Chapter 84 84. War Game (II)

At the four-times speed, Roll's people quickly discovered a technological relic of the goblin species. After obtaining this information, a book appeared on Roll's sandbox.

Roll immediately opened it. This was the information of the goblin species, and his people also had the information of the goblin species.

"This information can be used." Roll continued to invest in letters.

He did not forget what role he played in this game, guiding the goblins and elves to fight the Flügel species. As for the elves, Roll did not think that his people could deal with the elves who saw through their identities.

So Roll currently focused on the goblins, and then sent out two exploration teams. Because this sandbox game only had four races and no black and gray, it was already in easy mode, so Roll acted a little arrogant.

When she came to Jibril, while launching the war, she began to pay attention to caves, jungles and other places, hoping to find traces of humans from them.

During the period, when they encountered the goblins, they naturally started a war without hesitation, destroyed the opponent's technology, and continued to search for the monkey.

This strategy of winning the war with strong strength is her strategy. Jibril does not want to give Roll time to develop, but the more this happens, the safer Roll will be.

"Where is he hiding?" Jibril looked at the sandbox in front of her, frowning. She almost turned over all the mountains where she could hide, but still found no trace of humans.

Unlike Jibril who started a war wantonly, Roll began to let the little people in the camp grow nocturnal fungi, and the exploration troops also began to indirectly contact the goblins.

[Discovered a site. ]

Soon, Roll's little people brought him a piece of information that the Flügel and the goblins had a conflict and destroyed the high-tech that the goblins had just created.

"Has it been fought out?" Roll silently measured the distance from his base camp, and there was still some distance, so Roll directly started the game at eight times the speed.

While Roll kept giving orders to the little people, his hand that delivered the letter seemed to have cramps. He watched the number of little people grow rapidly, the bright area on the map became larger and larger, and the food in the base camp became more and more.

[Successful diplomacy with the goblins. ]

"Okay, with the help of the goblins, we have delayed a lot of time, but the elves are still in a state of self-preservation." Roll must drag the elves into the water. It is impossible for the goblins to defeat the Flügel alone.

It was the ghosts who reached a diplomatic relationship with the goblins. They did not expose the existence of humans, but Roll also understood that this kind of diplomacy was a diplomacy of interests, and the relationship was easy to break.

Roll did not care whether this relationship would last long, as long as he could stick to the game. Roll then wrote the information about the marrow explosion and passed it to the ghost.

The ghost in the sandbox immediately tried to contact the goblins. With the information about the marrow explosion provided by the ghost, the goblins' eyes lit up and began to study the marrow explosion.

"Well, with this blessing, we should be able to compete with the Flügel, but we still have to drag the elves into the water." Roll quickly thought of a plan.

Then tell the elves that the goblins are researching the pith explosion and the estimated power of the pith explosion. Given the nature of the elves, they will definitely speed up the research of similar magic to resist the counterattack.

He did it as soon as he thought of it. Luo Er quickly gave instructions to the little man who found the address of the elves, marked the coordinates, and then left a message in the text of the elves.

If one copy is not enough, leave a few more. The ghosts will drop a piece of information every 100 meters outside, and there will always be elves to investigate based on this information.

At the eight-fold speed, the elves soon discovered this information. Some did not believe it, while others began to rush to the location of the wreckage of the goblins.

"Finally took the bait." Luo Er quickly asked all the ghosts to retreat and left the information about the pith explosion at the location of the wreckage of the goblins. In order to make a lie, he needed to do more to fill the loopholes of this lie.

Fortunately, in this sandbox game, the pith explosion was revealed to the goblins by Luo Er, which also made his arrangement more credible.

"Next, we need to guide the Dwarfs and the Elves to go to war, and also lure the Flügels over, so that it will be a two-on-one situation." Roll frowned.

Because he and Jibril were the rival players, and Jibril had been acting with the goal of finding human traces from the beginning, so this seduction was risky.

According to the rules of the game, he would lose if his town destruction rate exceeded 70%, or if the population died more than 85%. His winning condition was to defeat the Flügels in any way, or to persist for three days after the Flügels found humans living there, which was six years in the game.

So Roll was sure that no matter what Jibril encountered, she would suppress it with great force. Even though she knew that the Elves and Dwarfs were traps that Roll had led over, she was still not afraid.

At eight times the speed, the game progressed very quickly. Roll was having a lot of fun while building residences in multiple areas, increasing the population, and guiding the direction of the war.

The Dwarfs wanted to drive away the Elves, but they encountered the Flügels. The Flügels had destroyed many of their facilities, making their research difficult. It was like enemies meeting and being particularly jealous.

During their battle, Roll's camp naturally stayed away. If the gods were fighting, anyone watching would die, and they couldn't go to the scene afterwards. It was extremely difficult to play.

But it didn't matter. It was enough to ignite the hatred of the Elves and the Dwarfs towards the Flügels. All he needed to do was expand and prolong his defeat time, which was also a disguised way to prolong the development time of the Dwarfs and the Elves.

[Town destruction 5%, population decrease 8%]

Looking at the information transmitted by the sandbox, Jibril has begun to discover where humans live. Roll is not panicked. The eight-times-speed sandbox game time passes quickly. At the same time, he quickly evacuates nearby people and continues to expand his hidden residence.

This game is rubbish. He has only one way to go. Even if the Flügel species put all their efforts, the goblins and the elves may not be able to defeat them together, not to mention that the two families are on guard against each other, which is even more impossible.

From beginning to end, he has only one way to go, that is, to persist for three days under the attack of the Flügel species. Because the villains have their own personalities, many of them spontaneously lead the direction to the goblins, using their lives to extend the survival time of humans.

It is precisely because of this spirit of sacrifice that the rhythm of the Flügel species' attack slows down. Roll is moved by the characters in the game. Yes, Rick and others sacrificed unconditionally to end the war and create a good living environment for humans.

"The sacrifice rate must be reduced to the lowest." Roll operated almost without closing his eyes. After all, one night of sleep is a year in the game.

More people have become ghosts. The Flügel are war weapons. Their purpose as ghosts is to ensure that the places where humans live are not discovered.

Spontaneously disrupt the traces around, and then continue to attract the attention of the Flügel with their lives.

Watching the population slowly decrease, Luo Er's heart is also tangled. If humans want to persist in this hide-and-seek game for six years, some people must be sacrificed.

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