Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1070 166. The Last Night Of Silithus

Chapter 1070 166. The Last Night of Silithus

After the last two lord bugs in the Qiraji ruins were also tamed by the hunters arranged by the stinky pirates, at the darkest hour before dawn, tonight's war has entered the real garbage time.

The swarm has ebbed.

They even brought back those companions who died in the chaos under the new order. They were extremely docile, and even knew how to make way for the soldiers in front of them, and they didn't see the previous violent and devouring posture.

This change is difficult for many people to accept.

The old cow leaning on the totem looked at the receding swarm of insects with complicated eyes. Beside this powerful warrior, there were already piles of corpses of all kinds of alien insects and insects.

If the xenomorphs can think at the most basic level, when they see the piles of bug corpses around Kane, they should also regard him as an enemy that will never be forgotten.

Kane Bloodhoof almost on his own, held the way to the temple battlefield for the death knights after the defense line collapsed.

He slaughtered crazily tonight, releasing all his destructive power.

In the wild battle, Kane also fell into desperation. At the fatal moment surrounded by the swarm, he was also forced to release a rebirth of the earth, and the swarm paid a great price to kill Kane. When moving forward, the tenacious old cow gave the swarm a big surprise by being resurrected with full blood.

Especially in the big bunker in front of Kane, there lay a variegated insect lord who was very similar to the tenacious Van Kriss, and should be the craziest general of the swarm under General Rajax.

The sandworm plunderer named Kulinax was crushed by Kane with a totem and died miserably. In order to kill it, Kane even shattered the supreme power gifted to him by Ulan Gaoling. Ridge Rune Spear.

Now the upper half of the spear is being inserted into Culinax's smashed brain.

"What are you thinking?"

Bu Rocks' weary voice sounded from behind Kane, and the old cow flicked his tail, stepped forward and pulled his broken spear from the shattered brain of the Marauder Lord.

He said to the old orc who was also a warrior in a low voice:

"I'm just emotional.

Perhaps because of the experience of the clan, my understanding of the night elves is full of prejudice.

It wasn't until I actually saw the devastation of the qiraji swarms that I realized what those lanky ones I didn't like had done thousands of years ago.

If the Kaldorei failed to block these Qiraji in the War of the Quicksand

The Bloodhoof clan never even had a chance to exist.

I shouldn't hold grudges against them.

In the long past that we don't know, before my grandfather was born, we already owed the night elves an incomplete favor. "

"You're a good fighter, Kane, but you always think too much.

The favor of the past does not conflict with the hatred of the present, and you cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering that the night elves have inflicted on you just because they protected you in the past.

That's not how a chief should think. "

The old orc found a rock and sat down, and took out an exquisite tauren pipe from his bag, which was given to him by Ulan Gaoling after the battle of the Supreme Warrior.

He lit the tobacco leaves with a flint, and ignored the corrosion and scratches left by the limbs of the bugs on the armor, while Bu Rocks swallowed the clouds and enjoyed the tranquility after the war, he threw the dragon ax in his hand to Kane .


"That bug's carapace must be good for armor. We will give you fifty-five points for the good things you collected."

"But I did all the work and I thought I should get more."

The old cow laughed and used a sharp ax to cut open the solid shell of the looting insect lord in front of him, and chopped off the six sharp insect limbs.

From Kane's eyes, it is not difficult to find that these sharp black claws only need to be slightly polished to become a good spear material. While working, he said to the old orc who was sitting beside him resting:

"You orcs in Dellano are also clan-based. I've heard many stories about great chiefs from Grom. To be honest, I'm a little confused now about how to deal with the relationship between the Tauren and the Kaldorei.

I know that you once served a great and wise chief.

Maybe you can give me some advice? "

"Advice? I don't think you need advice from losers. You should probably ask Bu Laike Shaw for such a question. For a small price, his dark wisdom will serve you."

Bu Rocks sat on the stone in the posture of a big man, watching the death knights silently clearing the battlefield in front of him, he exhaled smoke, and said to Kane:

"But if you think Boo Laike's dark suggestion is too 'irritating', I can chat with you.

You are nothing more than hovering between kindness and hatred, which is actually a very simple choice.

From the perspective of our orcs, the Kaldorei did protect this continent. They protected you during the War of Quicksand. This is a kindness that needs to be repaid.

So when they need help, you can lead your clan to fight to the death for their existence.

But the pain their gods have given you is also real.

This is hatred, and there must be a reckoning.

So when you go to confront that Cenarius, you don't need to give him too much face. The bad thing is caused by his indulgence of his children, which is his fault.

Can't you Tauren deserve to suffer just because the Kaldorei is kind to you? "

The old orc coughed twice, shrugged and said to Kane:

"Many idiots think that it is the truth to balance grievances, but how can it be so easy to eliminate hatred? We orcs know this best.

You must release the anger in your heart so that you can find peace with peace of mind.

It is impossible for people with hatred in their hearts to think calmly, let alone persuade the people behind you to be as calm as you. If you have to choose between kindness and hatred, you have to put your own people first.

You may have many friends to rely on, but your people can only rely on you.

You can't let them down.

Once they are disappointed, you are out of luck.

I don't think the Kaldorei will lend a helping hand in your time of misfortune. These night elves are indeed humbler than their kin, but they are elves nonetheless.

Pride and arrogance are their original sins. "

"Woohoo, who said that orcs have no wisdom?"

Kane felt that what the old orc said made sense, he threw the dragon-slaying ax back to Bu Rocks, and divided half of the materials he had collected at the feet of the old orc.

The old cow waved his hand smartly and said:

"The extra ones are the rewards for your green-skinned wisdom. In addition, you have come here, why don't you go to Desolace with me? Help me fight a dozen centaurs, and I'll treat you to a drink after the battle."

"You're starting to do that with Boo Laike, too."

Rocks shot Kane a look and said:

"You old cow looks simple and honest, and you can learn to be bad much faster than us. But if you want to hire fighters like me and my brother, this little material is not enough.

Can you spend as much money as Bo Laike? "

"I do not have money."

The old cow wagged its tail, spread its hands and said:

"My ancestral armor is sold to the goblins in exchange for food for my people."

"No money, no talk."

Bu Rocks sneered and said:

"We still have a lot of troublesome things to solve on Blackstone Mountain. How can we have time to leave our family business and work for others like Grom's lunatic?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet."

The old cow squeezed his eyes and showed a sly smile. He patted the old orc on the shoulder and said:

"But centaurs are predatory. I heard that in their ancestral land, the Valley of Spears, there are the mausoleums of their five great khans, which are full of gold and silver treasures.

It's useless for us tauren to ask for money.

Don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. "

"It's okay to hire an assassin to kill someone with other people's money."

The old orc exhaled the smoke ring, hammered the old cow's broad waist, and said:

"You bastard really learned a lot of cunning and wisdom from Bo Laike, you can't go on like this, you don't have Bo Laike's skills, so don't learn his bad way of thinking.

I took this job.

I also want to discuss with those centaur war khans who can suppress warriors like you for decades. Anyway, our shamans are going to go, just take it as a relaxation in the past

uh, what is that? "

Bu Rocks stood up, lifted the worm shell material under his feet, and was about to leave here with Kane, but looked back at the sky behind him as if feeling something.

In the depths of the great desert far away, there is a golden light shining in the night.

"Holy light?"

The old orc glanced at the paladins behind him in surprise, and said to Kane:

"How many people have come from the Church of the Holy Light? Can they still spare some people to help the hunters fighting in the desert?"

"Uh, that's not someone from the Holy Light Church."

Kane, who has been living on the Nagfar during this time, shook his head and explained:

"Before the battle started, I saw that Bu Laike sent a black-robed lady to follow the hunters to the large insect nest in the desert, it should be the holy light released by that lady.

Everyone else on the ship respects her, and it is said that she is also a heretic of the Holy Light? "

"Ah, I know who it is."

The old orc curled his lips and said:

"'Forgotten Shadow' Natalie Celin is a real ruthless character. During the years when we fought with humans, the orc warriors who died at the hands of her and her lunatic followers could make up a small clan up.

I also hunted her down myself, at Orgrim's behest.

how to say?

That woman was terrible, she was one of the few people who survived after being cut by me. "

"Is it that powerful?"

Kane widened his eyes and said:

"I think she's easy to talk to, she's a very low-key person, she has no sense of presence on the boat."

"Aha, another guy who got scammed by Ms. Natalie."

The stupid Fenna who happened to pass by here heard Kane's words, she rolled her eyes, and said to Kane:

"The most evil person on that ship is my stinky brother, but in terms of the level of evil, Ms. Natalie can at least be ranked in the top five. Everyone respects her not just because she is a ship doctor.

Once you really annoy her, you'll know how terrifying a Shadow Priest who's wading through the Void on his own is still loved by the Light.

She can easily drive you crazy with just one look, I'm not bragging, I've seen it with my own eyes

Oh more than once. "


"Ah Choo!"

Outside the Lago's lair in the great desert of Silithus, Natalie Serling, who was leaning on a gorgeous staff full of light, suddenly sneezed.

She felt that someone must be speaking ill of her behind her back.

Of course, it is also possible that he is too weak now.

Behind Natalie, Emmoreel Shadowguard was looking at the low-key black-robed ship doctor in front of him and the young long-legged priestess beside her with eyes mixed with respect and fear.

In fact, when Braike assigned the two ladies to follow the hunters of the hidden passage into the hive to tame the low-level swarm lords, Emriel refused.

She would rather have experienced Cenarion Druids as the healers of her team, rather than two human female priests who seem to have no deterrent effect at all.

But Laike refused her request for a replacement, telling her that ten druids were no better than one Natalie.

Emeril didn't believe it then.

But now she believes it.

She didn't know what happened to the teams that went deep into the other two worm nests.

But her team had fifteen people when they set out, and now they have gone through a fight with a nest of terrifying bugs, and after completing the taming task with difficulty, they are still fifteen people.

It was nothing short of a miracle!

They fought for several hours in a large worm nest with at least tens of thousands of worms, but none of them died, and even few were seriously injured. This kind of terrifying healing efficiency is already comparable to that of the Moon Priest of the Sisters of Elune.

What's even more rare is that Ms. Natalie can not only use holy light to heal, but when the team encounters the risk of being besieged and destroyed by the swarm, Ms. Serin's void magic, which switches to shadow form, is also deadly.

After seeing Natalie scare to death a dozen vicious bugs with a spiritual scream, Emeril never dared to show any contempt for this low-key priest.

She realized that Bo Laike's admiration was not bragging.

As long as the black-robed priest wanted to, she could easily wipe out the enemies in this worm nest together with her team of fifteen.

If coupled with the help of the long-legged priestess beside her, Natalie Serling would not even be injured after killing them and the bugs.

Natalie felt the awe-inspiring eyes of the elf ranger behind her.

But she doesn't care.

She caressed the legendary priest's staff that she had finally completed in her hand. In the beating of the golden streamer, the somewhat weak Natalie looked at Partress who bowed her head and chanted beside her.

With a wave of affirmative admiration she said:

"Isenlien taught you well, little girl, you already have all the conditions to become a legendary priest of the Holy Light, you are the most talented healer I have ever seen.

What's even more commendable is that you can not only heal, but also use the power of the Holy Light to fight.

Do you plan to become a Disciplinarian in the future? "

"Well, yes, Natalie Mentor."

Although Natalie had left the Church of the Holy Light a long time ago and was accused of heresy by many priests, the silver priest Partress still called this senior who taught her first aid in the past.

She looked enviously at the shining "blessing" staff in Natalie's hand, and said softly:

"It was Faol's suggestion to me. He said that the Holy Light had made arrangements for my fate, and he also said that I could take over the position of Isenlien's mentor and become a great prosecutor.

But rather than fighting, I still.

I prefer the feeling of healing. "

"If you have talent, don't let it go to waste. Your Majesty Faol has a very precise eye for seeing people."

Natalie noticed the gaze of her former little disciple, and she raised the staff in her hand.

Under the transformation of the power of the void, the shining golden staff instantly changed from a holy artifact of healing to a eerie and strange evil staff.

Gently swaying it can bring out a purple-black void streamer, and just looking at it will make Partress tremble.

"Do you want a weapon that understands your strength like this, and can change shapes as you wish?"

Natalie whispered to Partress:

"In front of a shadow priest, you don't have to hide your desire. You just saw with your own eyes how I passed the test of the holy light and shadow, and made my own 'blessing and curse'.

I can tell you that there is more than one such weapon in this world, and the Elune Sisters also have many similar holy eyes and shadow eyes.

You can have it too, Partress.

This is the best tribute to a pastor.

Or, you can pursue the greater power of divine punishment and strive to become an outstanding discipliner

The evil one I serve, Bu Laike, may be able to help you find the power you need.

But remember my warning, don't believe a word he says, especially if he asks you to pay for the information you need.

Little girls like you are his favorite prey.

His love life has been bad recently, so there is a high probability that he won't eat you. "

Natalie reached out and patted Paltress on the head, like patting a kitten, and said softly in a playful tone:

"But he'll enjoy 'taming' you."

"So, stay away from him, stay away from dangerous dirty things, and be good."

(end of this chapter)

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