Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 827: War and Peace

  Chapter 827 War and Peace

  Early October 1904

Ocean Empire launched the vigorous "Building a Beautiful New Countryside" campaign. This is a long-planned nationwide initiative to abandon bad habits, extensively educate and cultivate good hygiene habits, and build a clean, tidy, beautiful and hygienic new countryside. , To spread the civilized new style to every corner of the country.

  The rapid economic development has promoted social progress. Polite language and good hygiene practices have been widely promoted in cities to create a beautiful and clean urban environment, which has achieved great results over the years.

However, as an important part of society, in remote villages and agricultural villages and towns in some overseas states, the environment is generally dirty, messy, illegal construction, cattle and sheep dung and sewage flow, and defecation in certain areas. The bad behavior of drawing guns at each other.

The   "Building a Beautiful New Countryside" movement is to carry out targeted education and improvement work across the country, and blow the new style of civilization to every corner.

The newspaper public opinion began a series of warm-up propaganda, and the report was listed as the typical villages and towns of "beautiful new countryside." The common features are the clean and tidy environment, the removal of illegal construction, the unified placement of garbage, the waste of the barn into the biogas digester, the clean and sanitary roads, and the occasional planting of flowers, green trees and fruit trees, and the villagers work together to create a livable environment.

  The investment in the "Beautiful New Countryside" movement is not large. The key is to mobilize the villagers to work together to create a beautiful environment in their hometown.

The government subsidizes the construction of private biogas digesters, and builds some waste dumps, prohibits littering, prohibits drowning everywhere, advocates a new style of civilization, harmony among neighbors, and awards honors such as "Five Good Family Plaques", "Good Gentlemen", and "Civilized Models" , Encourage advanced, spur lazy and backward elements, severely punish village tyrants on the street, crack down on gangsters who do nothing wrong, and create a harmonious and stable social environment.

  This is a persistent movement. It needs to constantly instill the concept of a new style of civilization in the villagers, organize everyone to visit and learn in model villages and towns, feel the charm of the beautiful new countryside, and participate in this activity consciously and voluntarily.

  At the same time, the battle of Liaoyang in the three northeastern provinces is in full swing, with flesh and blood flying across the board, showing an extremely tragic scene.

The Battle of   Since the beginning of July 1904, the Fusang First, Second, and Fourth Armies had a total of 136,000 troops pounced on Liaoyang in three ways. By the end of September, they occupied Liaoyang. For two and a half months, the two sides frequently fought fierce battles.

  The strength of the Russian army participating in the Battle of Liaoyang reached more than 240,000, far more than that of Fusang. The generals in the front had a serious lack of willingness to attack. They took advantage of their superior strength and firepower to take the defensive position, and gave up their dominance.

  Compared with

The Japanese army under the command of Marshal Dashanyan had a strong willingness to attack. For the Japanese army, the occupation of Liaoyang opened the door to Fengtian and was of great significance.

During the    battle, despite the heavy casualties, the Japanese army resolutely executed the offensive order, used the active offensive power to gather local strength, and continuously attacked the Russian army, forcing it to retreat step by step, and finally lost the battle.

  After occupying Liaoyang, Marshal Dashanyan did not order the troops to pursue the Russian army in Fengtian, but stopped advancing and the whole army rectified.

  It's not that he doesn't want to do this, but that he can't continue.

  High-intensity combat for two and a half months. The troops were trapped and lacking horses, and the soldiers suffered a great loss. The number of casualties was as high as 2.5 thousand. The troops, equipment, and ammunition were lacking. They were really unable to pursue the battle and further expanded the results.

  In this battle, Tsarist Russia suffered 27,000 casualties, and the loss accounted for one-ninth of the total force. There was no major injury caused by the muscles and bones.

  The Japanese army won a tragic victory based on numerous bones, but its fierce offensive momentum left a serious shadow in the hearts of the Russian army.

  Carry a horse and stand outside the city of Liaoyang

  Captain Li Jianyang looked at the corpses all over the place after the fierce battle, lying crookedly in the field, in the trenches, large and small charred shell pits scattered around the blasted corpses, feeling numb.

   looked up

  The observation balloon of the Japanese artillery floated in the air, and before it could be recovered, the screaming crows of several crows hovered in the distance, which added an extraordinarily tragic atmosphere after the war.

  "Lee, what do you think about witnessing this fierce battle with your own eyes?" It was the French Observer Major Jean-Pierre, a former son of a French nobleman.

  Li Jianyang sighed and replied; "It affected my appetite for dinner, Mr. Major."

"Oh, God, you said so good man, this war is like a boxing match, and the combativeness of the Fusang people left a deep impression on me. Surprisingly... I didn’t expect Russia. People lost so badly."

   "The Russian army retreated very quickly from the carefully constructed position, and it was the only place that made people's eyes bright."

   "Ha ha ha... I understand it as irony."

   "No, Mr. Major, the Tsarist army was able to withdraw orderly under the enemy's attack without causing major chaos. This also requires good organizational skills. Unfortunately... they discarded too many precious materials."

"That's true." Major Jean-Pierre looked at the mountain of supplies in the Russian military camp in the distance, and he couldn't help but slapped his lips, and said with regret; "The huge French franc loan is so wasted, I will spend it on my own This point was highlighted in the watching report. The Russian army’s frontline commander, General Kuropatkin, threatened to “prefer death rather than retreat from Liaoyang.” He deceived us, and the expected wonderful duel did not appear. The Russian army only received some insignificance. He was a coward and an idiot and ran away crying for his loss."

"I have to say...under the leadership of stupid generals, it is difficult for the Tsarist Russian army to win the war." Li Jianyang frowned and commented; The material was broken with a single jab. To be honest, Major Jean-Pierre, your Tsarist Russia ally did not perform well."

"It sounds harsh, but I have to admit that this is a sad fact." Major Jean-Pierre shrugged indifferently. The French didn't want Tsarist Russia to invest too much energy in the Far East and hit a hard nail here. Maybe it’s a good thing; “I should remind you, dear Captain Li, this war is not over. Hundreds of thousands of Tsarist Russian soldiers are on their way to the Far East. The momentum of the offensive is maintained. It may not be long before the Tsarist army will launch a large-scale counterattack."

   "I hope so, but I am not in the mood to continue watching."

  Li Jianyang turned his horse's head and headed towards Liaoyang City, where the Japanese army was assembled not far away. Major Jean-Pierre didn't have the interest to look any further. He knocked his feet on his stomach, drove the horse to a trot, and followed Captain Li Jianyang in front of him.

  Liaoyang city gate

  A group of high-ranking Japanese military officers are standing beside the city gate, taking photos with reporters in disgrace. The background is the vicissitudes of Liaoyang city gate.

  Major General Young Hamilton, a representative of the British Command in Japan, was also here, and he publicly stated; “I hope to personally experience the last scene of the great Manchurian War”.

  Major General Hamilton praised the victory of the Japanese army, and he asked Marshal Dashanyan; "Are you satisfied with the result of the Japanese operation?"

  Da Shanyan said disapprovingly; "But you, the Russian army has retreated too skillfully, and we have no chance to expand the results."

   "I still want to congratulate your Marshal, the Manchurian War is now on the right track, everything looks great, we need to maintain such a high offensive momentum."

"The situation is not so optimistic, Mr. General, the main force of the Russian Southern Manchurian Group still exists, and their reinforcements continue to arrive. Even if 30,000 enemies are eliminated on the battlefield, the Russians can replenish them in one month." Da Shan Yan The marshal said with a grim expression without being dazzled by the victory;

   "In order to cope with the Tsarist Russia's Baltic Fleet, we must stock up enough combat supplies for three months as much as possible, and send more troops ashore to ensure that the sea transportation line is cut off and we face a severe situation.

  At present, the 3rd Army was dragged around the fortress of Lushun, causing our army to be scattered. This is a rather passive situation.

  Expected to the end of the year

  The Russian army will increase to more than 400,000 people, but our army can still only maintain around 250,000 to 270,000, which is obviously at a disadvantage.

  The top priority is to resolve the battle of the Lushun Fortress as soon as possible, extract the troops of the Third Army, reunite with the army, and gather heavy troops to prepare for a battle of Fengtian.

  To this end, it is necessary to mobilize heavy siege artillery to smash the heavy defenses of the Lushun Fortress. This is a top priority. "

"I can do a little bit of my strength." Major General Hamilton was very refreshed. He thought about it and said; "I remember that in the Civil War of the Ocean Empire, heavy mortars with a caliber of more than 400 mm were used. There are dozens of them, and we can get this batch of heavy artillery through official channels."

After hearing this, Marshal Dashanyan was overjoyed and said, "Then please, the military situation is urgent ahead. If we can get these siege artillery as soon as possible, we are confident that we will resolve the Fortress of Lushun within half a month."

   "Your Excellency Marshal, please wait for the good news." Major General Hamilton smiled sternly.

  He is a qualified professional soldier, but he is not a politician. He doesn’t know that the relationship between Ocean Empire and Fusang Country is still chaotic, and things are far from being as simple as what he said.

  At this time, a cameraman came over with a spotlight and a German Leica camera in his hand and said loudly; "Your Honorable Marshal and the general, am I lucky enough to take a group photo for you?"

   "Oh, no problem." The extremely tall Major General Hamilton tidied up his military uniform in a good mood, and stood next to the small Marshal Dashanyan, as if an adult with a child, very happy.

  Marshal Dashanyan had his saber in both hands, his face was dark and he didn't speak, with a stinky look.

  Seeing this scene, the cameraman's desire to die is all over.

  Amaterasu! What did I do?

  (End of this chapter)

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