> Tina


God killer Lin Yu?

That god killer Lin Yu who robbed the world government's heavenly gold in the G8 fortress?

When the other navies heard Lin Yu's name, they immediately broke out in a cold sweat and ran to their respective combat posts in a panic.

However, the next second.

Lin Yu's figure turned into a ray of thunder and appeared on the deck of the warship, which immediately startled the surrounding naval soldiers.

"Quasi-prepare the Sea Lou Stone weapon."

"The other party is a Devil Fruit ability."

The captain-like navy ordered, and surrounded Lin Yu with a group of terrified navies, and he would be responsible for dragging the other party until Colonel Tina was notified.

"Hehe, is there actually the will to fight."

"It seems that Tina's business ability is quite excellent."

Looking at the navy around him who were obviously very afraid of themselves, but still surrounded by the captain, Lin Yu couldn't help but praise.

Then, Lin Yu stepped forward.

A terrifying and terrifying aura centered on Lin Yu and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the overlord-colored domineering instantly enveloped all the naval soldiers on the naval deck.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

A naval soldier foamed at the mouth and fainted one after another.

Not long after, there were only two or three terrified navies standing on the deck of the warship.

"What a good seedling of justice."

Lin Yu glanced approvingly at the leading lieutenant and the other two naval soldiers.

He has always liked these naval soldiers who carry out their own justice with their own beliefs.

"Work hard, for your justice."

After speaking, Lin Yu instantly appeared behind the remaining three navies, stunning the three.


At this time, Tina, who was wearing pajamas, suddenly pushed the door out of the cabin.

When she saw the fallen navy, she was shocked.

The moment there was a commotion on the deck of the warship, she immediately rushed out of the bedroom.

However, in less than half a minute, the naval soldiers actually fell to the ground, which shocked Tina.

"Overlord color domineering?"

"Tina was shocked!"

Looking at the group of unconscious navies foaming at the mouth, Tina immediately understood the reason, and looked at Lin Yu and said coldly.

Lin Yu glanced at the beautiful Tina up and down and laughed.

At this time, Tina's long pink hair is draped behind her, and her pink and white tight pajamas outline her wonderful figure with a perfect S-shaped curve, revealing her feminine charm to the fullest.

Coupled with a pair of slender thighs and an indifferent temperament, Lin Yu raised a desire to conquer her.

Lin Yu looked at Tina and smiled:

"I do have an overlord-colored domineering."

"And I'm here this time for Miss Tina."

"Hmph!" When Tina heard this, she snorted coldly, "If you want to kidnap me, then you must show your true ability." "

God killer Lin Yu likes to kidnap the princess and beautiful women of the kingdom, Tina has heard about it for a long time, and when she heard that the other party came to find her this time, she instantly understood the other party's purpose.

Tina is very confident in her appearance.

However, having said that, Tina was also aware of the strength gap between herself and Lin Yu.

The 1.5 billion sea thief is not something she can deal with now, who is only a colonel in the rank.

So while she steadied the other person, she quickly thought in her mind about how to deal with it.

However, at this time, the naval soldiers on the warship had basically been put down by Lin Yu's overlord color domineering, and the warship could not be used because of damage.

In this case, where can she think of anything.

"Miss Tina, how about we make a bet?"

Lin Yu looked at the beautiful and sexy Tina, felt a burst of pleasing to the eye, and smiled.

For the sassy and handsome Tina, he liked it very much, so he didn't want to use the means against Kalifa against the other party.


Tina looked at Lin Yu with some doubt, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

"None of us use our Devil Fruit abilities to fight with physical skills."

"I won, you began to follow me and listen to me from now on."

"I lose, I follow you, you do whatever you let me do."

Lin Yu looked at Tina and spoke her thoughts.

In his opinion, if he didn't use the Devil Fruit ability, he would be able to win Tina if he simply competed with the physical technique.

After all, Tina is only a colonel now, and her combat power after adding the Devil Fruit ability is about four stars.

Of course, if you count the Devil Fruit ability, then Tina has no chance of winning.

With the ability of the Thunder Fruit alone, Tina couldn't do anything with him.

Is it really coveting my beauty?

Seeing that Lin Yu was self-pressing because he coveted his beauty and wanted to completely conquer himself, Tina narrowed her eyes, as if she saw some kind of opportunity.

Then, she looked at Lin Yu and said sarcastically:

"Hehe, you have the strength of Great Sword Hao, what difference does it make if you don't use the ability of the Devil Fruit."

"If you have the ability, don't even use swordsmanship, let's fight with Hailou stone handcuffs."

"If you agree, I will agree to your bet."

Those with Devil Fruit abilities wear handcuffs to the Sea Lou Stone, and while they cannot use the fruit abilities, the strength of their bodies will be suppressed.

In this way, what Lin Yu competed with her was their own will.

In Tina's opinion, this is a fair duel, even if she loses, she has no regrets.

Hearing Tina say that she had the strength of the Great Sword Hao, Lin Yu was inexplicably a little weak.

Although he often teaches Nami and Robin their swordsmanship, his real swordsmanship is still stuck in the second star, and he is not a big sword master at all....

So Tina asked him not to use swordsmanship or something, it didn't matter to him at all.

And Tina's proposal of Hailou Stone handcuffs was not a problem at all for Lin Yu.

Because, in addition to the Devil Fruit ability, he also has a powerful physique and superpowers obtained by the bloodline factor modification gene.

Even if the physical fitness is weakened by the sea lou stone, it is definitely stronger than Tina.

What's more, Lei Jiu was watching on the Ark Proverbs.

Even if he loses here, he will be able to take Tina away and regain face from other places.

Therefore, the invincible Lin Yu directly nodded and agreed to Tina's proposal.

"Miss Tina, I agree to your proposal."

"Let's start now."

"Hmph!" Tina snorted coldly, wearing thick gloves, took out two pairs of Hailou stone handcuffs from the warship room, and threw one at Lin Yu's feet.


Lin Yu and Tina simultaneously handcuffed their left hands.

Feeling the strength that had been weakened a lot in his body, Lin Yu suddenly found that his body had become a lot heavier, but based on the strong physique obtained by the bloodline factor, he did not feel powerless.

The stronger a person's physical fitness, the worse the weakening effect of the Hailou stone handcuffs on strength.

This is fully confirmed by the Hundred Beast Kaido, which is why he was caught by ordinary navies but could not be executed.

Because even if Kaido is handcuffed by the sea floor, those ordinary navies still can't break his defenses and thus kill him.

On the opposite side of Lin Yu, Tina's performance was worse, but it was only worse.

Tina proposed so, naturally knowing very well what she would look like after wearing the handcuffs of Shanghai Lou Shi.

Then, Lin Yu took out the scientific combat uniform device, looked at Tina and smiled:

"Miss Tina, you lost this time!"

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