Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 893: hidden power

   Chapter 893 Hidden Power

  The Ocean Empire played a triumphant song in North America, defeated the U.S. naval and army forces, and then occupied Oregon and Washington on the west coast of North America, and landed in California before the end of 1908.

   All this has completely silenced the Europeans who eat melons.

  Even a fool is aware of the change in the world structure. The Asian power led by the Ocean Empire has risen in the east, and its power radiates throughout the Pacific Ocean. There are also emerging powers such as Fusang, whose strength is enough to compete with the Western powers.

   When did the change start?

   The one-sided war process has silenced the chattering European military observers.

   After the Ocean Empire launched the second phase of the "East Pacific Pursuit War", military observers of Western powers speculated with relish;

  When will I log in?

After    landing, facing millions of armed West Coast citizens and more than 300,000 troops, will the Royal Army be caught in the quagmire of war? Lost the spirit of attack.

  Urban warfare has always been a nightmare for the army. Is it possible to tie up a large number of troops, be smashed in the urban combat, and repeat the scene of the Boer War in South Africa?

  What is the difference between the Tang people who cut their braids and the Qing people in mainland China?

   The one-sided war process in reality has made all the predictions of European military observers come to nothing, and the face of the "pop" is swollen.

Fortunately, the European military observers who depended on the news media for their livelihood were thick-skinned. After often getting some extra sponsorship, Qi Qi changed his tone and sang praises for the performance of the Ocean Empire in the war, and all kinds of opinions on Citi. Contempt and disdain combined with self-improvement, kicked another kick on the scarred and beautiful heart.

  The wall was pushed down by everyone, and the drums were broken by thousands of hammers.

  The world powers are surprised to find that Citigroup is far from being as glamorous as it appears, but a person who is stupid and easy to be bullied by money, and inevitably has more thoughts.

  The Bosnian Crisis and the Pacific War are two hot spots in the world today, and they are also heavy news that often appear on the front pages of mainstream newspapers in Europe, America, and Australia.

  This is a world power that is armed to the teeth, the Royal Navy is powerful, the army is unstoppable, and it is not a master to be messed with.

   On the other hand, Citigroup is miserable. It was likened to "a wild boar with hard bristles" by the British "The Times". As long as "appropriate cooking methods are adopted", it can be regarded as "fatty food".

   Germany's "Frankfurter Zeitung" commented on Citigroup;

  They are arrogant and arrogant because they bully their weak neighbors. They feel that they can be on an equal footing with the world powers.

However, the "Monroe Doctrine" that has persisted for nearly a hundred years, as well as the so-called "democracy and human rights" that has made Europeans talk discolored, and the disgusting attitude of the upstarts have made Citigroup's image in Europe stinky. Who wants to help he?

  The French "Le Figaro" sarcastically said;

105 years ago, Jefferson President Pat used despicable tactics that bordered on fraud to get 2.6 million square kilometers of Louisiana from Emperor Napoleon, a rogue country full of liars, thugs and politicians, good at taking advantage of others' crises to get it. benefit.

   Now Citiland is in great difficulty, the kind French government should help them out of the predicament and spend money to buy Louisiana back.

   Oh... By the way, as a responsible government, Paris should not forget to pay interest.

  The beginning of the 20th century was the international social norm where power is supreme. Your weakness will not attract sympathy or selfless help, but will attract greedy eyes. Truth and international justice are only within the range of cannons.

   Since the mid-19th century, the Qing Dynasty, the Ottoman Empire, the lonely Spain and Portugal, and the Netherlands have used their own blood and tears to show this cruel reality.

  Nowadays, many world powers have different thoughts in their hearts when they see that Citigroup is so easy to bully.

  It is a pity that the European powers are all caught up in the Bosnian crisis and have no time to separate for the time being.

   In Europe, the Bosnian crisis is intensifying. With the strong support of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is very tough. It will never spit out the two provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina that it has swallowed.

The furious Serbian national mood is boiling, and the Tsarist Russia, which supports Serbia, threatens to use force. The United Kingdom and France have signed an alliance agreement with Russia, for fear of touching the war clause in the alliance, causing the entire Europe to be involved. The century war is being passed. Various means to mediate.

  Britain and France are not stupid. They established a military alliance for their own European interests and maintaining the current world order, rather than taking chestnuts from the fire of Tsarist Russia, which is contrary to the original intention.

The expansion strategy of the Ocean Empire in the "Wool War" was surprisingly successful, which also stimulated the ambitions of the European powers headed by Germany, Italy and Austria, and also induced greedy desires. They were more aggressive and tougher than the original history. It was even more difficult to speak, which made the heads of Britain and France as big as a fight, and I really scolded Li Fushou in my heart.


   Daming Palace, Dongji Hall.

  This is the place where the important ministers of the cabinet are convened twice a week. His Majesty the emperor handles government affairs here. Today, the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viscount Dai Yingcai, the director of political affairs, Viscount Danzheng, and the second general in the hands of His Majesty.

  People are in good spirits at happy events, and Li Fushou's majestic face has a touch of radiance. Seeing the two confidants give them a seat, he seems to be in a very good mood.

He flipped through the secret book at random, and it was nothing more than that the concubine of the important army official's family deceived the master, the child of the minister was unfilial, the eagle and the dog raised a playboy, and a certain senior official gave and received privately, using his power to make a big deal. Corruption, bribery, cronyism.

   There are always a lot of things, and Li Fushou only critiques one word of these; Most of the two-character critiques are more serious; immediate investigation, immediate correction, immediate punishment, and immediate punishment.

Nowadays, the cabinet and various ministries undertake political affairs, and there are very few major events that can be sent to Li Fushou's desk, but he still often reads the secrets of the Political Intelligence Bureau and the Ministry of the Interior, and treats it as idle gossip news. what a brain.

  Dai Yingcai and Danzheng are both newly promoted nobles, and they are also behind the changes in Argentina.

It was the sage on the throne who was in charge of the chess game. Li Fushou turned to a formal diplomatic proposal of the Fusang government, proposing the formation of the "Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere" headed by the Ocean Empire, and also listed the countries and regions that could participate. , such as Qing Dynasty, North Korea, Ryukyu, Yue Kingdom, Thailand, Lanfang, French Indochina, British Straits Settlements, Dutch East Indies Governor's Office, etc. Fusang expressed its willingness to attach its tail and join in the grand event.

  Li Fushou took a look at it in his hand and couldn't help laughing;

   numb, these hibiscus little devils are restless again, they are obviously British watchdogs, but they have to wink everywhere, and they look like dog slaves with a backside.

   Guess it's hard to scratch the itch when you see the Ocean Empire bite into the super fat Citi Country.

   The Russo-Japanese War three years ago

The little devil of Fusang bit off half of his life in Tsarist Russia, and he also broke his big teeth. He didn't even get half a ruble of war reparations, but he was burdened with a huge debt of several billion because of the war, and he was tightening his belt to repay the debt. Woolen cloth!

   Seeing the Ocean Empire eating one bite after another, his mouth full of oil, he was really jealous and mad!

   The taste in the inside, the person knows it.

The relationship between countries is the same as the principle of getting along with people. Everyone is a classmate. At lunch, the fusang little devil's bento box is either hard bones or ice balls, and the little valet behind him is the thin Korean Huang Bulaji, The poor want to be pants.

  The Ocean Empire is not only from a good background, with a deep background, beautiful and rich, and the key is to play. The lunch box contains ginseng abalone shark fin, bear's paw bird's nest, and a group of powerful little brothers behind him, how can you not be envious!

   The key is that he just went out and dragged the richest classmate back to Haibian for a meal. Seeing that he was about to make a big fortune, how much God favors one over the other!

  Li Fushou took the pen and signed the opinion on Fusang's official diplomatic proposal;

With a wave of   , Li Fushou threw the document aside and turned his head to look at Dai Yingcai and Dan Zheng, who quickly stood up and saluted.

  Li Fushou waved his hand and said, "No need to worry about the two loving ministers, just sit down and discuss matters."

   "We are very grateful, thank you for the grace."

"Azheng, Argentina has done a very good job, and this matter has come to an end for the time being. Next, you will mainly focus on Seattle and Panama. I want to fully control these two places. In addition to immigration, those with different aspirations People must be eradicated while they are in chaos. Especially in Seattle, pay special attention. I will target all those social activists to death. If they can do it, they will do it, and if they cannot do it, they will be deported. Try not to cause big trouble, understand? "

   "Weichen understands that he will be conscientious and loyal to the king's affairs, and he will not dare to slack off a little." Viscount Danzhen replied respectfully, and a look of joy flashed across his brows.

   Today's saints are entrusted with important tasks, which are trustworthy officials of the Political Intelligence Bureau, and this is the holy family.

"Send all the secret operations teams of your Political Intelligence Bureau, and show me all of Oregon and Washington state. White extreme right-wing elements, political parties and social activists are the key targets. Use less force, try to use legal deterrence, coerce Let them leave on their own."

   "Wei Chen understands that we are very good at this, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

   "That's good." Li Fushou nodded with satisfaction.

With his current esteemed position, of course it is impossible to explain the danzheng to murder and set fire, use the opponent's family to coerce and lure him, use black material in his hands, do his best to make people submit, or use some other filthy methods that are not on the table, or beat or Pull or press or force...

   He only needs to explain the goal to be achieved. The rest is the ability of the Political and Intelligence Bureau to work with the military to manage the errand. If the blame is thrown, a credit will be given to it, so I won't go into details.

After    explained some related matters, Li Fushou waved Tan Zheng to step down, then turned his head to look at Dai Yingcai, Minister of the Interior, with an interesting look in his eyes, and just looked at him without saying a word.

There is invisible pressure in his eyes, layer after layer superimposed on Viscount Dai Yingcai, it seems to penetrate his heart, and there is no way to hide any secrets. Get up and bow to the ground.

   "Brilliant, is that Baroness of Wollongong fun?"

   "Wei ministers deserve ten thousand deaths, please forgive me."

   "Absurd, don't you know what this kind of behavior means in the empire? Don't show off those British and French mistress cultures. You think you're playing elegantly, but you're really stupid. You're so disappointing to me."

   "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is ashamed, but I truly love the Baroness of Wollongong. His man has been injured on the battlefield and cannot have sex. I..."

"Shut up, I don't listen to your nonsense." Li Fushou interrupted him impatiently, tapped the table with his hand and said; "You raise your head, I warn you, as soon as possible with all those messy mistresses. Put aside the relationship, and if the Baroness of Wollongong is willing to follow you, she should marry and marry as soon as possible and go back to be a concubine and live a stable life. This is only one time, and the next one will not be an example. "

  Dai Yingcai broke out in cold sweat, and bowed deeply again with tears of gratitude, and replied in a trembling voice, "Thank you for your love, Your Majesty, the sinner will never dare again."

"You and I have been together for so many years, and I can't bear to be cruel!" Li Fushou's voice sounded faintly in his ears, so frightened that Dai Yingcai's legs were softened. deeper.

  The authority is like a prison, and if you move, you will see life and death, how can you not be afraid?

"The PSI side has few people, so I let them concentrate on the errands in Seattle and Panama. The Department of the Interior is mainly the two separatist forces in California and Texas, and we need to strengthen ties and cooperation to help them clean up. Political enemies, let them do some dirty things themselves, we will not intervene, so as not to be blamed. In this regard, the British will provide help and try to make a move in April or May next year, are you confident?"

   "If you return to Your Majesty, I will do everything in my power to urge this matter."

   "Yingcai, your ability is there, but you are too inattentive in terms of small details. In the future, you must cultivate your self-cultivation and be willing to lead by example."

   "Ashamed, this minister has been taught."

"Seeing that the government will be replaced in more than a year, you, the Minister of the Interior, will be done soon. You have also read the cabinet's plan for the reform of government institutions. The Ministry of Culture and Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health and the Environment and other institutions will be added. , There is also a General Administration of State Security, which is equivalent to ministers of ministries and commissions, I like you, a veteran, to come forward to form the General Administration of State Security, go ahead and do the things at hand well, and don’t live up to my expectations.”

   "Your Majesty's letter is heavy, and my ministers are ashamed, and I will repay him with death." After Dai Yingcai was flattened and rounded by this, the tears of true gratitude flowed straight down, and he nodded again and again.

  Dai Yingcai is indeed a loyal dog, and his ability is much stronger than Fan Asheng. The disadvantage is that he is greedy for money and lustful, especially he likes wives, and he has a virtue with Cao A.

  Fortunately, Dai Yingcai knows the proportions, and only uses the convenience of his status to seek some wealth, and dare not stretch his hands everywhere, so that he will not be rejected.

   In comparison, Tanzheng, the political affairs bureau chief, is much smarter. He lives in a secluded place and does not make friends. He is very upright, and works very effectively. He is indeed a rare handsome talent on the hidden front.

   (end of this chapter)

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