Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 894: Ambitious "C" plan

  Chapter 894 The ambitious "C" plan

  Li Fushou has been in the upper position for many years, and he is well versed in the way of the emperor.

  Humha Er will be ordered to leave, and he must do the errand he explained beautifully. There is no need for Li Fushou to worry about this.

   Now that the Royal Army has gained a foothold in North America, and swept the West Coast with a strong military force, with its help, the effort will be multiplied!

  The general trend of today's world has become somewhat unrecognizable under the agitation of the Ocean Empire, and this is what Li Fushou is most satisfied with.

The "Wool War" launched this year has caused irreparable rifts within the English-speaking countries. The Ocean Empire and Canada are disgusted with each other, and the old grudge between Citi and Canada (the United States invaded Canada, and the Canadian militia burned the White House) , the mortal blood feud between Ocean Empire and Citigroup, Citigroup's resentment towards Britain, and Britain's vigilance and alienation from Ocean Empire, these are all good phenomena that Li Fushou is willing to see.

  If they are all united as one person, then those anti-bone boys of De-Yeo are still playing a fart?

  Without the First World War, how could the world have changed dramatically?

  The Royal Army's devastating victory in the North American continent is not known to others, but Li Fushou is full of ideas. He is using the modern mechanical army in the early days of World War II to brutalize the American militia during the Civil War. Is there any reason to win?

  Each Royal Army infantry division is equipped with an armored battalion, which is not only a huge improvement in equipment, but also an iron fist for the infantry division to attack.

   Moreover, it will have a profound impact on the theory of infantry tactics. While infantry divisions use modern vehicles such as cars and bicycles to carry out fast mobile operations, how can the outdated tactics of lining up and shooting them work?

The most powerful armored iron fist put on the North American continent is the Royal Red First Division. This division is an experimental unit of the entire Royal Army. It uses the open terrain of the North American continent to practice high maneuverability, great depth, and all-area armored strike tactics. It has already captured Oregon. Great success in the battles of state and Washington state.

   Those infantry divisions equipped with cars and bicycles were configured to keep up with the rapid movement capabilities of the armored divisions, not for nothing.

The Royal Red First Division is not complete, but lacks a T2 tank regiment. The entire armored division is equipped with wolf light tanks and cheetah medium tanks. The T2 tank regiment is still in Tasmania for training and has not been fully decrypted. .

   There are now two T2 tank regiments on Tasmania, belonging to the 1st Great Red Division and the 4th Royal Praetorian Armoured Division.

  The third T2 tank regiment is being formed on the island. This is an iron fist belonging to the Royal Armored Dragoon Division. The 132 T-2 tanks attached to it are in place one after another and will soon become an army.

   In the next step, as planned, the Royal Armored Tiger Cavalry Division will be equipped with T-2 tank regiments, followed by the Panther Cavalry Division and the Wolf Cavalry Division, and finally realize the armored modification of the four major cavalry divisions.

   Due to the war factor

   The plans for various military equipment have been greatly advanced. It was originally planned to complete a T-2 tank regiment in two years, but now it only takes about 5 to 6 months.

   It is not the production capacity of tank manufacturers that restricts equipment, but the investment of military budget funds.

The T-2 armored regiment is a very expensive thing. Even if the price of each tank is reduced to 41,000 Jinyang, it costs more than 5.3 million Jinyang to equip a tank regiment, plus light reconnaissance tank companies, logistics companies, repairs Even the heavy equipment, a t2 tank regiment of 6 million gold can't be beat, is the price of equipping two "Metropolis" class battleships.

   is not a rich industrial country and can't afford these expensive things.

  The senior officials of the Ministry of the Army were a little childish when they just got new toys. They generally wanted to pull the T-2 tank regiment to the North American battlefield to show off, but Li Fushou categorically stopped it.

   What are you kidding?

  According to the current primary level of the North American continent, the wolf light tank and the cheetah medium tank are enough to clear the field. The T-2 is the main battle army weapon prepared for the first world war, and it is not yet time to decrypt.

At Baolong Base in Tasmania, a new 35-40-ton tank research and development plan has been proposed. The specific tactical indicators have not yet been finalized. It needs to be approved by experts organized by the Ministry of the Army according to the practice of the North American battlefield. The final touch.

However, this does not affect the development of the 40-ton tank chassis ahead of schedule. With the successful experience of the T2 tank, the problems that plagued the project team have been reduced a lot. The torsion suspension has proved to be a very successful design, and the five pairs of wheels can also show their skills again. , just need to enlarge and increase the load on the original basis.

   Due to the smooth advancement of the Royal Army, Li Fushou's confidence has been greatly enhanced, making him more confident to implement the "C" plan of dismembering North America, instead of the previously reserved "A" plan and "B" plan.

   "C" plan has the largest investment, and the effect is of course the best.

Both "A" and "B" plans do not consider occupying the West Coast territory of North America, but mainly dismember, agitate and military support California, Texas, Oregon, New Mexico, etc. to break away from Citi. Independence and establishment of a country, forming 2~3 small countries on the west coast that depend on the military strength of the Ocean Empire.

   "C" plan is much bolder and more imaginative. If it can be successfully implemented, it will definitely cause permanent and irreversible damage to Citigroup, directly breaking its leg to the Pacific Ocean.

   The "C" plan is divided into three parts, each of which is inseparable from each other.

first part;

   Direct military occupation of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, which are less populated in the northern part of the west coast, are bounded by the towering and continuous Rocky Mountains, forming a natural geographical demarcation line with the central and eastern parts of Citiland, which is conducive to internal governance.

  The total population of the above three states is about 1.78 million, with a vast area and rich resources.

the second part;

  Military occupation and led to the dominance of the separatist forces in California, which established an independent state before June 1909, and was the first to be recognized by some countries led by the Ocean Empire and Tsarist Russia.

  California is an economically important and populous state on the west coast of the United States. Its economic output accounts for 13.4% of the United States, with a total population of 5.52 million and an urbanization rate of 45%.

  The two major metropolitan areas with San Francisco and Los Angeles are highly developed. Education, medical care, scientific research, petroleum, agriculture, industry, shipbuilding, trade and transportation are all at the top level in the world today.

  It is located at the westernmost end of the Pacific Railway. It is the most important hub port and cargo distribution center for the Pacific-oriented trade. It is one of the cores of Citi's two-ocean strategy and should not be missed.

the third part;

   Partial military occupation and contributed to the division of Texas and the establishment of the state no later than December 1909, and was the first to be recognized by some countries led by the Ocean Empire and Tsarist Russia.

   Texas is known as the "Lone Star State" and has always had a strong folklore. Once belonged to Mexico, the state's separatist forces are very rampant and can be recognized by most of the Texas people. Therefore, it has always been unstable and is always clamoring for independence.

  The biggest weakness of Texas independence is its military strength, because the states of Citiland only have militias, and the federal army belongs to the federal government and only obeys the command of Washington.

  Historically, on March 2, 1836, Texas declared its independence from Mexico and was incorporated into the United States in 1845, but during the Civil War in Citiland, Texas became independent again.

  The time of 34 years has been independent twice, it can be seen from this;

  As long as there is an opportunity, the separatist forces in Texas will stand up and make waves.

   Texas became the Republic of Texas in 1861, but became a U.S. state again nine years later in 1870.

   Naturally, there is no way to swipe Citi's secret tricks, hit, press, and pull, and do everything possible.

Because Texas was forced to become a state of Citiland, Texans did not have a strong sense of identity with Citiland. In addition, Texans generally believed that the federal government took advantage of Texas, but did not benefit Texans. Therefore, Full of complaints, always thinking about independence.

  Texans have the confidence to say this. Texas has a population of 4.86 million and an area of ​​696,000 square kilometers, which is twice the size of the British mainland.

California is the most populous state and the largest economy in the United States, Texas is the second largest state in population and the second largest economy in the United States, plus the three northern states headed by Seattle, if they are separated, the above five western states With 23.6% of Citi's total economic output and 14.9% of the population, it is a generally wealthy state, far stronger than the central agricultural states.

  If the Nevada Mountains are the boundary, and all the seven western states are divided independently (plus Nevada and Utah), the economic output will occupy more than 1/4 of the whole meter, and the population will be close to 1/5. Because of the natural barrier of the Sierra Nevada, the security situation is perfect.

  To achieve the above purpose

The Royal Army must form a strong military strike group, cross the Sierra Nevada eastward, attack and occupy the area along the Pacific Railroad, attack and occupy the Great Lakes region where industrial enterprises are concentrated, attack and occupy the District of Columbia, attack and occupy the capital Washington, and force Citi Nation Admit defeat and cede land.

  When necessary

   It can blow up a series of symbolic buildings representing the American national spirit, such as the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Independence Monument, completely destroy its will to resist, and force it to surrender and make major concessions.

  When necessary

   can support the establishment of the country by the separatist forces in the south. According to analysis, these measures may be strongly opposed by international forces led by Britain and France…

  The United Kingdom is willing to see some states of Citiland become independent from the Union, and is willing to see the power of Citiland be greatly weakened and become a lame duck.

   is not willing to see the military occupation of the Ocean Empire, nor is it happy to see the Ocean Empire split the northern states along the Pacific coast and put military power in North America, becoming Canada's dangerous neighbor.

As a major power in the world, the German Empire is willing to see the two major forces in the English-speaking world (Ocean Empire and Citigroup) fight against each other, forming a deep and irreparable rift, but is unwilling to see the Ocean Empire attack across the Sierra Nevada. Heartland of Citi country, causing more serious damage.

Because in Citiland, German immigrants have surpassed Irish immigrants to become the largest mainstream ethnic group. They generally live in the central states and the Great Lakes region with Detroit as the core. They are the backbone of the rising industrial power of the United States. These immigrants have closely connected the relationship between Germany and the United States. Contact is where interests are concerned.

The same is true of the    French, who have important interests in the Louisiana region and the eastern coast of North America, and certainly do not want the Ocean Empire to reach out.

   Therefore, the core of the "C" plan is to support the independence of California in the first step, and support the independence of Texas and other separatist forces in the second step.

  The military occupation of the three northern states headed by Seattle is still in the middle of two discussions.

   This requires a comprehensive consideration of the international situation and the trend of the war, Citi’s ultimate will to resist and the Ocean Empire’s own situation.

   It is Li Fushou's psychological bottom line to take a step back and adopt a backup plan in the event of a last resort, instigating the independent establishment of the state in the three northern states.

   This is because North America has only three states on the Pacific coast, Washington, Oregon, and California.

These three states will be dismembered no matter what, breaking Citi's leg to the Pacific Ocean, completely destroying its "two oceans strategy", attacking and weakening its heritage of becoming a world power, and turning the Pacific Ocean into the interior of the Ocean Empire. Lake, from now on you can gallop vertically and horizontally.

   In order to achieve the above strategic goals, Li Fushou did not hesitate to turn against the British.

   Lee Fook Shou will not allow Citi-Nation to have any small port on the Pacific coast, that's the bottom line.

   The first strategic purpose of the "Wool War" is to dismember and separate the three Pacific states.

The second strategic purpose of    is to take the opportunity to acquire the Panama area, and to take over the ongoing Panama Canal project, occupy this vital shipping choke point, and establish the cloth of a world power.

  The third strategic objective is to acquire Tierra del Fuego south of Argentina and the southernmost part of South America, and to firmly control the two strategic routes (Panama Canal and Cape Horn) from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

  Without the permission of the Ocean Empire, Citi will not be able to enter the Pacific Ocean with a single piece of paper.

   The fourth strategic's a little hard to say.

   With the intention that the thief will not be empty-handed, Li Fushou was going to blackmail a sum of money for war reparations. Anyway, the old beauty has a lot of stupid money and a solid foundation, which can definitely make him a lot of money.

  A person has no external wealth but is not rich, and a horse has no grass and is not fat.

  Li Fushou has already made a plan. When the war becomes clear, he doesn't mind dragging the European powers in to get a piece of the pie, and start a Eight-Power Allied Forces into Washington. Anyway, the wool comes out of the sheep.

   He deliberately wanted to see;

   In the face of naked interests, who can resist greed?

   The world's major powers don't talk about the second brother, they are all robbers. After the big wave of Citi, will there be world powers that will focus on it from now on?

   Hehehe... This will be an interesting historical change.

   For Li Fushou;

   Now the Ocean Empire does not need more expansion territory, it only needs to maintain the current strategic pattern, which is enough to support the framework of a world power.

  Before the First World War, it was a land grab, and after the Second World War, it was to make friends. Naturally, the time in between was to consolidate the foundation of governance step by step, and it will become a sacred country since ancient times.

  The main ethnic group is the foundation, and the unified culture and bloodline are the bridges. As long as these two core policies are firmly implemented, we will not be afraid of nothing.

Although the    empire is big, there is not an inch of extra land!

   (end of this chapter)

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