Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 228: Mexican Restaurant

  Chapter 228 Mexican Restaurant

  This strategy is really vicious. Sir Frederick S-Jacob felt a cold back and a tingling scalp.

  But it cannot be denied that this is a good plan with immediate effect. It is extremely feasible. Once implemented, it will deal a severe blow to the forces of the Red River Valley, which is enough to make the Earl of Queensland heartbroken.

  Of course, the consequences are extremely serious.

  The ancient Eastern Empire is still a formidable existence. The ability of Britain and France to defeat him does not mean that the Dutch are qualified to despise this ancient Eastern imperial court.

in this world

  Are there few countries that have been violently beaten by Britain and France?

In the 9th Russian-Turkish War (also known as the Crimean War) in 1853, in order to curb the territorial greedy Russian bear and to combat its strategic attempt to seek a presence on the warm Mediterranean coast, Britain and France jointly sent troops to intervene in Russia. Turkish war.

  This battle

  The life of fighting the Russian bears cannot take care of himself. He vomited the territorial rights gained over the past 100 years, after several Russian-Turkish wars, and paid countless soldiers’ lives and wealth, and retreated sadly to the icy Seva River.

  During the cruel war, the talented and roughly Russian Tsar Nicholas I died suddenly in 1855. Many conspiracy theories spread in the court, which caused panic for a while.

The entire Kremlin was shrouded in the cloud of war. Although the successor Tsar Alexander II tried his best, he still failed miserably. He had to sign the shameful "Paris Agreement", cede a large area of ​​land and pay huge sums of money, and lost the protector of the Orthodox Church. The status of the country, allowing the Black Sea to be neutral, and promising not to build military factories along the coast of the Black Sea...

  The Russian teddy bear that Britain and France can beat together is painful. This does not mean that the Kingdom of the Netherlands can also. Tsarist Russia is still awe-inspiring existence in the Eastern Wasteland.

  Same truth

  Assassinated important figures in the Red River Valley in the Far Eastern Empire. Considering the extreme sensitivity of the matter, Sir Frederick S-Jacob hesitated to make a decision. He held a red wine glass in his hand and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing the Governor’s concerns, Sheng Yeyun reminded him softly; “If the Governor takes into account the international outlook, the Westerners will cause a strong backlash from the Qing court. I suggest sending Chinese warriors from Batavia to take action. Will not cause international disputes."

Yes! Why didn't I expect it?

  Sir Frederick S-Jacob's words suddenly became clear, as long as he refused to admit it, the matter would be a big deal.

   "Dear Mr. Sheng, I wonder if you are willing to share the worries for the Governor's Mansion?"

   "Return to the Governor, Sheng Mou is not very talented, and does not have competent personnel at hand, and many matters require logistical support..."

"Hahaha... this is not a problem. After the matter is over, I will appoint you as the Kapitan lord of the Batavia Chinese ethnic group." Governor Sir Frederick S-Jacob finally threw the biggest one. Bait, don't be afraid that the other party won't take the bait.

  Sure enough, the lustful Sheng Yeyun immediately brightened his eyes. He knew that the entrustment of noble titles was only an improvement in social status, but "Kapidan" was a real power, almost equivalent to a small Chinese governor.

   "Thanks to the Governor, how can Sheng dare not do his best?"

  "Hahahaha...excellent!" Governor Frederick S-Jacob smiled very happily, looking at Sheng Yeyun's eyes full of appreciation, the more such outstanding Chinese subordinates, the better!

Beginning in the 17th century, in order to better deal with the Chinese and manage the immigrant communities in an orderly manner, the Dutch East Indies Company selected a leader from the most prestigious Chinese and awarded it to the Chinese Kapitan ( Dutch: KapiteinderChinezen) title.

  The word "Kapitein" has the meaning of "captain", "leader" or "captain". The Chinese transliteration also includes the word "甲", which means "head", so it has a relatively wide acceptance in the Chinese community.

After   , it gradually developed into a specialized position assisting the Dutch in managing Chinese affairs, and was the highest official position of the Chinese in Batavia in the 17th and 18th centuries.

  In the 200 years under the East India Company, Batavia has produced a total of 20 Kapitans, who have played an important leadership role in all stages of the city’s development.

"Kapitan" is an important bridge between the Chinese community and the East India Company. It manages the Chinese community, collects various taxes, takes the lead in Sino-Dutch trade, and even assists the Dutch in expanding maritime interests, suppressing other indigenous groups as colonial pioneers character of.

  Since the Dutch East India Company went bankrupt and liquidated at the beginning of this century, Batavia has not had the official Dutch title of “Kapitan” for 70 years.

  It’s also very simple to recover. It’s just a word from the Governor. This was originally a matter within the power of the Governor’s Mansion.

  After entering 1882

  Several major good news came from the Red River Valley. Since 1879, major projects related to the national economy and people’s livelihood have been completed and put into production, which has added wings to the economic take-off of central and northern Australia.

  Early January 1882

  The double-track railway connecting the Red River Valley and the Brisbane Twin Cities has been completed and officially put into use. This will greatly promote the economic integration of the two star cities and will be conducive to the development of the hinterland of the inland.

  At present, the double-track railway project, which travels more than 100 kilometers from the Red River Valley to the west through Baihu City to Thylacine Rock, and continues to extend westward for more than 100 kilometers, is officially on the agenda and is scheduled to start in May.

This is the top horizontal line of the "king"-shaped railway network. This railway is called the "Central Railway". The towns all the way are connected in series.

The vertical pen on the layout of the "wang"-shaped railway network is the economic artery "coastal railway". The second horizontal pen is located to the south of Songjiang Town. It also enters the hinterland from east to west, connecting the agricultural and pastoral towns along the way. The railway is called the "Songjiang Railway" and it is planned to start construction early next year.

The third horizontal stroke starts from Beilun Town. It also enters the hinterland from east to west and connects the agricultural and pastoral towns along the way. This railway is called the "Beilun Railway" and was planned for the second quarter of 1884. Construction.

  On February 15, 1882, the large-scale Brisbane Port renovation and expansion project was successfully completed and put into formal operation.

  The port’s facilities far exceed those of Sydney Harbour. It has the capacity to load and unload 5 10,000-ton ships at the same time. The construction of a special coal terminal and an ore terminal is conducive to the large-scale export of ore resources and promotes economic development to a new level.

  On March 1, 1882, Songjiang Reservoir was officially connected to the grid for power generation after several years of construction.

  Songjiang Township, New South Wales

  This emerging industrial city with unique architectural charm of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the south of the Yangtze River has shown its fascinating demeanor in its rapid development, which is impressive.

Songjiang Town’s population has grown from 75,000 in 1880. After a year and a half of rapid development, it has become a large and medium-sized city with a population of 133,000. It not only has 4, 5, and 8 woolen factories, but also labor-intensive enterprises. Leading companies such as General Machinery Company are experiencing vigorous economic development and a prosperous scene.

  Today is a good day, but also a big day.

  On March 1st

  General Machinery Company warmly celebrates the official launch of the 10,000th tractor. The diesel engine branch has been able to produce a full range of diesel engines ranging from 0.8 liters to 2.5 liters. Most of the products are exported to Europe and the United States. Orders like snowflakes are coming.

  Compared with the huge and bulky steam engine, diesel engine can play a wide role in various fields of factories and enterprises, processing industry, equipment manufacturing industry and agriculture, especially in some small and medium-sized enterprises.

  This is a completely blank field with unlimited market prospects.

   also on this day

  The civil engineering part of the Songjiang Iron and Steel Base has been officially completed. The next step will be to install advanced steelmaking equipment and marine thick plate production lines from Britain, Germany and other countries to give full play to the advantages of heavy industry and further expand the international market space.

   also on March 1st

  The Songjiang Reservoir, which has been under construction for several years, was successfully completed and officially connected to the grid for power generation.

  The night of the whole city immediately lights up, breaking through the energy bottleneck. Songjiang Town can use electricity freely. The original situation of a small thermal power plant in short supply of electricity is instantly changed, and it will be completely closed after it continues to operate for a period of time.

  This is because the small thermal power plants in this era not only have high energy consumption, high operating costs, low power generation efficiency, but also serious pollution. The chimney emits billowing black smoke all day, seriously polluting the climate and environment.

  After abundant water conservancy and electricity are connected to the grid, there will be a large amount of power abandonment in a short time, and there is no need to continue to maintain small thermal power plants.

  In the initial period of operation, the Dongjiang Reservoir only opened the power plant on the right bank, which fully met the urgent power demand of Songjiang Town, and nearly half of the electricity was curtailed.

  At least within one year, the power plant on the left bank does not need to be connected to the grid for power generation, and ample power reserves are reserved for future development.

  Red lanterns hang high on the streets at night, festive red slogans can be seen everywhere, shops along the street are brightly lit, crowds are surging, and people have festive smiles on their faces.

  Snack Street

  On the sign of a Mexican restaurant, there is a unique Mexican straw hat. The shop is crowded with customers.

On the four large barbecue grills lined up at the door, a clerk wearing a Mexican sombrero is sprinkling flaming paprika and pungent cumin powder on the grilled food. The smell of grilled chicken wings made the diners salivate.

   "Uncle Cai, Uncle Cai, another group of guests came, there is no room to sit in the store, what do you think?"

   "I set up a few tables outside. The old Cui who sells noodles next door has a good relationship with me. Go and talk to him and borrow two more tables. I will ask him to have supper when I'm done."

   "I know Uncle Cai, I will go now."

  The shop clerk went, and He Acai, who was so busy and sweaty, was about to come out from the counter to greet the guests. The daughter who was already talking squeezed out, "Dad, hug."

   "Hold, hug."

  He Acai adored her daughter in one hand and walked through the crowd to the outside of the shop. Among the few staff members who were busy grilling outside the shop, there was a woman with a big belly wearing a Mexican sombrero.

  Her name is Isabella, He Acai’s native Caucasian wife. When she was pregnant with her first child, because of an incorrect fetal position, she had a caesarean section and finally broke through the gate of life and death.

  Now that a family of three sees the rapid development of Songjiang Town, He Acai simply quit his job in Christtown, sold his house in Christtown and went to Songjiang Town to start a new business, and opened this booming Mexican barbecue restaurant.

   "My wife, don't be busy, just leave these things to the guys. The baby in your stomach is a month old, and it won't be good if you have a fetal gas." He Acai was worried and distressed again.

"I know my dear, it will be fine to help with this for a while." While talking, Isabella put a large bunch of roasted food on the plate and said to the guy in the hall; This was ordered by the guest in the carriage over there. Let’s send it there while it’s hot. The guest ordered a barrel of beer and brought it along. Remember to take back the iron lot later."

   "Got it, lady boss." The shop assistant went away.

He Acai approached with his beautiful mixed-race daughter, and saw his wife busy roasting another food, he couldn't help but complained; "Isabella, let you rest at home without listening, and the store will recruit two more That’s it. You can’t make you tired out. No matter how much money we make, it’s useless. Nothing is better than not being able to get together as a family."

  Isabina raised her head, her face was shining with the glow of the red furnace, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, showing a happy smile.

  He Acai took up the handkerchief and wiped it for her, and said unbearably; “After these skewers are roasted, rest. Don’t be disobedient. Otherwise, he will be punished heavily.”

   "Listen to you, my dear." Isabella kissed him abruptly, which made He Acai suddenly embarrassed.

  Most Chinese are conservative and introverted and are not good at expressing feelings, while the native white women in Central America are passionate and unrestrained. The combination of the two will always produce a wonderful chemical reaction.

  An ordinary carriage stopped on the side of the road

  The guy walked over with a beer barrel carrying the burnt skewers. The tall and strong guards took the food and took a few bites, and then handed the rest to the carriage.

  In the carriage

The tall Li Fushou and the long-bearded Xin Changjun sat opposite each other. The small counter table in front of the two of them was full of various snacks, such as dry-fried rice noodles, sweet lotus root, fried liver and stomach, savory dishes, Ear-eye fried cakes, braised fish with pastry, Jiangnan crab shell yellow, Shaoxing chicken porridge, plus the fragrant Mexican barbecue, there is a large table full of snacks.

   "Yuanding, we just ate dinner not long ago, how can you finish eating after buying so much?"

   "Brother Changjun, don't you know my appetite yet?"

Li Fushou smiled and said, took a big piece of barbecue with two iron sticks and took a bite, and the oil was swelling in his mouth; It's hot and spicy, try it, Brother Changjun."

"I'll forget it, this kind of meaty barbecue is not suitable for me." Xin Changjun took a bite of the crab shell yellow with his chopsticks, nodded and said; It couldn’t be better to cook this dish, it’s really delicious."

Li Fushou couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Australian coconut crabs are the best among crabs. Adult coconut crabs can grow up to twelve or three kilograms in weight. Not only are two claws strong and powerful, but also full of crab roe. There are only a large bowl of products.

  This thing is not eaten by native whites, but after the Chinese came, they suffered.

  What kind of crab roe buns, crab roe steamed dumplings, and crab roe tofu refurbished to eat, it is estimated that it will be a rare product in a short time.

  This thing is not easy to protect, because the hard demand is there, you can't let people shut their mouths.

  Yes, eat more now.

  (End of this chapter)

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