Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 828: Offer advice

   Chapter 828

  The British’s request was unexpectedly rejected for a simple reason; the Ocean Empire remained friendly and neutral in the Russo-Japanese War, and would not provide any party with a killing weapon, even a knife.

After the confident Major General Hamilton received the reply telegram, he felt as if he was slapped in the palm of his hand. After standing there for a while, he said: "This is really incredible. The Ocean Empire provided a lot of supplies to both sides in the war to support them. In this Far East Colosseum, fighting for life and death, but now refusing to help with such ridiculous reasons, is it thinking of us as fools?"

"Your Excellency, your anger is understandable, but this is a ridiculous reality." Lieutenant Colonel Foxon, the military attache of the British Embassy in the Qing Dynasty, shrugged and said in his usual arrogant tone; "I can't change all of this. At that time, you can try to understand him. As a bystander, you always hope that the boxer in the ring will fight brilliantly and intensely. No one wants to hand a knife at this time and end the game early."

  Major General Hamilton put down the tele-paper in his hand, looked at him with strange eyes and said; "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, how long have you been in your current position?"

   "Uh... it's almost three years, do you mean..."

  "I am optimistic that you can do it for another three years. You are a soldier with a natural diplomatic temperament. This position is very suitable for you."

  "Your Excellency General, do you misunderstand what I mean?"

   "No... the door is behind, please close it when you leave, thank you!"

  Major General Hamilton waved away the dingy Lieutenant Colonel Foxon. He didn't give the slightest favor to this humorous and pretentious idiot, and he didn't show any affection at all.

  Captain Li Jianyang and Major Mike, who were sorting files in the room, glanced at each other, knowing that their boss was in a bad mood now, and subconsciously left a mind, but don't be like that unlucky person.

  "Major Mike, please give me a cup of coffee, thank you."

  "I will be happy to help you, Your Excellency." Major Mike performed aristocratic courtesy gracefully, turned and left the room to make coffee.

Major General Hamilton sat down in a irritable mood, flipped through the documents in front of him and read it unintentionally, then raised his head and asked; "Captain Lee, you are a Chinese born in the Ocean Empire. What do you think about their rejection of the British request that is not excessive? "

"I think this is an act of rubbing the edge of a neutral country walking on the edge of international law. They have made a lot of profits by selling materials to Japan and Russia. They obviously enjoy this kind of rich benefits." Captain Li Jianyang put down the documents in his hand with a serious expression. After thinking for a while, he continued; "The facts are very clear. They strictly define the difference between civilian and military materials. Once the Anglo-Japanese Alliance provides siege artillery, this is the actual act of standing in line, which not only loses a large amount of profit, but also cannot swim. Going in and out of the gray marginal space seriously hampered their interests in the Far East."

"It's very thorough, Mr. Captain, it seems that I owe it. This matter is more complicated than I imagined." Major Hamilton regretted his hastily promised, but he praised Haikou in front of Marshal Dashanyan. You can't turn your face away and deny it.

  The Japanese army could not get heavy siege artillery, and it might be severely set back in the offensive of the Lushun Fortress, which would affect the future direction of the entire Russo-Japanese War.

  Such a major mistake, Major General Hamilton cannot afford it.

He sighed heavily, turned his gaze to the handsome young officer in front of him, and said, "Mr. Captain, I know that you have a close relationship with the new Colonial Secretary, Vice-Minister Churchill, and the future is bright, and your performance confirms it. My judgment is a young military officer who is good at thinking and sharp-eyed. In the face of such a predicament, what do you want to say?"

  That is your predicament, but not mine.

  Despite the slander in his heart, Li Jianyang did not dare to show any emotions on the surface. He did not answer immediately, but after serious consideration, he replied with rigorous words;

  "Dear General;

  The siege artillery you promised to Marshal Dashanyan will be obtained no matter what means, there is no doubt about it.

  This is not only related to the strong friendship of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, but also related to the face of the general, the victory or defeat of the attack on the fortress of Lushun, and it is not at all negligent.

  The question now is where to get it?

  To break through the thick reinforced concrete defense of the Lushun Fortress, you must use a large-caliber siege mortar. It is the kind of big guy with a 1000-pound shell that is powerful enough.

There are indeed a number of heavy siege artillery in the Ocean Empire warehouse. It originated from the Citi National Civil War. It used to show its skills in the capture of Gettysburg. After the Civil War, Citi moved to the Ocean Empire. It used to conquer the fortifications of Sydney and Melbourne. Play a major role in the fortress battle.

  This batch of heavy artillery may be the only large-caliber siege mortar that can be found in the entire Pacific region.

  Even in Citi, after the Civil War that took place more than 40 years ago, many old artillery pieces entered the furnace of the steel plant, and it is hard to see them now.

  If you can’t get these siege heavy artillery from the Ocean Empire, you can only think of a solution yourself.

  I remember that during the Crimean War, the Anglo-French allied forces used large-caliber mortars to bombard the heavily defended czarist fortresses, causing serious damage to them. Although nearly 50 years have passed, if luck is good, these siege artillery should still be dusted in a remote army warehouse.

  All we have to do is to find the files, determine their location, and send this batch of cannons to the Far Eastern front as soon as possible. "

  The Russian army stationed in the Lushun Fortress has more than 40,000 people, with 655 artillery, and large-caliber naval guns removed from the Pacific Fleet to assist in defense, plus the thick reinforced concrete fortress, it is a very hard bone.

  Under current conditions, it is very difficult to move and transport the army’s heavy artillery. The largest caliber artillery equipped by the Fuso Army is a 210mm howitzer, which is already the limit.

  The high-explosive shells it fires weighs about 200 pounds, which can smash small and medium-sized concrete bunkers, but it can’t do anything against large fortresses.

  The Japanese army needs a heavy mortar with a caliber of 300 mm or more. The larger the caliber, the better, and the greater the power, the better.

  Heavy mortar guns don’t look at their simple shapes. This super large-caliber siege artillery has a single purpose and is extremely rare in quantity. The casting difficulty is very high. It takes a long time to open the mold. Basically, it can only find a way in the existing inventory.

   Li Jianyang’s words made Major General Hamilton’s eyes gradually brighten; yes, why did you forget this?

Half a century has passed since the Crimean War. Had it not been for Captain Li Jianyang’s reminder, Major General Hamilton would not have remembered that the British Army still had these stocks. He immediately stood up excitedly and said; Look up the archives to see where these siege artillery are hidden?"

  "Your Excellency, I suggest that the Department of the Army should follow the instructions. Our Far East Military Observer Group may not be strong enough. You know... the domestic departments are procrastinating, which may delay major front-line events."

"That's very right, it is indeed a terrible malaise." Major General Hamilton moved around the room twice with his arms akimbo excitedly, then suddenly stopped and pointed his finger at Captain Li Jianyang and said; "If this batch of heavy artillery can be as expected On the front line, I should call you "Major Li", I believe no one will disagree."

   "Thank you, Your Excellency General."

  "This is the dude you deserve. It is very well done. Tomorrow night, the Japanese Nanman Command will hold a high-level reception. I hope you will attend as my adjutant. I will personally introduce you to Marshal Dashanyan."

   "Thank you, Your Excellency General, I can only say... I am very grateful."


  Major General Hamilton laughed. At this time, Major Mike walked in with the brewed coffee and was taken aback when he saw this scene;

  Your Excellency General is so moody, is it because the menopause has arrived?

  Leave the British Army Observer Group's station

Captain Li Jianyang rode his horse on the streets of Liaoyang City. There were Fusang soldiers in black military uniforms everywhere, as well as the people of the Qing Dynasty who were hiding in the corners of the corner and visiting outside. They wore melon leather caps on their heads and left behind their heads. With braids, his face was full of numbness and helplessness.

  On this land belonging to the Qing Dynasty, the **** war between Japan and Russia is endless, but the original owner has become a spectator. What a sad thing!

The Ocean Empire is one of the first countries to awaken national consciousness. For decades, newspapers and magazines have been adhering to the imperial will to reiterate the five thousand years of culture originating from Yan and Huang, the glory of the Han and Tang empires, and instill the Chinese genes flowing in the blood of the Tang people. , Noble and sacred.

  Since modern times, it has been like a pearl covered with dust, once it is wiped, it will shine, creating a glorious and prosperous ocean empire.

It was this pride and recognition that made Li Jianyang, who has a strong ethnic tendency, deeply heartbroken for what he saw. Facing these ignorant and numb tribesmen, he felt deep powerless and even more gritted his teeth and hated the decadent rule of the Qing Dynasty. .

  He often reads newspapers, and he agrees with the comments of social groups that have sprung up like mushrooms in the past.

  This land of China needs a thorough change...

  He came to the temporary apartment and got off his horse. The servant in the concierge nodded quickly and came out, took the horse rein in the hands of the foreigner, and led the horse to the stable behind.

  Li Jianyang looked back, and the Fusang soldiers carrying rifles came and went on the street, almost swallowing clouds with a cigarette.

   Seeing this British captain, he hurriedly showed a respectful smile on his face and bowed far away.

In their spare time after fighting, cigarettes are already an indispensable thing for Fusang soldiers. Many soldiers who are addicted to cigarettes use all their money to buy cigarettes, and even spontaneously form a black market. Many soldiers use their seized materials to buy cigarettes. Change cigarettes.

  There are a wide variety of materials on the black market, including guns and ammunition as well as various cans, toffee, milk powder, silver jewelry, etc., without exception, cigarettes are used to price. In war, cigarettes are hard currency.

  The current Fusang soldiers are strictly disciplined, and they are not as frantic as later generations. Therefore, Li Jianyang and the others have a good impression.

  If he chooses between Japan and Russia, he would rather help the country win the final victory in the war than those Russian soldiers who burned, killed, and looted on the northeast lands. This is also his original intention to give advice to Major General Hamilton.

  I would rather be a peaceful dog than a person in troubled times.

  I only hope that the war that took place in the three northeastern provinces will end as soon as possible. The war brought only endless suffering to the people, the countryside was deserted, the wives were scattered, and many civilians starved to death on the way.


  Captain Li Jianyang knew that he couldn't do anything, he sighed lightly, walked into the apartment, and closed the door with his backhand.

  (End of this chapter)

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