Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 229: Media company

  Chapter 229 Media Company

  Eat for a while

Lifting his head up and taking a big sip of beer, Li Fushou patted his stomach with satisfaction, and said, "Oh, it's really good. These snacks have their own characteristics. They can be eaten all over the world on this street. It is inexplicable. Satisfaction, the only regret is that I can’t sit on the street and talk and enjoy the food. I can only enjoy it sneakily, without the smell of fireworks."

   "Hehe, if you really do this, it's probably time for Lao Lei of the Guards to jump."

   "So I didn't make him embarrassed, so I said Brother Changjun was greedy, and I had to take me out to eat snacks."

   "You...just use me as a shield."

  “I’m not doing anything. The horse convoy passed by this street last night. I smelled so many snacks and scents, but it’s not good for me, it’s full of memories!”

  When Li Fushou said this, his eyes were full of warm memories. The past and the present are intertwined, and it is no longer possible to come up with a clue.

  Now in a high position, I have lost a lot of the freedom of ordinary people.

  This is like a wonderful siege. The people in the city are eager to go out and breathe in the fresh air, and the people outside the city are envious of wanting to squeeze in...

  Xin Changjun could see that Lord Earl was very busy at the moment, and could not bear to break the tranquility at the moment, and he patiently played with the jade pieces in his hands.

  At this moment, the small carriage is full of the spicy taste of Mexican barbecue, and the street lights shine in through the carriage windows, intertwined with the oil lights in the carriage to form a dim picture.

  Li Fushou’s eyes were deep and bright, with complex emotions hidden in his eyes. After a long time, he let out a long sigh; "Oh... it's hypocritical, it made Changjun brother laugh."

   "Where does this come from? Yuan Ding is originally a man of temperament, and always harbors compassion and kindness. This is the blessing of thousands of people in the Red River Valley, and it is better than a mean and ungracious superior."

   "Haha..." Li Fushou chuckled slightly without answering, looking at the endless pedestrians outside the carriage window, and suddenly asked; "Brother Changjun, have you noticed the characteristics of the traffic on the street?"

   "Hmm... Yuanding, which aspect do you mean?"

   "Whenever a woman passes by here, she always attracts the attention of a large number of men, which makes women feel very uneasy, and...there are too few women on the street."

   "Yuan Ding, this problem has always existed." Xin Changjun once ruled, of course, knowing that the imbalance of Yin and Yang is very harmful to the society, he replied with deep feeling;

  "After the general public order sweeping operation, the social atmosphere became very quiet. The vicious incidents of robbery, fighting and killing have declined rapidly, and public security has improved greatly.

  However, vicious cases of molesting women and **** have risen sharply, especially young male immigrants, which have been repeatedly banned.

  Today's hard labor camps add two to three hundred criminals every month, and more than half of them are charged with this crime.

  The arrested criminals even included some RCMP using their positions to molest women. The reason is that the female population is too small and there are too many bachelor men.

  Zhuangzi said;

  To the Yin Susu, to the Yang Hehe. Susu surpasses the sky, utterly fascinates the earth, communication is harmony and everything is born.

  At the beginning of the Red River Valley, it was a waste of time and was unable to take care of it.

  Now there is a considerable strength foundation. The probability of the immigrant population is calculated to exceed 2.3 million, and it is still growing rapidly at a rate of more than 60,000 per month. It is expected that it will reach 3 million by the end of the year.

Among them, young women have a population of less than 300,000, and most of them work in several cotton mills, as well as some theaters, tea houses, and palace clubs. Almost most of these married women are married, and unmarried women have a marriage contract and are waiting to be married. Feathers in China are rare.

  The problem of the imbalance between men and women is becoming more and more serious. Groups of men go to drink when they get their wages, or they go to the brothel and Chu Pavilion. The social sentiment is floating, and the unresolved situation has seriously affected social stability.

  Why do you have a homeless business?

  Master Yuanding, please think twice! "

  After a bit of pain and pros and cons, Xin Changjun stayed silent.

  This matter has been mentioned several times before and after, but unfortunately, due to various concerns, there is no further article, so I put it aside.

The dim light shone on Li Fushou’s young and determined face, adding a touch of mystery, and his expression changed obviously. Unwilling to be involved in it, so that the problem has become more and more serious over time. It should be my responsibility. It is too much for granted."

"Yuan Ding's words are not correct. The trafficking of women is indeed notorious. As a superior, you should not have the slightest connection to the feathers, so as not to criticize the world." At this point, Xin Changjun clasped his fists in salute and said respectfully; If you hear that you are a minister, you will worry about your work, and you will humiliate your ministers to death. Please let the lord have the full authority to entrust this matter to me. Changjun will surely do it properly and eliminate this hidden danger."

   "Oh, what is your opinion of Brother Changjun?" Li Fushou asked very interested.

  As for the deep meaning of the king and ministers in Xin Changjun's mouth, Li Fushou deliberately assumed that he could not hear and did not touch this sensitive topic.

  Current Manchu and Qing Dynasty

  The woman is an accessory of the patriarchal society. She is from the father at home, from the husband after marriage, and from the son after the husband dies. If there is no son or die, the fate of the widow will be miserable.

This kind of portal is called "definite households". At this time, relatives will flock to the house. The real estate, land deeds, and other things in the home cannot be kept, and they are emptied. This vice is called "eating households." .

  There is a county magistrate in a certain place in Sichuan. He died suddenly while in office, leaving only one wife and one child. The poor child was only 9 years old, and he had to support a huge door.

  Unfortunately, this child drowned before long.

  The surrounding relatives swarmed and wiped out all the property and land deeds. The poor woman was also driven out of the house, and even sold into prostitutes by unscrupulous people.

  This is just a social microcosm, reflecting the low status of women in the Manchu and Qing dynasties today, and they have no right to autonomy at all.

  There is no one in 10,000 chance that a young woman wants to go to Australia.

  There are only three ways to come to Australia;

  One way is to migrate with the whole family of parents and brothers, or to follow a theater troupe, or to be a businessman and a servant. One way is to be bought or adopted by the "Guangjitang" (90% of them were bought), cultivated and transported to Australia, and then abandon the deed of sale and return it to the free body. The last way is for human traffickers to sell to Australia.

  A discerning person can see that apart from following their parents and brothers to Australia, these women can hardly escape the trafficking.

  This is exactly why Li Fushou is afraid to avoid it. Even if the original intention is good, how do you know what future generations will interpret?

Therefore, he released all the black slaves into free life, and all the victims in Southwestern Shandong who arrived in Australia because of the signing of the slave contract were also released into free life. All he needs to do is to pay for the ferry ticket to Australia and become freelance workers. .

  Similarly, the servants in the Red Fort have all abolished the bondages, and the entire Red River Valley territory does not allow population trading.

  As for the black slaves in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, the private property belonging to the local white ranchers is reasonable and legal under the laws of the British Empire, and the Earl of Queensland certainly has no right to interfere.

  Xin Changjun took a moment to consider, and said sternly;

  "Master Yuanding;

  Nowadays, for a woman in a boudoir, the bridegroom paid by the man is tens of hundreds of pounds, and there is still no choice. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

  As the saying goes, blocking is not as good as sparse. Single immigrant men in the Red River Valley are willing to pay more to solve the marriage problem. My method is still based on private forces. The government issues limited licenses to media companies and guides powerful businesses to formalize their operations.

  Unmarried men in the Red River Valley want to marry, they have to bear all the expenses of arriving in Australia, and it will not be higher than the current bride price.

  Preliminary consideration of the issuance of licenses for 20 media companies. With this license, tickets can be arranged for single women. After the immigration camp review, the government collects taxes and fees according to the head, and other expenses are borne by the media companies, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses. "

"No... don't charge this tax. It has a bad reputation, and Red River Valley does not lack this money. Collecting taxes and fees means that the government has to endorse it. When it comes to handling messy and dirty things, it will not be able to uphold it. A public heart will be severely cracked down." Li Fushou rubbed his eyebrows in distress. It took him a while before he knew what the media company was.

   is the meaning of the matchmaker introducing the company, it’s really a god!

   "Master Yuan Ding is worried that Chang Jun owes it to him."

"Okay, Brother Changjun, I know that you are committed to the public and are willing to take on this thankless task, but this cannot be done in the name of the government. You can use a company with a government background to come forward and organize it. It is of a non-governmental nature, and the corresponding responsibilities and rights can be acquiesced, and there is no need to make it clear, so there will be more room for relaxation."

   "Understand, I will come forward for this company platform if necessary." Xin Changjun immediately understood.

  Li Fushou nodded and said, "Well, that's what it means."

   "Chang Jun understands that after he returns, he will form a company to organize a media company to bid for licenses. All the proceeds will be donated to the "Guangjitang" and Renci Renji hospitals, and no money will be left."

   "That's the truth, how much money and fame interfere with, you don't have to take it."

   "Changjun has been taught, there is one more thing to ask Master Yuanding, please agree, otherwise this good thing may be ruined."

   "What's the matter? Please don't hesitate to say it."

"Master Yuanding, even though 20 licenses have been issued, I still worry that media companies will jointly drive up prices. After all, things are scarce. The bachelors in the Red River Valley are like a long drought in the rain. I'm afraid they will stir up the price of this matchmaker. , So I hope that the crackdown on human trafficking can be moderately relaxed, and adding an additional channel will help form a fair market. In terms of immigration entry-especially the strict review of refugee camps..."

   "Okay, okay, I won't listen to this." Li Fushou immediately shook his head.

  "Master Yuanding..." Xin Changjun was a little anxious.


  Li Fushou snorted majesticly, and stared at Xin Changjun fiercely, which made Xin Changjun understand instantly.

  There are things that can be done and cannot be said. For some things, turning one eye and closing one eye does not mean agreeing. If you do too much, you should be attacked, instead of issuing a death-free gold medal.

  Can achieve this level, Lord Earl is already the ultimate, can you not openly allow it, right?

  (End of this chapter)

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