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Chapter 1056: Zhang Fengxia is coming

Zhang Fengxia felt a little depressed lying on the bed. She was really tired in the past few years. She covered her head with a quilt. She knew in her heart that she could not continue to work in her current state. Even if she stayed in China, she might not be able to escape. Phone torture from family members.

Zhang Fengxia sat up from the bed, thinking about going abroad, maybe it would be much better if both parties calm down after leaving for a while.

She didn't know many people abroad. All of her classmates had already graduated. There was really no place to go to the United States rashly. Zhang Fengxia thought about Lu Feng after thinking about it.

In the evening, when Jiang Xiaoyan came back, she told Jiang Xiaoyan her thoughts and wanted to leave for a while. Jiang Xiaoyan agreed after hearing it. Now the factory is basically stable and the management can handle some things. Zhang Fengxia's departure will not cause too much damage. big fluctuations.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Xiaoyan said while eating, "Go directly to the United States? You should have a lot of friends over there. I haven't been there yet. I just watched TV and said there are many high-rise buildings over there."

"Wait for the New Year, you can also go to apply for a visa and go out more." Zhang Fengxia invited.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. It will definitely cost money to go out. I will call Xiangjiang's investors tomorrow and give you dividends in advance. Don't panic if you have money in your hands." Jiang Xiaoyan said with calculation.

"It doesn't need to be too much. I estimate that I will come back next year and will still stay in the factory. I think our factory has great potential for development in the future." Zhang Fengxia said.

When Jiang Xiaoyan first entered the house, Duoduo sued Zhang Fengxia for the account, but she was reprimanded by Jiang Xiaoyan. Now she is sitting there holding a bowl and eating with her head down, raising her head to look at her from time to time, her eyes are very aggrieved, and she said: " Are you going out to find Dad?"

Jiang Xiaoyan froze for a while when she heard this, and then said, "Yes, if you have nowhere to go, you can find him."

"I'm not looking for him, he's in Europe, I'm going to the United States." Zhang Fengxia's voice became weaker after being said.

"It's alright, if you want to look for it, you can find it. It's good to have an acquaintance who will take care of you when you leave the country." Jiang Xiaoyan comforted: "Your parents now feel that the work in Huasha is not decent, but when you return to Jiafeng, maybe they will better."

"I didn't want to go back." Zhang Fengxia didn't know how to explain it. At this moment, she felt that she was more like a defector in Jiang Xiaoyan's eyes. She put down her chopsticks and said, "I will definitely make Huasha bigger with you."

"Actually, it's not necessary. You have a good way out. Go ahead. After all, as you get older, you can't stay married all your life and hang out with a divorced woman like me, right?" Jiang Xiaoyan was eating, in her heart For Zhang Fengxia's thoughts, she understands a little bit.

In the past two years, she has been struggling in business, and she has seen many people. She owns a factory and manages people. The tone of her speech is different now. She has also thought about reconnecting with Lu Feng. In one piece of the problem, this is nothing more than a choice of chicken head and phoenix tail.

Especially since the beginning of this year, she has become more calm. As the factory began to have a surplus, and she often came into contact with cosmetics, in the fashion industry, the cost of food and clothing was already different from before.

She began to feel that she was fine by herself, and she grew the company step by step, and she had enough days.

"Sister Xiaoyan, I really don't mean that." Zhang Fengxia said hurriedly.

"I'm not blaming you. I can understand the situation at home. What's more, it's a good thing. People, every year I get older, some things seem to come to my mind naturally. I haven't reached my thirties yet. This year It seems that my thoughts are not the same as last year, and I think back on the things I insisted on a few years ago, which is naive and ridiculous."

Jiang Xiaoyan put down the chopsticks and continued: "I plan to share dividends for myself, with so much money on my account, to buy myself a villa, I used to think that men are the most important to women, but now it seems that Live to understand, ability is the waist of a woman, no, ability is the waist of everyone, regardless of gender."

Seeing that she couldn't explain clearly, Zhang Fengxia simply stopped talking. Jiang Xiaoyan has changed a lot in the past six months, as can be seen from her clothes and jewelry.

Elmi has been very happy these days. She has communicated with the headquarters several times, saying that she has obtained the channel authorization from Siemens, and is signing a contract these days. The market in Europe will usher in changes. He also had a meal with the regional head of Ericsson. During the dinner, he said confidently that the product strength of the two sides is similar, but the difference is in channels and marketing. Next, let him be prepared to deal with it, and don’t blame himself for bullying others. .

Ericsson naturally laughed when they heard this. The market gap between the two sides in the UK is like a gulf, and it is impossible to close the gap without two or three years of market deployment.

The Nokia branch also began to get busy, contacting advertising companies, and promoting it on TV stations.

In addition to the London company, Jiafeng Group has also set up branches in several cities in the UK. Due to the rapid decline of the market, the 30,000 agents under one of the branches have been unable to make any money, and the market's malice towards Jiafeng has begun to show. , people continue to go to court to sue, and even form trade unions to defend their rights.

Recently, the people at the London headquarters seem to be a little tired. As long as they are one minute late, they will be deducted money. They have to find a way to find work when they have no work. In just a few days, more than 20 people have been fired due to their inability to work.

The whole company was in a panic. In the conference room, except for several core tasks such as managers and finance, other local high-level personnel were unable to participate in the high-level meeting, and many management members had already felt something.

Lu Feng looked at the report that was too rotten to read and threw it on the table. He asked Manager Li, "Didn't the German branch say the day before yesterday that it could transfer a sum of money? Did it come out?"

"They said that it should be no problem to go through the foreign exchange procedures at the bank today. We are still applying here. At the same time, the person in charge of the fund told me about donations during dinner yesterday." Manager Li said with a sullen expression.

"Promise him, and say that we will donate a large sum of money next month, maintain the surface, strengthen internal management, and if there is any question from the media outside, we will go out and explain, if not, we will spend money to buy it out. Inside, does anyone feel that the salary, bonus, etc. are still as usual, the activities that should be carried out must be carried out, and the future must be planned at the same time, understand?" Lu Feng finished his instructions to Manager Li, sat there and thought about it. There is really no harmony within the company.

"Prepare an event in the past few days, hold an event with thousands of people, find some media, the heads of major agency teams, etc., let them all come, the content of the event is to look forward to Jiafeng in the next ten years, and help the dream come together. Grow up." Lu Feng ordered.

"Okay!" After Manager Li agreed, he asked, "Then let's buy air tickets now?"

"If you don't buy a plane ticket and book a plane ticket, it's easy to be intercepted by the Aviation Administration and package a business plane back. How many people are still brought in from China? Let's gather them all and set a good time to leave together." Lu Feng said.

"I'll make a reservation!"

Lu Feng also ordered some things to stabilize the situation. At this time, the more he has to talk to the people below about the future, and the more he has to firmly let everyone see that Jiafeng is going to do a great job here.

After the meeting, Lu Feng walked out of the conference room and went around the various offices. This has become something he often does these days. When he returned to the office, he sat in a slightly bored position and picked up the phone. I called the head of the Siemens team and asked them to hurry up and push forward the progress, and to open the door for Jiafeng’s funds to go out as soon as possible.

The next step is to wait for the signing of various agreements, Jiafeng's funds to return to China, and Lu Feng to get out. As for how many messes there are, the court here will decide whether he is a fraud or a pyramid scheme. No matter what, the world is like that.

It's just that Lu Feng's operation is in the opposite direction of this era. I don't know how many people in China have made a sum of money to go to the United States or Europe, but I am afraid that only Lu Feng is the only one who made money from here to return to people.

Lu Feng leaned on his chair and wondered where the market would be if integrated circuits could make the core technology. Judging from the current domestic demand market, the products produced could only lose money, and it would take until around 2003. A full-scale outbreak can only hope to make a profit.

And it is impossible for Jiafeng to master the entire production process. At most, it has a certain technology in the fields of chip design / silicon wafer / packaging / pickling / corrosion. The most important thing is that the lithography machine technology is only handed by a few manufacturers. There is, once it is sanctioned, there is no dragon slaying technique.

Difficult, really difficult, all advanced technologies and equipment are in the hands of others, either kneeling down to be a dog, or continuing to be imported by others' core technologies in exchange for cheap labor.

Lu Feng leaned on the chair, a feeling of powerlessness in his heart, the times will not change too much because of the appearance of one person, the main line of history is too thick, and Lu Feng is like a little bug lying on it. , Shaking it is an outburst of personal shocking power.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng stopped himself from thinking about these pessimistic things. The phone on the table rang, and he picked it up and said, "Who is it?"

Zhang Fengxia's voice rang on the phone: "It's me, Zhang Fengxia."

"Fengxia? What's wrong?" Lu Feng was a little puzzled, thinking that something was wrong with her, and asked, "Is something wrong with the factory?"

"No, I just want to go out for a walk. Is it convenient to go to your place?" Zhang Fengxia asked.

"I'm here?" Lu Feng seemed to be in a low mood when he heard the voice on the phone. He thought for a moment and said, "I may be leaving soon, when are you coming over? I'm going to Paris after I'm busy here. See you then?"


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