Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1069 165. This Is A Life-Saving Grace, I Think You Should Show It

Chapter 1069 165. This is a life-saving grace, I think you should show it


The sound of the shattering of the prison aperture was like the splashing of a wooden barrel full of water. After Bu Laike dispelled the void power in the dark temple, the bondage that froze the three dragons dissipated.

The three guys were like the panic of a dying drowning person when he leaned out of the sea to take his first breath of air. They fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

Not to mention the embarrassment of that posture.

But all three were of noble birth, with direct bloodlines from the Dragon King, so their power returned quickly after breaking free from the thousand-year-old shackles.

Ten seconds later, they recovered from their chaotic memories and opened their eyes.

What came into view was a beautiful girl with her arms hanging, wearing a peculiar eagle head mask and a glowing sun beetle emblem, and a few bloodstains on her face.

She has long, ombré blue hair, which is her most peculiar feature.

Her eyes turned into yellow snake pupils, which represented her identity as a fellow dragon. And behind her, a blond human in a black hunting suit and a pirate hat was standing there obediently.

It appears to be a human servant of the dragon's kin.

"Kay Reiss, Tratz, Merlinthra, and my compatriot Arygos, your millennium captivity is over."

Little Xingxing stepped forward with a solemn posture, and threw a dragon language magic to help the weak and unable to get up three giant dragon heroes to levitate in place, so that they would not maintain their awkward posture with weak hands and feet.

She said the names of the three dragons, and then said her own name.

"I am Stellagosa, Champion of the Dragonflight, Enemy of the Polluter, Slayer of the Destroyer, Terminator of Corruption, Destroyer of Thousand Eyes, Savior of Azeroth.

After I learned that you were still alive, I led my mortal servants and Kaldorei warriors into the Scarab Wall, and we ended C'Thun's reign of terror.

My fellow citizens, your nightmare is over. "

Little Xingxing stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, and placed it in front of the Red Dragon Prince Kai Reiss Terraz.

The red dragon who just woke up from the thousand-year nightmare and still doesn't know what's going on is clearly confused by the exaggerated titles of Little Xingxing.

Because of the long-term mental confinement, his reaction was a bit slow, and the Red Dragon Prince finally came to his senses when the Green Dragon Princess coughed behind him.

He raised his hand with difficulty and held it with Little Xingxing.

He said hoarsely:

"Just call me Karen, thank you for your selfless assistance, my fellow clan, I didn't expect that I would be able to preserve my will and return to my hometown one day.

I will never forget your help, nor will I forget this kindness. After I meet my mother, I will tell the entire Red Dragon Army about your help and achievements. "

"That's unnecessary."

Little Xingxing coughed and said hypocritically:

"I didn't come here to save you for a reward.

I was just a wyrmling when the War of the Shifting Sands took place, but I also learned of the bravery of you three from my companions after I joined the blue dragonflight.

You are the heroes of this world and you deserve your freedom.

You are very weak and need to recuperate very much now. This place must have left you with terrible memories. Come with me, and I will send you to the stronghold of the druids first.

Soon the dragons will come to fetch you home.

The rest will be discussed after you recover.

And a lot has happened during your millennia of isolation, and it may take you a lot of time to come to terms with these chaotic times. "

"Aren't you a blue dragon born in the Nexus? Stella Gosa."

After Little Xingxing finished his heart-warming words, Arygos, the blue dragon prince who maintained the form of a black-haired dwarf, suddenly asked:

"Perhaps my memory was disturbed by the ancient gods. I don't seem to have seen you in Coldarra."

"I am the granddaughter of Senegos."

The little star looked at Arygos. Although dwarfs were not the preferred form of blue dragons when they traveled the world, Arygos also had a very strange temperament when he turned himself into a dwarf.

This guy's eyes were full of wisdom, and when he spoke, he immediately reminded Little Xingxing of the Spellweaver.

The tone of the father and son's speech is exactly the same, full of a kind of deep majesty.

This made Little Star a little jealous.

She can't learn this style.

She belongs to the kind of energetic magical girl. Although she is easy to like, she always feels that she lacks the majesty that a dragon should have.

She said to Arygos:

"My grandfather was the brother of the Spellweaver before he became the guardian dragon, and he was also the first batch of ancients who evolved from the proto-dragon to the blue dragon.

Before the War of the Ancients, Grandpa and the Spellweaver had a conflict because of the Dragon Soul, so he took us to the Blue Wing Habitat to live alone.

Didn't return to Coldarra until just over a year ago.

In terms of blood, maybe I should call you Uncle? "

"Uh, I can't let a benefactor who saved me call me uncle with peace of mind."

Arygos smiled weakly.

He tried his best to make Little Xingxing do a thankful ceremony, saying:

"You have made the blue dragonflight proud, little star, and I will also remember your aid to me and my friends, but please forgive me for having to ask you a question now."

The Blue Dragon Prince rubbed his forehead and said:

"I feel the weakness of the scarab wall, a power is missing. The power of time from my brother Anachronos is gone.

That wall is weathering, it's crumbling.

A thousand years ago, when Karen, Meileen, and I sacrificed our lives to seal the swarm, Anachronos promised us that as long as he was still alive, he would not disappoint our sacrifice.

Is the bronze dragonflight in trouble? "

As expected of a magical blue dragon, he felt the changes in the ruins of Qiraji and the wall of beetles the moment he woke up. Bu Laike blinked and tapped on Little Xingxing's back.

Princess Blue Dragon understood immediately.

She explained:

"The question about the bronze dragon is very complicated, and I can't explain it in one or two sentences.

I can only tell you that this is not because His Excellency the Bronze Dragon Prince Anachronos broke his oath, but because the Bronze Dragons withdrew from this timeline for special reasons.

This matter is related to the war in the mortal world in the past few years. I will pick a time to explain it to you.

But now, you must leave here with me. "


The low-key and silent lady dragon, Green Dragon Princess Melinthra said in a painful tone:

"I can feel the changes in the dream. Terrible things have happened in the Emerald Dream. Little Xingxing is right. Too many changes have happened in the past thousand years. We have to settle down first before we can sort out the context. .

Let's go, Karen, and Yalei, this dark place scares me, even after a thousand years, I still can't get used to it.

Even though the evil C'Thun is dead, I still fear the darkness that remains here, and it keeps me awake. "

"Then I will rush back to Cenarion Stronghold to arrange a resting place for you."

Little Xingxing said to his fellow clansmen:

"My human servants will be responsible for sending you out of this dark place. The war outside is still going on, and the heroic spirits of Odin, the Lord of War, have also joined the cause of expelling the insects."

Blue Dragon looked around and whispered:

"You all know that the legendary Odin doesn't like our giant dragon, so I want to wrong you and leave in a low-key human form, so as not to offend the warlike Titan guardian again."

"Understood, we can understand."

Arygos sighed and said:

"It is a blessing of fate to be able to leave the cage alive after a thousand years of torture, and we will not ask for more rudely. You go to work, little Xingxing, we can take care of ourselves."

Little Xingxing nodded, and when he turned around, he met Laike's eyes.

She blinked, which means it's up to you.

The smelly pirate also responded with a wink, meaning don't worry, I can handle it.

After making eye contact, Little Xingxing took her storm dragon guards and left first. She still had to go to the battlefield to collect some proofs of her heroic combat, and take a look at Sienni's situation by the way.

Bu Laike summoned three hell horses, let three weak dragons ride on them, put a cloak on them, and left the fallen temple in a low-key manner.

They passed through the square in front of the temple full of remains of the swarm, and the appearance of the heroic warriors who were still chasing the swarm made the three giant dragons exclaim.

In the era when they were born, the Hall of Valor had long been sealed.

The existence of Odin and the Heroic Spirits is also a distant story for them.

"What is that creature?"

When leaving the battlefield in the ruins of Qiraji, Melinthra, the Dragon of Dreams, looked curiously at the old orc V Locke who was holding an ax to kill a swarm guard. She asked Bu Laike:

"Is that the new life born in this world in the past thousand years? It's so fierce."

"No, that's an alien species."

The pirate pouted and said:

"They came from another world, started a war in the human kingdom, and are now in exile. Your Excellency Karen should pay extra attention to the orcs.

When you were imprisoned, your mother was imprisoned by the orcs for seven years.

The great Red Dragon Queen is still recuperating in Wyrmrest Temple.

The three of you really caught up with the good times. Maybe it won't be long before you can see more strange beings pouring into Azeroth from the world of orcs.

Oh, right.

The demons are also coming back soon, and the three return just in time for the second War of the Ancients. "

"What? Mother was imprisoned by orcs?"

The Red Dragon Prince's eyes widened immediately, and he said in surprise:

"Why can they imprison a Dragon King?"

"because this."

Bu Laike took out an irregular piece of metal from the bag and threw it in his hands. As soon as the thing was taken out, the three giant dragons immediately exclaimed.

"The soul of the dragon!"

Arygos narrowed his eyes, looked at the metal fragments in the pirate's hand, and said:

"This evil thing has been destroyed? Is it the hero who accomplished such a great deed?"

"Ahem, it's right here."

Bu Laike coughed and said to the three with a smile:

"Of course, as a loyal servant of His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, I managed to destroy the Dragon Soul and release the imprisoned Red Dragon Queen under the wise command of the Blue Dragon Princess.

It's nothing.

In the past period of time, Her Royal Highness Little Xingxing has done many great things to change the world with the body of a giant dragon, and her reputation is already very high in the dragon army.

But what is commendable is that even such a great His Royal Highness Xing Xing still maintains a very humble attitude.

She once told me that she didn't want to be a dragon guardian, because dragons only fight for their own clan and mission.

She wants to become a greater existence than the Dragon King!

She will fight for all life in Azeroth.

For this reason, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing was willing to release Lord Arygos, and she showed the spellweaver that she was not willing to take over the throne of the King of Magic.

That would only distract from her selfless energy to contribute to the world. "

The pirate stared at Arygos, and he said:

"I have always been proud of having such a master, but the only shortcoming of my highness is that she is too upright. Therefore, if your highness won't say anything, it is natural for a cunning and vicious human servant like me to replace her say it.

Your Highness may do salvation without expecting anything in return.

But you, as the rescued, cannot take advantage of His Highness Little Xingxing's integrity with peace of mind. You must perform some practical actions to reward my Highness for his contribution to the dragon army.

My words don't sound good.

But if you also think that being grateful is a virtue of dragons, then after you go back to your respective clans, you have to prepare for the gift of gratitude.

His Highness has been pushing forward with a great plan lately.

She saw the weakness of the blue dragon army, so she tried to replenish the strength of the magic army in her own way.

This job is difficult and not understood by other arrogant dragons.

But my Highness still has no hesitation.

Too bad she needs help.

It is very difficult for a human like me to intervene in the affairs of the dragon, so."

"We understand."

The Red Dragon Prince Karen nodded solemnly and said:

"There's nothing embarrassing about it. Rewards and gifts after saving are also the norms of the dragons. The little star not only rescued us as prisoners, but also helped us end the war that we couldn't end a thousand years ago.

This in itself is a noble act that must be rewarded. "

"That's right."

The green dragon princess looked at the wall of beetles that was getting closer and closer. She seemed a little cold. She folded her arms on the horse and wrapped her cloak tightly. She said in a sentimental tone:

"For countless days and nights in the past, being imprisoned, I really thought I was going to die in C'Thun's cage, I thought I would rot in that dark place, and I would die silently.

I will never see my mother and father again, and I will no longer be able to freely travel through dreams.

It was a nightmare that I couldn't escape. Little Xingxing pulled me out of the nightmare. She was my savior. No matter what she needed, I would do my best to help her.

This is my oath! "

"There's not much I can do."

The blue dragon prince Arygos let out a dwarf-specific laugh, and said:

"But when I return to Coldarra, I will do my best to proclaim the great achievements of the little star. She will become the hero of all dragons, and the blue dragonflight will be proud of her."

"That's good."

The pirate narrowed his eyes at Arygos, who replied with a smile.

But when he lowered his head, Bo Laike's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

This blue dragon.

I really don't know each other.

I've said all this, you still haven't voluntarily surrendered your inheritance rights.

Do you really think I don't know your little secret?

I originally said that I would let you go because of Little Xingxing's request, but since I am so greedy for power and long for the throne of the king of magic, I will fatten you up and kill you!

The blue dragon army is on the verge of extinction because of the fallen leader, and the great little star restores the blue dragon's inheritance at a critical moment, and will naturally be pushed to the throne by the grateful people.

Tsk tsk, what a delightful poignant dragon story.

(end of this chapter)

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