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Chapter 1055: Semiconductor Expo

The two parties discussed at the dinner table until after two o'clock in the middle of the night, and Herman drank a lot. As for the terms and conditions, it can be said that they have talked about everything that should be discussed.

It was really late, so I simply stayed in the winery for the night. Sean wisely opened a room for the two of them. When he returned to the room, Elmi closed the door and seemed a little excited, saying, "These few days. As soon as Tianyi signs the contract, this is done?"

"Keep your voice down!" Lu Feng yelled at her.

This is a suite. Elmi hurriedly lowered her voice and walked towards the sofa, and said to Lu Feng, "There won't be a big problem in the back, right? Will something go wrong with those materials?"

"Don't worry, all the materials have been prepared some time ago, everything is complete, just let your dad cooperate a little bit, there will be no problem in a short time, when they find the problem, you will push me on the head , I probably won't come back after I leave Europe this time." Lu Feng obviously thought about everything.

With such a large sum of money, Jiafeng Electronics will have no problem digging a semiconductor team to go back. As for convicting itself of fraud or something, it is fine to stay in China, let alone Semiconductors pose a certain threat to the Western world, and I am afraid that there will be no less messy crimes, not worse than this one!

Elmi was still immersed in joy. Lu Feng was a noble person in her life. He helped her reach the top twice. When she was excited, she couldn't help rushing towards him and hugging him.

Lu Feng looked a little tired, grabbed her shoulders with both hands and slowly pushed her away, and said, "I'm tired, wash and sleep."

In the bathroom, the large bathtub was full of hot water, and a layer of bubbles floated on it. Lu Feng lay in it and felt a little lost. A few years ago, he felt that as a traveler, it would not take much effort to turn the world around, but Now he is trying not to be overturned by the world.

After the semiconductor industry is formed, it still needs to be sold to the outside world in a short period of time, but when Jiafeng can make integrated circuits, it is tantamount to offending the whole world. excluded from the whole world.

When Lu Feng thought about this, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. A powerful individual or company would be as vulnerable as a piece of paper in front of the empire. When you have something you shouldn't have, any crime can make you fall apart in an instant.

"Huaibi is guilty!" Lu Feng muttered to himself.

Lu Feng sat up from the bathtub. He didn't want to think about it anymore. He did the things in front of him first, rinsed clean, and then went into the bedroom. Elmi seemed quite excited. Eye rest.

The next day, he woke up after three strokes of the sun. He made up for the joy of last night. He didn't take advantage of it, and it was not Lu Feng's style. He went downstairs and had a simple lunch with Sean. Herman had already taken the ride in the morning. The private plane went back, and it is estimated that a Siemens team will come to contact us within two days at most.

Elmi's face was flushed, and she seemed to be in good spirits. She skillfully cut the steak on the plate with a knife and fork, ate a piece, raised the wine glass and looked at Sean, "Thank you again this time, I respect you. a cup."

"Yes, I'm still a subordinate of President Lu anyway. Besides, everyone has known each other. If you need anything in the future, feel free to come to me." Xiao En said politely, looking at Lu Feng and saying, "This time Is Mr. Lu leaving?"

"I will go, but Jiafeng won't go." Lu Feng replied.

Sean raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously he didn't believe this at all. This was Lu Feng's only chance to escape, and Sean's feeling told him that something was not right, not only him, but also Herman this morning. When talking to Sean, I feel that something is not right.

So I called Elmi's father, and the other end of the phone just said that these things were internal affairs, which vaguely proved the truth of the matter. Herman is not a vegetarian. The entire content was recorded with a voice recorder.

Sean has a relatively good understanding of Jiafeng through Kevin. He just wants to be the heart of technology in the East, but Sean also understands that such a sophisticated thing, the core technology is by no means a weak country can have, let alone a company. Businesses can survive.

Lu Feng went back with the money. If there was a problem with the contract this time, he would really leave no way out for himself.

What's more, Lu Feng didn't give himself a way out here, and he started selling sales classes. This is not about cutting leeks, but even digging the roots of leeks, and the mess behind can't be cleaned up at all.

Sean lit a cigar and took a sip. Seeing Lu Feng, he felt a little emotional. Who was not full of blood when he was young, but he was frustrated by reality halfway and walked into the arms of money.

"I wish you the best of luck." Sean raised his hand slightly towards Lu Feng and said, "I will be in charge of the consultation service between you this time, and remember to find me if you have any work in the future."

"Don't worry, there's absolutely no problem." Lu Feng touched a glass with him.

After eating and drinking, everyone went out of the villa. The sun was shining outside, sparrows flew by in groups, and the birds were singing. Sean learned a month ago that a semiconductor exhibition was going to be held in Paris. He got an invitation letter from him, such an exhibition is useless to him.

But for Lu Feng, there might be something to gain. Looking at Lu Feng, he was slightly hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Lu Feng noticed that something was wrong with the old man.

Sean took a deep breath and whispered to the translator next to him: "You whispered to him that there will be a semiconductor expo in Paris in half a month. I have an invitation letter, ask him to go?"

The translator was stunned for a moment, then walked over to Lu Feng's ear and whispered. Elmi stood aside, full of puzzlement, and pricked up her ears to listen, but she didn't hear anything.

Lu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the news. He looked at Sean and said, "Really? Thank you so much."

"When I look back, I'll have someone deliver it to you. It has my name on it. You can do it with a little money. Many black reporters do this." Sean said, "This is a road of no return. ."

"Let's live, you can't always think about money. When you're full and you want to straighten your back, you have to do something, or your heart will be scratched." Lu Feng said while talking and laughing, patted Sean on the shoulder Said: "You, a citizen living in a developed country, will not understand me as a third world resident. Well, that's all for that, thank you."

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he patted Sean on the shoulder heavily, and said goodbye. Although this old boy didn't know how much he did behind his back and how much money he earned, at this moment Lu Feng felt that he understood him and also It's a confidant.

On the way back, Elmi looked at Lu Feng from time to time and asked, "What did he say to you? Are you so happy?"

"He's an old man, what can he say? You're in good shape. I had a blast last night." Lu Feng casually said nonsense.

Elmi smiled. She knew that this was not what she was talking about, so she didn't ask any further questions, but she had already told herself in her heart that she should pay close attention to any link in the signing of the agreement during this time, lest Lu Feng and Sean do anything in it. What hands and feet.

The car first took Elmi to the Nokia branch, and then took Lu Feng back to the headquarters. After going downstairs, Lu Feng watched the company building not go up. The current Jiafeng branch has no value for management. After returning to the residence , Lu Feng called Manager Li and told him that from today onwards, the company will strictly carry out various assessments and manage it strictly.

After leaving such a sentence, he hung up the phone and lay on the bed.

The next day, someone in charge of the team contacted Lu Feng. This matter was handled by a newly established company. On the same day, Lu Feng showed them a series of certificates such as the relevant authorization contract. Mi was by his side the whole time, and the progress was quite smooth.

The entire procedure will take ten days at the earliest. During this time, Lu Feng held two meetings with Manager Li, requesting to liquidate the company's overall assets, and to cash out as much as possible, and at the same time inform other branches to make corresponding preparations~www and this matter can only be known to a few high-level people, and must not be leaked.

Everything was going in a good direction. Three days later, there was an invitation letter on Lu Feng's desk with Sean's name written on it.

In China, Zhang Fengxia rested for a few days, stayed in the rental house by herself, and talked to her parents on the phone several times. Her mother persuaded her with good words and hoped that she would at least choose a path arranged by her family, rather than living in a small house now. Destroying youth in a broken factory.

Dad had already lost confidence in Zhang Fengxia, especially the children of friends around him who kept sharpening their heads and climbing up. Only his daughter was going to die. The attitude on the phone was very tough, either listen to the family or don't go home, no more.

Zhang Fengxia felt that the whole person was exhausted, and she didn't want to choose either, but she had no choice. She cried at home for several days and didn't want to answer the phone anymore, so she went to Jiang Xiaoyan's house to stay with her.

"Don't cry, you are already an adult, you have to be strong." Duoduo looked at Zhang Fengxia and persuaded: "Your parents don't want you, then you don't want them either, no one cares, how happy?"

"Go away and write your homework, you have no father or mother." Zhang Fengxia sobbed and scolded.

"Look at your temper, I'm your parents, and I don't want you either!" Duoduo turned around and muttered.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of being beaten in the room. She stood there with red eyes and covered her butt, and choked up: "You're not happy, so I'm not happy, how can you be such a person, woo woo Woo."

Zhang Fengxia slapped her **** a lot, took a deep breath and felt much better. She stood up and went back to the room to lie down. She seemed to understand that Jiang Xiaoyan sometimes beat her, and it wasn't all Duo's fault!


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