"The scientific combat suit of the Djerma Kingdom?"

Seeing the scientific combat uniform device that Lin Yu took out, Tina was shocked.

As a colonel of the Navy headquarters, and she had just returned from the North Sea, she naturally heard the news of the North Sea Jerma 66.

Hearing Tina's exclamation, Lin Yu chuckled.

The next moment, his body changed, and in Tina's shocked eyes, he turned into the appearance of Genji Kaze.

Seeing Lin Yu's appearance, Tina suddenly felt that she had been played, and roared angrily:

"You cheat!!"

Lin Yu had the help of a scientific combat suit, and it was impossible for her to beat the other party.

"Hahaha, Miss Tina, you didn't say that you were not allowed to borrow external forces."

"But I promised you, I didn't use swordsmanship, and I also wore handcuffs with Shanghai Lou Shi."

"I've done it all, you should understand my sincerity."

Lin Yu came to Tina, who was angry and angry, grabbed the other party's hands, and said with a smile.


When Tina heard this, she was suddenly speechless.

With Lin Yu's strength, if you want to kidnap her, you really don't need to do this, just stun her and take her away.

At that time, what he wants to do will not be easy.

Moreover, Tina asked Lin Yu to wear the handcuffs of Shanghai Lou Shi, originally delaying time, waiting for his subordinates to wake up, and letting his subordinates arrest the other party's mind.

Speaking of which, she was still uneasy and kind first, but she couldn't calculate Lin Yu.

"May you lose the gamble, Miss Tina."

"If you repent, everyone on this warship will be hurt by your decision."

Lin Yu looked at Tina, who was speechless, and said with a smile.

"You actually used them to threaten me."

Tina looked at the smiling Lin Yu and couldn't wait to bite him.

"Who told you not to be obedient?"

Lin Yu shrugged indifferently.

After speaking, he waved his hand at Lei Jiu on the Ark Proverbs in mid-air.

Seeing Lin Yu's wave, Lei Jiu jumped directly from the Ark Proverbs and came to the deck of the warship.

"Princess Lei Jiu of the Kingdom of Djerma?"

Looking at Lei Jiu, who was also wearing a scientific combat uniform, Tina gritted her teeth and said.

She couldn't have imagined that the god killer Lin Yu actually had something to do with Jerma.


Lei Jiu glanced at Tina, snorted coldly, and turned to find the key to the sea lou stone for Lin Yu.

"You're going to call her sister in the future, you know."

Lin Yu slammed Tina's pretty face towards him and said with a smile.

"Get out!"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Tina's face turned red with anger.


After the handcuffs were opened by Lei Jiu, Lin Yu pointed to

Tina and said, "Take Miss Tina to the ark, I'll go do something and come back soon."

Since he had already appeared as the god killer Lin Yu, he was ready to eliminate the two unstable factors around Esbagu Luqi and Kaku.

Of course, because of Kalifa, Lin Yu did not intend to kill them, but just let them leave the water capital.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yu turned into a ray of thunder and rushed towards the location of the Carrera Company.

"What is he going to do?"

Hearing Lin Yu say that he was going to do something, Tina was suddenly shocked, afraid that the other party would do something terrible because of his non-cooperation.

Lei Jiu glanced at Tina, and she could see that Lin Yu liked this female navy very much, otherwise she would not have done so many superfluous things.

Thinking of this, Lei Jiu patiently explained:

"Don't worry, Lin Yu is a very good person."

"It won't hurt the innocent."

After speaking, Lei Jiu carried Tina on her shoulder and flew towards the Ark Proverbs in midair.

Carried on her shoulders by Lei Jiu, Tina looked at the warship that was getting farther and farther away, couldn't help but struggle, gritted her teeth and said:

"He killed Draco, killed kings, and forcibly abducted princesses and beauties."

"You tell me he's a nice guy?"

"Tina doesn't believe it!"

Lei Jiu chuckled and explained, "

But Lin Yu has always been extremely measured."

"He has never been merciful to pirates."

"For the Navy, as long as it is not wrongdoing, he has never been willing to hurt people."

"Whether it is the navy of the G8 fortress or the navy above your warship, this is the case."

Because Lin Yu liked Tina very much, Lei Jiu also hoped that the other party could resolve the misunderstanding of Lin Yu and return to his heart as soon as possible.

Although Lei Jiu was a little dissatisfied with Lin Yuhuaxin's matter, she also knew that this was the secret of Lin Yu's becoming stronger.

So despite his dissatisfaction, Lei Jiu was still willing to help him rob more women and help him manage and unite these women.

"This bastard just threatened me with my subordinates."

"Tina firmly doesn't believe it."

Tina obviously didn't believe Lei Jiu's words.

Lei Jiu came to the Ark Proverbs, placed Tina on the side of the ship, and said with a smile:

"If that's the case, then why didn't he threaten you with your subordinates in the first place."

"Don't you think it's strange why he would agree to your excessive demands."

When Tina heard this, she fell silent.

Then, Lei Jiu continued to speak:

"Although Lin Yu is careful, he will take into account the feelings of every woman around him."

"If you don't want him to hurt the Navy, wouldn't it be nice if you followed him later and asked him not to do it again."

"Even..." Saying

this, Lei Jiu paused.

Tina subconsciously asked, "Or even what?"

Lei Jiu looked at Tina and smiled: "Even if you ask him to help the navy deal with the upcoming war, it is possible." "

The Navy captured Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team, and the upcoming war between the two sides is well known.

Lin Yu was able to snatch the Devil Fruit of the able, so Lei Jiu knew that Whitebeard was about to start a war with the World Government.

She immediately knew that this was a great opportunity for Lin Yu to increase his strength!

As long as he can participate in this war in a semi-official capacity at that time, then Lin Yu may be able to obtain a lot of powerful devil fruits.

Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, Marko's Immortal Bird's Fruit, Diamond Joz's Shiny Fruit.

These are the top devil fruits that are famous in the New World.

And how to let Lin Yu obtain a semi-official identity, this depends on Miss Tina in front of her.

This is one of the reasons why Lei Jiu is so attached to Tina.

Hearing Lei Jiu's words, Tina was quite moved.

If Lin Yu is really like what Lei Jiu said, then letting the other party become an existence like His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas to participate in the upcoming war may be the most beneficial thing for the navy.

As Tina, who grew up in the Navy, she naturally did not want too many casualties in the Navy in this war.

However, Tina obviously couldn't believe Lei Jiu's words like this, and pouted and said:

"This is just your side of the word, Tina doesn't believe it."

"Then let's wait and see." When Lei Jiu heard this, she showed a charming smile at Tina.

Tina saw Lei Jiu's smile, stunned slightly, and stayed quietly in place.

A few minutes later.

Lin Yu carried two unconscious figures to the Ark Proverbs.

It was Luki and Kaku, who were defeated by his sneak attack.

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