Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 859: Heavier shot

   Chapter 859

  Li Jianyang cleared up the upper-level relationship, and then transferred the relevant affairs to the relevant personnel of the Penang Trading Company, who would complete the follow-up work, and he himself ended the half-month vacation and arrived in Hong Kong by boat with his wife and family.

  Hong Kong, Victoria Bay.

The tall 12-storey Southeast Asia Headquarters Building of Huitong Bank is one of the landmark buildings on Hong Kong Island. The densely packed Xujia boats in the bay undulate with the waves, and the shore is connected to the tenement buildings. The crowds show this emerging trade in Southeast Asia. The vitality of the city.

This is one of the important ports and trading ports where the traders of the Ocean Kingdom radiate to Southeast Asia. Local residents rarely keep pigtails. This is because Australian businessmen never hire hard laborers and guys who keep pigtails. Most of the docks here are owned by Australian businessmen, a small part of them are owned by Australian businessmen. Belongs to a British businessman.

  If you want to ask for a bowl of rice on the dock, you have to cut your braids first.

Nowadays, the Ocean Empire has a strong influence throughout Southeast Asia and West Asia. Most of the local overseas Chinese rarely keep pigtails. This is because the wealthy Ocean Empire merchants repel this Manchu custom and advocate the Tang culture, trendy clothing and pop music in Australia. Many young overseas Chinese took the initiative to cut off their braids under the subtle influence of.

   "Woo..." a long whistle sounded

The cruise ship Li Jianyang took slowly approached the pier. His wife and family got 10 servants, plus a lot of luggage, and took three carriages to Central Street. It's a big building, convenient for eating and lodging.

  1905 was an uneasy year. Needless to say, the Russo-Japanese War. In January of the beginning of the year, the Japanese army spent a heavy price and captured Port of Lushun.

  At this time, a large-scale revolutionary movement broke out in Saudi Arabia. Strikes and riots happened one after another. At the peak of July and August, more than 1.7 million workers went on strike and students went on strike in Tsarist Russia. Soldiers on the Baltic ironclad launched an uprising and drove the warship to Odessa to participate in the labor movement.

New ideas from abroad entered the land of China, pursuing national self-improvement, and calling for the overthrow of the decadent Manchu rule. New ideas prevailed. Sun Wen's Alliance proposed the "Three People's Principles" of nation, democracy, and civil rights, which aroused the extremes of the Manchu government. panic.

  In order to adapt to the changes in the new era, the Qing government abolished torture such as beheading, delaying, and slaughtering corpses, and planned to implement a "constitutional monarchy" to alleviate sharp social conflicts.

In the turmoil of the historical tide, Hong Kong, the jewel of the South China Sea, has gradually become an eye-catching trading city during the economic expansion of the Ocean Empire. The city has a population of more than 800,000 and has become the center of Southeast Asian rule of the British colony. .

  After settling down

Major Li Jianyang went to the Garrison Command to report that his new position is the Liaison Officer of the British Garrison Major. He is mainly responsible for the transmission and communication of important documents between the local garrison and the Governor’s Office. Diplomatic mail from London must also be checked by the Liaison Officer’s Office and the postmark is verified. Delivery to the Government House and the consulates of various countries in Hong Kong.

  This is a leisurely job, and he does not need to handle specific affairs. There are 6 low-level officers under the Liaison Officer’s Office, each in charge of a lot of affairs.

  If necessary, you can contact the gendarmerie, the police and the local garrison to cooperate at any time.

  More than 90% of the city of Hong Kong are Chinese. In addition, there are some Indians, immigrants from Southeast Asian countries, and white people. Wandering in this city, it seems that they have come to an overseas city of the Ocean Empire.

  The difference is that the streets here are narrow and poor sanitation is worse. You must always pay attention to your wallet when you walk on the street. There are also ubiquitous bad boys and girls who stand idly on the street with cigarettes in search of targets.

  This is a city where the three religions and nine schools gather, and it is also a mixed city.

  Li Jianyang wandered the street with two bodyguards. The melodious voice of the singer came from an unknown vinyl record on the phonograph, echoing in the streets and lanes, with the taste of laziness in the afternoon.

  "Borrow light, borrow light..."

  The human-powered rickshaw driver ran quickly while knocking on the copper bell. Li Jianyang quickly grabbed a hand of bodyguard Ali with his eyesight and hands.

   "Street, are you rushing to reincarnate?" Ali reacted and couldn't help cursing in a hurry.

  Just as Li Jianyang turned his head, the rickshaw had run far away, he smiled and patted Ali on the shoulder and said; “Lifu is busy trying to eat, but there is no spare time to take care of you.”

   "Master, this street is too messy."

  "After all, it is a colonial city. The British don't care about governance. It's a good place compared to the Dutch."

   "If you want me to say it, the Germans are still willing to take heart. Look at the city built by the Germans in Qingdao on the Jiaodong Peninsula. It is really beautiful. In my opinion, it is not much worse than ours."

  Since occupying the Jiaodong Peninsula in 1897, the Germans have built a large number of modern buildings and public facilities in Qingdao such as ports, highways, stations, hospitals, churches, schools, banks, shipyards, and water plants.

  In these years, the Germans have invested hundreds of millions of marks in Qingdao, and the investment in Qingdao Port and municipal construction alone was as high as 182 million marks.

  For colonists, this is an unthinkable thing. No country builds colonies like the Germans.

  Today Qingdao is called Little Switzerland. The construction standard is even higher than that in Germany. The rain and sewage sewer facilities in Qingdao urban area are the most advanced urban sewer network in the world today. There are no such high-standard public facilities in many large cities in Germany.

Hearing what Ali said, Li Jianyang also laughed; “Ali, the Germans used Qingdao as a model colony to build, and the British were not so generous. If it weren’t for the imperial businessmen to invest heavily in the city’s commerce and docks here, Hong Kong It's just a small, backward seaside city. You have opened your eyes in the past two years. Do you want to stay in Hong Kong and develop in the future?"

   "Forget it, I'll follow the young master, where do you go, where do I go."

   "Hehe... I'm hungry. There is a western restaurant in front of me. Let's go in and rest and have a good meal."

   "Then dare to love it."

  The group of three people swaggered into the western restaurant. The waiter at the door looked at Li Jianyang with a magnificent expression, and did not dare to neglect at the moment, and eagerly led them inside.

The waiter led the guests to a secluded place. Before the three of them sat down, unpleasant voices came from their ears; "Wait a minute, what is going on? Why do dirty Chinese come in in the restaurant, I need A reasonable explanation."

  Li Jianyang frowned, turned his head ugly, and saw two white men in white suits accompanying a lady, standing up and shouting loudly.

   "Just get out of the interesting things, don’t think I don’t know if you cut off the braids, you **** yellow pigs are everywhere, this is not where you should be..."

  This is a strong white man, who is more than 1.9 meters tall. He has walked over while talking, and stretched out his hand to push Li Jianyang's chest, with an extremely arrogant expression on his face.

  It's too late to say, it's fast then.

Seeing the bright light of the knife flashed, the white man's elbow broke, Ali took the sharp machete in his hand with a string of blood beads back, looked at him coldly, and said; "point to me again. Look, I see how many hands do you have?"

The white man turned from arrogance to panic in an instant, and then severe pain struck him. He couldn't help but grabbed his broken elbow and howled, only to see Ali hit his throat with a lightning strike, smashing the height of this man. The strong white man took two steps backwards and sat on the ground.

This change happened in a second or two. The white man’s female partner screamed loudly. Another white man reached out his hand to take a gun in the back, but was pointed at by a cold barrel. On his head, he didn't dare to move. This is the bodyguard, Ah Sheng.

  Looking at Ah Sheng's aggressiveness, the white man quickly opened his hands in a gesture of surrender. Does he dare to try Ah Sheng, dare to shoot?

The guests in    screamed and avoided, but the waiter in the western restaurant was already shocked and couldn't say a word.

Li Jianyang sighed lightly, and Shi Shiran sat down at the table, and then said to the waiter; "This is still so hot in November, let us first give us three cups of cappuccino and a bottle of Scotch whiskey. A Cuban cigar. As for the rest, let’s talk about it later."

  The two bodyguards under his men were all mercenaries rolling in the dead, and apart from being respectful to the young master, they were really killing people when they didn't agree with each other outside. Loyalty is absolutely loyal, that is, the shot is a little harder.

  Don't care about the white Arabs or the people who popped out, I really don't know how to write the word "fear".

   "Okay, stop calling this lady, let's talk about it, what is your background?" Li Jianyang raised Erlang's leg, tapped gently with one hand on the leg, and asked in a leisurely manner.


  The young white woman was still screaming, Ali already took out the gun impatiently, and the black barrel of the gun was directly inserted into the woman's mouth, making this woman unable to scream anymore. Then said coldly; "What a ghost, I will blow your head with one shot."

  "No no...please..." The white woman trembled with fright and burst into tears.

"Master, answer whatever you ask. One more nonsense. See if you don't..." Ali struck down the machete in his hand and inserted it straight into the thigh of the man with the broken arm, making him cry with pain. , Cai's fierceness is invisible at all.

  Li Jianyang wiped his forehead helplessly, his eyes signaled that Ali was almost done. After all, this is not a desert Gobi desert in West Asia, so pay more attention to it.

  "Then you can answer my question now, miss, where did you come from? What are you from?"

"First... sir, my companion and I are both citizens of Citigroup. The one who was injured by you is called Hahn. The other is Mr. Salisbury. They are all coffee merchants from the West Coast. I am Miss Lieberman. My father is the chairman of Huaqiguo’s Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce. He is in the cotton and sugar business. He has been in Hong Kong for more than 10 years, mainly selling to the northern mainland..."

   "Well...Okay, you don't need to go into such details, do you know what these two people have to say about us?"

   "Oh, God, I really don't know."

   "That's it!"

  Li Jianyang let go of a stone in his heart. This kind of yelling businessman generally has nothing to do with and does not have a deep background. As long as he does not kill people, he will lose some money.

  A problem that has no money to solve is not a problem.

At this time, the waiter tremblingly brought the coffee, a bottle of Scotch whiskey and a Cuban cigar, and then looked back with a wince, there was a middle-aged European man standing there afraid of coming forward. It looks like it should be the owner of the restaurant.

  Li Jianyang put the cigar on the table, Ali waved his hand to cut off the cap, leaving only a shallow knife mark on the table.

  This hand is easy to send and receive without having more than 10 years of skills. I am afraid that it is the only one in the world to cut the eggplant hat with a machete.

Li Jianyang turned his gaze to the white man who was forced by the gun and asked softly; "Mr. Salisbury, are you satisfied with my welcome ceremony?"

  (End of this chapter)

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