas Instruments quotation?"

"We have already done!"

"Okay, give it to me tonight and I'll fax it over!"


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