Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 873: social fault

  Chapter 873 Social Fault

   This is a high-level meeting. The long-running intelligence station system in Buenos Aires has an independent means of transmitting encrypted information. Therefore, Foreman is generally used to transmit the peak command and coordinate the important actions of the two departments.

  Forman and Cheng Enze entered another room to discuss secretly, coordinating the next steps of the two sides, and the relevant content is not suitable for his subordinates to know.

   Duan Changjiang and the action leader Luo Jianan sat in the room and waited boredly for a while, then stabbed Luo Jianan with his elbow and said, "Hey, Lao Luo, is it necessary to be so mysterious?"

   "They have their own rules, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, don't tell what you shouldn't say, don't ask what you shouldn't know, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

   "Hey, you mean me?" Duan Changjiang pouted in dissatisfaction.

   Luo Jianan, who was listening to this rhetorical question, rolled his eyes and could only look at Duan Changjiang and explain seriously;

   "Deputy Director Duan, they are the experts and real experts in the work of the secret front. The evolution of the situation in Argentina is not unrelated to the secret pusher.

   leveraged strength to make a clever move, magnifying the word "greed" in people's hearts.

   However, if you look for it with a magnifying glass, you can’t find a trace of intentionality.

   They are silent men walking in the shadows, soldiers on the dark front. If one day they are exposed to the sun, it may mean defeat and death.

   Director brought you here today to see it, but it is actually against the rules.

   The work you are involved in is judicial screening and trial, which are all means of cleaning up politicians and warlords after the war. They belong to second-line work. There was no need to meet Mr. Folkman, which invisibly increased the chance of his exposure.

   There are strict rules there, there is no question of who is targeted, it is you who think too much. "

   "Cough cough, please forgive me, I..." Duan Changjiang's detached character, but now his expression became solemn, he hesitated here, and said sincerely; "Thank you."

   "It's okay, just be patient." Luo Jianan closed his mouth tightly after speaking.

   Until more than two hours later

  Chen Enze and Forman just came out of the inner room. When they opened the door, they shoved a thick stack of paper into their arms, walked out and looked at the two of them and said, "Let's go."

After he finished speaking, he left first, followed by Luo Jianan without saying a word. Duan Changjiang felt something was wrong, so he took the initiative to extend his hand and shook Foreman, and said, "Nice to meet you, sir, hope to see you next time. Goodbye again."

   "No, there is no next time, this contact point will be abandoned soon."

   "Uh... well!"

   Duan Changjiang didn't know how to answer, so he spread his hands helplessly, turned around and left with a bit of depression.

   He didn't know... After he turned away, Mr. Foreman had an understanding smile on his face; the young man was very human, yes.

  It's a pity that this secret work he is engaged in cannot have any personal emotions, and it is impossible to have any friendship. If he misses today, he does not know what his identity will be in the future?


The wool textile industry of the Ocean Empire has invested in Argentina for more than 10 years. By making proper use of the wool resources rich in the Pampas grassland, six large-scale wool textile factories have been established successively. In addition, there are more than a dozen factories with hundreds of people. The medium-sized wool textile mills with thousands of employees all come from the capital of the Ocean Empire, which purchases and processes more than 80% of Argentina's wool resources.

  It mainly produces combed tops and carded tops, which are mainly exported to Europe and the United States to replace similar bulk wool textile products in Australia, occupying about 1/3 of the world market.

   Australia's products focus on woolen wool, pure wool yarns, pure wool fabrics and garments, wool scarves, gloves, socks, wool sweaters, cashmere sweaters and other wool deep-processed products, trying their best to increase added value.

   has monopolized wool production in Australia and Argentina, and has monopolized more than 90% of the world's wool trade, and has the right to monopolize the price trend of the wool industry.

under these circumstances

  Argentina also shared in the monopoly profits, but apart from the small money earned by the ranch, most of the profits were taken away by the woolen mills. In the face of capital, family-by-family ranches and other raw material providers are vulnerable.

   Due to the characteristics of capital seeking profit, suppressing the price of raw materials has become a common method. Who would think that there is too much money?

  Anyway, if you don’t sell it, others will sell it, and those white ranchers who took the lead in resistance will be blacklisted, and finally be suppressed by major woollen mills and go bankrupt. This is not uncommon.

  The Argentine Wool Textile Industry Association played a disgraceful role here, and gradually formed a powerful trade union, operating the industry into a territory that non-Chinese cannot enter.

When the    general meeting held an event, the common language was Chinese. Those white government officials who were invited to participate in the event could not understand a word at all, and could only stand on the side with wide-eyed embarrassment.

  The wealthy Chinese-American bosses are backed by a powerful empire, and they don’t care about these local officials at all. When they encounter unfair treatment, they will complain to the embassy.

   The situation has changed from a few years ago

Three and a half years ago, the new president, Aviglianeda, who ran for office, was a white Italian, passionate, idealistic and impulsive. He had his own set of ideas for social reform. He was a radical populist. All kinds of good promises were made, including tax reform.

  The so-called "tax reform" is to rob the rich and help the poor, and it can't be implemented in reverse, right?

The Aviglaneda government came to power, which once aroused the concerns of the dominant British-funded consortium and Chinese-funded consortium, worried that Argentina would change the current economic policy of opening up. The government's economic policy to address the concerns of employers.

Argentina is known as the country of "beef and red wine". The export of these two bulk products plus grains accounts for half of Argentina's country, which happens to be dominated by British businessmen. There are more than 2,500 acres of large farms in Argentina. It only accounts for 8% of the number of farms, but it occupies 70% of the most fertile land in the country, and most of them are owned by British businessmen.

  According to statistics in 1906, British businessmen invested more than 460 million pounds in Argentina, making them the largest foreign investor in the country. They have been working in Argentina for more than 150 years, and their influence is the greatest.

   Thanks to Argentina’s open-door policy, businessmen from Citi and Oceania are latecomers and account for a small proportion of the total economic output.

Argentina's largest export products are beef and grains, followed by wool, minerals and red wine. In 1852, there were only 7 million sheep. By 1898, it had soared to 110 million sheep. Head sheep, the momentum is very fast.

  The pampas in Argentina have the most fertile land in the world, but lack capital and labor. As the main consumer and exporter of Argentina's agricultural and livestock products, the United Kingdom first brought a large amount of capital. British capital mainly invested in railways, ports, packaging plants and public facilities.

After the Avillianeda government, which vowed to eliminate the pros and cons, came to power, it caused widespread concern in the society. The first year and a half of the presidency seemed to be thunderous and rainy, and the British and Ocean Empire and Citi Capital gradually became relieved. .

  The change originated more than two years ago

  The news that the Chinese owner of the wool textile industry is rich in wealth came from various channels;

  The daughter of a woolen mill owner gets married, and the expensive dowry items are worth millions of pesos, which is only a small part of her wealth.

  The Chinese-American bosses who are not short of money have aggressively entered the mining industry, investing tens of millions of pesos in neighboring countries and in Argentina, buying farms, buying mines, and waving banknotes to buy and buy.

   It is said that the Wool Spinning Association consumed 1,700 bottles of French champagne in an ordinary annual meeting, as well as various expensive ingredients. The beauties are like clouds, extravagant, and the luxury cars parked at the door are like auto expositions. They really made a fortune.

All kinds of wealth news and the news media's curious reports naturally aroused the jealousy of some people. You must know that these are all the huge profits earned from Argentine wool. This kind of jealousy continued to magnify until there was a tax increase. The voice of the Chinese-led wool textile industry.

  Many people have forgotten that before the capital of the Oceanic Empire entered, Argentina could only sell wool and did not have the slightest processing capacity.

   So, with the help of various forces.

The government, blinded by greed, launched this policy, which is enough to cause huge waves. As a result, the wool textile industry will always take a tough attitude. In the case of failure to negotiate, production will be greatly reduced and production will be suspended, resulting in the unemployment of a large number of wool textile workers. The situation got out of hand and caused violent social unrest.

Argentina is famous for its wealth. It ranks the ninth largest economy in the world. It also has a middle class group that accounts for 30% of the society. A small number of people at the top of the wealth pyramid are even richer. On the one hand, it is known as the country of "beef and red wine", which is the envy of Europeans.

   But Argentine society is quite strange, there is no small peasant class, there is a gap between the middle class and the poor class. 50% of the population is poor tenant farmers, mainly gaucho people. They have no land at all and can only rely on farming for large ranchers and large farmers. They are at the lowest level of exploitation and oppression.

  The continuous flow of a large number of immigrant labors has created Argentina's prosperity. The initial immigrants mainly entered the farms and pastures and became cultivators, tenant farmers and agricultural workers.

   Later immigrants often entered the cities, seeking employment in transportation (especially railways), processing (wool mills and handicrafts) and services.

  Thousands of acres, tens of thousands of acres of large farmers occupy the most fertile land, often only a small part of the effective use, and various white farmers, large and small, carve up the arable land in Argentina.

   If the poor tenant farmers wanted to make a living, they could only cultivate the land for the farmers in exchange for a meager income to support their families.

   There is no social structure of the small peasant class, and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of social groups.

   (end of this chapter)

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