Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 239: A series of commands

  Chapter 239 A series of commands

  Faith the present and the past

  It turns out that Brisbane has also developed well in history, and many cities in China have also developed very well, but why is it not well-known internationally?

  The lack of familiar landmarks is probably the biggest problem.

Li Fushou looked up and saw that the magnificent dream castle on the mountain peak in the distance is under construction. This is a classicist castle that is more magnificent than Disney’s castle logo. It is one of the core sites for the construction of the Queensland Earl’s family and its future status. Will not be inferior to the Red Fort.

  The city of Red River Valley is becoming more attractive and more beautiful. Every time Li Fushou appreciates it carefully, he will feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

  In his mind, this is an irreplaceable city. It is a miracle on earth created by his great efforts. Like himself, it shouldn’t have appeared in this time and space. It is a totem that anchors destiny, and cannot be blasphemed and offended.

  Returning to the Lingxiao Pavilion with full confidence, Li Fushou issued a series of vigorous orders.

   ordered the two seagull-type frigates on the Red River Valley Wharf to set sail immediately, loaded with rifles, ammunition, artillery and other equipment to Moresby.

  Choose an opportunity to use the high speed to break through the Dutch fleet blockade, find the northern bay to enter the inland river area, deliver the reinforcement weapons and equipment to the front line, and take the latest order of Lord Earl with him.

The    order authorized Shangri-La Chief Executive Wu Xuewen to form four militia regiments, and under the command of the three regiments, Fritz, to defeat the Dutch landing force on land, Queensland will provide weapons and material support.

In the order, the Commander of the Third Regiment, Fritz Moresby, was granted the responsibilities of the commander-in-chief of the theater, the right to mobilize all military and civil forces in the jurisdiction, the right to act with discretion, the right to appoint and remove officers below the battalion (including the battalion level) on the battlefield, and the right to dispose of Officers below the battalion (including the battalion level) who are disadvantaged in combat shall strive to win this battle.

   Explicitly stated in the command;

  The combined fleet stationed at Jayapura is also used again. Australia will provide weapons, ammunition and heavy equipment, but there is no extravagant hope for reinforcements. Moresby can only rely on his own strength to defeat the enemy and grow up in **** battles.

  The secret letter promised; the third regiment commander Fritz won the battle, and the commander's throne is waiting for him.

  The Secretariat drafted an important telegram to the Jayapura Garrison, which was sent out after Li Fushou’s review and approval. The telegram is as follows;

  All officers and soldiers stationed in Jayapura Joint Fleet, Marine Police District and Militia Brigade:

  Today, a total of 12 warships and landing troops of the Dutch East Indies Royal Fleet are under pressure. It is known that more than 3,600 Dutch soldiers have landed in the Moresby area and are in fierce fighting with us.

  At that time, the Dutch fleet blocked the harbor and disrupted our long-distance cable telegraph line with the intention of defeating our defensive forces. It was really wishful thinking.

  The Moresby area has strong support from the Red River Valley headquarters, which will surely be able to independently repel the invading enemy and achieve the final victory.

  The current telegram asks your department to organize a large-scale cross-sea landing operation, set sail within three days, target Borneo (Sumatra Island) Samarinda, fight for a blow and stick to it.

  Kou can go, I can go too.

  This trip should be swift and decisive, and you should be authorized to deal with it by camera, completely pull out the traces of the Dutch colonization on the island, and enjoy the right to deal with it temporarily.

We hereby appoint He Fang as the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet, command the landing mixed formation, and Yuchi Shouzhuo as the commander-in-chief of the landing operations, and enjoy the right of arbitrary discretion in the theater. Huo Xiaohu is the guard envoy of Jayapura. Level scale.

  This order will be executed immediately.


The reason why Li Fushou made such an arrangement was that considering that the Seagull-I frigate basically did not have the ability of ocean navigation, he rushed from Jayapura to the Moresby area in the eastern part of the island. The northern route was more than 2500 kilometers long, and the southern route. The road is more than 3,200 kilometers long, and it must have a reliable material supply capability.

  These conditions are completely absent. The joint fleet has no place to replenish its weapons and ammunition. Fresh water and coal cannot be replenished. Logistic support is completely blank. If you carry a large number of transport support ships, you will lose the greatest advantage of mobility.

   Therefore, it is impossible to travel thousands of miles to support, which is really unwise.

  Kou can go, I can go too.

The tone in the    command is very domineering. Since the Dutch can fight over, we can also fight over, and the target is Borneo Samarinda.

This is a port city that has been managed by the Dutch for more than two hundred years. The city’s architecture is completely Dutch. It is also the largest town in Borneo. It has more than 21,000 residents, of which more than 3,300 are of Dutch descent. Most They are all planters.

  It is rich in wood, bananas, copra, coal, spices and cocoa and other special products. It is a good place for God to enjoy food and eat. The land is fertile and vast. According to the poor human resources of the Dutch, it will not be developed for a thousand years.

  Samarinda Port is a port along the Makassar Strait in the east of Borneo (Kalimantan Island). It has a spring-like climate all year round. It is more than 1,400 kilometers away from the important Surabaya port on Java Island.

  As long as they occupy this place, the combined fleet will be like a sharp sword stabbed in the heart of the Dutch colonists, making them restless and painful enough.

  There are all the supplies needed by the joint fleet, fresh water, abundant fruits, vegetables, grains, oils, and food. The most important thing is to have inexhaustible coal resources, qualified port facilities, and all the conditions for the home port of the fleet.

  The average water depth of Samarinda Port is about 7 meters, and the entrance of the port is less than 100 meters, and it is shaped like a large-belly flask.

  Such good port conditions can allow cargo ships of less than 10,000 tons to enter, and the entry of steam iron-clad ships with a displacement of 8,000 tons or less is just suitable for the current Queensland United Fleet.

  This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Balikpapan, which is 120 kilometers away from Samarinda, has extremely rich oil resources, enough to be exploited for two to three hundred years.

  What is lacking in Australia today?

  Lack of oil resources, whether it is gas, diesel or other petrochemical products, including plastics, they all rely on imports from the United States, not at all.

There are more than 10,000 tractors in Australia. Mercedes-Benz is in the vast wilderness and farmland. There are also a large number of diesel generators, diesel power and so on for factories, mines and ships. The annual import has reached 80,000 tons of diesel. , And it is still growing rapidly.

  In areas without electricity, kerosene is generally used for lighting and daily life, which is completely dependent on imports, and all petrochemical products are also the same, all of which need to be imported.

  Australia’s oil and natural gas are located in the nearby continental shelf basin, which cannot be exploited with the existing technical force. It will be at least seven or eighty years later. It is far from being able to quench the near thirst.

   Therefore, the oil in Balikpapan is a treasure that Li Fushou must desire. The oil here will not be discovered until a few years, but now he will occupy it.

  Not only for the vast territory of Borneo, but also for precious resources.

In addition, in the name of the Queensland National Guard, Li Fushou signed an order for the establishment of the Guards Dragoon Division and the Guards Tiger Cavalry Division. The two newly formed divisions will use the original Dragoon Guards and Tiger Cavalry Guards as the backbone and fill It is composed of young graduates of the Young Eagle Project and some social recruiters.

  Starting preparations for formation on April 1st, personnel will be transferred for 4-month high-intensity military training. The two newly-built divisions have a size of more than 6,000, which is similar to the size of powerful division-level troops such as Britain, France and Germany.

The    order confirmed that the army will be officially formed on August 1, 1882, and a grand army formation ceremony will be held at that time to deter the southern separatist forces.

The Guards Dragoon Division was determined to be stationed in Beilun Town, and the Guards Tiger Cavalry Division was determined to be stationed in Pine Town, all located in the northern area of ​​the Red River Valley forces.

   Together with the numerous township militia organizations that are not inferior to the regular army, it will form a strong deterrent force to protect the security of the territory.

The next order was issued to the "Xinghua General Association", ordering the reorganization of the militia organization from today, the formation of militia squadrons in all grazing sites and farming villages, the formation of militia squadrons in remote towns, and the formation of militia squadrons in key towns every month. Carry out military training for no less than 5 days. Participants will be given corresponding training allowances. Priority will be given to the recruitment of factories, mines and enterprises, so as to increase the enthusiasm of militia training.

  It is expected that the entire district will form a front-line capable militia with a scale of no less than 80,000, which can be used as qualified soldiers to supplement combat losses at any time and fight to maintain the overall situation of the unity.

The last order was issued to the European headquarters of Huitong Bank to transfer all the functions of the headquarters to Berlin, Germany within one month. The corresponding large amount of funds, loan mortgages, gold reserves and valuables were also transferred to branches such as Berlin and Paris. Shrink money, prevent a run, and prevent the British from suddenly turning over.

  All European commercial organizations will not accept credit, payment until delivery.

No one can buy this stuff. Lord Victor has made great efforts on the Shangri-La Islands issue, prompting London to maintain a neutral and partial Queensland attitude. The British Colony Department has recognized the first discovery right and land ownership of the Earl of Queensland, France, the United States And other countries have also recognized this one after another, making them stand on the moral commanding heights.

  This is particularly important. The Dutch launched an unjust war, which was not generally recognized by European society.

  Now that the two owe nothing to each other, Lord Victor is relatively indifferent to Queensland, only taking money to do things, the past love has long since disappeared.

With the current undercurrent in Australia, if we hope that the British will not secretly help the separatist forces in the South and maintain a neutral and more sympathetic attitude, Li Fushou will have to do a lot of blood to win sympathetic remarks from the upper class in London, as to whether it will be effective. Still talking about it.

  The transfer of assets by Huitong Bank and other commercial institutions is to plan for the worst.

  A series of commands flew out like snow flakes, manipulating the huge force of the Red River Valley to operate in the direction of military preparation, demonstrating extremely aggressive and offensive nature.

  This is totally inconsistent with the Confucian doctrine of the golden mean, so why did Li Fushou dare to advance so aggressively?

  Look it up

  There is no strategy that adapts to everything, the right is the best.

When history runs to the end of the nineteenth century, the era of the great development of the steam industry, with the conclusion of the great geographical discovery, the general sphere of influence of the world’s powers has begun to emerge. Competing for the interests of Jiao Jiao.

The final sphere of influence has not yet finally formed. Territory is still a bargaining chip that can be divided on the negotiating table. This time will continue for more than 30 years until after the First World War, the real awakening of the national consciousness of all countries in the world, including the colonies (nationality The wave of consciousness awakening, including China).

  This short period of time is the last opportunity to open up new territory. If you don’t seize the opportunity, you will be a fool.

In the nineteenth century, the international situation was completely bullying. Anyone who wants to do it can just grab it. As long as there are soldiers, money, and food, as long as they don’t touch the red line of the European equilibrium strategy delineated by the British Empire, they can do whatever they want. .

  The Germans dispatched troops to Africa, the French dispatched troops to the Indochina Peninsula, the Italians dispatched troops to Ethiopia, the Russians dispatched troops to seize the northeastern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains, including the Cuye Islands, the Fusang dispatched troops to North Korea, the Americans dispatched troops to Cuba, and the next step was to seize the Hawaiian Islands...

  After the frantic expansion of Queen Victoria in the early and mid-terms, the territory of the British Empire has expanded to the five continents of the world, and it has become desperate for land.

  It started to doze like a tiger in the mountains. The Dutch made a contribution in the 7th Anti-French League. They wanted the East Indies. Okay, just take it.

  The French want Madagascar, yes, just take it.

  The Germans want to seize the African turf. Okay, just do it.

  The Americans took the Mexican states of Texas, New Mexico and California, and looked greedily at the Kingdom of Hawaii. Okay, do whatever you want, but I didn’t see it anyway.

It goes without saying that they have such a tolerant attitude towards the powers of Europe and the United States, and of course they are more tolerant towards the subjects of the British Empire.

As the chief culprit of the two Opium Wars, Britain’s main requirement was to cede or lease Hong Kong Island forever. The coastal cities of Manchu and Qing Dynasty should open up commercial ports. There were no more territorial requirements.

  The British Empire has eaten too much. A colony on the Indian peninsula is enough to digest for many years. It is like a predator in the forest. It will not kill because of its cruel nature, but will only kill for survival and reproduction.

  On the contrary, the Russian Teddy Bear has invaded and occupied millions of square kilometers of land outside the Greater Khingan Mountains through several unequal treaties, and hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land to the west and north of Alashankou.

  The "Yellow Russia Plan" brewing by Tsarist Russia has already begun. It intends to invade half of the Qing dynasty including Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, and the three provinces of Northeast China. It covers an area of ​​nearly 5 million square kilometers. It is really hard to fill.

  Through in-depth research, Li Fushou has seen clearly the mentality of inaction in the upper class of the British Empire, that he dared to build two divisions at once. He was betting;

  Since you allow me to build a division, you won’t ask if I build two more divisions to maintain the unity of the dominion.

  Since I occupy Shangri-La Island, you have no objection, then there should be no big problem for me to occupy another Borneo Island, right?

  If the rebound is strong, I will return. I will take advantage of this time to immigrate 100,000 people first.

  It is true that some people in London cannot understand the Earl of Queensland, but this is not the mainstream opinion. What is the mainstream opinion?

  Probably it's you who are making trouble, I think how high can you make trouble?

  Sun Monkey can't escape from the palm of Tathagata Buddha. It's noisy and joyous and crushed you to death with one finger. The two filial steam armored battleships are not bad. Let me spare you for the sake of this birthday gift.

The original intent of    may be different, but roughly what it means.

  (End of this chapter)

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