Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 884: Strength comparison

   Chapter 884 Strength Comparison

Looking at the strength of Citigroup today, in 1908, the foreign trade export was 374 million US dollars, far from reaching the high level of 3.5-4 billion US dollars in average annual exports after the First World War. In order to develop the economy, it was burdened with a huge debt of 3.375 billion US dollars, and the average annual trade surplus was Only a mere 20 to 30 million US dollars.

   The World War I dividends made Citigroup a lot of money. Not only did it get rid of its huge debt of billions of dollars, but it also held a debt of 9.6 billion US dollars, and it was full of oil on the interest only.

   Today's Citi economic spies are all over the UK, Germany and France, and there are many in the Ocean Empire. They not only steal new technologies, but also steal everything they can learn.

Citigroup has not yet experienced the "Coolidge Prosperity Period" after the First World War, and has not formed the confidence of a beacon of prosperity and democracy. The biggest desire of the rich and rich is to return to Europe to find their roots, or to marry their daughter to a European aristocrat, preferably British.


The total economic volume of the Ocean Empire is about 40% of that of Citi, but the average annual foreign trade export reaches a high level of 885 million US dollars, which is twice that of Citi. The creditor's rights of billions of dollars, the economic operation is much more efficient, and the proper creditor country.

   In terms of population

   By the end of 1908, Citigroup had a total population of 88.76 million, which was only one step away from 90 million, second only to Qing, Britain, India, Russia, and France (including colonies), ranking fifth in the world.

   Since the population of the Ocean Empire reached 46.71 million in 1900, along with economic development and external expansion, in 1905, it once again exceeded the population of 60 million and reached a record high.

Three years later

   At the end of 1908, the population of the Empire in urban and rural areas was 72.27 million, ranking seventh in the world after the German Empire, which ranked sixth in the world.

  The war is about economy and population. In the "Wool War", the two sides have similar strengths. The total population of the US-Arab military alliance is about 94 million, and the total population of the Pacific military alliance is about 89.5 million, which is not much different.

  In terms of economic aggregate, the US-Arab alliance is twice that of the Pacific military alliance, but in terms of military strength, it is quite different. The Pacific military alliance is more than twice that of the US-Arab alliance.

   With intentional calculations and no intentions, the Ocean Empire has an absolute advantage in all kinds of war preparations. On the other hand, when Citigroup was caught off guard and joined the war, the trouble was much bigger.

   After the mobilization of the war, Citigroup found a serious problem, they did not have enough rifles to equip the army, lacked ammunition, lacked officers, and lacked almost everything to arm the army except money.

Citi's existing arms companies are good at making revolvers, as well as the one-shot Winchester 1873 lever-action rifle, or the Henry lever-action rifle. It is an important infantry weapon for military equipment. Unfortunately, compared with the modern mainstream military rifle, it has fallen behind.

   To this end, Citigroup went to Europe to sweep inventory, waved large checks to buy existing weapons production lines, and obtained many active-duty equipment from the United Kingdom, Germany and France.

  Ocean Empire made a formal and serious protest to the above-mentioned countries, strongly condemning this kind of behavior of financing the enemy that violated the neutral position, but it was of little use, and it was nothing more than a change of trade from light to dark.

   This account, Li Fushou has already written it down in a small notebook.

   The developing Citi country is full of flowers, but Li Fushou sees an opportunity to overthrow the mighty Americans.

   Today's American is a fancy embroidered pillow. The economy is strong, the military is weak, and the contradictions between the North and the South and the East and the West are profound. It is a good time to start.

  If you miss these few years, and wait until the Americans have sucked the blood of Europeans and grow to an irresistible level, then it will only be a matter of time before they develop into world hegemons.

   He has repeatedly conducted sand table games with the military leaders, and the probability of defeating Citi is as high as 70%. The three missing achievements are the European shots, which may be Germany, the United Kingdom or France. There is a certain possibility.

   Don’t ask why, the 20th century was a white-dominated world.

   Therefore, before June 1909, the military strength of the Ocean Empire had to reach the east coast of North America and control the Atlantic trade routes, which made European powers have more scruples about mixing in the muddy waters of North America. This is the key to winning the overall situation.

  Citiland is frantically building the Pacific Barrier on the west coast of North America. It plans to recruit 500,000 soldiers, build tens of thousands of reinforced concrete fortresses, and build dozens of solid fortresses.

  The west coast of North America stretches for thousands of kilometers, where can you not land?

In order to land in North America, the Ocean Empire specially built shallow water barges. The shallowest draft is only 0.75 meters. They are connected one by one to form a steel trestle. At the end of the steel trestle, a steel caisson can be laid until it reaches the beach. .

   Just one day

  The steel trestle can be laid, and troops and equipment are continuously sent to the land. Using the powerful movement and strike ability of the semi-mechanized troops, the implementation of large-scale and deep interspersed, attacking important cities and ports from the side and rear, and then fully occupying them.

  Li Fushou comprehensively considered the current situation, and finally drew a heavy circle on the two points of aviation and follow-up troops as the key work for the next consideration.

The first phase of war mobilization includes the recruitment of 100,000 recruits and 300,000 militiamen. The training is currently in full swing. gradually expanded into the army.

   The second phase of war mobilization has just started, and the situation is gratifying.

The    Air Force is currently divided into the Army Air Force and the Naval Air Force, equipped with "Spindle" fighter jets and "Vixen" biplane light bombers, with a total of about 450 aircraft.

   is now rapidly expanding the scale of production. Starting in October, it is expected that the monthly production will be more than 120 aircrafts, and by June next year, the planned monthly production will reach 200 aircrafts.

  The Royal Academy of Sciences has sent many high-quality scientific researchers to the Qimarang Air Base. The purpose is to accelerate the development of the first single-wing single-engine dive bomber and the first transport aircraft to adapt to the vast North American continent.

   The Admiralty even set out to build a flat-panel ship to realize the idea of ​​taking off and landing aircraft from ships, expanding the application range of the Naval Air Force.

Li Fushou strongly supports these good ideas. War is a booster for the development of science and technology. If there is demand, there will be supply, which will drive the upsurge of scientific and technological research and development. This is not based on personal will, but develops to a certain social stage. Something new is bound to emerge.

   In this late October night

  Li Fushou thought a lot, no matter from which point of view, now is the best time to give Citigroup a heavy blow, which will greatly change the strategic pattern after World War I and even World War II, with far-reaching impacts.

at the same time

  Washington in October, in the late autumn season, is very cold.

In the government office building on the left side of the White House, a top security meeting attended by President Roosevelt is being held here. In addition to senior officials of the army and navy, there are also White House Chief of Staff Dawn, the new Secretary of State Davenport and the National Security Advisor. Adam Smith.

   They were all sitting at the round table, listening to an officer of the General Staff reporting the situation of war mobilization. Lieutenant Colonel Mike held a thick stack of speeches in his hand and was eloquently narrating;

   "As we all know, since President Theodore Roosevelt took over the country after President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, the Federal Army has undergone many reforms, but it has not transformed into a fully modern army.

   We are 100 years behind Europe at this point.

  The last Minister of the Army, Mr. Rutte, was a lawyer before he took office. During his tenure, he reformed the Army General Staff Headquarters and established a General Staff Headquarters consisting of one Army Chief of Staff, two generals and 42 junior officers.

Between 1901 and 1905, the General Staff did little long-term strategic planning, preferring instead to focus on more immediate issues, such as updating regulations, creating a regular army reserve, and drafting new rules for the volunteer militia, the vast majority of which were Documentary work.

  In 1905, his successor William Howard Taft, as Secretary of the Army, was faced with a dispute between the heads of various departments, and the new Secretary of Military Affairs and the Deputy Chief were difficult to live in harmony..."

   "Enough, what is this... What are you discussing?" President Roosevelt was furious, he waved his hands in anger, and yelled at the army officers who were sitting in front of him;

   "Is this a war mobilization meeting where the country is in danger of annihilation, or is it your one-man show?

   Is this an occasion for you to shirk responsibility?

   Is this the right time for you to brag about your achievements and qualifications?

From sitting down to now, all I've heard here is a piece of shit, I don't have time for a week of wrangling meetings with you here, I need to act now and face the military of the Ocean Empire armed to the teeth Machines require the unity of all the people of the country to go through fire and water to win victory.

  It's not that tmd is sitting here talking, William, don't tell me you don't know what's going on in danger, the enemy has put muskets on our chests, and we must fight back hard.

I came to this **** meeting to know how many militias, how much weapons and equipment, how much supplies, how many tons of steel and cement you sent to the west coast via the Pacific Railroad, not what the **** the tmd army chief of staff did Son?

The beautiful Citiland is about to be ravaged by invaders, and you rhetorical gentlemen are here to talk to me. Gun, **** it! Shet..."

   Mr. President let out a furious rage, only to hear the following whisper: "Mr. President, you are the culprit who started the war."

   "Who... is TM who is talking?"

   President Roosevelt was mad, his eyes swept across the faces of the generals in front of the round table, and then looked at the officers sitting in the back row, his face turned green with anger.

   These **** don't open the pot and lift it up, this is just to make themselves ugly!

   (end of this chapter)

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