Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 883: Strategic Choice

   Chapter 883 Strategic Choice

   I have to say that the Argentines have a super ability to kill, and their success has attracted the wrath of the Thunder of today's saints, and the consequences are quite serious.

   Today’s sages have always been very concerned about immigration affairs, and have zero tolerance for incidents that violate the interests of immigrants.

  The Argentines are dying like crazy, and no one can save them.

After discussing some relevant war arrangements and major events related to international people's livelihood, the court meeting ended, and all the ministers and ministers left the Dongji Palace to go to their own affairs. Only Zhang Li, Minister of Finance, was left behind. Down to a separate edict.

  Li Fushou inquired about some wartime financial arrangements and fiscal expenditures, and initially agreed to issue war bonds at the end of the year, with a total amount of 500 million gold oceans, which is worth about 250 million pounds and 1.25 billion US dollars.

   In two and a half years of war preparations

Li Fushou finally agreed to Major General Bian Chunsong's armored division plan and equipped the Royal Guards and the Army with an extremely powerful armored division, the 4th Royal Guards Armored Division and the Army's Honorary Armored Division 1. .

Each armored division has a strength of 15,600 soldiers, a total of 400 tanks, more than 120 light armored vehicles (refitted from wild wolf light tanks), and more than 1,200 vehicles. Various combat missions cost more than 12 million gold and ocean.


  The Ocean Empire is equipped with a tank armored battalion for each A-class division in active service, with a total of 11 armored battalions. Considering the cost, it is not equipped with expensive T2 tanks.

The tank armored battalion under the infantry division has 2 light tank companies, equipped with a total of 44 wolf light tanks, and a heavy tank company equipped with 22 cheetah medium tanks. The battalion has a total of 66 tanks to strengthen the armor of the infantry division. Assault power.

The veteran dragon, tiger, leopard, and wolf cavalry divisions have also been armored and adapted, each with a tank armored regiment, two cavalry regiments, a supplementary corps, and a division directly under the regiment, including a car battalion responsible for transporting and supplying cargo. , Teaching battalion, communication company, engineer company, repair company, motorcycle company, division hospital, a guard battalion, the total number of soldiers has reached more than 19,000 people, and the combat capability has more than doubled.

   In order to achieve the above equipment goals, the wolf light tank, the cheetah medium tank and the T-2 tank have been expanded two years ago, and a large number of new equipment has been continuously equipped for the army, and the surplus has entered the strategic reserve.

   Today, the annual output of Wolf light tanks has reached 1,360, the annual output of Cheetah medium tanks has reached 350, and the annual output of T-2 tanks has reached 175.

   Among them, the first two are widely equipped with armored tank battalions belonging to infantry divisions, and armored tank regiments belonging to cavalry divisions are armored and modified.

  T-2 tanks are high-end equipment, equipped with only two armored tank divisions.

  In the army units that are about to go to North America, the first division of the Army Honorary Armor suddenly appears. This is the fist unit of the whole army and will take on the important task of overcoming difficulties all the way.

  The 4th Armoured Division of the Royal Praetorian Guards is still based on the mainland, ready to listen to the call.


  The tank armored vehicles are being deployed, and the old armored dragoon division is being completely transformed from a semi-mechanized and half-cavalry unit to an armored tank division.

   And the armored dragoon division will also be the third armored division of the empire to carry out strategic strike missions.

   You are welcome to say

The    Ocean Empire Army has achieved the goal of semi-mechanization, which not only greatly improves the long-range mobility of the army, but also greatly improves the combat effectiveness. Each division can deal with complex combat tasks individually, greatly increasing flexibility.

  The army has equipped more than 10,000 trucks, and subsequently ordered 24,000 5-ton and 10-ton military trucks to further improve mobility.

  Military trucks have some improvements compared to civilian trucks. The main reason is that the carriage rails are made of 8.5mm super-hard alloy steel plates. After adding 15cm thick boards, they have the ability to intercept rifle bullets.

   In addition, the top of the cab is equipped with a heavy machine gun rotating base, which can be equipped with a Maxim heavy machine gun with a steel shield. Outside the glass window of the cab, there is a steel armor guard, which can be put down to cover it during combat, which is better than nothing.

  The chassis of the military truck has also been slightly improved, and the tires have a more bumpy off-road pattern, which is more capable of wading and dealing with muddy off-road roads.

   The main improvements are these points, and the price is also increased by half.

  The automobile industry in the Ocean Empire is very developed. With the sharp increase in production, the price has also dropped significantly, so this price can still be afforded, and the troops can be deployed on a large scale.

  Motorcycles are produced with imported technology. They are mainly equipped with communication teams and divisional guard battalions, instead of using animal power such as mules and horses, and the effect is quite good.

   Among the infantry divisions of the Ocean Empire, there is another special equipment that must be mentioned, and that is the bicycle.

Since automobiles have not yet been fully popularized, the large-scale maneuvering of infantry divisions mainly relies on bicycles. These heavier military bicycles can carry a large amount of individual equipment, ammunition, and water. The average daily mobility can reach 50~60 kilometers, and the maximum can reach 80 kilometers. , which is a pretty decent capability.

  Especially in the vast North America, the Infantry Division was equipped with Hot Wheels.

   After asking some financial questions, Li Fushou waved Zhang Li, Minister of Finance, to retire. Seeing that it was already dusk, he stood up and walked to the harem.

   After having dinner and taking a bath, he felt refreshed. Li Fushou was thinking about the current war, so he came to the study in the East Pavilion again, and was ready to rest here in the evening.

Night falls

In the inner study, the diamond coiled dragon chandelier is located at a height of more than 7 meters, which illuminates the surroundings brightly. The surrounding rosewood bookcases are more than 4 meters high, and up to 12,000 precious books are neatly placed. There is also a bookcase. Huge hand-drawn world map.

  Li Fushou lit a cigar, letting his figure looming in the strong and mellow cyan smoke, a pair of deep eyes staring at the world map thoughtfully, letting his thoughts diverge, considering the turmoil in the world today.

  The European powers are entangled in the Bosnian crisis and have no time to distract themselves. Until the crisis is lifted in June next year, they will not have the mind to make trouble.

   This period is a good time to decide the overall situation of the "Wool War".

   For this large-scale war involving the entire Americas, Li Fushou has no illusions that it will be resolved within half a year to a year, otherwise he will not issue war bonds of up to 500 million gold oceans, which is to prepare for a long-term war.

   Ideally, it would be nice if it could be resolved within three years.

   Others thought it was a war caused by Argentina's failure to respond, and it affected Citigroup and Western Pacific countries. In fact, Argentina is just the cause of the war, and the goal of the Ocean Empire from beginning to end is Citi.

   We have prepared more than a dozen copies of Citi's response plan.

If it is wise not to intervene, then Citi's national policy "Monroe Doctrine" which has been adhered to for 85 years will be completely bankrupt, and the Ocean Empire will turn Argentina upside down, stomping the face of Citi Nation again and again until Step it into the mud completely...

  If it intervenes, there are 4 situations of large, medium, small and total war. The smallest one is the US Navy's intervention. After encountering a setback, it immediately admits defeat and cedes land with indemnity.

   Judging from President Roosevelt's tough personality, combined with Citi's rampant white supremacy and impetuous mood, he is willing to fail, and the possibility of losing out early is the least likely.

   Then, the ensuing war is not up to Citi.

   Li Fushou ran for a full-scale war from the very beginning, and his purpose was not simply to defeat Citigroup, promote its division, seriously weaken its strength, and undermine the Citizens' self-confidence that grew with economic growth.

   When everyone thinks that the target of the Ocean Empire is Citi, it can only be superficial. Li Fushou has a deeper strategic intention - that is to deploy Europe.

   There are two purposes for the far-reaching strategic layout;

   One is to balance the balance of power in the world today. After the emergence of the Western and American powerhouses, the military alliance with Germany, Italy and Austria as the core appears to be weak. Both the Western and American powerhouses belong to the ranks of the English-speaking countries, and the balance of power is unbalanced.

   Taking into account, even if Germany is a little sensible, then under careful choice, the Sanajevo incident may not be enough to detonate the first world war.

   And this is something that Li Fushou absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, he will take action to seriously weaken the military and economic potential of Citi Country, interrupt its vigorous and upward national fortune, and break its monopoly of North America and the unique geographical location of the two oceans. First, expand sufficient room for growth.

  The second goal is to fully demonstrate its strong strength and sell it at a price.

Since he wants to play, he should play bigger. Although Li Fushou is closer to the United Kingdom, it does not mean that he is betting all his chips on the United Kingdom. After all, he already has the capital to say "no", and the German side is not cannot be considered.

  In the original historical time and space

  The Tsarist Empire was blown up in 1918, and the Bolsheviks swept the northern empire. The new regime took the lead in making peace with Germany, admitting defeat and ceding large tracts of land, promising an astonishing amount of war reparations.

  The terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed by Germany and Russia are unprecedentedly harsh, mainly including three clauses;

  Article 1, the demobilization of the entire Russian army;

  Article 2, Russia renounces Poland and Lithuania, and recognizes the independence of Ukraine and Finland.

  Article 3, Russia pays Germany 6 billion marks in war reparations.

what does this mean?

   First of all, it means that Tsarist Russia lost 1 million square kilometers of land. This 1 million square kilometers of land is not the inaccessible Siberia, but the European region of Russia, which belongs to the essence of its territorial essence.

   Among them, the population alone is more than 50 million, accounting for 1/3 of the total population of Tsarist Russia.

  In 1910, Mendeleev, who invented the periodic table, predicted that in 40 years, Russia's population would grow from the current 155 million to 600 million.

   But a Brest Treaty basically abolished Tsarist Russia.

It means that Russia has completely lost its industrial base on the 1 million square kilometers of land. Although Russian industry lags far behind European countries, it has made great progress before World War I because of French financial and technical assistance and Stolypin's reforms. , the industrialization process is mainly concentrated in this piece of European land.

   However, on the land that was cut out, there are 90% of Russia's coal, 73% of iron ore, and 54% of industrial production capacity, plus one-third of the arable land, which is directly returned to the state of serf society.

   Therefore, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk did not remove an arm from Russia, but removed an arm and two legs from Russia, and returned to the primitive agricultural country.

   Especially the two resources of coal and iron ore are very important. Nowadays, the competition of industrial capabilities is coal and steel. Without these two precious resources, Russia would still be playing a fart industrialization!

   If this happens, there will be no more powerful Soviet Russia, and the situation in Europe will be greatly changed.

   In the first World War in the original historical time and space, the German-Italian-Austrian Tripartite Alliance was not without a chance to win. 1918 was the best opportunity and the closest time to victory. The German Empire had already won a complete victory on the Eastern Front.

  Imagine that, at a critical time, you will strike back...

   Hehehe... This fun is going to be big!

   It's not unusual for Li Fushou to have such an idea. He doesn't mind secretly cooperating with Germans to seek a life in this world. Who doesn't have a few friends?

   Saying 1000, saying 10000, traditional friendship is nothing, for the country, the most exciting is the real interests.

Britain and France, as the vested interests in today's world, their greatest interest lies in maintaining the territory of today's world. They will never allow the Ocean Empire to intervene in Europe, never allow Tsarist Russia to meddle in the warm Mediterranean Sea, and never allow Germany to break out of the cage. Citi-state forces will never be allowed to land in Europe.

   Without breaking or standing, Germany can obviously give more things, including the interests of Europe.

   Anyway, these things were not originally in the interests of the Germans. It would not be distressing for the cubs to sell the land. The loss is naturally the interests of the old empires such as Britain and France. This is the stark reality of the present.

  For the sake of the empire, Li Fushou would not be concerned about his traditional friendship with London. To be honest, the current King Edward VII of England still wants to rob his favorite concubine, which is definitely a crime.

  Li Fushou stared deeply at the world map, although every bit of the map had already been imprinted in his heart, he could not make a mistake with his eyes closed. He was called the map emperor.

   But he still likes to look at it intuitively, and see the world trend in his eyes.

  The strength of the Ocean Empire is strong. Both the land and naval armies are powerful armies armed with advanced modern technology. This is Li Fushou's sufficient confidence. Now he is qualified to play as a chess player and compete on the world chessboard.

  If you really plan to stand in line with the Germans, then the main battlefield of the Ocean Empire is around the Pacific Ocean, and the railways connecting West Asia through Germany can provide a steady stream of material supplies, giving the German chariots a boost.

   The biggest problem now is... Li Fushou hated Kaiser Wilhelm II very much, not just in general, but from the bottom of his heart.

   I have to spit it out, every last monarch who ruined the empire always has a disgusting quality!

   (end of this chapter)

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