Chapter 85 85. War Game (III)

On Jibril's side, the countdown started immediately after the Flügel discovered and destroyed the human settlement, which made Jibril a little excited. She didn't believe that she would lose under such conditions.

However, the little Flügel in the sandbox game soon encountered trouble. They followed the traces of humans and came to the territory of the goblins.

The goblins developed a defective product of marrow explosion, which caused a lot of trouble for the Flügel. Jibril's order was simple, to kill the goblins here.

Because the number of goblins in this location was huge, they could not let the tribesmen here be killed by the Flügel, and the goblins in the core area came out to support.

[Due to the goblins' fierce resistance, your pace was delayed. ]

Looking at the information transmitted back by the sandbox game, Jibril did not hesitate to let the Flügel in other areas come here, intending to completely wipe out the goblins.

The Dwarfs were not pushovers either. They slowly moved the battlefield to the territory of the Elves. The Dwarfs and the Elves had a bad relationship. It didn't make sense to let the Flügel weaken the Dwarfs' power, and then let the Elves take the opportunity to be the last one standing.

One day had passed, and two years had passed in the game. Adding the time before, it had been three years. Now that the Flügel were being held back by the Dwarfs and the Elves, Roll's population and town had been established. This time, he was also building in the location that the Flügel had explored before.

Roll didn't dare to relax for a moment. It seemed that nearly three years had passed, but if the Flügel found the human residence, they could destroy it all soon.

While Roll was frantically building residences and growing population, Jibril's patience was gone. Half of the time had passed, and no traces of humans were found. Instead, they were being held back by the Dwarfs and the Elves, and they couldn't be destroyed. This made her want to leave here and destroy humans with all her strength.

She didn't forget her ultimate goal. The Flügel wanted to leave the battlefield, and the other two tribes were naturally willing. In the past two years, they had sacrificed many of their people.

Time passed by minute by minute. Jibril asked the little man to look at the previously destroyed location. There were only traces of destruction, so he began to move in another direction.

"The next is the most difficult period." Luo Er directly issued an order, asking the people in the frontline town to evacuate, leaving the ghost to clean up the traces. There was a high possibility of their death, but they were willing to die for their families.

In reality, within a few minutes, the figure of the Flügel appeared near the town after evacuation. The vision there quickly turned black, indicating that the Flügel had broken through the city.

"No, the speed of retreat cannot keep up with her attack. Trouble." Luo Er hurriedly issued several orders to the ghost.

The ghost executed very quickly, and the speed of the Flügel invasion was even faster. Several towns had already fallen, and the population began to suffer casualties. It was too late to evacuate later.

"Is it a race against time next?" Luo Er looked at the increasing population sacrifices and the destruction of the town. This situation made him feel helpless.

Fifteen minutes later, the population had been sacrificed by 30%, and the town destruction had reached 34%, not far from the goal.

Fortunately, the Flügel did not continue to advance, but began to retreat. Roll took this opportunity to evacuate the nearby population quickly, while the other side was frantically looking for a place to live.

Ghost was still timely. Ghost was exploring outside and collecting intelligence. He had known about the base camp of the Flügel for a long time. He did not use this information at the first time because his hatred was not enough.

Now the hatred between the Dwarfs, Elves and Flügel is already very high. If it is used at this time, the effect is very obvious.

After the Dwarfs got the information, they did not hesitate to launch a surprise attack on the base camp of the Flügel, and bombed it in various ways. After the Elves learned about it, they also used long-range magic to destroy it.

This forced Jibril to let the little Flügel rush back, leaving some time for Roll.

Roll knew that this time would not be long. After the opponent defeated the Dwarfs and Elves, they would definitely attack again. He had to take advantage of this time to develop frantically. He also deliberately established new bases in the underground and caves that the Flügel had swept through, and did it in the dark.

The goblins and elves were still very powerful, and they delayed Roll for another year, and Roll's position was more hidden.

With less than two years left, Jibril was also anxious. He came to the place he had explored before and began to explore. Fortunately, the Flügels could fly and explored very quickly.

"According to the information conveyed by the ghosts, they will be found in two months at the latest." Roll frowned. Two months was a drop in the bucket for the time he had left.

"Continue to lure the goblins and elves? I guess they are on guard." Although Roll thought so, he still let the ghosts lure them without hesitation.

If they can disperse in waves, they will disperse in waves. At least they can hold on for a while. Then they let several people in the regular bases continue to move. Among them, those who volunteered to become ghosts volunteered to die and guide the Flügels to the right direction.

Yes, following the direction of these ghosts, they can find the human base again, but Roll knew that Jibril would not do this.

The result was soon confirmed. Jibril arranged the Flügels to go in several other directions, and this base was saved.

The same goes for the next strongholds. The ghosts will sacrifice themselves and pass on the wrong information to the Flügel. A small number of people will be sacrificed in exchange for the majority of people being alive.

There is only one year left, and only 40% of his population has been sacrificed, and 50% of the town has been destroyed. This is already the limit, and Roll is frantically issuing orders.

Soon, the Flügel race rushed back, and Roll chuckled. This year's persistence finally paid off. The Dwarf race developed the Marrow Explosion, and planned to go to the Flügel race's base camp to blast it again, and destroy this race that harmed the Dwarf race.

The Elves also developed incredible magic, and the Flügel race had a combined divine attack, but it could not be reflected in this sandbox game.

Roll frantically established a base, restored the town, and stabilized the residents. After confirming that the Flügel race would not come for a while, Roll recalled all the ghosts, opened champagne at halftime, and congratulated the victory of this game in advance.

Time passed quickly. When Jibril had just dealt with the Dwarf race and the Elves, there was only one month left, and time was running out.

Even so, Jibril did not give up, and began to search for human figures all over the sandbox, and directly cast sky strikes in some hidden places.

This method was really effective, but Roll was too good at hiding. When the time was up, Jibril still had 5% town destruction rate to win.

But time was running out. Roll won under Jibril's fierce attack. Although his town destruction rate was as high as 65%, his population mortality rate was only 45%, which was a very exaggerated number.

Roll felt that he was at least worthy of the courage of those brave people who died in the game. In general, this game was rubbish, but it was fun.

"Why?" The little girl Jibril was a little confused. Why could the opponent be reborn and the strongholds were one after another? Her sky attack could destroy a stronghold with one strike.

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