Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 872: declare war

   Chapter 872 Declaration of War

   President Roosevelt smiled reluctantly and said;

   "Well, 12, that's a pretty good number.

  I will give you all the support, from now on, the naval fleet can consume artillery shells without limit, seize all the time to train.

from now on,

  The shipyard will work day and night. The shipyard's latest "Connecticut" class battleship No. 6 ship "New Hampshire" and two "Mississippi" class battleships "Mississippi" and Idaho will be completed earlier than originally planned.

   In addition to the battleship "Maine" that once participated in the fleet, after September, no later than September 20, I can also assign 4 battleships to you to join the Great White Fleet.

  The government will try to delay the time to leave valuable space for ship training.

I will immediately order the two large armored cruisers "North Carolina" and "Montana" and the reconnaissance cruisers "Chester", "Birmingham" and "Salem" to go immediately to Bui, Argentina North Ellis, support our South American friends.

   In this time of crisis, Citi Nation needs the Navy to stand up and maintain the dignity of the nation. "

As a rigorous professional soldier, Lieutenant General Doug is a very sacrificial admiral of the Navy. The last sentence of the President moved him. After thinking about it, he raised his head and said; "The Navy will resolutely obey the President's Order, but we need at least three months and all the support you can give."

   "You will get Doug, and on behalf of the people of America, I would like to thank you for your efforts and my deepest respect."

  As an old-fashioned politician, Theodore Roosevelt was one of the best in demagogic. He stared at Lieutenant General Doug with his sincere eyes, naturally binding the Citizens to himself.

   see this scene

  Admiral George Dewey sighed secretly; he has been retired for 6 years, maybe... The regularization of the Citizen Navy comparable to Europe has achieved great results, and it has the ability to fight against the powerful Ocean Empire fleet.

   In 1901, when Roosevelt began his presidency, the Citizenship Navy had 883 officers and 25,050 enlisted men, and by 1908 it had risen to 1,096 officers and 44,500 enlisted men.

   During the same period, the Navy’s annual appropriation increased from $85 million to $140 million.

  A large amount of money has been smashed, so you should listen to the sound, right?

   August 28, 1908

  On the last day of the Ocean Empire’s ultimatum, the Argentine Avillianeda government officially rejected the seven-point request, arrogantly expressed in a diplomatic statement;

  The measures of the Argentine government allow no interference from any foreign forces. The Pampas Eagles are not afraid of any pressure. Those attempts to impose their will on the heroic Argentine people will inevitably suffer shameful failures.

  A discerning person can see at a glance that Argentina is embracing big thick legs, and the shadow idiot of Citigroup behind it can also guess.

  August 29

  After a day of silence, the Ocean Empire officially declared war on Argentina.

  The news spread to South America, Chile expressed neutrality for the first time, and in the following days, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay expressed neutrality successively.

   After holding back for 4 days, it seems that Argentina has received the full support of Citi, and officially declared war on the Ocean Empire on September 2.

   On September 3, Citigroup officially declared war on Oceania.

This war, which was triggered by the commercial tax of the Argentine Wool Textile Industry Federation, ended in succession among the three parties. It was called the "Wool War" in European historians. After that, a large-scale war between the United States and the foreign powers for power in South America has a thought-provoking ending.

   in South America

  Argentina does not get along well with its neighboring countries, and frictions and small-scale conflicts often occur. In the early 20th century, the three powerhouses in South America, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, triggered a small-scale arms race, and the relationship between them was tense.

   Early in the 19th century, Argentina and Brazil fought a war for Uruguay, which eventually led to Uruguay’s independence.

  In 1865, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay jointly fought against Paraguay.

  Argentina is a predominantly white immigrant country, and ethnic and cultural identity is a complex issue for many Argentines.

   For neighboring countries, because of the superiority of blood and the wealthy economy, they often adopt a high-level discriminatory attitude, all kinds of contempt, and all kinds of feelings of looking down on poor relatives.

  The national characteristics of Argentina are white immigrants plus indigenous and Spanish mixed Gauchos, which are divided into categories by skin color and ancestry. Gauchos have darker skin and like to wear national clothes.

During the period of the late 19th and early 18th centuries, a large number of immigrants from Italy and Spain entered Argentina. They brought advanced European farming and animal husbandry culture and handicrafts, but also brought deep-rooted ancestry discrimination. The government dominates the power and adopts a policy of consistently suppressing the mixed-race herdsmen of the Pampas plateau "Gaucho", Chinese and Japanese immigrants.

   Gauchos, mixed-race herdsmen who herded cattle in the Pampas in the 18th and 19th centuries, also had Spanish white blood, but they were not acceptable to the mainstream white Argentine society.

   Gauchos wear distinctive clothing, including wide-brimmed hats, capes, and baggy trousers, and make up 35 percent of the total population, making them the second-largest ethnic group after whites.

  Behind Argentina's prosperity and prosperity, there are fragmented social relations.

  The rich white people and the oppressed Gauchos are deeply conflicted. Since its independence on July 9, 1816, Argentine society has experienced internal chaos and separatist wars for nearly half a century.

  In 1862, the federal provinces elected Mitre as president and announced Buenos Aires as the provisional capital. Since then, Argentina has ended the long-term turmoil and division after independence and became a formally unified country.

   In reality, the contradictions are only masked by superficial prosperity.

   The imposition of heavy taxes on the wool textile industry was just a spark that ignited the contradiction. With the help of people with a heart, a fire quickly formed, which quickly spread to various towns in the Pampas Plain, causing violent social unrest.

   Among them, the gaucho people who are dissatisfied with the reality are the main force, and the **** suppression by the government military and police arouses the anger of the gaucho people, and the resistance struggles one after another.

  Buenos Aires

In an unusual tavern on a city street, it was 11:00 a.m., and the tavern had just opened. There was only one customer sitting in it, enjoying absinthe. The tavern owner was wiping the counter made of thick wood. No one said a word, and listened carefully to the news broadcast on the radio;


  According to military sources;

Most of the riots in the Aesop area have been subdued. The riots caused serious losses to towns in the Aesop area. According to statistics, 765 houses were burned down, more than 2,000 businesses were looted, and 76 people were in the riots. Killed, more than 300 arrested, and many more rioters at large.

A reporter from the    News Agency interviewed Lieutenant Colonel Irian at the scene. He said that the military has full confidence and ability to maintain law and order. He warned those who were just about to move, and the mines and prisons were their final destination.


at this time

The copper bell hanging behind the door rang crisply, and three strong men walked in. They all wore the wide-brimmed hats unique to the Gauchos, but they wore an authentic East Asian pair. Faces, familiar people know at a glance that they are Tang people.

   The tavern owner and these three people were obviously familiar with each other. They didn't say anything, just nodded silently.

The three of them glanced sharply at the guests sitting on the side. The guest wearing a wide-brimmed hat raised his head, and it turned out to be a Tang man with black hair and black eyes. The eyes of the two sides opened, and the guest continued to bow. Head over to tasting the wine.

   Neither of the two said a word. The three people who came in walked past the counter in turn, pushed open the door and went upstairs.

Pushing open the door of the room on the second floor, a well-dressed and gray-haired old man looked over. He was the only one in the room. The man's name was Feng Changqing, code-named "The Woodcutter", and he was in charge of Buenos Aires. The head of the intelligence station, a veteran espionage expert.

   Now here, his cover is that of a member of the Argentine Woollen Federation, a trader of combed and carded tops named Forman.

   Hearing the sound outside the door, Foreman looked up and saw Chen Enze, Luo Jianan and a strange young man walking in, a smile on his face.

   Both sides are old acquaintances, one belongs to the Political Intelligence Bureau system, and the other belongs to the Ministry of the Interior system. It has been secretly arranged in Argentina for many years, so they are no strangers.

   "I haven't seen this young man before, what's your name?" Forman looked at the unfamiliar young face and asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, like a warm spring breeze.

   Years of immersion in espionage have made Forman not easily trust anyone.

Chen Enze was the chief of the Argentine operation of the Ministry of the Interior, the old man from the security department. He looked back at the young man, then turned his head and said to Foreman without any hesitation; "This is my deputy, General Duan Qirui's. The eldest son, Mr. Duan Changjiang, a specialist in legal affairs, will provide legal expertise for analysis and decision-making. One more question, is the person below yours?"

   "Yes, welcome Mr. Duan, you will live an extraordinary life here." Forman stretched out his hand and shook hands with Duan Changjiang.

In one sentence, Duan Changjiang's heart was hot, and he held his hand tightly and replied: "I am looking forward to Mr. Foreman, I have heard many legendary stories of the Political Intelligence Bureau, and I hope this time I can personally experience your magic. "

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, young man, our life is boring and boring, okay... Now let's talk about business." Mr. Foreman let go of his hand, his eyes flashed over Chen Enze with a hint of blame. .

  Chen Enze smirked helplessly. He has a great background as his deputy. He has a deep background in the military aristocracy, and he is obviously here to gild. What can he do?

"I received the instructions from the top, and the current situation in Argentina is getting out of control. The wildfires are burning, and the spring breeze is blowing again." Forman looked at the three with a serious look, and continued to convey the instructions to the top; "The superior order; Properly preserve the strength, give the enemy a fatal blow at the critical moment, specially order the relevant subordinates to enter a hidden state, and do not act without an order, this order."

   "Understood, enter the hidden state." Chen Enze repeated the order with a serious expression.

   He and his team came to Argentina only two years ago, mainly to strengthen operations, support the overstretched personnel of the Political Intelligence Bureau, and carry out in-depth instigation and subversion work.

Forman is an old bird here. It is said that he has been here for more than ten years. He does not know where he worked before. Presumably the name is also fake. Anyway, the people of the Political Intelligence Bureau are mysterious and impossible to find out. his true identity.

   (end of this chapter)

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