Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 238: Strategic Direction

  Chapter 238 Strategic Direction

  After Dai Yingcai's departure, Li Fushou stepped up to the top of the Lingxiao Pavilion again, standing high and looking into the distance, feeling the pressure of his body like a mountain.

  It has been 7 years since I came to Australia. With my own hard work, this vast land has undergone tremendous changes. It is completely different from the original historical process, and the direction of progress is more complicated and confusing. There are no major historical events to refer to.

  It is late March 1882.

  The Citigroup Republicans proposed the "Chinese Exclusion Act", which caused an uproar during the congressional discussion. The Earl of Queensland, on behalf of more than 2 million ethnic Chinese, filed a strong protest against the Citi government, which will seriously affect the economic and trade relations between the two sides.

  The three countries of Europa, Austria, and Italy are getting closer and closer, and they are preparing to sign an alliance treaty, that is, the "three-nation alliance treaty", forming a substantial military alliance.

After the small country of Fusang obtained the right to station troops on the Korean peninsula, it was hard to fill in and claimed that it had the same right to dispatch troops as the Manchus. Facing the Manchus’ retreat, the island nation’s appetite was being boosted step by step.

  China and France signed the Vietnam Memorandum earlier than in history. The French colonial army is being assembled and will soon launch the Indo-China Peninsula War to sweep the entire Kingdom of Vietnam and challenge the Green Camp troops stationed in North Vietnam.

  It can be seen that the "Three Powers Treaty" was the beginning of the evolution of the political order of the First World War. It was 32 years after the First World War in 1914, and the changes in the world pattern were formed step by step.

  France and Fusang faced the Manchu dynasty’s ostrich policy of retreat step by step, and became more and more unscrupulous. They saw the weakness of the Manchu dynasty.

International politics is sometimes like a contradiction between individuals. The big man in Manchu Qing brought a few younger brothers. He was rich and easy to bully. France and Fusang first showed their fangs and teeth to intimidate, and they just walked when they saw each other. Pressing, first bullied and occupied the younger brother, and finally became more courageous, and simply hit the door with a stick...

  Want to understand these principles, Li Fushou knew what to do next.

  First, the Dutch must be beaten to a disability, and Queensland's tough power and attitude must be demonstrated internationally.

  I don’t care about your former maritime empire, if you provoke me, it will make you want to die and you can’t take care of yourself.

  This is not just to protect one's own interests, but to show muscle to the world and show an uncompromising attitude. Lao Tzu is not easy to provoke!

  Secondly, he wrote to Downing Street through the channel of Lord Victor, reiterating the concept of loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen, unswervingly, expounding the purpose of maintaining the unity and unity of the Australian leadership, and expressing a clear attitude and firm stand against secession.

  There are more and more Chinese immigrants, the situation is getting better and better, time is on our side.

Regardless of whether the British believe it or not, the Earl of Queensland himself believes it. It must cost a lot of money. Spreading money to win the sympathy of the upper class in London, showing a mixed attitude of loyalty, this money must be spent. .

  For the upper class in London, Australia, which is thousands of miles away, is irrelevant and has no immediate interest needs. As long as it is built on the basis of safeguarding the interests of the British Empire, it is not difficult to turn your mouth around for money.

  Anyway, they are the subjects of Her Majesty the Queen, which is an internal contradiction!

  Don't think of quarreling with the British Empire this year, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

  The German-Italian-Austrian alliance entangled half of European forces and launched the First World War, trying to break the old international order led by Britain and France and redistribute the cake.

  What's the result?

All were beaten by the hammer and couldn’t take care of themselves. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was beaten and collapsed. The imposing Germany was beaten to autism and began to doubt life. Italy completely interrupted the backbone and ended the glory of the Holy Roman Empire. Started the splendid life of pasta.

  The nineteenth century was a century belonging to the British Empire. As the arbiter and defender of the world order, no country dared to violate it.

France developed a European emperor Napoleon who challenged the European equilibrium strategy. Britain organized seven anti-French alliances, and finally sent the French emperor to St. Helena to spend the rest of his life, ushering in the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty. .

  Russia is unwilling to be trapped in the cold Volga River, trying to find a foothold in the warm Mediterranean, challenging the containment policy formulated by the United Kingdom, what is the result?

  In the Crimean War, the death of the ambitious Tsar Nicholas I was unknown. Tsarist Russia spit out a large tract of land that it had seized for more than a hundred years, and promised not to build military factories on the Black Sea coast and maintain a state of peace and neutrality.

  This is a war to establish the authoritarian status of the British Empire. Both sides have mobilized more than 2 million troops in the land war. Britain has demonstrated unquestionably strong war potential and overwhelming military and economic advantages.

  Why did the British Army lose to the Boers in South Africa?

It depends on whether the British Empire attaches importance to it and whether it is a core policy of interest. For example, the European Continental Balanced Policy is an untouchable national policy. It is the core interest of the British Empire, France, Russia, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy and the Ottoman Empire. One is counted as one, and no one is allowed to challenge this basic national policy, otherwise it will make you doubt your life.

  Li Fushou was very self-aware and took a major action to show his loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Victoria;

   June 28, 1882, is the 45th anniversary of the enthronement of Her Majesty Queen Victoria of the British Empire. At that time, the British mainland and the colonies will hold a grand ceremony to celebrate this glorious moment together.

  As a loyal vassal of Her Majesty the Queen, Li Fushou, Earl of Queensland, purchased two 10,000-ton steam iron-clad battleships for the Royal Navy of the British Empire at his own expense. As a tribute to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the handwriting is large enough to shock the world.

  To be honest, with the size and strength of the Royal Navy of the British Empire, it doesn’t matter if there are two more 10,000-ton steam iron armored battleships.

The third measure is to prepare for the Queensland National Guard’s Guards Dragoon Division and Guards Tiger Cavalry Division. Depending on the specific situation, the option of preparing for the Guards Leopard Cavalry Division and Guards Wolf Cavalry Division will not be ruled out. Military power.

  Queensland will launch military preparations tit-for-tat. This is a tough counterattack against the actions of a small number of white diehards in the south. If you want to start a new life, it depends on whether the men agree or not?

  Just verbal expressions are not good, you must have a strong backing of force, and people will listen to what you say.

  Holding up the banner of anti-separatism and seeking reunification is Li Fushou’s firm stand.

  Now Li Fushou can pull up the three difficult brothers and sisters in Queensland, Western Australia, and South Australia to form the Northern Unity Alliance. The latter two are small populated states with soy sauce, and they are mainly strong!

  The Southern Union is dominated by the two most populous states of New South Wales and Victoria, plus Tasmania, which is soy sauce.

In fact, New South Wales has been eroded by half of the Red River Valley, because the two star twin cities, Brisbane and Red River Valley, were originally located at the bottom of Queensland's pot and are only tens of kilometers away from the border of South Wales to the south. .

After the coastal railway reached Zhuque City from the Red River Valley to the south, it continued to the south and entered the territory of New South Wales, including Lianyungang Town, Huai'an Town, Yangzhou Town, and Jinling Town all the way to Songjiang Town. This series of coastal plain towns belong to New South Wales. The range of South Wales.

From Songjiang Town to the south, passing Gusu Town, Hangzhou Town, Ningbo Town, Wenzhou Town, Fuzhou Town, Xiamen Town, Shantou Town, Chaozhou Town, Foshan Town, Songshu Town, Zhuhai Town, Wisconsin Town, Wuyang Town, Maoming Town, Edinburgh town, Beihai town, Novorossiysk town, to Beilun town on the Kangsby plateau, facing Sydney across a narrow bay.

  The coastal railway passes through 24 cities and towns to the south. With the exception of Suzaku, the other 23 cities and towns are all within the boundaries of New South Wales, and a large area of ​​land has been set aside.

The territory of the Red River Valley covers an area of ​​220,000 square kilometers, and only 80,000 square kilometers are within Queensland. The rest are in northern New South Wales. It occupies a vast expanse of rich pastures, mountain forests and river flood plains, which have been developed. Become the heart of the Red River Valley.

The southernmost end of the Queensland Earl’s Territory ends at Pine Town, and continues to the south through Zhuhai Town, Wisconsin Town, Wuyang Town, Maoming Town, Edinburgh Town, Beihai Town, Novorossiysk Town and Beilun Town. There are a total of 8 towns. They were all built on farm land purchased in the later period, which does not belong to the Earl's Territory, but strictly within the jurisdiction of the State of South Wales.

Now facing the counterattack of the stubborn southern white forces, Li Fushou would not be willing to war to burn into his own territory. By then, all his belongings would be broken, not to mention breaking the pots and pans, it would even hurt the flowers and plants. It's not good!

  I want to understand this

   Li Fushou felt that his thoughts were well understood. He held the railings with both hands and looked at the city buildings, watching the magnificent landmark buildings rise from the ground, and he felt very comfortable.

  The Red River Eiffel Tower has been built half the height. From a distance, it stands out from the past, and it is particularly majestic and majestic.

  If the war against separatism is not fought, Li Fushou has the confidence to win the fight. Because of his abundant human resources and his pockets, he should consider building a triumphal arch at that time.

Then this central avenue coming from Christchurch is called Kaixuan Avenue. French palace buildings with neo-romantic style are built along both sides of the road, representing the inclusive immigrant city style of the Red River Valley. As a city boss, you can also charge more shops. Lease fees, as for time, start for the entire 500 years.

  The charter industry has a bright future!

  To be honest, the French still have a good set of landmarks. Let alone the Statue of Liberty, which was given to Citigroup for the 100th anniversary of independence, this Eiffel Tower alone can become the city's business card, which is well-known at home and abroad and greatly enhances the city's popularity.

  (End of this chapter)

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