Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 858: cooperate

  Chapter 858 Cooperation

  In another private room of Zuiyue Tower

  Young Master Li Jianyang was drinking and chatting with Consul James of the British Consulate in Nagasaki and two military attaches. Each of them was served by a beautiful woman in a kimono, holding a glass of wine to her mouth.

   "Dear Lee, do you want to return to the British mainland to take up a post this time in the Far East?" Consul James asked.

"Yeah..." Li Jianyang ate a bite of the vegetable picked up by the woman, and said vaguely; "Two years later, the war is finally over. God testifies that this is the most painful errand I have experienced. I have witnessed tens of thousands. People die, and now I close my eyes and sleep like a sea of ​​corpses and blood. I am really tired of war. If possible, I want to take off my military uniform and seek another development."

   "No, this is not a good idea."

  Consul James shook his head and said that he obviously knows a lot of secrets. The young major officer in front of him has a big thick leg behind him, that is, Churchill, a rising political star in London politics. It is said that the Conservative Party intends to nominate him as Minister of the Admiralty.

  Of course, this is just a rumor.

  Baron James is also a member of the upper aristocratic circle of London. Otherwise, he would not be able to get such an easy and expensive position. If he returns with a layer of gold plating in the Far East, he can get a good job in Whitehall.

"As far as I know, your chief highly appreciates your performance in the Far East. Her Majesty the Queen will be awarded the medal next spring. It is difficult to say what kind of medal you will get, but you may have a big surprise. You will leave the army at this time. It's not a wise thing."

  There is room for Consul James’ words. The consulate itself has unobstructed news channels. Not only is it equipped with a high-power radio station, but it also has the fastest diplomatic mail. Disclosing this news in advance is obviously a good sign.

  If the person behind Major Li Jianyang helped, the big surprise would not be an extravagant hope.

  The King of England today is Edward VII, and he has an unclear relationship with Winston Churchill, a premature baby. This is a well-known thing in the upper class of London, so the official announcement of this veil was sent.

  Without these inexplicable things, why did Winston Churchill jump up after returning from South Africa and become a backbench member of the House of Commons?

  Why can you serve as the Deputy Secretary of the Colony Department at the age of 28?

  Why would the Conservative Party nominate Minister of the Navy? Is it just because he has a beautiful and pleasing face?

  If Winston Churchill is willing to give his full support, Major Li Jianyang will not be difficult to get a noble title. A lifelong noble title is not as difficult as imagined.

   "Thank you James, I will consider it carefully." Major Li Jianyang agreed.

As a Chinese-British (dual nationality), his promotion in the British army has an invisible glass ceiling. It is never possible to be promoted to brigadier general, and it is difficult to serve as a full-time officer, even with the invisible support of Churchill. May break through this barrier.

  The wise choice is to accept as soon as you see a good one, and to retire after a few years when you reach the rank of lieutenant colonel.

  As for the close friendship between himself and Churchill, it is not enough for outsiders, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really did not go for the noble title, cough...It was for the ambition of the island governor.

  Major Li Jianyang changed the subject and asked; "Jimmy, I have inspected the bullet marks of the damaged battleship these days. What do you think of this naval battle?"

"In general...I am very impressed. The Fusang people’s luck is really very good. The Russians hit more than a dozen 12-inch shells and none of them had a deadly effect. I even saw a destroyer’s chimney hit. Cross, the cannonball fell into the sea, instead of exploding this lucky destroyer into two parts, it's really incredible."

   "That should be an armor-piercing bullet, right?"

"Yes, from this point, it can reflect the extremely poor quality of the Russian navy fleet. It even used armor-piercing shells to hit the destroyer. If you switch to a high-explosive warhead, the destroyer would have sunk in the cold sea. For those big characters, it's not a single one. For the Tsarist serfs, there seems to be no difference between armor-piercing bombs and incendiary bombs."

   "There is an old saying in Huaxia, a little bit missed, but a thousand miles away."

"Yes, through inspections at the Sasebo Naval Shipyard, there are still many cases of misuse of ammunition similar to the Japanese damaged battleships, especially the main battleship that was hit by heavy attacks. The 12-inch shells that hit were all high-explosive shells. Except for killing some sailors, no greater losses were caused. It was really shocking.” Lieutenant Colonel Jamie shrugged when he said that, and continued in an incredible tone; “I suspect that the Japanese fleet has been affected by God. I’m interested, otherwise I can’t explain such a thing.”

  "I don’t think it’s weird, Jimmy, there are many similar things in the Tsarist Russian army." Major Li Jianyang crooked his finger and counted;

"as far as I know;

  At the time when the Battle of Fengtian was the most tense, the front-line Tsarist Russian army urgently needed ammunition and food, but most of the train supplies shipped were Catholic statues and mascots.

  When the Pacific Fleet arrived on the hot African coast, fur coats were sent from the rear.

  When the fleet was ordered to implement strict lighting control, the hospital ships passing through the Tsushima Strait were brightly lit and partying all night. I was really afraid that others would not know that they were coming.

  After the Great Battle of Vladivostok broke out

  Obviously, you can rush into the harbor to save your strength under the cover of night. Instead, one after another lined up to die. I really don’t know if they are brave or stupid. No one can understand the mysterious operation of the Russian fleet.

  I even suspect that Tsarist Russian officers do not know the difference between high-explosive bombs and armor-piercing bombs. "

   "It sounds incredible, but it is possible." Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy nodded.

  The Japanese-Russian naval battle that took place outside the port of Vladivostok is by far the largest sea battle. It reveals the true meaning of modern naval warfare and will surely lead the theory of naval development in the next few decades.

   Then came the Dreadnought-class battleship, which is a product of the theory of all-heavy artillery battleships, and is now under construction in British shipyards.

  The lessons learned from this naval battle are worthy of in-depth study.

The best place is to evaluate every bullet mark and every damage in the shipyards of Japan and Russia, reveal the shortcomings in the construction of naval ships, and find out the shortcomings to make up for it. Powerful battleship.

For example, the four "Borodino" class battleships in the Tsarist Russian expeditionary fleet sank three. This is an extremely painful lesson. The biggest reason lies in the simplified version of the waterline armor belt in order to adapt to the Lushun Dockyard. The 10 inches in the original design was reduced to 7.5 inches, and the coverage area was also greatly reduced.

This has directly led to disastrous consequences. There is also the design of the inwardly inclined ship bow that is prone to waves. In the case of bad sea conditions, the waves continue to wash the side of the side. Basically, the side is half-opened with sixteen 105mm secondary guns. All scrapped.

  Under the attack of one wave after another, let alone firing the cannon and aiming, the soldiers can't even stand still, how can they fight?

  The Royal Navy attaches great importance to this, and sent a professional team into the Japanese shipyard, and the professional reports formed are higher than those of two people, in order to draw useful nutrients from it and accumulate the heritage of the century-old navy.

  The Ocean Empire Navy also attaches great importance to this. Among the technicians who help build docks and shipyards in the port of Vladivostok, there are many experts who have produced highly targeted reports after careful analysis.

  The atmosphere on the wine table was very harmonious. When the wine was half full, Li Jianyang talked about the real purpose of the trip;

"Mr. James, I am here this time mainly to talk about business cooperation. You know that my family has a tobacco and canning business. During the war, many soldiers became severely addicted to cigarettes. They needed tobacco to eliminate anxiety. What are your thoughts on this market?"

   "I know, this is a good business." Consul James raised his brows and showed great interest.

"My family has a large tobacco plantation in the Luzon Islands. The Humen, Double Happiness and Kingston cigarettes produced are exported to Europe. They are also well-known in the Far East and are in short supply in the Fusang market. Products. What we need now is to spread through local sales channels and cooperate with established retailers such as Ito Yokado. I know that the relationship between Consul James and President Ito has always been good..."

"Please forgive me to interrupt. The Somali company behind your family is an internationally well-known large company. During the Russo-Japanese War, it supplied a large amount of logistics materials to Tsarist Russia, including cigarettes. In other words, I am afraid it is an unforgettable painful experience, and it may be difficult to accept it."

"This is the purpose of my coming here, Mr. James." Li Jianyang chuckled lightly and waved his hand to let all the women attending leave. Only him and Consul James, Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy and Major Grant were left in the room. They immediately appeared. Calm down.

  Li Jianyang continued;

  "I understand the pain caused by the war to Fusang people very much. I am really sorry. This is a problem for Somali companies to enter the Fusang market, but it is not impossible to solve it.

  Somali company has more than a dozen holding companies. In order to enter the Fuso market, a trading company named Penang has also been registered in the British Strait Governor’s House, which is dedicated to trade with Japan and mainly deals in tobacco.

  Related tobacco brands have also been adjusted, and "Sakura" brand and "Shengli" brand cigarettes have been added. "Shengli" brand cigarettes are oriented to ordinary citizens, and the price is affordable. "Sakura" brand is positioned as high-end, mainly for decent gentlemen.

  Those tobacco brands that have left the painful memory of Fusang soldiers will not enter the market.

  On the surface, Penang Trading Company has no connection with Somali companies. It mainly deals with the products of Portuguese Goa tobacco plantations, which is not reminiscent of the Luzon Islands.

  Modern Penang Trading Company needs to have a close partner in Fusang, and both parties are committed to developing the market, including cooperation with powerful local companies such as Ito Yokado.

  So, dear Mr. James, what do you think? "

Consul James's gray-blue eyes stared at Li Jianyang closely. Seeing that his face was full of sincerity, a smile began to spread from the corner of his lips, and soon he burst into laughter, and took the initiative to reach out and hold Li Jianyang's hand tightly. After a few times, he said;

   "I like you... Li, you are a strong and trustworthy partner. Now that everything is ready, why don't we start right away?"

  "Happy cooperation, buddy." Li Jianyang held his hand tightly, with a happy smile on his face.

Today, the British are playing the role of Citigroup in Fusang society. Consul James is also a guest of honour in the government. He is very influential at the top of Fusang and the business community. Bringing such a big man in to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results can quickly bring Somalia in. The company's tobacco spreads all over the Fuso market.

  In the face of interest, the devil will succumb.

  Li Jianyang's status as an army major, he can talk about cooperation with Consul James on an equal footing. The key factor is the personal letter of Mr. Churchill he brought this time.

  Otherwise, you won’t even be able to see Mr. Consul. What kind of immortal does people know about him?

  Humanity society is not only common in China, but also in European and American societies, especially the nobles, take a high look wherever they go.

  This is the great effect of a deep background. A rising political star in the London political arena, coupled with attractive economic interests, made Consul James a happy choice to cooperate.

  For another person, there is no door.

  (End of this chapter)

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